Saturday 31 October 2009

Gratitude Day 53/365

1. "This is it", the Michael Jackson movie. No matter the horrible mess that his private life was, there are really no performers as amazing to watch as Michael Jackson and this movie was just incredible.

2. Fun lunch at Margaritaville.

3. Cute Sleeping Beauty came over to visit. (Michaela)

4. Fun Halloween night with Leslie.

5. YANKEES WIN!!! Whoot!

Now this little ghoul is going to find her coffin and crawl in to snooze.

Break up girls

[source, MinkPink]

Little leather jacket

[source, StockholmStreetstyle]

Happy Halloween!!!

Hope it is a spooktacular day for you all!

(Tyson just prays I don't stick a costume on him!)


And I'll have pictures from the Howl-o-ween bash at the zoo later. :)
Gratitude Day 52/365 (10/30/09)

1. Halloween sugar cookies in my favorite color of purple! Yummm!
2. "Monster Mash", "Thriller", "Ghostbusters", and "This is Halloween" - LOVE spooky tunes!

3. Leslie is here for the weekend!
4. Islands Burger french fries.
5. The start of a three day weekend for me!

Pandora pandora

[source, AltamiraNYC]

Thursday 29 October 2009

Gratitude Day 51/365

2. The work day went really quick, thankfully.
3. Watermelon at lunch. Delish!
4. Tyson and Molly "playing" is the funniest thing ever to see.
5. Lovely chats with Jazz and Nicole

I really, really need to post more than just my gratitude posts...must work on that!


Photography by Carl Heindl.

Staples Part II

[source, Staples]


[source, tFS]

The young and the reckless

[source, AltamiraNYC]

Wednesday 28 October 2009

I love Love

[source, FuckYeahFashion]
Gratitude Day 50/365

I wish I could start the top 5 off with cheering about a Yankees win, but alas, it was not to be tonight. Tomorrow...

1. Hump Day means the work week is almost over and I have company coming this weekend.
2. Cool weather has arrived and hopefully here to stay now!
3. Yummy fruit bowl from Fresh & Easy for lunch.
4. Cougar Town. Carolyn Hennesy steals the show! (Even Entertainment Weekly thinks so! So pleased for Carolyn to have this amazing success.)
5. Eastwick!

Staples Part I

[source, Staples]

Through the streets of Paris

[source, tFS]

Little Miss Catastrophe

[source, tFS]

Monday 26 October 2009

Gratitude Day 49/365

1. The day was gorgeous!
2. Packages in the mail from darling friends!
3. Getting ready to read Michael J. Fox's "Always looking up" (which was in the package from Jazz).
4. This also came from Jazz!

Poor Tyson. hehe!
5. Castle is such fun TV! Everyone should be watching!

Don't see the sorrow

[source, MinkPink]

Drunks, lovers, sinners &saints

[source, tFS]

Back from the dead

Starting from now on, it's a minimum of 3 posts per day (I scheduled all of 'em up til the end of my exam in mid-December, lucky you are!) and if it's more, it'll be random bits. I hope you stay tune to the blog. I also have a surprise giveaway for a lucky follower, so you' know, follow The Electric!