Sunday 13 September 2009


The one day of the year that MTV remembers that they are MUSIC Television. And hypes videos that they don't show.

I watched most of it on You Tube because really I just didn't have the patience to sit up tonight and watch it.

Madonna's speech, the dancers doing Michael Jackson's dance tribute, and then Miss Jackson herself coming out and doing "Scream"...that was really the perfect way to kick the show off. (And I am actually watching that right now on MTV.)

Russel Brand is just not funny. I really don't know why they asked him to host the show again!

Kanye West is a d-bag! He loves the attention, good or bad. I thought Taylor Swift was going to cry when he interrupted her speech to say that it should have gone to Beyonce. (And I do have to hand it Beyonce for bringing Taylor out later in the show and giving her the chance to have her acceptance speech.)

Lady Gaga scares me. Her music is okay, but her live performances are just too freaky.

I do love me some Eminem so was happy to see him win hip hop video.

And I also like T.I. and Rhianna's "Live your life" song.

Britney won best pop video for "Womanizer", which is probably my fave song of hers.

And...Pink rocks!

That is about all I pulled from the show. I'll have to grab some of the fashion pics tomorrow and post them...

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