Wednesday 3 February 2010

What do you mean I can't buy that??

I have mentioned my friend Lesli at Pretty Random Thoughts numerous times for the fun contests and lovely blog posts. But she has recently started a new blog detailing her journey this year to get her debt under control and declared this the year without shopping (within reason, of course). Lesli is such an inspiration as she cheerfully tackles the task of paying off debt and changing her shopping ways. This week she was issued a challenge to go all week without spending any money and I am going to follow in her footsteps...Starting on Monday, February 8th, I am going to go all week (Well through Friday the 12th) without spending any money. I was going to go through the weekend and still may, but I did make plans already for the weekend to attend the big Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show. I will have to see what I can juggle around, if possible. The plan is to go grocery shopping on Sunday for what I will need for breakfast and lunches for the week and any other incidentals that I am going to need (such as cat litter).

I am an impulse buyer, that is the biggest challenge I am going to have next week, I think. I like shopping. No, I LOVE shopping. Especially at the book store! And Target! Oooh, and craft stores. Oh, oh, oh and at Bath and Body Works! For instance, here is my impulse buy of the year. I went to CVS Pharmacy after work tonight to pick up cat food. I hate the CVS layout as the air fresheners and candles are down the same aisle as the pet needs. And I had to stop (Yes, I had to) and check out the candles. And bought this in the small soy candle:

The currants & acai soy candle is just amazing!

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