Wednesday 24 March 2010

525,600 minutes...How do you measure, measure a year?

No, I’m not going to talk about "Rent", but more about a year.

365 days. It seems like a long time when you think of it in the number of days, right? (Unless you are approaching one of *those* ages, then those days fly by.)

So why am I thinking about the length of a year, you wonder? Because I want to do some sort of 365 day challenge. Lesli is doing her year of no shopping and is doing an amazing job with it. I follow this blog where Stephanie is doing 365 days of things she has never done before. I have a couple of friends doing the picture-a-day for 365 days. Heck, we even have Julie & Julia where Julie Powell took 365 days to master 524 recipes of Julia Child's.

But the question is what do I want to tackle for 365 days? I tried to do the Gratitude a day for 365 days and we saw how well that worked out for me. I thought I would blog every day, but that isn’t it either. I need something that challenges me and that I can have discipline in ensuring that I do the 365 days.

Any suggestions?

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