Friday 2 April 2010

Just a thought...

(I will be back with more in a bit.)
A thought on life.

Have you ever had a past life regression done? When I was working at an answering service back in the early 90’s a bunch of us went to have our past lives read one night just for the fun of it all. I made the lady mad by giggling through it and asking too many questions, which led her to asking me to leave if I was going to doubt her. But the one thing I have really noticed with all past life regressions is you are always SOMEONE in your past life. (And just to note more people claim to have been Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or a Queen than anyone else.)

This brings up the thought that one day your current life will be the past life of someone else, so what are you doing to provide them with the WOW factor? Just something to think about.

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