Thursday 31 December 2009

Flowers on a sunny day

The first post for "The Daily Randoms". Hope you dig them! <3
[source, WeHeartIt/4th&Bleeker]

2009...Some thoughts over the year

2009 started with me having some rather ambitious thoughts for where I was expecting the year to go. I think I can honestly say that I didn't exactly go "where" I was wanting to go. 2009 quite honestly kicked my ass a few times, but the one lesson that I can say that I took from the year was to pick myself up, dust off, and move on.

I switched jobs. I can safely say I didn't think things through before I took the job and don't know if it is a decision I would make if I had to do the year over, but it is what it is.

I had my first car accident, which lead to a new car and a huge headache in getting the car. I love my Hyundai, however, and am glad I chose the car I chose.

I took three trips to California, my happy place.

Had my first taste of sushi (Geisha House, Hollywood) and it wasn't too bad.

Had my first outing to The Stinkin' Rose in Los Angeles. Too much garlic for me, but they had an awesome Fertility God in the ladies room.

Fell in love with Pinkberry and Sprinkles.

I saw some amazing cinema, read some awesome books, and was tuned into some great music.

I learned who real friends were and who the fakes were.

If you want to change your life, only you can do it. You can yap until you are blue in the face to everyone around you that you are changing, don't they see the change, but the only one that can truly bring that change about is you.

I met some inspiring people, including this group of blogging ladies that are just the best.

It was a tough year for many people and some special people to me had a rough time of it.

It was also a magical year for some with all their dreams falling into place.

2009 was a tough one...I'm not sad to see it go. I am ready to wipe the slate clean and get up tomorrow morning with a big greeting for 2010.

I hope that each of you closes this year and starts tomorrow with a smile on your face and big dreams for the new year.

Some lists of 2009

I'm a list maker, what can I say!

Michelle's Top 5 movies of 2009

1. Star Trek
2. Sherlock Holmes
3. The Blindside
4. The Hangover
5. Confessions of a Shopaholic

(I'm obviously a big fan of adventures/sci-fi more than anything when I look back over my movie last of the year.)

Top 5 TV shows

1. The Big Bang Theory
2. Glee
3. Castle
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Tie between LOST/24

Top 5 Songs

1. Anything of Lady Gaga
2. Empire State of Mind - both Jay Z./Alicia Keys & the solo Alicia Keys versions
3. Boom Boom Pow by The Black Eyed Peas
4. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon
5. Whatcha Say by Jason DeRulo

(And I must mention the one song that I hate, hate, hate and it makes me want to smash bugs -- "Fireflies" by Owl City.)

Books are a little more difficult for me. I don't always read what is currently out, but these are my tops.

Top 5 books

1. Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich
2. Pretty in Plaid by Jen Lancaster
3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
4. Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox
5. Plum Pudding Murder by Joanne Fluke

I have a sort of year in review I'm working on putting up next...

Le Hemingway

[source, Jak&Jil]

Irina Lazareanu x Metal Magazine

[source, tFS]


I'm putting this out there, but: even if she appears fake, foul-mouthed or a wannabe Courtney Love, I love her personal style. I think, you do too. And she's got the best legs in the business. You're going to see a lot of her on The Electric!
[source, tFS]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
Thanks for sticking it out with The Electric. 2009 has been such an electric year for me, I hope it has been for you. Merci to those who come here everyday and comment, I appreciate them all and yes, I read them! Hope's 2010 will be kick-ass for you and me.
Love, Myra

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Last Hump Day of '09!

This week is slowly progressing. Mainly because it is year end at work so we are doing everything manually and we don't have a lot of invoices coming in as it is because of the holiday. Boo!

What does everyone have planned for tomorrow to ring in 2010? Big parties? Staying home and watching Dick Clark?

Do you have resolutions ready to go?


[source, random]

Pretty young thing

[source, random]

Laced legs

[source, tFS]

Zara lookbook Dec '09

[source, Zara]

Hard-edged Freja

[source, StockholmStreetstyle]

Zippora, Zippora

[source, tFS]

Monday 28 December 2009

Last Monday of 2009...

In the bag, over, finit.

I dozed off at work today. That part isn't overly happens more than you would think. I get bored looking at the computer screen and close my eyes. That is all it takes and I doze off. Generally not for more than a couple minutes, max. Today I jolted back to reality and almost had a heart attack. There coming over the top of my cubicle were a bunch of balloons. I don't know why my mind went there but the first thing I thought was "Holy Crap, Clown Attack!" I jumped back, with a squeak and a bad word. One of my co-workers birthday balloons had come over the cubicle wall.


I stumbled across an interesting idea today while playing on the interwebs. Day Zero Project. It is basically 101 ideas/goals in 1001 days. It is all explained neatly on the site...I am kinda interested in going for it. I just have to see if I can come up with 101 goals.

F-ck yeah, rings

[source, Luxirare]

Pretty on the sidewalk

[source, random]


[source, LoveMore]