Thursday 18 February 2010

Thursday Thoughts...

* I bought the new Girl Scout cookie flavor, Thank u Berry Munch. Delicious!!! I need to find a recipe for cranberry cookies like these. Yum!

* I finished "The Heretic Queen" by Michelle Moran. I think up next is "This Charming Man" by Marian Keyes. What I really miss is a good ol’ Stephanie Plum mystery, but has to wait for July. Boo!

* I am working on getting my movie reviews for "Valentines Day" and "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" done and posted.

* Saturday is the big Arabian horse show in Scottsdale. I can’t wait! Going to go do a little shopping, a little horse gazing, and hope that the weather holds out as nice.

* Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook continues to be one great big ol’ time suck. It is amazing how much time you can lose playing one minute rounds of that game.

* A big thank you and love to Kristie for the darling Valentines Card and stickers. They are fabulous!

* I am craving sushi for some reason…which is not a good idea considering I’ve been feeling under the weather all week and currently have an upset tummy. (And I don’t even really LIKE sushi…)

* Lesli gave me The Sunshine Award last week…it was and is so greatly appreciated! I haven’t forgotten that I need to acknowledge and pass it on yet, I’m getting there.

* I work with someone with a lot of gray hairs…I have to fight temptation to reach out and pluck them frequently. ::sighs::

And now I think I'm going to go have one of them cookies...

C is for cookie that's good enough to eat...
Cookie Monster

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