Friday 12 February 2010

Friday already!?!

Where did this week go!?!

So on Monday I started a week of no spending, but knew going in that it would end today because I have weekend plans. Other than an unexpected but necessary pharmacy stop, I didn’t spend any money all week. It was not really hard in any way, but mentally. I do find myself stopping at the store on the way home for work for no reason other than just wanting to stop at the store and that is when I generally find myself buying something that I don’t need. (Okay, to be honest, I also "spent" money this morning but it was just hitting approve on the bill pay notifications that pop up with my checking account letting me know that they are due and let's face it, the bills have to be paid. I don't consider that spending as it was definitely not something I wanted to do. Ha-ha!) I'm working on some other budgeting options to figure out what is going to work best for me. Finances, you are going to be conquered!!

The unexpected pharmacy stop came from ulcer issues. Ugh! Of course, it was my fault. I know the trigger foods and not only didn't avoid them, but enjoyed them quite a lot up until the pain set in on Tuesday night. Ha! That will teach me, right?

I am going to be trying some different things with my blog over the next few weeks. I keep trying to find the right click for me with blogging. I have ideas, definitely, so we'll see how it looks when I apply some of them.

I'm watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. They are so lively and the spirit in there is just amazing. However, the tragedy that happened to Nodar Kumaritashvili of Georgia this morning is heart breaking for the country.

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