Wednesday 15 February 2012

What's love got to do with it?

I’m kind of a jaded romantic. I don’t truly believe in soul mates. I have never really thought about the big white wedding with hundreds of people there to wish me good luck. But nine years ago I learned that love at first sight is in fact a reality when I met the cutest little face I had ever seen.

Happy Birthday, Curtiss! You are such a brilliant little man and I can’t imagine life without you in it. Yes, indeed, I am a proud aunt. Wouldn’t you be if you had such a handsome boy to call your nephew?

Today is also my darling friend, Angelina’s, birthday! Happy Birthday, Ang!! We will be celebrating it up when I come to CA in a few weeks!

Yes, this is kind of a short little post for the week. However, I pulled a muscle in my neck and to turn my head is painful. Thus I am operating on very little sleep and am beyond crabby. You get to look at my darling nephew, that should hold you over until next week!

(And keep an eye on the book nook blog, I will have a giveaway coming up shortly .)

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