Wednesday 20 October 2010

Spooky and Kooky Halloween

I just thought I would put up a spooky…okay, kooky…Halloween quiz/meme up.

What is the scariest movie you have seen?

Stephen King’s IT! I have a fear of clowns and that just scared the crap out of me.

What movie was supposed to be scary but was not?

Nightmare on Elm Street 2010. Oh good heavens, the movie was stupid! I went in expecting to be scared, but yeah no.

Favorite Halloween costume?

I can’t remember if it was Wonder Woman or Bat Girl…I always wanted to be Princess Leia.

Favorite Halloween candy?

Kit Kat, baby! Or candy apples. Oh yummy, on the candy apple!! I want one now.

Favorite vampire?

William the Bloody aka Spike from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

Favorite horror movie villain?

I do generally like that creepy Freddy Krueger, but it has to be the Robert Englund version.

Favorite “Halloween” type song?

“Monster Mash”! It makes me wanna get up and dance and trick-or-treat!

Tricks or Treats?

Hmmm, depends on the tricks and the treats. A good trick is hard to resist.

Any Halloween traditions?

For some reason we have chili on Halloween night. *shrugs* I have no idea…it is just what happens. I am not overly fond of chili.

Are you dressing up this year?

I was going to be a cat, but have been lazy and haven’t put anything together yet…we’ll see if I can get it down in the next two weeks or if I just hole up in the house and pretend I don’t hear the doorbell.

The Munsters or the Addams Family? Which one would you rather be part of?

The Addams Family embraced their kooky so I have to choose them. The Munsters were too busy trying to fit in and be as normal as possible.

Scariest Experience?

At Tina’s house. We were watching TV when we noticed her roommate’s parrot was facing the wall, talking to someone and you could see his feather’s being ruffled as if he was being pet. A few minutes later the TV and VCR shut off and the tape was spit out of the VCR, the lights all went out in the kitchen and the stove turned on. With that, I was out the door and never returned.

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