Sunday 26 December 2010

Was yesterday really Christmas?

Oh my goodness, how fast it flew by and now the 26th is almost over as well. Great big rush to get to Christmas and then it is over in a flash.

Hope Santa treated you all well? I got some fabulous gifts and it was a really nice day spent with family, plus chatting with two of my favorite people, Rose and Jazz. Jazz exhausted me with the tales of all the houses they were visiting. I was quite happy to stay home.

I went to see "Black Swan" this afternoon with my friend, Paula. The movie is very dark and just as depressing. I think that Natalie Portman was heart wrenching as the ballerina driven crazy in the pursuit of perfection and fame in her drive to be the Swan Queen in the ballet company's performance. It was one of those movies when it ended you just sat there for a moment, not quite sure what you should think. After a moment Paula and I looked at each other and were just "well..." It does drive home a point, however, in how sad it is that we are so desperate to be seen as perfect by others that sometimes we lose sight of ourselves and just lose control.

Tomorrow is my holiday off from work so I plan to sleep in, might go to a movie in the morning, do a little shopping, and have a quiet day at home. This coming week is year end at work and as we are closed on the 31st it is going to be an insanity induced three day work week. Tomorrow and Friday are going to be welcome days off.

For now, I'm going to spend the rest of my night watching some "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King".

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