Monday 21 June 2010

Words that move me...

A dear friend sent me a sweet card today in the mail and enclosed was a magnet. She said that after we had a talk about life and how it is what you make of it, she saw this magnet and knew it was for me.

How true is it? What WOULDN'T I attempt if I knew that there was no way I was going to fail? And why do I not attempt it now and live as if I am succeeding?

If you don't attempt, you have already failed. You have successfully talked yourself out of trying, thus you have talked yourself out of doing, succeeding, and achieving.

So instead of looking at your goals with the view of "what if I fail", look at your goals with the view of "there is no way I can fail."

Thank you, Wendy, for thinking of me and sending words to me.

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