Friday 22 October 2010

Friday Four aka Brain on Shuffle random thoughts

While listening to my morning radio show this morning they brought up the happiness scale and honestly where are you on said happiness scale?

So I had to give it a bit of a thought…I think I would say a solid 7.

Professionally it is a low number so it can’t give my overall number a higher outcome.

What is your number on the happiness scale?
My work is having a Halloween cubicle decorating contest that I am *thinking* about entering. Last years winner was pathetic. It was some green spider web and plastic skeletons. Actually it was the theme of all the cubicles last year – spider web and plastic skeletons. Boooooring!! It was actually in the rules so they didn't offend people. *shrugs* Your guess is as good as mine.

My only big concern is if I bring some of my cuter stuff in that it will get stolen.
Game 6 of the ALCS tonight! Come on, Yankees!!!

"Back to the Future" is back in the movie theaters for the 25th Anniversary. I think I will go take in a showing tomorrow at 12:30.


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