Wednesday 15 December 2010

Nine shopping days until Christmas!!

Are you ready? I have two more boxes to mail off – one to Florida, one to Arkansas. They will be out by this weekend and I will be done! YAY!!

Not only is it only 10 days until Christmas, but 16 days until it is time to give a farewell toast to 2010 and move on to 2011. Sheesh, this year has gone by fast. I’m not ready for it to end, I have too much that I still want to get done this year.

What are some of your Christmas traditions?
I personally start Christmas Eve off with a viewing of "A Christmas Story". I usually sleep with the TV on at night anyway (on a timer for 90 minutes) but on Christmas Eve it stays on all night. I am a restless sleeper and am up and down a couple times a night anyway (needing a drink, to go to the bathroom, to retrieve or get rid of a blanket, you get the picture) so I usually end up watching bits of the movie during night as well. Have done this for many years.

I always go to the Mormon Temple to see the lights as well, just haven't made it yet this year. It is on the schedule, though. :)

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