Thursday 26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Normally I spend a lot of time on Thanksgiving coming up with a different note of Thanksgiving to post on my blog, post on my LJ, and to email out. This year I just wanted to make it simple and to the point. If I was to sit and name each of you by name and tell you WHY I'm thankful for you, I would be here for hours and you would be here for hours looking for your name. Suffice to say, if you are in my life, you are there because you bring something to me. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, but your presence has brought something to me and for that I am thankful. So with that, I give you my 2009 Thanksgiving message:

Here we are at the annual day of giving thanks for all of our blessings in life. I think it should go without saying how thankful I am for each of you. Through the ups and downs of 2009, I know without a doubt that I have the most amazing people in my corner. You grace me with your presence, you amaze me with your talents, and you inspire me with your passion. I have celebrated your successes with you and mourned your losses. You all stay with me in my heart and that, that is what I am most thankful for today. So thank you for just being who you are.

I hope you each get the chance to give thanks today for all your blessings and give thanks to the people that surround your life with love.

Love you all!

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