Saturday 1 August 2009

Finally sitting down to update!!

So, let's see...what has been going on?

* Tyson made a great escape on July 10th-11th. He evidently got shut out all night long and somehow figured out how to FINALLY jump a fence. He got into the neighbors backyard. She said she only took a broom after him, which really doesn't intimidate Tyson so much as makes him want to fight. However when I found him hiding under Liz's SUV, he was soaking wet and scared to death. We figure he must have had the hose turned on him as well. Poor guy!

* Liz and I went to see NKOTB on July 12th! LOVE them! Yes, I do!! The concert was great, minus the fact there was a change in venue that ended up screwing us seating wise. We went from floor seats, 15 rows back to the balcony. NKOTB puts on a great show and it is the second one that Liz and I attended. Yep, get on the floor and do the New Kids dance!

* I got in a car accident on July 14th. A lady ran a stop sign and plowed into the front passenger side of my car. Her bumper fell off, my car was declared a total loss by her insurance company. Luckily we both walked away with no injuries. I had some bruising and a splitting headache that night from standing out there in the heat and the stress. I hated depending on people to drive me around...I hate having to ask to be run to a store or need someone to pick me up/take me to work.

* July 16th I headed off to California for the "General Hospital Fan Club Weekend". This year I (along with the help of a couple of fabulous friends) put together a fan brunch for Lisa LoCicero, who plays Olivia Falconeri on the show.

(Me, Lisa, and Shelley)

Also as the weeks led up to the weekend, Kent had me working on things for her as well for the 2nd Annual Girls Night Out. I wasn't part of the big planning this year, but I was more behind the scenes helping Kent with arranging someone to video for the event and press for them.

(Kent and I hanging in the hotel room)

I got back from CA on July 20th and as is normal after a trip to CA, I was a little sick. It wasn't like the previous years, but I was definitely worn down and a combo of dehydrated/sleep deprived.

* July 24th started what has been the biggest fiasco I have dealt with in years. I was told by Progressive Insurance that my car was a total loss and they offered up a settlement. I decided that I would really like to get a Hyundai Elantra and took a little jaunt over to Avondale Hyundai on the 25th to look at their used car selection. I have NOT wanted to take on car payments so this whole thing has been a downer for me. I have a lovely 2008 Hyundai Elantra and after my dad made his presence felt we got things down to where I could handle the car payment. Easy enough, right? Nope. It has been a complete circus and honestly any excitement I had over this car has disappeared due to the rudeness and unprofessional behavior out of Avondale Hyundai. Now they want me to come in on Monday and sign new papers. I am torn on whether I will be relieved to have the car in my name finally or whether I would rather them say the deal is a no go and allow me to give them the car back and go find something else.

* July 31st I get a phone call at work from mom stating that Jeremy was on his way to the hospital with a suspected collapsed lung. So it is pins and needles while I wait to hear what is going on and trying to concentrate on what is happening at work. I finally get the phone call confirming that is exactly what happened and as it was just about quitting time, I ditched out of work and headed over to the hospital. Jeremy was in surgery when I got there and after a bit of wait, Jeremy called to find out where we were since he was out of surgery and had been for a while. Supposedly my parents were paged over head but no one heard it. He's still in the hospital but doing good. You will have to ask my parents what it is that happened...something where the lung spontaneously collapses (this is the 4th time it has happened), predominantly in males that have fast metabolism and are skinny - yep, that is Jeremy. Thankfully he is okay and hopefully will be home pretty quick.

I'm trying to think of anything else to report on that has been happening...I am still blogging for The Reel: Box Office Buzz and just put up a review of "G-Force", which was a horrid movie. I have to finish tweaking my review of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and will be seeing "The Ugly Truth" tomorrow and will put up the review.

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