Thursday 9 September 2010

Change of scenery?

As 2010 creeps (speeds?) closer to the end, I have done a lot of thinking about where I am, physically. As in location. And it becomes more and more apparent that I am in a dead end situation professionally. I am only a temp at my job, granted it is a long term contract for numerous years, but regardless I am a temp. I do not have benefits, I do not have holiday/vacation/sick time, and I am not eligible for a raise. I have been looking for another job, but the main problem is they don’t want to pay anything. I can’t afford to drive across town for $8.25 an hour. I know that other states are in an economic slump as well, but I am beginning to get closer to the decision that it is time to uproot out of the Valley of the Sun.

My problem is I want to live everywhere. I want to see everything. If I could be a nomad I would. The more I start to research other states, the more I want to move THERE. But the problem is I want to move everywhere. Every state that I look at has something appealing. I am pretty simple and open to anywhere, though I am seriously a city girl at heart. I need stores. I need a quality movie theater. I need people. That is what makes me the happiest.

So, tell me about where you live? Sell the location to me! I need some ideas.

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