Friday 27 November 2009

Black Friday

Did anyone else get up and go out there? (Other than my sister, of course, who went at the shopping at Midnight.)

I knew that I needed to run to Target as I had my eye on a Christmas present for the folks. (And the 700 thread count sheets for myself.) I set the alarm for 4:00, planning to get up, dress, brush the teeth and hair, go to Target. Yep, got up at 4:50. I got there about 15 minutes after they opened and while it was crowded I got what I needed right off the bat. The next 90 minutes were spent in line. But I had a brilliant idea -- I went to the book section and found a short book to read. Great idea, except I then had to buy the book as I was 20 pages away from finishing it. (The book, if you care, was "Strange Bedpersons" by Jennifer Crusie and is really cute.)

The rest of my day is going to be spent being a bum! Perfecto!

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