Monday 18 January 2010

Holiday weekend is officially over...

In 15 minutes I am going to go crawl in my bed and tomorrow it is back to the daily grind of the j-o-b.

But I did get some things accomplished this weekend:

(+) I attended an 8 year old's birthday party on Saturday. Abby is getting so big. She is almost as tall as me! That little one is going to be a tall girl!

(+) I went to the movies.

(+) I read.

(+) I attempted to make cinnamon rolls stuffed with bacon, but that was a little bit of a mishap. Need to rethink it and try again as mixing them together was actually good.

(+) I lunched with the former boss and co-worker.

(=) Had Mike's b-day dinner tonight...and had a lively conversation with niece, Michaela, over hairballs as she was present for Tyson yacking one up. (So disgusting.)

(+) Enjoyed the Golden Globes.

(+) Worked some on finishing up my list of 101 goals for the projected February 1st start date.

(+) Fabulous Monday night TV: How I met your mother, 24, The Big Bang Theory, and Castle. Whoot!

What I did not accomplish:

(-) I didn't get a single nap in! (I had really looked forward to this.)

(-) I didn't get to sleep in today. =\

(-) The Cardinals took a whooping, courtesy of the New Orleans Saints.

(-) Did not get packages ready to mail out.

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

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