Saturday 18 December 2010

Let's hear it for Boston!

It must be a day for all things Boston.

"The Town" came out on DVD technically yesterday. If you did not see this movie, you definitely need to see it on DVD. It is in my Top 5 movies of the year. Ben Affleck not only did an amazing job directing this movie, but his character is so convincing. Jeremy Renner steals the movie, though, and is so good.

I also got my tickets in the mail for the New Kid on the Block/Backstreet Boys concert for June. YAY!!!

I couldn't decide if I was going to see "Tron: Legacy" or "The Fighter" today, but decided since "The Fighter" is in limited release it was the choice for me.

The true story of Lowell, MA boxing brothers, Dicky Ecklund and Micky Ward. Dick Ecklund (Christian Bale), once the pride of Lowell, is a crack addict has-been trying to launch a comeback. Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) is his half-brother who has lived in his brother's shadow his entire life.

What works:

Mark Wahlberg brings the heart to the role and believable as the fighter trying to make his own name.

Amy Adams is tough-as-nails girlfriend, Charlene. She loves and she fights for Micky against his crazed family.

Melissa Leo is Alice Ecklund, the mother to Micky & Dicky, also asserting herself as Micky's manager. She is managing Micky but the favoritism for Dicky rings clear. Leo brings so much emotion as the mother having to deal with her son's crack addiction.

Christian Bale. He deserves all the accolades he is getting. He is quirky and narcissistic. He plays broken perfectly. He brings one hell of a performance and he will be remembered come Oscar time if they are smart.

The fighting sequences were well done. The movie was supposed to be in the early 90's and they make it feel authentic with the TV footage.

What didn't work:

Honestly? This movie was solid all the way through.

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