Thursday 8 July 2010

A little sanity induced thankfulness!

I "met" Leslie in 2005 through the "General Hospital" community on Live Journal. She was going to be coming to the annual GH Fan Club Weekend and had no one to attend Kelly Monaco's event with so I invited her to come hang with the group I was there with. We officially met in July of that year, when as Leslie will tell you, I caller stalked her. I saw her wandering by the pool with her friends so I called her and told her that I saw her. Haha! I'm such a nerd. The friendship has been strong since the day we met and she is without doubt, one of my closest friends. Leslie is an inspiration to me in the way she loves her friends. Leslie's heart is big and giving. To be a friend of her's is to always know that you have someone in your corner. If you need to laugh or cry, she provides you what you need with such an incredible sense of compassion and love. She inspires me to be a better friend. I asked Leslie to take part in my two questions and these are the answers she gave.

What are you most grateful for?

A place to live in a city that I love, a job that keeps me learning constantly, the people in my life who love me despite my many flaws, patience (not that I have much), my ability to write in a clear and concise way, the many adventures I’ve been on, STARBUCKS, Lolitas, good music, the color red, hot men, laughing so hard it makes my sides hurt, & all the simple joys life has to offer. I’m sure there’s more but with my mind being so scattered lately, I’ll just add “sanity” to my list and keep on moving forward!

Who/What inspires you?

Michael J. Fox for his constant positivity. My grandfather (RIP) for the legacy he left in me. My grandmother for instilling in me some really valuable ideals. Anyone who does something out of the kindness of their heart without seeking recognition (REALLY, not just saying so), positivity as a whole (NO NEGATIVE NANCY’S!!), music with powerful lyrics, every single one of my TRUE friends, any challenge, trips to places I’ve never been (and sometimes to places I HAVE been), New York City, the book The Giving Tree, my boss, and books that envelope you and keep you hooked for hours.

I’m sure there’s more….. but again, we’ll just say “sanity” and keep on moving forward!!

Thank you, Leslie!! I am beyond grateful for the presence you have in my life and for the many memories we have shared and are yet to share!

(Leslie can be found at Lady in Red's Challenge.)

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