Sunday 23 January 2011

It's a sunshine day!!

It is a little breezy out, but what a beautiful Sunday here in the valley. (I'm warm in the house watching some football. Man, those Packers came to town meaning business today.)

What do you all have on tap for the coming week?

I scored some sneak peek passes to "The Mechanic" on Tuesday.

I'm sure it is going to a shoot 'em up hitman movie, but it stars Jason Statham and that is all that matters.

I'm taking Tina and James with me to see this one and can't wait! I adore that Statham. (For those curious how I keep scoring the sneak peek tickets -- I joined the Phoenix Film Society a couple of years ago so I could get tickets to a couple of film festival movies. They partner with a couple of companies that promote movies for studios and they offer them up to their email list, first come/first serve. I don't always get in but out of 7 movies last year, I saw 5 of them with no problem getting in.)

Thursday is my dad's birthday. No idea YET what I am going to get him, but will have some ideas and a present bought by then. He wants shrimp tava for his birthday dinner. The shrimp is okay, the rice is okay, the overall spiciness is not okay and my ulcer is already saying "no way!" My mom said we'll probably get a pizza to go along with it.

Friday I am going out for sushi with my girls from the old job.

I can't wait. I haven't seen Terah, Ivette, or Cheryl in quite a while and I have missed the silliness that occurs when we are together.

The weekend is still open, no idea what is going on just yet. But I'm sure I will find some trouble to get into. I do need to go find the 4th book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I was going to get it at Target today but it was sold out.

Oh, and for my fellow vampire lovers on my blog, if you were a fan of "Angel: The Series", Target offers a double pack of seasons 1 & 2 for $19.99 as opposed to the $25-30 per season elsewhere. Great deal and while it was nowhere near as fabulous as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" series, it was still a good show.

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