Saturday 20 November 2010

Is there anything like it?

The holidays are here!! It is hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving. This is, to quote the song, the most wonderful time of the year!

There is a bit of underlying stress, of course, as you try to get everything done in time for the big ho-ho-ho on December 25th, but really from October – December I love it.

Halloween is a fun kick off to the holidays, then we slide into Thanksgiving and the warm feeling starts. And then it is there in front of us – CHRISTMAS!

I love the decorations.
I love the music.
I love the festive packages.
I love the overall love that you feel.
I just love the holidays.

I have my cards already addressed, just need to finish stuffing cards in envelopes and buy stamps. I have wrapping paper out and presents waiting to be done up with bows and put in boxes to be shipped off to my loved ones. I am eagerly awaiting the 24 hours of “A Christmas Story” to air. For all the Christmas specials to pop up. For the trip to the Temple to see the lights. For holiday goodies.

Is it possible to overdose on holly jolly??

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