Wednesday 12 January 2011

Love Life

“Do not try to “do” happy. Simply choose to “be” happy, and everything you do will spring from that”
(From TheSecretDaily on Twitter)

While skimming over blogs this morning before leaving for work, I saw a post from a friend of mine that kind of sat on my mind for the longest time. It was a simple post with wishes for a happy birthday to a friend of hers and some idle chatter about some things that made her happy yesterday. I kept thinking about her post and about her previous posts as I was driving to work. It wasn’t that she was writing inspirational words of wisdom; it was that she was genuinely happy with her life. And she is in a situation that would be extremely stressful as she has lost her job and the current job search is a slow process. The difference is she doesn’t let *that* fact play into how she is living her life. She takes her mantra seriously.

“I'm a firm believer of having it & flaunting it. Of sharing & living. Of good friends & good times.”

It is a mindset that I really need to work on developing. We have the choice each morning when we wake up on how we are going to greet the day. Admittedly, it is usually met with a lot of grumbling out of me because I would love to catch a few extra zzzz’s. But instead of grumbling, I should tell myself good morning.

What it all comes down to is simply this: Love life. Not just your life, even though it is the one that you should love the most, but life in general. There is beauty, kindness, and love that surround you every single day.

Have it, flaunt it, love it, share it, live it.

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