Monday 22 August 2011


1. "Libyan rebel leader Gibril Elqarfally stands before the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution openly declaring fealty to the globalist agenda of interdependency and subservience to a Wall Street-London international order."

Globalist Richard Haas Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya

2. On 21 August 2011, "a NATO ship docked near Tripoli unloaded heavy weapons and discharged Al Qaeda jihadists, supervised by officers of the Alliance."

On 22 August 2011, "from the Rixos Hotel, the order was given by so-called 'journalists' from the United States to bring down Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Thierry Meyssan."

NATO Carnage in Tripoli

3. Inisto writes:

"Peter Power was deputy forward coordinator/commander at the Libyan People's Bureau siege at which WPC Yvonne Fletcher was shot and killed, in 1984.

"More info on Power's involvement is here.

"Note also that Dr Paul Knapman was the coroner at the Inquest of Yvonne Fletcher.

"Knapman (as the Westminster coroner) was also involved in the 7/7 incident. Stinks, doesn't it?!"

4. Oil and Tribes

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