Monday 28 September 2009

Spooktacular Giveaway!

So I decided that I wanted to do a little contest over here on my blog and after thinking about what I’m going to do I have come up with this:

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. (Funny since I’m such a scaredy cat about Haunted Houses and horror movies.) I love the costumes and the candy. The pumpkins and the decorations. If you love it as well, leave me a comment with your favorite Halloween candy. On October 15th, I will put all the names in a hat and draw out the name of the winner. The winner will get a little trick-or-treat basket from me in time for the big candy fest on October 31st. (If you post anonymously, please be sure to leave me an email address to reach you at if you win.)

So what are you waiting for? Get to commenting! (And good luck!)

Kiss me, I'm contagious

Check 'em out at Caroline@Modefeber.
[source, Caroline@Modefeber]

Lara Stone x Numero

[source, tFS]



Sunday 27 September 2009

Gratitude Day 33/365

1. The Yankees swept the Red Sox.
2. Animation Domination is back on FOX. I do love me some cartoons!
3. Flowers bought at Fresh & Easy Market.

4. Plans coming together for Leslie's visit in October.
5. My pasta/chicken salad came out delish!
I'm sending so much love and sympathy wishes to my cousin, Carma, after she had to put her horse down the other day. My cousins Carma and Joyce are my two equine loving cousins and I always loved hanging out with them growing up and talking horses. We were living in Turkey when I got the letter from Carma with pictures of this absolutely beautiful horse, Chaffie, that she had won in a contest. He lived a good, long life and I'm sad that he had to be put down, but he was loved and that is what matters the most.

Portraits of a girl

[source, tFS]

Fun Contest!

My friend, Lesli, is having a contest over at Pretty Random Thoughts in celebration of Fall!! Be sure to go over and check it out and enter to win! Fall Giveaway.

(I had to borrow the picture she used as well because it is just so dang cute!!)

I'm going to follow her lead and do a contest over here on this blog as well, will put it up tomorrow. :)

Mustang Baby

[source, tFS]

The night that won't turn black

[source, tFS]

Saturday 26 September 2009