Friday 24 February 2012


War graves in Libya

In Benghazi, in Libya, Commonwealth War Graves have been smashed up by the mad Islamists put into power by the USA and NATO.

Headstones commemorating British and Allied soldiers, killed during World War II, have been destroyed.

Gaddafi's Libya - By anthonyasael

Two British journalists have been arrested by mad Islamists in Libya.

On 21 February 2012, reporter Nicholas Davies and cameraman Gareth Montgomery-Johnson were seized by members of the fascist Misrata Brigade and are being held in Tripoli.

War Criminals?

Fighting continues in the Libyan city of Al Kufra.

Isa Abdel Majid, who is leading the Tibu fighters, said around 100 people on the Tibu side had been killed since the clashes began.

"More than 30 of those died while they were being evacuated by road to hospitals in other towns," he said.

Left: pro-Gaddafi. Right - anti-Gaddafi

"Lawless armed militia now rule much of Libya and are forcing whole communities to flee as they impose a regime of torture and violence, Amnesty International said on 16 February 2012.

"The charity quoted detainees claiming they 'had been suspended in contorted positions, beaten for hours with whips, cables, plastic hoses, metal chains and bars, and wooden sticks and given electric shocks with live wires and Taser-like electroshock weapons'.

"Amnesty claimed at least 12 detainees had died since September from torture injuries. The report said: 'Their bodies were covered in bruises, wounds and cuts and some had had nails pulled off.'...

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"Amnesty said it visited 11 detention camps in central and western Libya this month and last, and found evidence of torture and abuse at all but one.

"'There's torture, extrajudicial executions, rape of both men and women,' said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay."

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