Monday 20 February 2012



On 21 February 2012, we learn of the death of teen singer Maisie Baxter, a friend of teen singer Ronan Parke.

Framingham Earl school's tribute to “sunny and friendly” Maisie Baxter

Police were called to a property in the Norwich area where they found 13-year-old Maisie Baxter.

Allegedly, Maisie had been bullied. (maisie wasnt bullied?.)

(We read of the bullies jailed over a classmate's suicide and suggest that when there is very serious bullying in a school, the head teacher and governors should be sacked and the bullies given ten year jail sentences. Bullying is a serious problem in UK schools and the minister in charge of schools, Michael Gove, should have been sacked some time ago.)

Maisie attended Framingham Earl High School.

Ronan Parke

Nicola Furneaux, headteacher at Framingham Earl High, said:

"Maisie was a sunny, friendly girl and a bright student who played a full part in our school community. We will always remember her, and her beautiful singing voice; her performance at our talent show last year was one of the highlights of the competition.

"Maisie’s friends speak of her as someone who had the loveliest laugh – a warm giggle which cheered everyone. In lessons, Maisie worked hard and was a pleasure to teach."

On her Facebook page, Maisie is pictured with fellow Framingham Earl pupil Ronan Parke, who reached the final of Britain’s Got Talent in 2011.

Police have given details of the death to the coroner's office and an inquest is expected to be opened.

Headteacher Ms Furneaux said the school would assist any investigation.

aangirfan: DEATH OF A BANKER



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