Thursday 5 March 2009


Cosy little school in Alabama in the USA, 1935. Soon, all schools will be like this.

Manipulation of the markets?

Giant UK insurance company Aviva is continuing to pay a good dividend and its operating profits have risen.

Aviva had operating profits for 2008 of £2.3bn, up 4 per cent on a year earlier.

But, its shares dived 33 per cent.

Panmure Gordon analyst Barrie Cornes said of Aviva's profits figures: "Solid, largely in line and no nasty surprises makes these a solid set of figures."

Mark Hodges, chief executive of Aviva's Norwich Union life division in the UK, said he believed insurance stocks were the victims of short-selling

Hodges said Aviva's capital position was strong and said its solvency surplus was £2bn at the end of 2008, a figure which would fall to £1.2bn if equity markets were to decline by a further 40 per cent. (Aviva profits rise but it fails to dispel City concerns)

Markets: Your Odds of Winning Are Worse Than The Lottery Because We're Thieves

"As I travel throughout Venezuela ...I see production everywhere I look. I see hundreds of thousands of new cars, trucks, transport systems (trains, trams, cable cars, subways), I see new sports stadiums, new public clinics (called CDIs), new roadworks, new apartment towers, new shopping centers, and so on and so on. In fact, anyone who visits Venezuela and travels the country will conclude the same thing.

"What is happening, but it is nothing new, and certainly has nothing to do with any "economic crisis", is that the opposition (which runs most of the food industry) has begun to sabotage the economy by hoarding and speculating, a technique which the Venezuelan opposition has used over and over again in order to create panic within the country and to then blame it on Chavez. But why now? Because the pro-Chavez Venezuelan people won the referendum on February 15, 2009." - Anyone who tells you that Venezuela is in economic crisis must be ...

In London, in the 1920s, the poor could not afford clothing, but they could go jogging with the police in order to keep warm.

There are four horrifying holes in the British government’s official ‘narrative’ of 7/7. (Summary of holes in UK government's 7/7 narrative)

1. Peter Power says his company Visor Consultants' exercise at the same three tube stations on the same day as the attacks was a coincidence. There is a 7,600 million to one chance that he is telling the truth about his exercise having no link to the attack.
2. A warning 15 minutes prior to the explosions relayed to Associated Press (AP) and subsequently published under the title 'Netanyahu Changed Plans Due To Warning' by several English language newspapers. AP's Jerusalem desk were told by the Israeli Embassy that the warning had come from Scotland Yard and that as a result Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu didn't leave his hotel to head for Liverpool Street that morning. Scotland Yard have denied making the call.
3. The cancelled Luton to Kings Cross train implies the four alleged bombers could not make it in time to where they were supposed to have blown up the bombs.
4. Despite the number of cameras there is no CCTV evidence in the public domain that the four alleged bombers were anywhere on the tube network that day - CCTV snaps released to the press being from a 'dummy run' nine days before. (More here: Summary of holes in UK government's 7/7 narrative /Crooked Israeli firm's pre 7/7 access to tube tunnels )

How CNN Reported Gordon's Obama Meeting

‘Accidental’ Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible

Tale of two governments has SNP delivering

Boycott of Israel is Starting to Bite

Suspicions grow that Pakistan attack was 'inside job'

Failed state sovereignty.


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