Saturday 16 January 2010

Random Facts about me...

The lovely Lesli at Pretty Random Thoughts wants to know 21 Random Facts. I am going to first link up my 10 Random Facts about me that I did in December and give you 11 more.

Ready? Here we go!

1. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I have never really had a set career plan other than to be rich. (Only I really like to spend money to much to be rich so I need to win the lotto.)

2. I tend to gravitate towards creative, quirky people. I find the every day same boring and too vanilla.

3. I have low tolerance for ignorance.

4. I tend to avoid talk of politics and religion. I respect your views, I hope you respect my views, but I don't think they need to be discussed as the differing opinions lead to resentment and arguing most of the time.

5. I hate horror movies, but will end up watching them when they air on TV. I usually scare myself but I have to watch it anyway.

6. I am a curious kitty. I always want to learn and know.

7. I used to want to be an Archeologist because of Indiana Jones.

8. I am not big on the saying "Forgive and forget". This is not something I do easily.

9. I cry when they air those ASPCA / Humane Society commercials.

10. I probably have 20 unread books in a stack, but will continue to buy new books and add to the stack, reading a few and then buying more.

11. I take so many pictures of my cat that it is no wonder he runs when he sees the camera.

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