Sunday 11 April 2010

Buffets, Bows, and Marky Mark!

There is something about Chinese buffets that is just lacking lately. (And I'm not really a big fan of the Chinese buffet to start with.) The last two I have gone to during my lunch break have been so disappointing.

We tried out this new place two weeks ago, Zen Buffet, that had just opened. There were nine stations and only ONE of them had anything Chinese on it. And it was not anything appealing looking, either. The salad station was full of all kinds of fixings, but the salad was wilted. There was pizza, fried chicken, spaghetti, tacos, and various soups. And a large dessert station. There was also a sushi station but the man was so rude and said he had no time to explain what was what, just eat it. The food was disappointing and the horrendous headache that I had afterward was the icing on the "no more Zen Buffet" thought.

The sad thing is there is actually a buffet across the street from work, Great Wall Buffet, that I love for their crab puffs/wontons/whatever you want to call them. But they obviously are feeling the need to keep up with the Zen Buffet and when we went on Friday there was more pizza, fried chicken, and tacos than ever before. Sure they added fried rice, which I love, but this is not what I call Chinese food. (Their salad selection was pretty good.)

WHY have a CHINESE buffet when you are going to fill it with pizza, fried chicken, and tacos?? So disappointing.

(And for the record, had P.F. Changs for lunch yesterday and it was DELICIOUS!)

I also had to pick up Molly from the groomers yesterday. How sweet is she with her bows!??!

The bows only lasted until about 7PM last night and I can't find them. She probably ate them, the little tomboy!

This morning I went to see "Date Night" starring the hysterical Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. The movie was hilarious and I definitely needed the early morning laughs that it provided. But the best part of the movie?

Mark "Don't call me Marky Mark" Wahlberg. Hello! I could stare at him for hours on end!

(Oh and the fact that there were trailers for "Sex and the City 2" and "The A-Team" didn't hurt matters either!)

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