Monday 23 August 2010

And so it begins...

Another week, that is. All yesterday all I thought about was how nice a nap would be…I was so sleepy that it was a fight against myself to not go curl up in bed for a while but I resisted. I should have obviously caved and took the nap as I woke up at midnight with a headache and didn’t sleep for more than maybe an hour tops (not straight through, mind you) for the rest of the night.

But, at least, yesterday morning started out fantastic! I got up, came downstairs, got me a bowl of totally not good for you sugary cereal, sat on the couch in my pj’s and watched cartoons. Yep! I sure did. Watched about 2 hours of “Phineas and Ferb” before getting up and going to take a shower and getting on with my day. It was the perfect way to start the day. No one else was up (the brother is the only one home with me right now and he was sleeping) and I just had peace.

And I did make a totally scrumptious lunch yesterday of Italian sausage ravioli. Yum!!! (I made an equally delicious stroganoff dinner, thank you very much.) I envision myself to be a total bad ass chef. I love recipe books…I love reading recipes and always think “Yep, I can make that.” Yeah…I don’t cook that often. But in my mind I am 4 star all the way.

Remember when Bath & Body Works had the cute little pink and black ladybug air freshener that I had to go buy immediately for my car? Aaaaah, they have a purple one!! I must own it!! And the scent is island margarita. FABULOUS!!! As I said – pay day, I have a date with B&BW for some new treats for me

If I had the money and the time off of work, I would be all over Jet Blue's All you can jet deal. For $600 you get to fly wherever you want (within the Jet Blue network) between September 7th - October 6th. I could have some serious fun with that one!

Have you heard about the $578 million dollar school in Los Angeles?? Check it out here. I can't even imagine...

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