Monday 4 October 2010

I won! I won!

If you haven't visited the fabulous Chick Lit is not Dead site run by Liz and Lisa, you are missing out! They feature fun interviews with some of the best chick lit authors out there and many up and coming chick lit authors. And they host awesome giveaways of the books that they are featuring.

A couple of weeks ago, they had a fun bucket list interview with Belinda Carlisle, former lead singer of the Go-Go's. Five commenters on the interview were going to win a copy of Belinda's autobiography, Lips Unsealed.

And I won!!

I won!
I won!
I won!

I just got the book in the mail on Friday from Random House and I can't wait to start reading it! (As soon as I finish the Sookie Stackhouse novel that I am almost done with!)

Thank you, Liz and Lisa!!

(Follow Chick Lit is not Dead on Facebook for all kinds of fun!)

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