Sunday 28 March 2010

Spring Thoughts

The downside of Spring is all the crud in the air that makes my eyes water, my nose run, causes bouts of sneezing and wheezing, and generally drives my sinuses into misery overdrive.

The upside to Spring?

* Easter! I love Easter. I love the bunnies, ducklings, and chicks. I love the pretty pastel colors. Tyson loves the Peeps.

* And I want to color Easter eggs! More to the point, I saw a Hello Kitty Easter Egg decorating kit at Target and I want to color THOSE eggs!!

* I also saw a Hello Kitty kite and had to talk myself out of buying it. I have not flown a kite in years, but how fun would it be to go fly a Hello Kitty kite? (Why yes, I am ten, thank you for asking!)

* The Target Garden Shop made me happy yesterday! I am, admittedly, not good with growing plants and flowers. The only exception are my two bamboos and they are so easy to care for you don't always remember they are there.

I want these flowers to go plant:

But will probably have to stick with these:

(And I do dig the colors of those cacti!)

* The breezy weather is a joy! :) Makes me so happy to not have freezing weather, but to not have the sweltering weather of summer yet.

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