Saturday 6 November 2010

Thankful November!

A darling friend of mine issued the challenge to tell what you are thankful for every day for the month of November. I generally struggle with a daily "Thankful for" posting (see my 365 Days of Gratitude project that petered out quickly), but I will do my best. I am not going to go back and do one post for the five days I missed already this month, but am going to combine them as one here...

Thankful November Days 1 - 5

Day One:
The Power of Words.

Day Two:
Another fabulous season of baseball came to a wrap.

Day Three:
The freedom to rock the vote.

Day Four:
"The Big Bang Theory" and the clever dialogue.

Day Five:
Rose for making me laugh.

Are you up for the challenge as well?

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.”
— Denis Waitley

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