Wednesday 1 February 2012

Welcome February!!

I think the time has come that I have to put some smack down on myself and put structure to the blog. I am not a daily blogger. I wish I was, but I am both lazy and truly not that witty to come up with something that will keep all of us entertained on a daily basis. So I think I’m going to task myself with a weekly blog post.

So from now on, your Wednesdays are going to be filled with fabulous words of wisdom (stop snickering, peanut gallery) from me. You never know when I might break out with the words that you were searching for to add purpose to your day. Or refer you to that book that is going to change your life.

I am back on the apartment hunt again. Seriously, why is it so hard to find an affordable apartment in a good neighborhood that has the amenities that I need (I need a washer and dryer. I hate Laundromats)? The one that I put a tentative hold down on threw a few surprise charges at me that raised the rent into an area that I am not comfortable paying. So I have been looking again.

Of course, I put myself on a pretty tight budget and that is when Tyson throws a wrench in the works. He has a cold...and is typical of him, he has an eye infection now. *sighs* To the vet we will be going. One cranky,mean cat turns into one big Momma's boy baby as he will cling to me.

Anyway, welcome to February! January was a rough start to the new year for myself and so many other people. Quite honestly, I was more than a little pleased to see the 31st come and go and to flip the calendar to a brand spanking new month with a clean slate.

I am doing the Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge. I said I would read 24 books over the year. Doing pretty good so far with 5 down:

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning (So good! Ready to start the second in the series!)
Year of the Chick by Romi Moondi
Thank you for flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell
Blame It On The Fame by Tracie Banister
Mad about the Boy by Suzan Battah

There will be reviews posted soon for four of them.
What are you currently reading?

(Ya know, I have a week to think of something witty to share with you all next Wednesday and I'm already drawing a blank. Anything you want to chat about?)

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