Thursday 28 January 2010

Happy Happy!

Sometimes I think it just needs to be done. With that statement I give you A list of things that make Michelle happy:

* My sweet kitty's face when he sees me come home. He loves me, even if he tries to play it cool.
* The fact that I have a sense of humor.
* 3:45PM on Friday afternoons.
* The darling faces behind the voices that call me "Aunt Chelle".
* Yummy Chinese food.
* My familia
* California.
* A brand new box of crayons.
* Purple.
* Hello Kitty.
* Good cinema.
* "That" song.
* "The Big Bang Theory"
* Laughing with Angelina over "Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn".
* A good book.
* "24"
* "Star Wars" Trilogy and my love for Han Solo
* "Sex and the City" reruns.
* The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
* Disco music, esp ABBA, Bee Gees, and Andy Gibb
* Las Vegas memories.
* The amazing friends in my life that support me no matter what.
* My camera.
* Yurt...just say it, it is hilarious.
* "Friends"
* Still getting that giddy 14 year old girl feeling when I see Rick Springfield.
* Horses and horse racing
* Margaritaville
* "I'll make ya famous"
* "Grease" and "Grease 2" (Yes, I do love that second one!)
* "Phineas and Ferb" cartoons
* Barbie
* New Kids on the Block
* Inspiring people in my life.
* The lovely friends I have on Live Journal and Blogger.
* Twitter
* Facebook
* Some of the awesome people I went to high school with in Turkey.
* Those that just "get" the sarcasm.
* The TV shows I grew up on.
* "Seasons in the Sun" by Terry Jacks. I love that song!
* Traveling.
* General Hospital
* Han Solo! (What!? He makes me happy. heh)
* puppy breath
* fresh flowers
* my Coach bag
* Bath and Body Works
* Disneyland
* Snowmen
* The smell of lemon dishwasher detergent, Mentholatum/Vick's Vapor Rub, and Pine Sol. (No one said my screws were all there.)
* Baby clothes...they are just so wee and cute!

What about your happiness list?

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