Saturday 28 March 2009


"Lawyers for the (Palestinian) families were given access to Ottoman land registry archives in Ankara for the first time, providing what they say is proof that title deeds produced by the (Jewish) settlers are forged...

"Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire when the land transactions supposedly took place...

"Israel and Turkey have been close military and political allies for decades and traditionally Ankara has avoided straining ties by becoming involved in land disputes in the occupied territories. But there appears to have been an about-turn in Turkish government policy since a diplomatic falling-out between the two countries over Israel’s recent Gaza operation." - Turkey’s fallout with Israel deals blow to settlers

Bank robbers -Bonnie and Clyde

"Dmitry Abzalov believes that the current situation with the US national debt may end with a new war. The war will destroy excessive liquidity and the current debt.

"'The war in Iraq began to delay the US crisis, which started brewing in the US economy at the end of 2000,' he said." - USA has two options to save its economy: declare default or ...

"India and the US share another common concern—the growing influence of China in Sri Lanka." - US, China and the war in Sri Lanka

Two Puppets

Obama on Afghanistan and Pakistan - Lies and Propaganda

Caltongate no more

"In Kirkcudbright, a visit to his old school inspires reflection on the failing state of education. In Glasgow and Lanarkshire his writing gains force, fuelled by a mixture of anger at what the ravages of industrialism have done to people's lives, and concern at how little has been done to repair that damage." - Curious George and the lost spirit of honesty.


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