Saturday 17 July 2010

All my bags are packed?!?!?!

So I leave on Thursday to drive over to California for a couple of days of vacation goodness. I plan to leave around 4:00AM on Thursday, as a matter of fact. And I already can tell you how my week is going to go where packing is concerned.

Saturday: Start packing! (Look at the suitcase, that is all.)

Sunday: Start packing! (Bring clean laundry upstairs, don't put anything in suitcase. Look at the suitcase.)

Monday: Start packing! (Open the suitcase, throw socks in the suitcase.)

Tuesday: Seriously start packing! (Throw a few things in the suitcase, consult list of what I am bringing, decide it will only take a few minutes to do later.)

Wednesday: OMG!!! It is 10:30PM and you aren't even done packing!! (Sheer chaos will ensue!)

Thursday: 4:00 in the morning, hope you packed it all. (Forget tooth brush.)

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