Monday 31 August 2009

Gratitude Day 15/365

1. I survived Monday!
2. And I survived month end! Yikes, but it was a crazy day!
3. Yurt talk always makes me laugh.
4. The Incirlik Hodja's reunion dates are being finalized for 2010 in Orlando!
5. Come on, you know this is a's Monday, thus it is SHELDON MONDAY! Yep, Big Bang Theory!

(I actually did Sunday's but forgot to post it as I was still working on #5.)

Gratitude Day 14/365

1. The Turtle song as wonderfully sung by Allie.
2. Wyler's Authentic Italian Ices. So perfect!

3. Daytime Emmys twitter chat with Georgette, Shelley, Crash, and Nikki.
4. Tamara Braun finally winning her daytime Emmy.

5. An exciting new venture that was presented to me.

Black beauty

[source, BecauseImAddicted]

Studs & snake print

[source, RuGlamour]

Sunday 30 August 2009

Saturday 29 August 2009

Reading and Cooking

Alright, I'm about half way through my current book ("Into the Night" by Suzanne Brockman) and then am out of fresh new reads. Anyone have any good book recommendations for me? The only thing I don't really read are silly Harlequin novels.

I mentioned this on Facebook to some of my Farrar family relatives, but wanted to put it out here for those that didn't see it...Would you all be interested in contributing recipes to a family recipe book? I would upload all recipes into an album on Shutterfly and everyone could order their own book when they wanted to. Liz, Becca, and Laura are all in so far. :)
Gratitude Day 13/365

I have a hard time going back and doing each day so I just post them when I get to will take longer than 365 days, obviously, but that is okay...I will have 365 days on here of gratitude. :)

But I will give you ten items right now. :)

1. Today is my parents 40th wedding anniversary. So much love for them.
2. My brother, Jeremy. Seriously that boy can keep you entertained for hours with his stories and adventures. Last nights dinner with Mom at Red Robin was no exception.
3. A weekend in CA coming up in October.
4. Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I'm addicted, I admit it.
5. "Guess what??" as can only be asked by Curtiss and Allie. This said before they launch into another story that gets peppered with "guess what" throughout it.
6. Chinese food! That is dinner tonight and I'm quite happy with the thought.
7. The infectious energy of Yen and her energy texts that she sends me.
8. Cute little puppy faces at PetsMart.
9. And the fact that Molly didn't go to the bathroom on the floor this time like she did the last time I took her.
10. I have some pretty awesome friends.

Surface To Air buckled wedges

Surface To Air. Ugh, just so perfect..
[source, LaGarconne]

Snake eyes

[source, tFS]

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Gratitude Day 12/365

1. It was kinda a rough day so the #1 thing I am grateful/thankful for is the fact that I kept my sanity.
2. My sweet Jazz in Canada sent me a FABULOUS birthday present!!
3. I still believe in "Prince Charming"
4. Johnson's body care lotion...just like baby lotion!
5. I can still fondly remember being a Hodja.

(Me in my junior year high school yearbook picture.)


[source, tFS]

Pop art

[source, tFS]

Monday 24 August 2009

Gratitude Day 11/365

1. It's my blog so I am going to squee over my soap loving happenings:

2. Angelina and the Cootie Boy jokes that amuse me so much!
3. New background.
4. Plotting out a cookbook.
5. Sheldon Monday! (It will be a recurring theme, yes, but I do love me some "Big Bang Theory"!)


How do you differentiate the plaids? Someone please educate?
[source, Facehunter]

Fly like paper, get high like planes

[source, tFS]

Saturday 22 August 2009

Gratitude Day 10/365

1. Finally posted my review of "The Ugly Truth" at The Reel. (Next up is GI Joe.)
2. Getting sung the "Hannah Bontana" song by Allie on the phone.
3. Making plans for a project.
4. Finding a cute giraffe painting for Kayleigh at Target.
5. Pizza for dinner.

Christopher Kane x Topshop

Christopher Kane x Topshop. The boots, the grommets, the studs, the Christopher Kane..
[source, NYMag]

Love me some Ida Pyk

[source, Facehunter]

Thick as thieves

[source, tFS]

Alice + Olivia x Payless

Alice + Olivia for Payless. Sick, sick, sick. I'm getting this!
[source, Payless]

Friday 21 August 2009

Gratitude Day 9/365

1. It is FRIDAY!!
2. Rain!
3. Knowing there is an 80's Hodja Reunion in 2010!
4. Minae just being amazing.
5. Kayleigh doing her animal sounds on the phone to me.


[source, tFS]

Abstract girl

[source, tFS]

Thursday 20 August 2009

Gratitude Day 8/365

1. Reruns of "Friends".
2. Silly fangirling with the girls.
3. "Life" talks with Jazz.
4. Knowing that someone as cool as my brother-in-law, Eric, is defending our country. Even though we will miss him while he is deployed.
5. Diet Cranberry/Grapefuit Sobe drink. Love it mucho!

Raise Magazine

[source, tFS]


[source, tFS]

Platinum Evil Part II

Is it OK if I stop using Photobucket? ROFL. The image quality is preserved but I can't be arsed to browse through a blog with "Bandwidth Exceeded" EVERYTIME. So are y'all OK with BayIMG's picture quality? Or you just can't be arsed? Everything goes!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Gratitude Day 7/365

1. McDonald's chocolate chip cookies...just saying!
2. "More to Love" on FOX. I think the bachelor Luke is just cute.
3. Yurts. Just say the makes me laugh just saying it.

I think 3 is the best I can do today...the day was overall slow and dull. There wasn't much that happened at all to report as exciting.

Minimarket: Mini for Many

[source, Refinery29]


[source, tFS]

Monday 17 August 2009

Gratitude Day 6/365

1. An extra hour of sleep this morning! (Granted it was quickly followed by that "Oh no" moment when I realized I overslept by that much time.)
2. Entertaining emails throughout the day from Jazz and Nicole.
3. A vanilla frosty from Wendy's at lunch with Annette.
4. More Cake Boss! Seriously I am addicted to this show!
5. The knowledge that I have friends that are amazing.

Silhoutte play

[source, Facehunter]


Sorry for the inconsistent posts, I'm on my exams until the middle of September, then am going to prepare for a do-or-die exam in November so cut some slack for me will ya :-P Kidding. Enjoy what I've compiled, more random editorials from random international magazines. If you know who they are by, the models/photographers, let me know!
[source, tFS]

Sunday 16 August 2009

Gratitude Day 5/365

1. Sleeping in!
2. Finding a bunch of empty frames in a bag in the closet.
3. Searching for the perfect pictures for said frames.
4. Doing some cleaning of the closet and getting rid of a bunch of JUNK!
5. Plans for the future.

Honestly I didn't do anything today out of the house. I cleaned the closet after the television went kaput in the middle of some Disney cartoon I was watching. Heh! Back to work tomorrow, hopefully the week will be full of excitement.

Fringes, whites

[source, Stylesightings]

Saturday 15 August 2009

Gratitude Day 4/365

1. Spent most of the day in the company of my mom.
2. A delicious lunch at Nothing But Noodles.
3. Some yummy dessert from Berrygood Yogurt. (It is not Pinkberry by any means, but it was delish all the same.)
4. The Cake Boss marathon on TLC. (I want to be able to make creations like that! AAH-MAY-ZING cakes!)
5. Shopping at Bath & Body Works!

My goods from B&BW today:

Shea socks infused with peppermint oil. I am so going back and buying more of these socks!!

Caribbean Salsa candle

White Citrus candle