Monday 24 January 2011

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania





(Toleo hili la Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, ya Mwaka 1977,

limezingatia na kuweka pamoja mabadiliko yote yaliyofanywa katika Katiba

ya Muungano tangu ilipotungwa mwaka 1977 hadi tarehe 30 Aprili, 2000.

Dar es Salaam, A.J.


1 Novemba, 2000 Mwanasheria Mkuu





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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania







Ibara Kichwa cha Habari







1. Kutangaza Jamhuri ya Muungano.

2. Eneo la Jamhuri ya Muungano.

3. Tangazo la nchi yenye mfumo wa Vyama Vingi.

4. Utekelezaji wa shughuli za Mamlaka ya Nchi.

5. Haki ya kupiga kura.




6. Ufafanuzi.

7. Matumizi ya Masharti ya Sehemu ya Pili.

8. Serikali na Watu.

9. Ujenzi wa Ujamaa na Kujitegemea.

10.[Imefutwa na Sheri Na. ……… ibara ya ……..].

11.Haki ya kufanya kazi, kupata elimu, na nyinginezo.



Haki ya Usawa

12.Usawa wa Binadamu.

13.Usawa mbele ya sheria.

Haki ya Kuishi

14.Haki ya kuwa hai.

15.Haki ya uhuru wa mtu binafsi.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


16.Haki ya faragha na ya usalama wa mtu.

17.Uhuru wa mtu kwenda atakako.

Haki ya Uhuru wa Mawazo

18.Uhuru wa maoni.

19.Uhuru wa mtu kuamini dini atakayo.

20.Uhuru wa mtu kushirikiana na wengine.

21.Uhuru wa kushiriki shughuli za umma.

Haki ya Kufanya Kazi

22.Haki ya kufanya kazi.

23.Haki ya kumiliki mali.

24.Haki ya kupata ujira wa haki.

Wajibu wa Jamii

25.Wajibu wa kushiriki kazini.

26.Wajibu wa kutii sheria za nchi.

27.Kulinda mali ya Umma.

28.Ulinzi wa taifa.

Masharti ya Jumla

29.Haki na wajibu muhimu.

30.Mipaka kwa haki, uhuru na hifadhi kwa haki na wajibu.

Madaraka ya Pekee ya Mamlaka ya Nchi

31.Ukiukaji wa Haki na uhuru.

32.Madaraka ya kutangaza hali ya hatari.





33.Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

34.Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Mamlaka yake.

35.Utekelezaji wa shughuli za Serikali.

36.Mamlaka ya kuanzisha na kuwateua watu wa kushika nafasi za madaraka.

37.Utekelezaji wa kazi na shughuli za Rais n.k.

38.Uchaguzi wa Rais.

39.Sifa za mtu kuchaguliwa kuwa Rais.

40. Haki ya kuchaguliwa tena.

41. Utaratibu wa uchaguzi wa Rais.

42.Wakati na muda wa kushika madaraka ya Rais.

43. Masharti ya kazi ya Rais.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


44. Madaraka ya kutangaza vita.

45. Uwezo wa kutoa msamaha.

46.Kinga dhidi ya mashtaka na madai.

46A. Bunge laweza kumshtaki Rais.

46B. Wajibu wa viongozi Wakuu wa vyombo vya Mamlaka ya Utendaji

kudumisha Muungano.



47. Makamu mmoja wa Rais, kazi na Mamlaka yake.

48.Wakati wa Makamu wa Rais kushika madaraka.

49.Kiapo cha Makamu wa Rais.

50.Muda wa Makamu wa Rais kushika Madaraka.




51.Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

52.Kazi na Mamlaka ya Waziri Mkuu.

53.Uwajibikaji wa serikali.

Baraza la Mawaziri na Serikali

53A. Kura ya kutokuwa na imani.

54.Baraza la Mawaziri.

55.Uteuzi wa Mawaziri.

56.Kiapo cha Mawaziri na Naibu Mawaziri.

57. Wakati na muda wa Mawaziri kushika madaraka.

58.Masharti ya kazi ya Mawaziri.

59.Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

60.Katibu wa Baraza la Mawaziri.

61.Wakuu wa Mikoa.






63.Madaraka ya Bunge.

64.Madaraka ya kutunga Sheria.

65.Muda wa Bunge.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania






67.Sifa za mtu kuwa Mbunge.

68.Kiapo cha Wabunge.

69.Tamko rasmi la Wabunge kuhusu maadili ya Viongozi.

70.Wabunge kutoa taarifa ya mali.

71.Muda wa Wabunge kushika madaraka kama Wabunge.

72.Watu wenye madaraka Serikalini kukoma utumishi wanapochaguliwa.

73.Masharti ya kazi ya Wabunge

74.Tume ya Uchaguzi

75.Majimbo ya Uchaguzi.

Uchaguzi na Uteuzi wa Wabunge

76.Uchaguzi katika Majimbo ya Uchaguzi.

77.Utaratibu wa Uchaguzi wa Wabunge wa Majimbo ya Uchaguzi.

78.Utaratibu wa Uchaguzi wa Wabunge Wanawake wa kuchaguliwa na Bunge.

79.Utaratibu wa uchaguzi wa Wabunge wa kuchaguliwa na Baraza la


80.[Imefutwa na Sheria Na.4 ya 1992 - ib.27].

81.Utaratibu wa kupendekeza majina ya wagombea uchaguzi wa Wabunge


82.[Imefutwa na Sheria Na.4 ya 1992 - ib.29].

83.Uamuzi wa suala kama mtu ni Mbunge au sivyo.



Spika na Naibu wa spika

84.Spika na Mamlaka yake.

85.Naibu wa Spika.

86.Utaratibu wa kumchagu Spika na Naibu wa Spika.

Ofisi ya Bunge

87.Katibu wa Bunge.

88.Sekretariati ya Bunge.

Utaratibu wa shughuli Bungeni

89.Kanuni za Kudumu za Bunge.

90.Kuitishwa kwa mikutano ya Bunge na kuvunjwa kwa Bunge.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


91.Rais aweza kulihutubia Bunge.

92.Mikutano ya Bunge.

93.Uongozi wa vikao vya Bunge.

94.Kiwango cha vikao vya Bunge

95.Viti vilivyo wazi katika Bunge.

96.Kamati za Kudumu za Bunge.

Utaratibu wa Kutunga Sheria

97.Namna ya kutumia madaraka ya kutunga sheria.

98.Utaratibu wa kubadilisha Katiba hii na baadhi ya sheria.

99.Utaratibu wa kutunga Sheria kuhusu mambo ya fedha.

Madaraka na Haki za Bunge

100. Uhuru wa majadiliano na utaratibu wa shughuli.

101. Kuhifadhi na kutilia nguvu uhuru wa majadiliano na wa shughuli.








102. Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar na Mamlaka yake.

103. Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar na madaraka yake.

104. Uchaguzi wa Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar



105. Baraza la Mapinduzi la Zanzibar na Kazi zake.



106. Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar na madaraka ya kutunga Sheria za


107. Madaraka ya Baraza la Wawakilishi.


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107A. Mamlaka ya Utoaji Haki.

107B. Uhuru wa Mahakama.



108. Mahakama Kuu ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Mamlaka yake.

109. Majaji wa Mahakama Kuu na uteuzi wao.

110. Muda wa Majaji wa Mahakama Kuu kushika madaraka.

111. Kiapo cha Majaji.





112. Tume ya Kuajiri ya Mahakama.

113. Madaraka ya kuajiri Mahakimu na watumishi wengine wa Mahakama.

113A. Uanachama katika Vyama vya Siasa.



114. Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar.

115. Mamlaka ya Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar.



116. Tafsiri.

117. Mahakama ya Rufani ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Madaraka yake.

118. Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani na uteuzi wao.

119. Mamlaka ya Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


120. Muda wa Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani kushika madaraka.

121. Kiapo cha Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani.

122. Kiwango cha vikao vya Mahakama ya Rufani.

123. Mashauri yanayoweza kuamuliwa na Jaji mmoja wa Mahakama ya Rufani.





124. Utekelezaji wa maagizo ya Mahakama utafanywa nchini Tanzania kote.




125. Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

126. Mamlaka ya Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba

127. Muundo wa Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba

128. Utaratibu katika vikao vya Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba.






129. Tume ya Haki za Binadamu na Utawala Bora.

130. Majukumu ya Tume na Taratibu za Utekelezaji.

131. Mamlaka ya Tume na utaratibu wa shughuli zake.



132. Sekretarieti ya Maadili.


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133. Akaunti ya Fedha ya Pamoja.

134. Tume ya Pamoja ya Fedha.




135. Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

136. Masharti ya kutoa fedha za matumizi kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya


137. Utaratibu wa kuidhinisha matumizi ya fedha zilizomo katika Mfuko Mkuu

wa Hazina ya Serikali.

138. Masharti ya kutoza kodi.

139. Utaratibu wa kuidhinisha matumizi ya fedha kabla ya sheria ya matumizi

kuanza kutumika.

141. Mfuko wa Matumizi ya dharura.

142. Deni la Taifa.

142. Mishahara ya watumishi fulani wa Serikali kudhaminiwa na Mfuko Mkuu

Wa Hazina ya Serikali.

143. Mdhibiti wa Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali wa Jamhuri ya


144. Kumwondoa kazini Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu.



145. Serikali za Mitaa.

146. Kazi za Serikali za Mitaa.



146. Marufuku kuunda majeshi ya ulinzi yasiyo majeshi ya ulinzi ya Umma.

148. Madaraka ya Amiri Jeshi Mkuu.




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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


149. Maelezo ya mambo yanayohusika na madaraka ya kazi mbalimbali

zilizoanzishwa na Katiba hii.

150. Maelezo kuhusu utaratibu wa kukabidhi madaraka ya kazi katika Utumishi

wa Serikali.

152. Ufafanuzi.

152. Jina kamili la Katiba, tarehe ya kuanza kutumika na




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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania






Sheria ya 1984 KWA KUWA SISI Wananchi wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa

Na.15 ib.3 Tanzania tumeamua rasmi na kwa dhati kujenga katika nchi

yetu jamii inayozingatia misingi ya uhuru, haki, udug u na


NA KWA KUWA misingi hiyo yaweza tu kutekelezwa katika

jamii yenye demokrasia ambayo serikali yake husimamiwa na

Bunge lenye wajumbe waliochaguliwa na linalowawakilisha

wananchi, na pia yenye Mahakama huru zinazotekeleza wajibu

wa kutoa haki bila woga wala upendeleo wowote, na hivyo

kuhakikisha kwamba haki zote za binadamu zinadumishwa na

kulindwa, na wajibu wa kila mtu unatekelezwa kwa uaminifu:



kwa niaba ya Wananchi, kwa madhumuni ya kujenga jamii

kama hiyo, na pia kwa ajili ya kuhakikisha kwamba Tanzania

inaongozwa na Serikali yenye kufuata misingi ya demokrasia

na ujamaa.









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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Kutangaza 1. Tanzania ni nchi moja na ni Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Jamhuri ya


Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib

Sheria ya 1992 2.-(1) Eneo la Jamhuri ya Muungano ni eneo lote la

Na.4 ib.3 Tanzania Bara na eneo lote la Tanzania Zanzibar, na ni

pamoja na sehemu yake ya bahari ambayo Tanzania

inapakana nayo.

(2) Kwa ajili ya utekelezaji bora wa shughuli za Serikali

ya Jamhuri ya Muungano au Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar, Rais aweza kuigawa Jamhuri ya Muungano katika

mikoa, wilaya na maeneo mengineyo, kwa kufuata utaratibu

uliowekwa na sheria au kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na


Isipokuwa kwamba Rais atashauriana kwanza na Rais

wa Zanzibar kabla ya kuigawa Tanzania Zanzibar katika

Mikoa, Wilaya au maeneo mengineyo.

Tangazo la nchi 3.-(1) Jamhuri ya Muungano ni nchi ya kidemokrasia na

yenye Mfumo wa ya kijamaa, yenye kufuata mfumo wa vyama vingi vya siasa.

vyama vingi

Sheria ya 1992 (2) Mambo yote yahusuyo uandikishaji na uendeshaji

Na.4 ib.5 wa vyama vya siasa nchini yatasimamiwa kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya Katiba hii na ya sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa

ajili hiyo.

Utekelezaji wa 4.-(1) Shughuli zote za Mamlaka ya Nchi katika Jamhuri

shughuli za ya Muungano zitatekelezwa na kudhibitiwa na vyombo viwili

Mamlaka ya Nchi

Sheria ya 1984 vyenye mamlaka ya utendaji, vyombo viwili vyenye mamlaka

Na.15 ib.6 ya kutekeleza utoaji haki, na pia vyombo viwili vyenye

mamlaka ya kutunga sheria na kusimamia utekelezaji wa

shughuli za umma.

(2) Vyombo vyenye mamlaka ya utendaji vitakuwa ni

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar, vyombo vyenye mamlaka ya kutekeleza utoaji haki

vitakuwa ni Idara ya Mahakama ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano na Idara ya Mahakama ya Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar, na vyombo vyenye mamlaka ya kutunga sheria na

kusimamia utekelezaji wa shughuli za umma vitakuwa ni

Bunge na Baraza la Wawakilishi.

(3) Kwa ajili ya utekelezaji bora wa shughuli za umma

katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, na kwa ajili ya mgawanyo wa

madaraka juu ya shughuli hizo baina ya vyombo vilivyotajwa

katika ibara hii, kutakuwa na Mambo ya Muungano kama

yalivyoorodheshwa katika Nyongeza ya Kwanza iliyoko


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


mwishoni mwa Katiba hii, na pia kutakuwa na Mambo yasiyo

ya Muungano ambayo ni mambo mengine yote yasiyo Mambo

ya Muungano.

(4) Kila chombo kilichotajwa katika ibara hii kitaundwa

na kutekeleza majukumu yake kwa kufuata masharti mengine

yaliyomo katika Katiba hii.

Haki ya kupiga 5.-(1) Kila raia wa Tanzania aliyetimiza umri wa miaka

kura kumi na minane anayo haki ya kupiga kura katika uchaguzi

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 unaofaywa Tanzania na wananchi. Na haki hii itatumiwa kwa

Sheria ya 2000 kufuata masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2) pamoja na masharti

Na.3 ib.4 mengineyo ya Katiba hii na ya Sheria inayotumika nchini

Tanzania kuhusu mambo ya uchaguzi.

(2) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria na kuweka masharti

yanayoweza kuzuia raia asitumie haki ya kupiga kura kutokana

na yoyote kati ya sababu zifuatazo, yaani raia huyo-

(a) kuwa na uraia wa nchi nyingine;

(b) kuwa na ugonjwa wa akili;

(c) kutiwa hatiani kwa makosa fulani ya jinai;

(d) kukosa au kushindwa kuthibitisha au kutoa

kitambulisho cha umri, uraia au uandikishwaji kama

mpiga kura,

mbali na sababu hizo hakuna sababu nyingine yoyote

inayoweza kumzuia raia asitumie haki ya kupiga kura.

(3) Bunge litatunga Sheria ya Uchaguzi na kuweka

masharti kuhusu mambo yafuatayo-

(a) kuanzisha Daftari la Kudumu la Wapiga kura na

kuweka utaratibu wa kurekebisha yaliyomo katika

Daftari hilo;

(b) kutaja sehemu na nyakati za kuandikisha wapiga

kura na kupiga kura;

(c) utaratibu wa kumwezesha mpiga kura

aliyejiandikisha sehemu moja kupiga kura sehemu

nyingine na kutaja masharti ya utekelezaji wa

utaratibu huo;

(d) kutaja kazi na shughuli za Tume ya Uchaguzi na

utaratibu wa kila uchaguzi ambao utaendeshwa

chini ya uongozi na usimamizi wa Tume ya



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania





Ufafanuzi 6 . Katika Sehemu hii ya Sura hii, isipokuwa kama maelezo

Sheria ya 1984 yahitaji vinginevyo, neno "Serikali" maana yake ni pamoja na

Na.15 ib.6

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar, Serikali za mitaa na pia mtu anayetekeleza madaraka

au mamlaka yoyote kwa niaba ya Serikali yoyote.

Matumizi ya 7.-(1) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2), Serikali,

masharti ya vyombo vyake vyote na watu wote au mamlaka yoyote yenye

Sehemu ya Pili

Sheria ya 1984 kutekeleza madaraka ya utawala, madaraka ya kutunga sheria

Na.15 ib.6 au madaraka ya utoaji haki, watakuwa na jukumu na wajibu wa

kuzingatia, kutia maanani na kutekeleza masharti yote ya

Sehemu hii ya Sura hii.

(2) Masharti ya Sehemu hii ya Sura hii hayatatiliwa nguvu ya

kisheria na Mahakama yoyote. Mahakama yoyote nchini

haitakuwa na uwezo wa kuamua juu ya suala kama kutenda au

kukosa kutenda jambo kwa mtu au mahakama yoyote, au kama

sheria, au hukumu yoyote, inaambatana na masharti ya

Sehemu hii ya Sura hii.

Serikali na watu 8.-(1) Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ni Nchi inayofuata

Sheria ya 1984 misingi ya demokrasia na haki ya kijamii, na kwa hiyo-

Na.15 ib.6

(a) wananchi ndio msingi wa mamlaka yote, na Serikali

itapata madaraka na mamlaka yake yote kutoka kwa

wananchi kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii;

(b) lengo kuu la serikali litakuwa ni ustawi wa wananchi;

(c) Serikali itawajibika kwa wananchi;

(d) wananchi watashiriki katika shughuli za Serikali yao

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

(2) Muundo wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Serikali

ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar, au wa chochote kati ya vyombo

vyake na uendeshaji wa shughuli zake, utatekelezwa kwa

kuzingatia umoja wa Jamhuri ya Muungano na haja ya kukuza

umoja wa kitaifa na kudumisha heshima ya Taifa.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Ujenzi wa 9. Lengo la Katiba hii ni kuwezesha ujenzi wa Jamhuri ya

Ujamaa na Muungano na Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar au wa


Sheria ya 1984 chochote kati ya vyombo vyake na udugu na amani kutokana na

Na.15 ib.6 kufuata siasa ya Ujamaa na Kujitegemea, amabyo inasisitiza

Sheria Na.4 utekelezaji wa misingi ya kijamaa kwa kuzingatia mazingira

ya 1992 ib.6 yaliyomo katika Jamhuri ya Muungano. Kwa hiyo, Mamlaka ya

Nchi na vyombo vyake vyote vinawajibika kuelekeza sera na

shughuli zake zote katika lengo la kuhakikisha-

(a) kwamba utu na haki nyinginezo zote za binadamu

zinaheshimiwa na kuthaminiwa;

(b) kwamba sheria za nchi zinalindwa na kutekelezwa;

(c) kwamba shughuli za Serikali zinatekelezwa kwa njia

ambazo zitahakikisha kwamba utajiri wa Taifa

unaendelezwa, unahifadhiwa na unatumiwa kwa

manufaa ya wananchi wote kwa jumla na pia kuzuia

mtu kumyonya mtu mwingine;

(d) kwamba maendeleo ya uchumi wa Taifa yanakuzwa

na kupangwa kwa ulinganifu na kwa pamoja;

(e) kwamba kila mtu mwenye uwezo wa kufanya kazi

anafanya kazi, na kazi maana yake ni shughuli

yoyote ya halali inayompatia mtu riziki yake;

(f) kwamba heshima ya binadamu inahifadhiwa na

kudumishwa kwa kufuata Kanuni za Tangazo la

Dunia kuhusu Haki za Binadamu;

(g) kwamba Serikali na vyombo vyake vyote vya umma

vinatoa nafasi zilizo sawa kwa raia wote, wake kwa

waume, bila ya kujali rangi, kabila, dini au hali ya


(h) kwamba aina zote za dhuluma, vitisho, ubaguzi,

rushwa, uonevu au upendeleo zinaondolewa nchini;

(i) kwamba matumizi ya utajiri wa Taifa yanatilia mkazo

maendeleo ya wananchi na hasa zaidi

yanaelekezwa kwenye jitihada ya kuondosha

umaskini, ujinga na maradhi;

(j) kwamba shughuli za uchumi haziendeshwi kwa njia

zinazoweza kusababisha ulimbikizaji wa mali au njia

kuu za uchumi katika mamlaka ya watu wachache


(k) kwamba nchi inatawaliwa kwa kufuata misingi ya

demokrasia na ujamaa.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Nafasi na 10. [Ibara ya 10 ya Katiba imefutwa na Sheria Na.4 ya

mamlaka ya 1992].


Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6

Haki ya kufanya 11.-(1) Mamlaka ya Nchi itaweka utaratibu unaofaa kwa ajili

kazi, kupata ya kufanikisha utekelezaji wa haki ya mtu kufanya kazi, haki ya

elimu na

nyinginezo kujipatia elimu na haki ya kupata msaada kutoka kwa jamii

Sheria ya 1984 wakati wa uzee, maradhi au hali ya ulemavu, na katika hali

Na.15 ib.6 nyinginezo za mtu kuwa hajiwezi. Na bila kuathiri haki hizo,

Mamlaka ya Nchii itaweka utaratibu wa kuhakikisha kwamba

kila mtu anaishi kwa jasho lake.

(2) Kila mtu anayo haki ya kujielimisha, na kila raia

atakuwa huru kutafuta elimu katika fani anayopenda hadi kufikia

upeo wowote kulingana na stahili na uwezo wake.

(3) Serikali itafanya jitihada kuhakikisha kwamba watu

wote wanapata fursa sawa na za kutosha kuwawezesha kupata

elimu na mafunzo ya ufundi katika ngazi zote za shule na vyuo

vinginevyo vya mafunzo.



Haki ya Usawa

Usawa wa 12.-(1) Binadamu wote huzaliwa huru, na wote ni sawa.


Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 (2) Kila mtu anastahili heshima ya kutambuliwa na

kuthaminiwa utu wake.

Usawa mbele 13.-(1) Watu wote ni sawa mbele ya sheria, na wanayo haki,

ya Sheria ya bila ya ubaguzi wowote, kulindwa na kupata haki sawa mbele ya

1984 Na.15 ib.6


Sheria ya Na.4 (2) Ni marufuku kwa sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na mamlaka

ya 1992 ib.8 yoyote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano kuweka sharti lolote ambalo

Sheria ya 2000

Na.3 ib.5 ni la ubaguzi ama wa dhahiri au kwa taathira yake.

(3) Haki za raia, wajibu na maslahi ya kila mtu na jumuiya ya

watu yatalindwa na kuamuliwa na Mahakama na vyombo

vinginevyo vya Mamlaka ya Nchi vilivyowekwa na sheria au kwa

mujibu wa sheria.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


(4) Ni marufuku kwa mtu yeyote kubaguliwa na mtu au

mamlaka yoyote inayotekeleza madaraka yake chini ya sheria

yoyote au katika utekelezaji wa kazi au shughuli yoyote ya

Mamlaka ya Nchi.

(5) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa masharti ya ibara hii

neno "kubagua" maana yake ni kutimiza haja, haki au mahitaji

mengineyo kwa watu mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia utaifa wao,

kabila, pahala walipotokea, maoni yao ya kisiasa, rangi, dini,

jinsia au hali yao ya maisha kwa namna ambayo watu wa aina

fulani wanafanywa au kuhesabiwa kuwa dhaifu au duni na

kuwekewa vikwazo au masharti ya vipingamizi ambapo watu wa

aina nyingine wanatendewa tofauti au wanapewa fursa au faida

iliyoko nje ya masharti au sifa za lazima, isipokuwa kwamba neno

"kubagua" halitafafanuliwa kwa namna ambayo itaizuia Serikali

kuchukua hatua za makusudi zenye lengo la kurekebisha

matatizo katika jamii.

(6) Kwa madhumuni ya kuhakikisha usawa mbele ya sheria,

Mamlaka ya Nchi itaweka taratibu zinazofaa au zinazozingatia

misingi kwamba -

(a) wakati haki na wajibu wa mtu yeyote vinahitaji

kufanyiwa uamuzi wa mahakama au chombo

kinginecho kinachohusika, basi mtu huyo atakuwa na

haki ya kupewa fursa ya kusikilizwa kwa ukamilifu, na

pia haki ya kukata rufaa au kupata nafuu nyingine ya

kisheria kutokana na maamuzi ya mahakama au

chombo hicho kingenecho kinachohusika;

(b) ni marufuku kwa mtu aliyeshtakiwa kwa kosa la jinai

kutendewa kama mtu mwenye kosa hilo mpaka

itakapothibitika kuwa anayo hatia ya kutenda kosa


(c) ni marufuku kwa mtu kuadhibiwa kwa sababu ya

kitendo chohote ambacho alipokitenda hakikuwa ni

kosa chini ya sheria, na pia kwamba ni marufuku kwa

adhabu kutolewa ambayo ni kubwa kuliko adhabu

iliyokuwapo wakati kosa linalohusika lilipotendwa;

(d) kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi haki ya usawa wa binadamu,

heshima ya mtu itatunzwa katika shughuli zote

zinazohusu upelelezi na uendeshaji wa mambo ya

jinai na katika shughuli nyinginezo ambazo mtu

anakuwa chini ya ulinzi bila uhuru, au katika

kuhakikisha utekelezaji wa adhabu;

(e) ni marufuku kwa mtu kuteswa, kuadhibiwa kinyama

au kupewa adhabu zinazomtweza au kumdhalilisha.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Haki ya Kuishi

Haki ya kuwa hai 14. Kila mtu anayo haki ya kuishi na kupata kutoka kwa jamii

Sheria ya 1984 hifadhi ya maisha yake, kwa mujibu wa sheria.

Na.15 ib.6

Haki ya Uhuru 15.-(1) Kila mtu anayo haki ya kuwa huru na kuishi kama

wa mtu binafsi mtu huru.

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 (2) Kwa madhumuni ya kuhifadhi haki ya mtu kuwa huru na

kuishi kwa uhuru, itakuwa ni marufuku kwa mtu yeyote

kukamatwa, kufungwa, kufungiwa, kuwekwa kizuizini,

kuhamishwa kwa nguvu au kunyang'anywa uhuru wake

vinginevyo, isipokuwa tu-

(a) katika hali na kwa kufuata utaratibu uliowekwa na

sheria, au

(b) katika kutekeleza hukumu, amri au adhabu

iliyotolewa na mahakama kutokana na shauri au na

mtu kutiwa hatiani kwa kosa la jinai.

Haki ya faragha 16.-(1) Kila mtu anastahili kuheshimiwa na kupata hifadhi

na usalama wa kwa nafsi yake, maisha yake binafsi na familia yake na


unyumba wake, na pia heshima na hifadhi ya maskani yake na

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 mawasiliano yake ya binafsi.

(2) Kwa madhumuni ya kuhifadhi haki ya mtu kwa mujibu wa

ibara hii, Mamlaka ya Nchi itaweka utaratibu wa sheria kuhusu

hali, namna na kiasi ambacho haki ya mtu ya faragha na ya

usalama na nafsi yake, mali yake na maskani yake, yaweza

kuingiliwa bila ya kuathiri ibara hii.

Uhuru wa mtu 17.-(1) Kila raia wa Jamhuri ya Muungano anayo haki ya

kwenda atakako kwenda kokote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano na kuishi katika

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 sehemu yoyote, kutoka nje ya nchi na kuingia, na pia haki ya

kutoshurutishwa kuhama au kufukuzwa kutoka katika Jamhuri

ya Muungano.

(2) Kitendochochote cha halali au sheria yoyote yenye

madhumuni ya -


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(a) kupunguza uhuru wa mtu kwenda atakako na

kumweka chini ya ulinzi au kifungoni; au

(b) kuweka mipaka kwa matumizi ya uhuru wa mtu

kwenda anakotaka ili-

(i) kutekeleza hukumu au amri ya mahakama;


(ii) kumlazimisha mtu kutimiza kwanza wajibu

wowote anaotakiwa na sheria nyingine

kuutimiza; au

(iii) kulinda manufaa ya umma kwa jumla au

kuhifadhi maslahi fulani mahususi au

maslahi ya sehemu fulani ya umma,

kitendo hicho hakitahesabiwa au sheria hiyo

haitahesabiwa kuwa ni haramu au ni kinyume cha ibara


Haki ya Uhuru wa Mawazo

Uhuru wa 18.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri sheria za nchi, kila mtu yuko huru

Maoni Sheria ya kuwa na maoni yoyote na kutoa nje mawazo yake, na kutafuta,

1984 Na.15 ib.6

kupokea na kutoa habari na dhana zozote kupitia chombo

chochote bila ya kujali mipaka ya nchi, na pia ana uhuru wa

mawasiliano yake kutoingiliwa kati.

(2) Kila raia anayo haki ya kupewa taarifa wakati wote kuhusu

matukio mbalimbali nchini na duniani kote ambayo ni muhimu

kwa maisha na shughuli za wananchi, na pia juu ya masuala

muhimu kwa jamii.

Uhuru wa mtu 19.-(1) Kila mtu anastahili kuwa na uhuru wa mawazo, imani

kuamini dini na uchaguzi katika mambo ya dini, pamoja na uhuru wa mtu

atakayo Sheria

ya 1984 kubadilisha dini au imani yake.

Na.15 ib.6 (2) Bila ya kuathiri sheria zinazohusika za Jamhuri ya

Sheria ya 1992 Muungano, kazi ya kutangaza dini, kufanya ibada na kueneza

Na.4 ib… dini itakuwa ni huru na jambo la hiari ya mtu ya binafsi, na

shughuli na uendeshaji wa jumuiya za dini zitakuwa nje ya

shughuli za mamlaka ya nchi.

(3) Kila palipotajwa neno "dini" katika ibara hii ifahamike

kwamba maana yake ni pamoja na madhehebu ya dini, na

maneno mengineyo yanayofanana au kuambatana na neno hilo

nayo yatatafsiriwa kwa maana hiyo.


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Uhuru wa mtu 20.-(1) Kila mtu anastahili kuwa huru, bila ya kuathiri sheria

kushirikiana na za nchi, kukutana na watu wengine kwa hiari yake na kwa amani,

wengine Sheria

ya 1984 Na.14 kuchanganyika na kushirikiana na watu wengine, kutoa mawazo

ib.6 hadharani, na hasa zaidi kuanzisha au kujiunga na vyama au

mashirika yaliyoanzishwa kwa madhumuni ya kuhifadhi au

kuendeleza imani au maslahi yake au maslahi mengineyo.

(2) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1) haitakuwa

halali kwa chombo chochote cha siasa kuandikishwa ambacho

kutokana na Katiba au sera yake-

(a) kinakusudia kukuza au kupigania maslahi ya-

(i) imani au kundi lolote la dini;

(ii) kundi lolote la kikabila pahala watu

watokeapo, rangi au jinsia;

(iii) eneo fulani tu katika sehemu yoyote ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(b) kinapigania kuvunjwa kwa Jamhuri ya Muungano:

(c) kinakubali au kupigania matumizi ya nguvu au

mapambano kama njia za kufikia malengo yake ya


(d) kinapigania au kinakusudia kuendesha shughuli zake

za kisiasa katika sehemu moja tu ya Jamhuri ya


(e) hakiruhusu uongozi wake kuchaguliwa kwa vipindi na

kwa njia za kidemokrasia.

(3) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria inayoweka masharti

yatakayohakikisha kuwa vyama vya siasa vinazingatia mipaka na

vigezo vilivyowekwa na masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2) kuhusu

uhuru na haki ya watu kushirikiana na kujumuika.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri sheria za nchi zinazohusika ni marufuku

kwa mtu yeyote kulazimishwa kujiunga na chama chochote au

shirika lolote, au kwa chama chochote au cha siasa kukataliwa

kusajiliwa kwa sababu tu ya itikadi au falsafa.

Uhuru wa 21.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ya 5, ya 39 na ya 67

kushiriki ya Katiba hii na ya sheria za nchi kuhusiana na masharti ya


za umma kuchagua na kuchaguliwa, au kuteua na kuteuliwa kushiriki

Sheria ya 1984 katika shughuli za utawala wa nchi, kila raia wa Jamhuri ya

Na.15 Muungano anayo haki ya kushiriki katika shughuli za utawala wa

ib.6 nchi, ama moja kwa moja au kwa kupitia wawakilishi

Sheria ya 1994 waliochaguliwa na wananchi kwa hiari yao, kwa kuzingatia

Na.34 ya ib.4

utaratibu uliowekwa na sheria au kwa mujibu wa sheria.


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(2) Kila raia anayo haki na uhuru wa kushiriki kwa ukamilifu

katika kufikia uamuzi juu ya mambo yanayomhusu yeye, maisha

yake au yanayolihusu Taifa.

Haki ya Kufanya Kazi

Haki ya kufanya 22.-(1) Kila mtu anayo haki ya kufanya kazi.

kazi (2) Kila raia anasta hili fursa na haki sawa, kwa masharti ya

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 usawa, ya kushika nafasi yoyote ya kazi na shughuli yoyote iliyo

chini ya Mamlaka ya Nchi.

Haki ya kupata 23.-(1) Kila mtu, bila ya kuwapo ubaguzi wa aina yoyote,

ujira wa haki anayo haki ya kupata ujira unaolingana na kazi yake, na watu

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 wote wanaofanya kazi kulingana na uwezo wao watapata malipo

kulingana na kiasi na sifa za kazi wanayoifanya.

(2) Kila mtu anayefanya kazi anastahili kupata malipo ya


Haki ya kumiliki 24.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya sheria za nchi

mali zinazohusika, kila mtu anayo haki ya kumiliki mali, na haki ya

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 hifadhi kwa mali yake aliyonayo kwa mujibu wa sheria.

(2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1), ni marufuku

kwa mtu yeyote kunyang'anywa mali yake kwa madhumuni ya

kuitaifisha au madhumuni mengineyo bila ya idhini ya sheria

ambayo inaweka masharti ya kutoa fidia inayostahili

Wajibu wa 25.-(1) Kazi pekee ndiyo huzaa utajiri wa mali katika jamii,

kushiriki kazini ndilo chimbuko la ustawi wa wananchi na kipimo cha utu. Na kila

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 mtu anao wajibu wa-

(a) kushiriki kwa kujituma na kwa uaminifu katika kazi

halali na ya uzalishaji mali; na

(b) kutimiza nidhamu ya kazi na kujitahidi kufikia

malengo ya uzalishaji ya binafsi na yale ya pamoja

yanayotakiwa au yaliyowekwa na sheria.

(2) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1),

hakutakuwapo na kazi ya shuruti katika Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(3) Kwa madhumuni ya ibara hii, na katika Katiba hii kwa

jumla, ifahamike kwamba kazi yoyote haitahesabiwa kuwa ni kazi

ya shuruti au kazi ya kikatili au ya kutweza endapo kazi hiyo, kwa


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mujibu wa sheria ni-

(a) kazi inayobidi ifanywe kutokana na hukumu au amri

ya mahakama;

(b) kazi inayobidi ifanywe na askari wa jeshi lolote katika

kutekeleza majukumu yao;

(c) kazi ambayo mtu yeyote inabidi aifanye kutokana na

kuwapo hali ya hatari au baa lolote linalotishia uhai

wa ustawi wa jamii;

(d) kazi au huduma yoyote ambayo ni sehemu ya-

(i) majukumu ya kawaida ya kuhakikisha ustawi

wa jamii;

(ii) ujenzi wa taifa wa lazima kwa mujibu wa


(iii) jitihada za taifa za kutumia uwezo wa kila

mtu kufanya kazi kwa ajili ya kuimarisha

jamii na uchumi wa taifa na kuhakikisha

maendeleo na tija ya kitaifa.

Wajibu wa kutii 26.-(1) Kila mtu ana wajibu wa kufuata na kutii Katiba hii na

sheria za nchi sheria za Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 (2) Kila mtu ana haki, kwa kufuata utaratibu uliowekwa na

sheria, kuchukua hatua za kisheria kuhakikisha hifadhi ya Katiba

na sheria za nchi.

Kulinda mali ya 27.-(1) Kila mtu ana wajibu wa kulinda mali asilia ya Jamhuri

umma ya Muungano, mali ya Mamlaka ya Nchi na mali yote

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 inayomilikiwa kwa pamoja na wananchi, na pia kuiheshimu mali

ya mtu mwingine.

(2) Watu wote watatakiwa na sheria kutunza vizuri mali ya

mamlaka ya nchi na ya pamoja, kupiga vita aina zote za uharibifu

na ubadhilifu, na kuendesha uchumi wa taifa kwa makini kama

watu ambao ndio waamuzi wa hali ya baadaye ya taifa lao.

Ulinzi wa Taifa 28.-(1) Kila raia ana wajibu wa kulinda, kuhifadhi na

Sheria ya 1984 kudumisha uhuru, mamlaka, ardhi na umoja wa taifa.

Na.15 ib.6

(2) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria zinazofaa kwa ajili ya

kuwawezesha wananchi kutumikia katika majeshi na katika ulinzi

wa taifa.

(3) Mtu yeyote hatakuwa na haki ya kutia sahihi kwenye

mkataba wa kukubali kushindwa vita na kulitoa taifa kwa mshindi,

wala kuridhia au kutambua kitendo cha uvamizi au mgawanyiko

wa Jamhuri ya Muungano au wa sehemu yoyote ya ardhi ya


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eneo la taifa na, bila ya kuathiri Katiba hii na sheria zilizowekwa,

hakuna mtu atakayekuwa na haki ya kuwazuia raia wa Jamhuri

ya Muungano kupigana vita dhidi ya adui yeyote anayeshambulia


(4) Uhaini kama unavyofafanuliwa na sheria utakuwa ni kosa

la juu kabisa dhidi ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Masharti ya Jumla

Haki ya wajibu 29.-(1) Kila mtu katika Jamhuri ya Muungano anayo haki ya

muhimu kufaidi haki za msingi za binadamu, na matokeo ya kila mtu


kutekeleza wajibu wake kwa jamii, kama zilzivyofafanuliwa katika

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.6 ibara ya 12 hadi ya 28 za sehemu hii ya Sura hii ya Katiba.

(2) Kila mtu katika Jamhuri ya Muungano anayo haki ya

kupata hifadhi sawa chini ya sheria za Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(3) Raia yoyote wa Jamhuri ya Muungano hatakuwa na haki,

hadhi au cheo maalum kwa misingi ya nasaba, jadi au urithi


(4) Ni marufuku kwa sheria yoyote kutoa haki, hadhi au cheo

maalum kwa raia yeyote wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa misingi

ya nasaba, jadi au urithi.

(5) Ili watu wote waweze kufaidi haki na uhuru vilivyotajwa na

Katiba hii kila mtu ana wajibu wa kutenda na kuendesha shughuli

zake kwa namna ambayo haitaingilia haki na uhuru wa watu

wengine au maslahi ya umma.

Mipaka kwa 30.-(1) Haki na uhuru wa binadamu ambavyo misingi yake

haki imeorodheshwa katika Katiba hii havitatumiwa na mtu mmoja

na uhuru na

hifadhi kwa haki kwa maana ambayo itasababisha kuingiliwa kati au kukatizwa

na wajibu kwa haki na uhuru wa watu wengine au maslahi ya umma.

Sheria ya 1984 (2) Ifahamike kwamba masharti yaliyomo katika Sehemu hii

Na.15 ya Katiba hii, yanayofafanua misingi ya haki, uhuru na wajibu wa

ib.6 binadamu, hayaharamishi sheria yoyote iliyotungwa wala kuzuia

Sheria ya 1994

Na.34 ib.6 sheria yoyote kutungwa au jambo lolote halali kufanywa kwa

mujibu wa sheria hiyo, kwa ajili ya-

(a) kuhakikisha kwamba haki na uhuru wa watu wengine

au maslahi ya umma haviathiriwi na matumizi

mabaya ya uhuru na haki za watu binafsi;

(b) kuhakikisha ulinzi, usalama wa jamii, amani katika

jamii, maadili ya jamii, afya ya jamii, mipango ya

maendeleo ya miji na vijiji, ukuzaji na matumizi ya

madini au ukuzaji na uendelezaji wa mali au maslahi


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mengineyo yoyote kwa nia ya kukuza manufaa ya


(c) kuhakikisha utekelezaji wa hukumu au amri ya

mahakama iliyotolewa katika shauri lolote la madai

au la jinai;

(d) kulinda sifa, haki na uhuru wa watu wengine au

maisha binafsi ya watu wanaohusika katika mashauri

mahakamani, kuzuia kutoa habari za siri; kutunza

heshima, mamlaka na uhuru wa mahakama;

(e) kuweka vizuizi, kusimamia na kudhibiti uanzishaji,

uendeshaji na shughuli za vyama na mashirika ya

watu binafsi nchini; au

(f) kuwezesha jambo jingine lolote kufanyika ambalo

linastawisha au kuhifadhi maslahi ya taifa kwa jumla.

(3) Mtu yeyote anayedai kuwa sharti lolote katika Sehemu hii

ya Sura hii au katika sheria yoyote inayohusu haki yake au

wajibu kwake, limevunjwa, linavunjwa au inaelekea litavunjwa na

mtu yeyote popote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, anaweza

kufungua shauri katika Mahakama Kuu.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyomo katika

Katiba hii, Mahakama Kuu itakuwa na mamlaka ya kusikiliza kwa

mara ya kwanza na kuamua shauri lolote lililoletwa mbele yake

kwa kufuata ibara hii; na Mamlaka ya Nchi yaweza kuweka

sheria kwa ajili ya-

(a) kusimamia utaratibu wa kufungua mashauri kwa

mujibu wa ibara hii;

(b) kufafanua uwezo wa Mahakama Kuu katika kusikiliza

mashauri yaliyofunguliwa chini ya ibara hii;

(c) kuhakikisha utekelezaji bora wa madaraka ya

Mahakama Kuu, hifadhi na kutilia nguvu haki, uhuru

na wajibu kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii.


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(5) Endapo katika shauri lolote inadaiwa kwamba sheria

yoyote iliyotungwa au hatua yoyote iliyochukuliwa na Serikali au

mamlaka nyingine inafuta au inakatiza haki, uhuru na wajibu

muhimu zitokanazo na ibara ya 12 hadi 29 za Katiba hii, na

Mahakama Kuu inaridhika kwamba sheria au hatua inayohusika,

kwa kiwango inachopingana na Katiba ni batili au kinyume cha

Katiba basi Mahakama Kuu ikiona kuwa yafaa au hali au masilahi

ya jamii yahitaji hivyo, badala ya kutamka kuwa sheria au hatua

hiyo ni batili, itakuwa na uwezo wa kuamua kutoa fursa kwa ajili

ya Serikali au mamlaka nyingine yoyote inayohusika kurekebisha

hitilafu iliyopo katika sheria inayotuhumiwa au hatua inayohusika

katika muda na kwa jinsi itakavyotajwa na Mahakama Kuu, na

sheria hiyo au hatua inayohusika itaendelea kuhesabiwa kuwa ni

halali hadi ama marekebisho yatakapofanywa au muda

uliowekwa na Mahakama Kuu utakapokwisha, mradi muda mfupi

zaidi ndio uzingatiwe.

Madaraka ya Pekee ya Mamlaka ya Nchi

Ukiukaji wa haki 31.-(1) Mbali na masharti ya ibara ya 30(2), sheria yoyote

na uhuru iliyotungwa na Bunge haitakuwa haramu kwa sababu tu kwamba

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.6 inawezesha hatua kuchukuliwa wakati wa hali ya hatari, au

wakati wa hali ya kawaida kwa watu wanaoaminika kuwa

wanafanya vitendo vinavyohatarisha au kudhuru usalama wa

taifa, ambazo zinakiuka masharti ya ibara ya 14 na ya 15 za

Katiba hii.

(2) Ni marufuk u kwa hatua zilizotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya

(1) ya ibara hii kuchukuliwa kwa mujibu wa sheria yoyote wakati

wa hali ya hatari, au wakati wa hali ya kawaida kwa mtu yeyote,

isipokuwa tu kwa kiasi ambacho ni lazima na halali kwa ajili ya

kushughulikia hali iliyopo wakati wa hali ya hatari au wakati wa

hali ya kawaida kushughulikia hali iliyosababishwa na mwenendo

wa mtu anayehusika.

(3) Ifahamike kwamba masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii

hayataidhinisha mtu kunyang'anywa haki yake ya kuwa hai

isipokuwa tu kwa kifo kama matokeo ya vitendo vya kivita.

(4) Kwa madhumuni ya ibara hii na ibara zifuatazo za

Sehemu hii "wakati wa hali ya hatari" maana yake ni kipindi

chochote ambapo Tangazo la Hali ya Hatari, lililotolewa na Rais

kwa kutumia uwezo aliopewa katika ibara ya 32, linatumika.


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Madaraka ya 32.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri Katiba hii, au sheria iliyotungwa na

kutangaza hali Bunge kwa ajili hiyo, Rais aweza kutangaza hali ya hatari katika

ya hatari

Sheria ya 1984 Jamhuri ya Muungano au katika sehemu yake yoyote.

Na.15 ib.6 (2) Rais aweza tu kutangaza kuwa kuna hali ya hatari iwapo-

(a) Jamhuri ya Muungano iko katika vita; au

(b) kuna hatari hasa kwamba Jamhuri ya Muungano

inakaribia kuvamiwa na kuingia katika hali ya vita; au

(c) kuna hali halisi ya kuvurugika kwa amani ya jamii au

kutoweka kwa usalama wa jamii katika Jamhuri ya

Muungano au sehemu yake yoyote kiasi kwamba ni

lazima kuchukua hatua za pekee ili kurejesha amani

na usalama; au

(d) kuna hatari dhahiri na kubwa, kiasi kwamba amani ya

jamii itavurugika na usalama wa raia kutoweka katika

Jamhuri ya Muungano au sehemu yake yoyote

ambayo haiwezi kuepukika isipokuwa kwa kutumia

mamlaka ya pekee; au

(e) karibu kutatokea tukio la hatari au tukio la balaa au la

baa ya kimazingira ambalo linatishia jamii au sehemu

ya jamii katika Jamhuri ya Muungano; au

(f) kuna aina nyingineyo ya hatari ambayo kwa dhahiri ni

tishio kwa nchi.

(3) Endapo inatangazwa kwamba kuna hali ya hatari katika

Jamhuri ya Muungano nzima, au katika Tanzania bara nzima au

Tanzania Zanzibar nzima, Rais atatuma mara nakala ya tangazo

hilo kwa Spika wa Bunge ambaye, baada ya kushauriana na

Kiongozi wa Shughuli za Serikali Bungeni, ataitisha mkutano wa

Bunge, ndani ya siku zisizozidi kumi na nne, ili kuitafakari hali ya

mambo na kuamua kupitisha au kutopitisha azimio, litakaloungwa

mkono na kura za wajumbe wasiopungua theluthi mbili ya

wajumbe wote, la kuunga mkono tangazo la hali ya hatari

lililotolewa na Rais.

(4) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria inayoweka masharti kuhusu

nyakati na utaratibu ambao utawawezesha watu fulani wenye

kusimamia utekelezaji wa mamlaka ya Serikali katika sehemu

mahususi za Jamhuri ya Muungano kumuomba Rais kutumia

madaraka aliyopewa na ibara hii kuhusiana na yoyote kati ya

sehemu hizo endapo katika sehemu hizi kunatokea yoyote kati

ya hali zilizotajwa katika aya ya (c), (d) na (e) za ibara ndogo ya

(2) na hali hiyo haivuki mipaka ya sehemu hizo, na pia kwa ajili

ya kufafanua utekelezaji wa mamlaka ya Serikali wakati wa hali

ya hatari.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


(5) Tangazo la hali ya hatari lililotolewa na Rais kwa mujibu

wa ibara hii litakoma kutumika-

(a) iwapo litafutwa na Rais;

(b) endapo zitapita siku kumi na nne tangu tangazo

lilipotolewa kabla ya kupitishwa azimio lililotajwa

katika ibara ndogo ya (3);

(c) baada ya kupita muda wa miezi sita tangu tangazo

hilo lilipotolewa; isipokuwa kwamba kikao cha Bunge

cha weza, kabla ya muda wa miezi sita kupita,

kuongeza mara kwa mara muda wa tangazo hilo

kutumika kwa vipindi vya miezi mingine sita kwa

azimio litakaloungwa mkono na kura za wajumbe wa

kikao hicho wasiopungua theluthi mbili ya wajumbe


(d) wakati wowote ambapo mkutano wa Bunge

utalitengua tangazo hilo kwa azimio litakaloungwa

mkono na kura za wajumbe waiopungua theluthi mbili

ya wajumbe wote.

(6) Kwa madhumuni ya kuondoa mashaka juu ya ufafanuzi

au utekelezaji wa masharti ya ibara hii, masharti ya sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge na ya sheria nyingine yoyote, inayohusu

utangazaji wa hali ya hatari kama ilivyotajwa katika ibara hii,

yatatumika tu katika sehemu ya Jamhuri ya Muungano ambapo

hali hiyo ya hatari imetangazwa.



Na.15 ib 8



Rais wa 33.-(1) Kutakuwa na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.


ya Muungano

Sheria ya 1984 (2) Rais atakuwa Mkuu wa Nchi, Kiongozi wa Serikali na

Na.15 ib.9 Amiri Jeshi Mkuu.

Serikali ya 34.-(1) Kutakuwa na Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano

Jamhuri ya ambayo itakuwa na mamlaka juu ya mambo yote ya Muungano

Muungano na

mamlaka yake katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, na pia juu ya mambo mengine yote

Sheria ya 1984 yahusuyo Tanzania Bara.

Na.15 ib.9 (2) Mamlaka ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano yatahusu

utekelezaji na hifadhi ya Katiba hii na pia mambo mengineyo yote

ambayo Bunge lina mamlaka ya kuyatungia sheria.


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(3) Mamlaka yote ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano juu ya

mambo yote ya Muungano katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, na pia

juu ya mambo mengineyo yote yahusuyo Tanzania Bara,

yatakuwa mikononi mwa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii,

madaraka ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano yatatekelezwa

ama na Rais mwenyewe moja kwa moja au kwa kukasimu

madaraka hayo kwa watu wengine wenye madaraka katika

utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(5) Ifahamike kwamba masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii

hayatahesabiwa kwamba-

(a) yanahamishia kwa Rais madaraka yoyote ya kisheria

yaliyowekwa na sheria mikononi mwa mtu au

mamlaka yoyote ambayo si Rais; au

(b) yanalizuia Bunge kukabidhi madaraka yoyote ya

kisheria mikononi mwa mtu au watu au mamlaka

yoyote ambayo si Rais.

Utekelezaji wa 35.-(1) Shughuli zote za utendaji za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

shughuli za Muungano zitatekelezwa na watumishi wa Serikali kwa niaba ya



Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.9 (2) Amri na maagizo mengine yanayotolewa kwa madhumuni

ya ibara hii yatathibitishwa kwa namna itakavyoelezwa katika

kanuni zilizowekwa na Rais, kwa kuzingatia masharti ya Katiba


Mamlaka ya 36.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyomo katika

kuanzisha na Katiba hii na ya sheria nyingine yoyote, Rais atakuwa na

kuwateua watu

wa kushika mamlaka ya kuanzisha na kufuta nafasi za madaraka ya namna

nafasi za mbalimbali katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

madaraka (2) Rais atakuwa na madaraka ya kuteua watu wa kushika

Sheria ya 1984 nafasi za madaraka ya viongozi wanaowajibika kuweka sera za

Na.15 ib.9 idara na taasisi za Serikali, na watendaji wakuu wanaowajibika

Sheria ya 2000

Na.3 ib.6 kusimamia utekelezaji wa sera za idara na taasisi hizo katika

utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, nafasi ambazo

zimetajwa katika Katiba hii au katika sheria mbalimbali

zilizotungwa na Bunge kwamba zitajazwa kwa uteuzi

unaofanywa na Rais.

(3) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2), masharti

mengineyo yaliyomo katika Katiba hii na ya sheria yoyote

inayohusika, mamlaka ya kuwateua watu wengine wote

wasiokuwa viongozi wala watendaji wakuu, kushika nafasi za


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madaraka katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano,

na pia mamalaka ya kuwapandisha vyeo watu hao, kuwaondoa

katika madaraka, kuwafukuza kazi na mamlaka ya kudhibiti

nidhamu ya watu waliokabidhiwa madaraka, yatakuwa mikononi

mwa Tume za Utumishi na mamlaka mengineyo yaliyotajwa na

kupewa madaraka kuhusu nafasi za madaraka kwa mujibu wa

Katiba hii au kwa mujibu wa sheria yoyote inayohusika.

(4) Masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2) na ya (3) hayatahesabiwa

kuwa yanamzuia Rais kuchukua hatua za kudhibiti nidhamu ya

watumishi na utumishi katika Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Utekelezaji wa 37.-(1) Mbali na kuzingatia masharti yaliyomo katika Katiba

kazi na shughuli hii, na sheria za Jamhuri ya Muungano katika utendaji wa kazi na


Rais, n.k Sheria shughuli zake, Rais atakuwa huru na hatalazimika kufuata

ya 1984 Na.15 ushauri atakaopewa na mtu yeyote, isipokuwa tu pale

ib.9 anapotakiwa na Katiba hii au na sheria nyingine yoyote kufanya

Sheria ya 1992 jambo lolote kulingana na ushauri anaopewa na mtu au mamlaka

Na.4 ib … yoyote.


ib.12, (2) Endapo Baraza la Mawaziri litaona kuwa Rais hawezi

Sheria yua kumudu kazi zake kwa sababu ya maradhi ya mwili au ya akili,

1994 Na.34 ib.6 laweza kuwasilisha kwa Jaji Mkuu azimio la kumwomba Jaji

Mkuu athibitishe kwamba Rais, kwa sababu ya maradhi ya mwili

au ya akili hawezi kumudu kazi zake. Baada ya kupokea azimio

kama hilo, Jaji Mkuu atateua bodi ya utabibu ya watu

wasiopungua watatu atakaowateua kutoka miongoni mwa

mabingwa wanaotambuliwa na sheria ya matababu ya Tanzania,

na bodi hiyo itachunguza suala hilo na kumshauri Jaji Mkuu

ipasavyo, naye aweza, baada ya kutafakari ushahidi wa kitabibu

kuwasilisha kwa Spika hati ya kuthibitisha kwamba Rais

kutokana na maradhi ya mwili au ya akili, hamudu kazi zake; na

iwapo Jaji Mkuu hatabatilisha tamko hilo ndani ya siku saba

kutokana na Rais kupata nafuu na kurejea kazini, basi

itahesabiwa kwamba kiti cha Rais ki wazi, na masharti yaliyomo

katika ibara ndogo ya (3) yatatumika.

(3) Ikitokea kwamba Kiti cha Rais ki wazi kutokana na

masharti yaliyomo katika ibara ndogo ya (2) au endapo kiti cha

Rais kiwazi kutokana na sababu nyingine yoyote, na endapo

Rais atakuwa hayupo katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, kazi na

shuhguli za Rais zitatekelezwa na mmoja wapo na wafuatao, kwa

kufuata orodha kama ilivyopangwa, yaani-

(a) Makamu wa Rais au kama nafasi yake iwazi au kama

naye hayupo au ni mgonjwa; basi.

(b) Spika wa Bunge au, kama nafasi yake iwazi au kama

naye hayupo au ni mgonjwa; basi


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(c) Jaji Mkuu wa Mahakama ya Rufani ya Jamhuri ya


(4) Endapo yeyote kati ya watu waliotajwa katika aya ya (b)

na (c) za ibara ndogo ya (3) atatekeleza kazi na shughuli za Rais

kutokana na sababu kwamba mtu mwingine anayemtangulia

katika orodha hiyo hayupo, basi mtu huyo ataacha kutekeleza

kazi na shughuli hizo mara tu mtu huyo mwingine

anayemtangulia atakaporejea na akashika na kuanza kuteleza

kazi na shughuli za Rais.

(5) Endapo kiti cha Rais kitakuwa wazi kutokana na Rais

kufariki dunia, kujiuzulu, kupoteza sifa za uchaguzi au kutomudu

kazi zake kutokana na maradhi ya mwili au kushindwa

kutekeleza kazi na shughuli za Rais, basi Makamu wa Rais

ataapishwa na atakuwa Rais kwa muda uliobaki katika kipindi

cha miaka mitano na kwa masharti yaliyoelezwa katika ibara ya

40, kisha baada ya kushauriana na chama cha siasa anachotoka

Rais atapendekeza jina la mtu atakae kuwa Makamu wa Rais na

uteuzi huo utathibitishwa na Bunge kwa kura zisizopungua

asilimia hamsini ya Wabunge wote.

(6) Ifahamike kwamba kiti cha Rais hakitakuwa kiwazi na

Rais hatahesabiwa kwamba hayuko katika Jamhuri ya Muungano


(a) atakuwa hayupo katika mji ambao ndio makao makuu

ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(b) atakuwa hayupo katika Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa

kipindi cha muda wa saa ishirini na nne; au

(c) atakuwa ni mgonjwa lakini anatumaini kuwa atapata

nafuu baada ya muda si mrefu.

(7) Iwapo kutatokea lolote kati ya mambo yaliyotajwa katika

ibara ndogo ya (6) na Rais akiona kuwa inafaa kuwakilisha

madaraka yake kwa muda wa jambo hilo, basi aweza kutoa

maagizo kwa maandishi ya kumteua yeyote kati ya watu

waliotajwa katika aya ya (a) au ya (b) za ibara ndogo ya (3) ya

ibara hii kwa ajili ya kutekeleza madaraka ya Rais wakati yeye

hayupo au ni mgonjwa, na mtu huyo atakayeteuliwa atatekeleza

madaraka hayo ya Rais kwa kufuata masharti yoyote

yatakayowekwa na Rais; isipokuwa kwamba masharti yaliyomo

katika ibara hii ndogo yafahamike kuwa hayapunguzi wala

kuathiri uwezo wa Rais alionao kwa mujibu wa sheria nyingine

yoyote wa kuwakilisha madaraka yake kwa mtu mwingine yeyote.

(8) Rais aweza, akiona inafaa kufanya hivyo, kumwagiza kwa

maandishi Waziri yeyote kutekeleza kazi na shughuli zozote za

Rais ambazo Rais atazitaja katika maagizo yake na Waziri

aliyeagizwa hivyo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii ndogo,


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aliyeagizwa hivyo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii ndogo,

atakuwa na mamlaka ya kutekeleza kazi na shughuli hizo kwa

kufuata masharti yoyote yaliyowekwa na Rais, lakini bila ya kujali

masharti ya sheria nyingine yoyote; isipokuwa kwamba-

(a) Rais hatakuwa na mamlaka ya kuwakilisha kwa

Waziri kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii ndogo

kazi yoyote ya Rais aliyokabidhiwa na sheria yoyote

inayotokana na masharti ya mkataba wowote uliotiwa

sahihi na Jamhuri ya Muungano iwapo kisheria Rais

haruhusiwi kuwakilisha kazi hiyo kwa mtu mwingine


(b) ifahamike kwamba maagizo yanayotolewa na Rais

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii ndogo, ya

kumwagiza Waziri yeyote kutekeleza kazi yoyote ya

Rais, hayatahesabiwa kwamba yanamzuia Rais

kutekeleza kazi hiyo yeye mwenyewe.

(9) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa masharti ya ibara hii-

(a) Mkutano wa Baraza la Mawaziri uliofanywa kwa ajili

ya kuwasilisha kwa Jaji Mkuu azimio kuhusu hali ya

afya ya Rais utahesabiwa kuwa ni mkutano halali

hata kama mjumbe yeyote wa Baraza hilo hayupo au

kiti chake ki wazi, na itahesabiwa kuwa Baraza

limepitisha azimio hilo ikiwa litaungwa mkono kwa

kauli ya wajumbe walio wengi waliohudhuria mkutano

na kupiga kura.

(b) Rais hatahesabiwa kuwa hayupo katika Jamhuri ya

Muungano kwa sababu tu ya kupitia nje ya Tanzania

wakati yuko safarini kutoka sehemu moja ya

Tanzania kwenda sehemu nyingine, au kwa sababu

kwamba ametoa maagizo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara ndogo ya (7) na maagizo hayo bado


(10) Bila ya kujali masharti yaliyoelezwa hapo awali katika

ibara hii, mtu atakayetekeleza kazi na shughuli za Rais, kwa

mujibu wa ibara hii hatakuwa na madaraka ya kulivunja Bunge,

kumwondoa yeyote kati ya Mawaziri katika madaraka yake au

kufuta uteuzi wowote uliofanywa na Rais.

(11) Mtu yeyote atakayetekeleza kazi na shughuli za Rais

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii kama ni Mbunge hatapoteza

kiti chake katika Bunge wala hatapoteza sifa zake za

kuchaguliwa kuwa Mbunge kwa sababu tu ya kutekeleza kazi na

shughuli za Rais kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii.

Uchaguzi wa 38.-(1) Rais atachaguliwa na wananchi kwa mujibu wa

Rais Sheria ya masharti ya Katiba hii na kwa mujibu wa sheria itakayoweka

1984 Na.15 ib.9

masharti kuhusu uchaguzi wa Rais ambayo itatungwa na Bunge


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kwa kufuata masharti ya Katiba hii.

Sheria ya 1992 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii, kiti cha

Na.20 ib.5 Rais kitakuwa ki wazi, na uchaguzi wa Rais utafanyika au nafasi

Sheria ya 1994

Na.34 ib. hiyo itajazwa vinginevyo kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii, kadri

itakavyokuwa, kila mara litokeapo lolote kati ya mambo


(a) baada ya Bunge kuvunjwa;

(b) baada ya Rais kujiuzulu bila ya kulivunja Bunge


(c) baada ya Rais kupoteza sifa za kushika nafasi

madaraka ya kuchaguliwa;

(d) baada ya Rais kushtakiwa Bungeni kwa mujibu wa

Katiba hii, na kuondolewa katika madaraka;

(e) baada ya kuthibitishwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara ya 37 ya Katiba hii kwamba Rais hawezi

kumudu kazi na shughuli zake;

(f) baada ya Rais kufariki.

(3) Kiti cha Rais hakitahesabiwa kuwa kiwazi kwa sababu tu

ya Bunge kupitisha hoja ya kutokuwa na imani kwa Waziri Mkuu.

Sifa za mtu 39.-(1) Mtu hatastahili kuchaguliwa kushika kiti cha Rais wa

kuchaguliwa wa Jamhuri ya Muungano isipokuwa tu kama-

kuwa Rais

Sheria ya 1992 (a) ni raia wa kuzaliwa wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa

Na.4 mujibu wa Sheria ya Uraia.

Sheria ya 1994 (b) ametimiza umri wa miaka arobaini;

Na.13 ib… (c) ni mwanachama, na mgombea aliyependekezwa na

Sheria ya 1994 chama cha siasa;

Na.34 ib….

Sheria ya 2000 (d) anazo sifa za kumwezesha kuwa Mbunge au Mjumbe

Na.3 ib.7 wa Baraza la Wawakilishi,

(e) katika kipindi cha miaka mitano kabla ya tarehe ya

Uchaguzi Mkuu hajawahi kutiwa hatiani katika

Mahakama yoyote kwa kosa lolote la kukwepa kulipa

kodi yoyote ya Serikali.


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(2) Bila ya kuingilia haki na uhuru wa mtu kuwa na maoni

yake, kuamini dini atakayo, kushirikiana na wengine na kushiriki

shughuli za umma kwa mujibu wa sheria za nchi, mtu yeyote

hatakuwa na sifa za kuchaguliwa kushika kiti cha Rais wa

Jamhuri ya Muungano kama si mwananchama na mgombea

aliyependekezwa na chama cha siasa.

Haki ya 40.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyomo katika

kuchaguliwa ibara hii, mtu yeyote ambaye ni Rais anaweza kuchaguliwa tena


kushika kiti hicho.

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.9 (2) Hakuna mtu atakayechaguliwa zaidi ya mara mbili kushika

Sheria Na.34 ya kiti cha Rais.

1994 ib.9 (3) Mtu aliyewahi kuwa Rais wa Zanzibar hatapoteza sifa za

kuweza kuchaguliwa kuwa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa

sababu tu kwamba aliwahi kushika madaraka ya Rais Za nzibar.

(4) Endapo Makamu wa Rais anashika kiti cha Rais kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ya 37(5) kwa kipindi kinachopungua

miaka mitatu ataruhusiwa kugombea nafasi ya Rais mara mbili,

lakini kama akishika kiti cha Rais kwa muda wa miaka mitatu au

zaidi ataruhusiwa kugombea nafasi ya Rais mara moja tu.

Utaratibu wa 41.-(1) Baada ya Bunge kuvunjwa au kukitokea jambo jingine

uchaguzi wa lolote lililotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara ya 38 na

Rais Sheria

inalazimu uchaguzi wa Rais kufanyika, kila chama cha siasa

Na.20 ya 1992

Na.20 ib.5 kinachopenda kushiriki katika uchaguzi wa Rais kitawasilisha

Sheria Na.34 kwa Tume ya Uchaguzi, kwa mujibu wa sheria, jina la

ya 1994 mwanachama wake mmoja kinayetaka asimame kama mgombea

Na.34 ib.10 katika uchaguzi wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano na jina la

mwananchama wake mwingine kinayempendekeza kwa nafasi

ya Makamu wa Rais.

(2) Mapendekezo ya majina ya wagombea katika uchaguzi

wa Rais yatawasilishwa kwa Tume ya Uchaguzi katika siku na

saa itakayotajwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge, na

mtu hatakuwa amependekezwa kwa halali isipokuwa tu kama

kupendekezwa kwake kunaungwa mkono na wananchi wapiga

kura kwa idadi na kwa namna itakayotajwa na sheria iliyotungwa

na Bunge.

(3) Endapo inapofika saa na siku iliyotajwa kwa ajili ya

kuwasilisha mapendekezo ya majina ya wagombea, ni mgombea

mmoja tu ambaye anapendekezwa kwa halali, Tume itawasilisha

jina lake kwa wananchi, nao watapiga kura ya kumkubali au

kumkataa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii na ya sheria


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iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(4) Uchaguzi wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano utafanywa

siku itakayoteuliwa na Tume ya Uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa Sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(5) Mambo mengine yote yahusuyo utaratibu wa uchaguzi wa

Rais yatakuwa kama itakavyofafanuliwa katika sheria iliyotungwa

na Bunge kwa ajili hiyo.

(6) Mgombea yeyote wa kiti cha Rais atatangazwa kuwa

amechaguliwa kuwa Rais iwapo tu amepata kura nyingi zaidi

kuliko mgombea mwingine yeyote.

(7) Iwapo mgombea ametangazwa na Tume ya Uchaguzi

kwamba amechaguliwa kuwa Rais kwa mujibu wa ibara hii, basi

hakuna Mahakama yoyote itakayokuwa na mamlaka ya

kuchunguza kuchaguliwa kwake.

Wakati na muda 42.-(1) Rais mteule atashika madaraka ya Rais mapema

wa kushika iwezekanavyo baada ya kutangazwa kwamba amechaguliwa

madaraka ya

Rais kuwa Rais, lakini kwa hali yoyote itabidi ashike madaraka kabla

Sheria ya 1984 ya kupita siku saba.

Na.15 ib.9 (2) Isipokuwa kama atajiuzulu au atafariki mapema zaidi mtu

aliyechaguliwa kuwa Rais, bila ya kuathiri masharti yaliyo katika

ibara ndogo ya (3), atashika kiti cha Rais kwa muda wa miaka

mitano tangu siku alipochaguliwa kuwa Rais.

(3) Mtu aliyechaguliwa kuwa Rais atashika kiti cha Rais hadi-

(a) siku ambapo mtu atakayemfuatia katika kushika kiti

hicho atakula kiapo cha Rais; au

(b) siku ambapo atafariki dunia akiwa katika madaraka;


(c) siku atakapojiuzulu; au

(d) atakapoacha kushika kiti cha Rais kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya Katiba hii.

(4) Iwapo Jamhuri ya Muungano inapigana vita dhidi ya adui

na Rais anaona kuwa haiwezekani kufanya uchaguzi, Bunge

laweza mara kwa mara kupitisha azimio la kuongeza muda wa

miaka mitano uliotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii

isipokuwa kwamba muda wowote utakaoongezwa kila mara

hautazidi miezi sita.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


(5) Kila Rais mteule na kila mtu atakayeshikilia kiti cha Rais,

kabla ya kushika madaraka ya Rais, ataapa mbele ya Jaji Mkuu

wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, kiapo cha uaminifu na kiapo kingine

chochote kinachohusika na utendaji wa kazi yake

kitakachowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

Masharti ya kazi 43.-(1) Rais atalipwa mshahara na malipo meingineyo, na

ya Rais atakapostaafu atapokea malipo ya uzeeni, kiinua mgongo au

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.9 posho, kadri itakavyoamuliwa na Bunge, na mshahara, malipo

hayo mengineyo, malipo ya uzeeni na kiinua mgongo hicho,

vyote vitatokana na Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano na vitatolewa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara hii.

(2) Mshahara na malipo mengineyo yote ya Rais

havitapunguzwa wakati Rais atakapokuwa bado ameshika

madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

Madaraka ya 44.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri Katiba hii, au sheria yoyote iliyotungwa

kutangaza vita na Bunge kwa ajili hiyo, Rais aweza kutangaza kuwapo kwa hali

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.9 ya vita kati ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na nchi yoyote.

Sheria ya 1992 (2) Baada ya kutoa tangazo, Rais atapeleka nakala ya

Na.4 ib.14 tangazo hilo kwa Spika wa Bunge ambaye, baada ya

kushauriana na Kiongozi wa Shughuli za Serikali Bungeni, ndani

ya siku kumi na nne kuanzia tarehe ya tangazo, ataitisha

mkutano wa Bunge ili kutafakari hali ya mambo na kufikiria

kupitisha au kutopitisha azimio la kuunga mkono tangazo la vita

lililotolewa na Rais.

Uwezo wa 45.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyomo katika

kutoa msamaha ibara hii, Rais anaweza kutenda lolote kati ya mambo yafuatayo:-

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.9 (a) kutoa msamaha kwa mtu yeyote aliyepatikana na

hatia mbele ya mahakama kwa kosa lolote, na aweza

kutoa msamaha huo ama bila ya masharti au kwa

masharti, kwa mujibu wa sheria;

(b) kumwachilia kabisa au kwa muda maalum mtu

yeyote aliyehukumuwa kuadhibiwa kwa ajili ya kosa

lolote ili mtu huyo asitimize kabisa adhabu hiyo au

asitimize adhabu hiyo wakati wa muda huo maalum;

(c) kuibadilisha adhabu yoyote aliyopewa mtu yeyote

kwa kosa lolote iwe adhabu tahafifu;

(d) kufuta adhabu yote au sehemu ya adhabu yoyote


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aliyopewa mtu yeyote kwa ajili ya kosa lolote au

kufuta adhabu yote au sehemu ya adhabu ya kutoza,

au kuhozi (au kuchukua) kitu cha mtu mwenye hatia

ambacho vinginevyo kingechukuliwa na Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(2) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

utaratibu utakaofuatwa na Rais katika utekelezaji wa madaraka

yake kwa mujibu wa ibara hii.

(3) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika kwa watu waliohukumiwa

na kuadhibiwa Tanzania Zanzibar na kwa adhabu zilizotolewa

Tanzania Zanzibar kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge

inayotumika Tanzania Zanzibar, hali kadhalika, masharti hayo

yatatumika kwa watu waliohukumiwa na kuadhibiwa Tanzania

Bara kwa mujibu wa sheria.

Kinga dhidi ya 46.-(1) Wakati wote Rais atakapokuwa bado ameshika

mashataka ya madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii, itakuwa ni marufuku

na madai

Sheria ya 1984 kumshitaki au kuendesha mashataka ya aina yoyote juu yake

Na.15 ib.9 mahakamani kwa ajili ya kosa lolote la jinai.

Sheria ya 1992 (2) Wakati wote Rais atakapokuwa bado ameshika madaraka

Na.20 ib… yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii, haitaruhusiwa kufungua

mahakamani shauri kuhusu jambo lolote alilolitenda au alilokosa

kulitenda yeye binafsi kama raia wa kawaida ama kabla au

baada ya kushika madaraka ya Rais, ila tu kama angalau siku

thelathini kabla ya shauri kufunguliwa mahakamani, Rais

atapewa au ametumiwa kwamba taarifa ya madai kwa maandishi

kwa kufuata utaratibu uliowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge, na taarifa hiyo ikiwa inatoa maelezo

kuhusu chanzo cha shauri hilo, kiini cha madai yenyewe, jina

lake na anwani ya mahali anapoishi huyo mdai na jambo hasa


(3) Isipokuwa kama ataacha kushika madaraka ya Rais

kutokana na masharti ya ibara ya 46A(10), itakuwa ni marufuku

kumshtaki au kufungua mahakamani shauri lolote la jinai au la

kumdai mtu aliyekuwa anashika madaraka ya Rais baada ya

kuacha madaraka hayo kutokana na jambo lolote alilofanya yeye

kama Rais wakati alipokuwa bado anashika madaraka ya Rais

kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii.


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Bunge laweza 46A.-(1) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ya 46 ya Katiba hii,

kumshtaki Rais Bunge linaweza kupitisha azimio la kumuondoa Rais madarakani

Sheria ya 1992

Na.20 ib.8 endapo itatolewa hoja ya kumshtaki Rais na ikapitishwa kwa

Sheria ya 1995 mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii.

Na.12 ib.4 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya ibara hii, hoja

yoyote ya kumshtaki Rais haitatolewa isipokuwa tu kama

inadaiwa kwamba Rais-

Sheria ya …. (a) ametenda vitendo ambavyo kwa jumla vinaivunja

Katiba au Sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma;

(b) ametenda vitendo ambavyo vinakiuka maadili

yanayohusu uandikishwaji wa vyama vya siasa

yaliyotajwa katika ibara ya 20(2) ya Katiba, au

(c) amekuwa na mwenendo unaodhalilisha kiti cha Rais

wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, na haitatolewa hoja ya

namna hiyo ndani ya miezi kumi na miwili tangu hoja

kama hiyo ilipotolewa na ikakataliwa na Bunge.

(3) Bunge halitapitisha hoja ya kumshtaki Rais isipokuwa tu


(a) taarifa ya maandishi, iliyotiwa sahihi na kuungwa

mkono na Wabunge wasiopungua asilimia ishirini ya

Wabunge wote itawasilishwa kwa Spika siku

thelathini kabla ya kikao ambapo hoja hiyo

inakusudiwa kutolewa Bungeni, ikifafanua makosa

aliyoyatenda Rais, na ikipendekezwa kuwa Kamati

Maalum ya Uchunguzi iundwe ili ichunguze

mashataka yaliyowasilishwa dhidi ya Rais;

(b) wakati wowote baada ya Spika kupokea taarifa

iliyotiwa sahihi na Wabunge na kujiridhisha kuwa

masharti ya Katiba kwa ajili ya kuleta hoja

yametimizwa, Spika atamruhusu mtoa hoja

kuiwasilisha hoja hiyo, na kisha Spika atalitaka

Bunge, bila ya kufanya majadiliano, lipige kura juu ya

hoja ya kuunda Kamati Maalum ya Uchunguzi na

kama ikiungwa mkono na Wabunge waiopungua

theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote atatangaza majina ya

wajumbe wa Kamati Maalum ya Uchunguzi.

(4) Kamati Maalum ya Uchunguzi, kwa madhum uni ya ibara

hii, itakuwa na wajumbe wafuatao, yaani-

(a) Jaji Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, ambaye

atakuwa ndiye Mwenyekiti wa Kamati;

(b) Jaji Mkuu wa Tanzania Zanzibar na


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(c) Wajumbe saba walioteuliwa na Spika kwa mujibu wa

Kanuni za Bunge na kwa kuzingatia uwiano wa

uwakilishi baina ya vyama vya siasa

vinavyowakilishwa Bungeni.

(5) Endapo Bunge litapitisha hoja ya kuunda Kamati Maalum

ya Uchunguzi, Rais atahesabiwa kuwa hayupo kazini, kisha kazi

na madaraka ya Rais yatatekelezwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara ya 37(3) ya Katiba hii hadi Spika atakapomfahamisha Rais

juu ya azimio la Bunge kuhusiana na mashataka yaliyotolewa

dhidi yake.

(6) Ndani ya siku saba baada ya Kamati Maalum ya Uchuguzi

kuundwa, itakaa ichunguze na kuchambua mashataka dhidi ya

Rais, pamoja na kumpatia Rais fursa ya kujieleza, kwa kufuata

utaratibu uliowekwa na Kanuni za Bunge.

(7) Mapema iwezekanavyo, na kwa vyovyote vile katika muda

usiozidi siku tisini, Kamati Maalum ya Uchunguzi itatoa taarifa

yake kwa Spika.

(8) Baada ya Spika kupokea taarifa ya Kamati Maalum ya

Uchunguzi, taarifa hiyo itawasilishwa Bungeni kwa kufuata

utaratibu uliowekwa na Kanuni za Bunge.

(9) Baada ya taarifa ya Kamati Maalum ya Uchunguzi

kuwasilishwa kwa mujibu wa ibara ndogo ya (8), Bunge litaijadili

taarifa hiyo na litampa Rais fursa ya kujieleza, na kisha, kwa kura

za Wabunge wasiopungua theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote,

Bunge litapitisha azimio ama kuwa mashtaka dhidi ya Rais

yamethibitika, na kwamba hastahili kuendelea kushika kiti cha

Rais, au kuwa mashtaka hayo hayakuthibitika.

(10) Endapo Bunge litapitisha azimio kuwa mashtaka dhidi ya

Rais yamethibitika na kwamba hastahili kuendelea kushika kiti

cha Rais, Spika atawafahamisha Rais na Mwenyekiti wa Tume

ya Uchaguzi juu ya azimio la Bunge, na hapo Rais atawajibika

kujiuzulu kabla ya kuisha kwa siku ya tatu tangu Bunge

lilipopitisha azimio hilo.

(11) Endapo Rais ataacha kushika kiti cha Rais kutokana na

mashataka dhidi yake kuthibitika, hatakuwa na haki ya kupata

malipo yoyote ya pensheni wala kupata haki au nafuu nyinginezo

alizo nazo kwa mujibu wa Katiba au Sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Wajibu wa 46B.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri wajibu wa kila raia uliotajwa katika

viongozi wakuu ibara ya 28 ya Katiba hii, viongozi wakuu wa vyombo vyenye

wa vyombo vya

mamlaka ya mamlaka ya utendaji katika Jamhuri ya Muungano vilivyotajwa

utendaji katika, ibara ya 4 ya Katiba hii, watawajibika, kila mmoja wao

kudumisha katika kutekeleza madaraka aliyopewa kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii

Muungano au Katiba ya Zanzibar, 1984, kuhakikisha kuwa analinda

Sheria ya 1995 kuimarisha na kudumisha umoja wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Na.12 ib.5

(2) Kwa madhumuni ya masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1), kila

mmojwawapo wa viongozi wakuu wa vyombo vyenye mamlaka

ya utendaji katika Jamhuri ya Muungano kabla ya kushika

madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii ataapa kuitetea na

kudumisha umoja wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa mujibu wa

Katiba hii.

(3) Viongozi Wakuu wanaohusika na masharti ya ibara hii:-

(a) Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(b) Makamu wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(c) Rais wa Zanzibar, na

(d) Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.



Mkamu mmoja 47.-(1) Kutakuwa na Makamu wa Rais ambaye atakuwa

wa Rais, kazi ndiye Msaidizi Mkuu wa Rais kuhusu mambo yote ya Jamhuri ya

na mamlaka

Muungano kwa jumla, na hususan-


Sheria ya 1994 (a) atamsaidia Rais katika kufuatilia utekelezaji wa siku

Na.34 ib.11 hata siku za Mambo ya Muungano;

Sheria ya 2000 (b) atafanya kazi zote atakazoagizwa na Rais;

Na.3 ib.9 (c) atafanya kazi zote za Rais kama Rais hayuko kazini

au yuko nje ya nchi.

(2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ya 37(5), Makamu wa

Rais atapatikana kwa kuchaguliwa katika uchaguzi ule ule kwa

pamoja na Rais, baada ya kupendekezwa na chama chake

wakati ule ule anapopendekezwa mgombea kiti cha Rais na

watapigiwa kura kwa pamoja. Mgombea kiti cha Rais

akichaguliwa basi na Mahakmu wa Rais atakuwa amechaguliwa.

(3) Mtu atateuliwa kugombea kiti cha Makamu wa Rais kwa

kufuata kanuni kwamba endapo Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano

atatoka sehemu moja ya Muungano, basi Makamu wa Rais

atakuwa ni mtu anayetoka sehemu ya pili ya Muungano.


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(4) Mtu hatateuliwa kugombea au kushika kiti cha Makamu

wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano isipokuwa tu kama-

(a) ni raia wa kuzaliwa wa Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa

mujibu wa sheria ya Uraia;

(b) ametimiza umri wa miaka arobaini;

(c) ni mwanachama na mgombea aliyependekezwa na

chama cha siasa;

(d) anazo sifa za kumwezesha kuwa Mbunge au Mjumbe

wa Baraza la Wawakilishi;

(e) katika kipindi cha miaka mitano kabla ya tarehe ya

uchaguzi hajawahi kutiwa hatiani katika Mahakama

yoyote kwa kosa lolote la kukwepa kulipa kodi yoyote

ya Serikali.

(5) Chama chochote hakitazuiwa kumpendekeza mtu yeyote

kuwa mgombea kiti cha Makamu wa Rais kwa sababu tu

kwamba mtu huyo kwa wakati huo ameshika kiti cha Rais wa

Zanzibar au kiti cha Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(6) Makamu wa Rais hatakuwa kwa wakati huo huo Mbunge,

Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, wala Rais wa Zanzibar.

(7) Endapo mtu ambaye ni Waziri Mkuu, au Rais wa Zanzibar

anateuliwa au kuchaguliwa kuwa Makamu wa Rais ataacha kiti

cha Waziri Mkuu, au cha Rais wa Zanzibar, kadri itakavyokuwa.

(8) Makamu wa Rais atatekeleza madaraka yake chini ya

uongozi na usimamizi wa Rais, na ataongoza na kuwajibika kwa

Rais kuhusu mambo au shughuli zozote atakazokabidhiwa na


Wakati wa 48.-(1) Makamu wa Rais atashika madaraka ya Makamu wa

Makamu wa

Rais siku hiyo hiyo Rais anaposhika madaraka.

Rais kushika

madaraka (2) Makamu wa Rais aliyeteuliwa kwa mujibu wa ibara ya

Sheria ya 1994 50(3) ataapa na kushika madaraka yake baada ya uteuzi wake

Na.34 ibara 11 kuthibitishwa na Bunge.

Kiapo cha 49. Makamu wa Rais, kabla ya kushika madaraka yake

Makamu wa ataapishwa mbele ya Jaji Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, kiapo


Sheria cha uaminifu na pia kiapo kingine chochote kinachohusika na

Na.34 ya 1994 utendaji wa kazi yake kitakachowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria

ib.11 iliyotungwa na Bunge.


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Muda wa 50.-(1) Isipokuwa kama atajiuzulu au atafariki mapema zaidi,

Makamu wa mtu aliyechaguliwa, au kuteuliwa kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 37(5),

Rais kushika

madaraka. kuwa Makamu wa Rais, bila ya kuathiri masharti mengine ya

Sheria ya 1994 ibara hii, atashika kiti cha Makamu wa Rais kwa muda wa miaka

Ibara 11. Sheria mitano tangu alipochaguliwa kuwa Makamu wa Rais.

ya 1995 Na.12 (2) Makamu wa Rais atashika kiti hicho hadi-

ibara 6 (a) muda wake utakapokwisha;

Sheria ya 2000

Na.3 ib.10

(b) akifariki dunia akiwa katika madaraka;

(c) atakapojiuzulu;

(d) atakapoapishwa kuwa Rais baada ya kiti cha Rais

kuwa wazi;

(e) atakapotiwa hatiani kwa kosa lolote la jinai

linaloonyesha utovu wake wa uaminifu;

(f) atakapoapishwa Rais mwingine kushika nafasi ya

Rais pamoja na Makamu wake;

(g) atakapoondolewa madarakani baada ya kushtakiwa

Bungeni kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya

(3) ya ibara hii;

(h) atakapoacha kushika kiti cha Makamu wa Rais

vinginevyo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

(3) Bunge litakuwa na madaraka ya kumuondoa Makamu wa

Rais madarakani kama yale liliyonayo kuhusiana na Rais,

isipokuwa kwamba hoja yoyote ya kumshtaki Makamu wa Rais

itatolewa tu kama inadaiwa kwamba:-

(a) Rais amewasilisha hati ya Spika inayoeleza kwamba

Makamu wa Rais ameacha au ameshindwa

kutekeleza kazi za Makamu wa Rais;

(b) ametenda vitendo ambavyo kwa jumla vinaivunja

Katiba au Sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma;

(c) ametenda vitendo ambavyo vinakiuka maadili

yanayohusu uandikishwaji wa vyama vya siasa

yaliyotajwa katika ibara ya 20(2) ya Katiba; au

(d) amekuwa na mwenendo unaodhalilisha kiti cha Rais

wa Jamhuri ya Muungano au kiti cha Makamu wa


na haitatolewa hoja ya namna hiyo ndani ya miezi kumi na miwili

tangu hoja hiyo ilipotolewa na ikakataliwa na Bunge.

(4) Ikitokea kwamba kiti cha Makamu wa Rais ki wazi

kutokana na masharti yaliyomo katika ibara ya 50(3), kifo au

kujiuzulu basi mapema iwezekanavyo na kwa vyovyote ndani ya

siku zisizozidi kumi na nne baada ya kushika madaraka yake,

Rais atamteua mtu atakayekuwa Makamu wa Rais na uteuzi huo

utathibitishwa na Bunge kwa kura za Wabunge walio wengi.

(5) Masharti mengine yote ya ibara ya 46A ya Katiba


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yatatumika pia kuhusiana na Makamu wa Rais isipokuwa tu

kwamba Makamu wa Rais aliyeondolewa tena madarakani chini

ya ibara ndogo ya (3) hatakuwa na sifa tena za kushika nafasi ya

Rais, Makamu wa Rais, Waziri Mkuu wala Rais wa Zanzibar.


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Waziri Mkuu

Waziri Mkuu 51.-(1) Kutakuwa na Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano

wa Jamhuri ya atakayeteuliwa na Rais kwa kufuata masharti ya ibara hii na


Sheria ya ambaye kabla ya kushika madaraka yake ataapa mbele ya Rais

1992 Na.20 kwa kiapo kinachohusika na kiti cha Waziri Mkuu kitakachowekwa

ibara 9 na Bunge.

(2) Mapema iwezekanavyo, na kwa vyovyote vile ndani ya siku

kumi na nne, baada ya kushika madaraka yake, Rais atamteua

Mbunge wa kuchaguliwa kutoka katika Jimbo la Uchaguzi

anayetokana na chama cha siasa chenye Wabunge wengi zaidi

Bungeni au kama hakuna chama cha siasa chenye Wabunge

wengi zaidi, anayeelekea kuungwa mkono na Wabunge walio

wengi kwa Waziri Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano, naye hatashika

madaraka hayo mpaka kwanza uteuzi wake uwe umethibitishwa

na Bunge kwa azimio litakaloungwa mkono na kura za Wabunge

walio wengi.

(3) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii, Waziri

Mkuu atashika kiti cha Waziri Mkuu hadi-

(a) siku ambapo Rais mteule ataapa kushika kiti chake;


(b) siku ambapo atafariki dunia akiwa katika madaraka; au

(c) siku atakapojiuzulu; au

(d) siku Rais atakapomteua Mbunge mwingine kuwa

Waziri Mkuu; au

(e) atakapoacha kushika kiti cha Waziri Mkuu kwa mujibu

wa masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii.

Kazi na 52.-(1) Waziri Mkuu atakuwa na madaraka juu ya udhibiti,


usimamiaji, utekelezaji wa siku hata siku wa kazi na shughuli za

ya Waziri

Mkuu Sheria Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

ya 1984 Na.15 (2) Waziri Mkuu atakuwa Kiongozi wa Shughuli za Serikali

ib.9 Bungeni.

(3) Katika utekelezaji wa madaraka yake, Waziri Mkuu

atatekeleza au kusababisha utekelezaji wa jambo lolote au

mambo yoyote ambayo Rais ataagiza kwamba yatekelezwe.


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Uwajibikaji wa 53.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Katiba hii, Waziri Mkuu

Serikali atawajibika kwa Rais kuhusu utekelezaji wa madaraka yake.

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 (2) Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, chini ya mamlaka ya

ibara 9 Rais, ndiyo itakuwa na uwezo wa kufanya maamuzi juu ya sera ya

Serikali kwa jumla, na Mawaziri, chini ya uongozi wa Waziri Mkuu,

watawajibika kwa pamoja Bungeni kuhusu utekelezaji wa shughuli

za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Kura ya 53A.-(1) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ya 51 ya Katiba hii,

kutokuwa na Bunge linaweza kupitisha azimio la kura ya kutokuwa na imani na


Sheria ya Waziri Mkuu endapo itatolewa hoja kupendekeza hivyo na

1992 Na.20 ikapitishwa kwa mujibuwa wa masharti ya ibara hii.

ibara 10 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya ibara hii, hoja

Sheria ya yoyote ya kutaka kupitisha kura ya kutokuwa na imani na Waziri

1995 Na.12 Mkuu haitatolewa Bungeni endapo-

ibara 7

(a) haina uhusiano na utekelezaji wa majukumu ya Waziri

Mkuu kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 52 ya Katiba hii, wala

hakuna madai kwamba Waziri Mkuu amevunja Sheria

ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma;

(b) haijapita miezi sita tangu alipoteuliwa;

(c) haijapita miezi tisa tangu hoja ya namna hiyo

ilipotolewa Bungeni na Bunge likakataa kuipitisha.

(3) Hoja ya kura ya kutokuwa na imani na Waziri Mkuu

haitapitishwa na Bunge isipokuwa tu kama-

(a) taarifa ya maandishi, iliyotiwa sahihi na kuungwa

mkono na Wabunge wasiopungua asilimia ishirini ya

Wabunge wote itatolewa kwa Spika, siku angalau kumi

na nne kabla ya siku inapokusudiwa kuwasilishwa


(b) Spika atajiridhisha kuwa masharti ya Katiba kwa ajili

ya kuleta hoja yametimizwa.

(4) Hoja iliyotimiza masharti ya ibara hii itawasilishwa Bungeni

mapema iwezekanavyo kwa mujibu wa Kanuni za Bunge.

(5) Hoja ya kutokuwa na imani na Waziri Mkuu itapitishwa tu

iwapo inaungwa mkono na Wabunge walio wengi.

(6) Endapo hoja ya kura ya kutokuwa na imani kwa Waziri

Mkuu itaungwa mkono na Wabunge wengi, Spika atawasilisha

azimio hilo kwa Rais, na mapema iwezekanavyo, na kwa vyovyote

vile ndani ya siku mbili tangu Bunge lilipopitisha azimio la hoja ya

kura ya kutokuwa na imani kwa Waziri Mkuu, Waziri Mkuu

atatakiwa ajiuzulu, na Rais atamteua Mbunge mwingine kuwa

Waziri Mkuu.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Baraza la Mawaziri na Serikali

Baraza la 54.-(1) Kutakuwa na Baraza la Mawaziri ambalo wajumbe

Mawaziri wake watakuwa ni Makamu wa Rais, Waziri Mkuu, Rais wa

Sheria ya

Zanzibar na Mawaziri wote.

1984 Na.15

ibara 9 (2) Rais atahudhuria mikutano ya Baraza la Mawaziri na ndiye

Sheria Na.4 atkayeongoza mikutano hiyo. Na endapo Rais hayupo basi

ya 1992 ib… mikutano itaongozwa na Makamu wa Rais na kama wote wawili

Sheria Na.34 Rais na Makamu wa Rais hawapo Waziri Mkuu ndiye ataongoza

ya 1994 ibara

12 Mikutano hiyo.

(3) Bila ya kuathiri masharti yaliyomo katika ibara ya 37(1) ya

Katiba hii, Baraza la Mawaziri litakuwa ndicho chombo kikuu cha

kumshauri Rais juu ya mambo yote yanayohusika na utekelezaji

wa madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii, na

litamsaidia na kumshauri Rais juu ya jambo lolote

litakalowasilishwa kwenye Baraza hilo kwa mujibu wa maagizo

maalum au maagizo ya jumla yatakayotolewa na Rais.

(4) Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali atahudhuria mikutano yote

ya Baraza la Mawaziri na atakuwa na haki zote za mjumbe wa

mikutano hiyo isipokuwa hatakuwa na haki ya kupiga kura katika

mikutano hiyo.

(5) Suala kama ushauri wowote, na ni ushauri gani, ulitolewa

na Baraza la Mawaziri kwa Rais, halitachunguzwa katika

mahakama yoyote.

Uteuzi wa 55.-(1) Mawaziri wote ambao ni wajumbe wa Baraza la

Mawaziri Mawaziri kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 54 watateuliwa na Rais baada

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 ya kushauriana na Waziri Mkuu.

ibara 9

(2) Pamoja na Mawaziri waliotanjwa katika ibara ndogo ya (1),

Rais aweza, baada ya kushauriana na Waziri Mkuu, kuwateua

Naibu Mawaziri. Naibu Mawaziri wote hawatakuwa wajumbe wa

Baraza la Mawaziri.

(3) Rais aweza kuteua idadi yoyote ya Naibu Mawaziri ambao

watawasaidia Mawaziri katika utekelezaji wa kazi na shughuli zao.

(4) Mawaziri na Naibu Mawaziri wote watateuliwa kutoka

miongoni mwa Wabunge.

(5) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1) ikitokea

kwamba Rais anahitajiwa kumteua Waziri au Naibu Waziri baada

ya Bunge kuvunjwa, basi aweza kumteua mtu yeyote ambaye

alikiwa Mbunge kabla ya Bunge kuvunjwa.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Kiapo cha 56. Waziri au Naibu Waziri hatashika madaraka yake ila mpaka

Mawaziri na awe ameapa kwanza mbele ya Rais kiapo cha uaminifu na pia


Mawaziri kiapo kingine chochote kinachohusika na utendaji wa kazi yake

Sheria ya kitakachowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

1984 Na.15

ibara 9

Mawaziri 57.-(1) Muda wa kushika madaraka ya Waziri na Naibu Waziri

kushika utaanza tarehe atakapoteuliwa kushika madaraka hayo.


Sheria ya (2) Kiti cha Waziri au Naibu Waziri kitakuwa wazi litokeapo lo

1984 Na.15 lote kati ya mambo yafuatayo:-

ibara 9

Sheria ya (a) endapo mwenye madaraka atajiuzulu au kufariki

1992 Na.20 dunia;

ibara 9

Sheria ya (b) ikiwa mwenye madaraka hayo atakoma kuwa Mbunge

1992 Na.20 kwa sababu yoyote isiyohusika na kuvunjwa kwa

ibara 11


Sheria ya (c) ikiwa Rais atafuta uteuzi na kumuondoa kazini

1995 Na.12 mwenye madaraka hayo;

ibara 8

(d) iwapo atachaguliwa kuwa Spika;

(e) iwapo Waziri Mkuu atajiuzulu au kiti chake kikiwa wazi

kwa sababu nyingine yoyote;

(f) ukiwadia wakati wa Rais mteule kushika madaraka ya

Rais basi mara tu kabla Rais mteule hajashika

madaraka hayo;

(g) iwapo Baraza la Maadili linatoa uamuzi unaothibitisha

kwamba amevunja Sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa


Masharti ya 58. Mawaziri na Naibu Mawaziri watashika madaraka yao kwa

kazi ridhaa ya Rais, na watalipwa mshahara, posho na malipo

ya Mawaziri

Sheria ya mengineyo kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

1984 Na.15

ibara 9


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Mwanasheria 59.-(1) Kutakuwa na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali ya

Mkuu wa Jamhuri ya Muungano ambaye katika ibara zifuatazo za Katiba hii

Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya atatajwa tu kwa kifupi kama "Mwanasheria Mkuu" ambaye

Muungano atateuliwa na Rais.

Sheria ya (2) Mtu yeyote hatastahili kuteuliwa kushika madaraka ya

1984 Na.15 Mwanasheria Mkuu isipokuwa tu kama kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii

ibara 9 ana sifa maalum, kama ilivyofafanuliwa katika ibara ya 109(8)

Sheria ya zinazomwezesha kuteuliwa kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu ya

1992 Jamhuri ya Muungano au Jaji wa Mahakam Kuu ya Zanzibar, na

Na.4 ibara 16 amekuwa na mojawapo ya hizo sifa maalum kwa muda

usiopungua miaka mitano.

(3) Mwanasheria Mkuu atakuwa ndiye mshauri wa Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano juu ya mambo ya sheria na, kwa ajili hiyo,

atawajibika kutoa ushauri kwa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano

kuhusu mambo yote ya kisheria, na kutekeleza shughuli

nyinginezo zozote zenye asili ya au kuhusiana na sheria

zitakazopelekwa kwake au atakazoagizwa na Rais kuzitekeleza,

na pia kutekeleza kazi au shughuli nyinginezo zilizokabidhiwa

kwake na Katiba hii au na sheria yoyote.

(4) Katika kutekeleza kazi na shughuli zake kwa mujibu wa

ibara hii, Mwanasheria Mkuu atakuwa na haki ya kuhudhuria na

kusikilizwa katika Mahakama zote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(5) Mwanasheria Mkuu atakuwa Mbunge kutokana na wadhifa

wake, na atashika madaraka yake mpaka-

(a) uteuzi wake utakapofutwa na Rais au

(b) mara tu kabla ya Rais mteule kushika madaraka ya

Rais, na atalipwa mshahara, posho na malipo

mengine kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

Katibu wa 60. Kutakuwa na Katibu wa Baraza la Mawaziri ambaye

Baraza atakuwa ndiye mtendaji mkuu katika Ofisi ya Baraza la Mawaziri,

la Mawaziri

sheria ya 1984 na atatekeleza shughuli zifuatazo kwa kufuata maagizo ya jumla

Na.15 au maalum atakayopewa na Rais, yaani:

ib. 9

(a) kuanda ratiba ya mikutano ya Baraza na kutayarisha

orodha ya shughuli za kila mkutano;

(b) kuandika na kuweka kumbukumbu za mikutano ya


(c) kutoa taarifa na maelezo ya maamuzi ya Baraza kwa

kila mtu au chombo cha umma kinachohusika na

uamuzi wowote; na


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(d) kutekeleza kazi na shughuli nyingine zozote

atakazoagizwa mara kwa mara na Rais.

Wakuu wa 61.-(1) Kutakuwa na Mkuu wa Mkoa kwa kila mkoa katika

Mikoa Sheria Jamhuri ya Muungano ambaye, bila ya kuathiri ibara ndogo ya (3),

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.9 atakuwa ni kiongozi katika Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(2) Wakuu wa Mikoa katika Tanzania Bara watateuliwa na

Rais baada ya kushauriana na Waziri Mkuu.

(3) Wakuu wa Mikoa katika Tanzania Zanzibar watateuliwa na

Rais wa Zanzibar baada ya kushauriana na Rais.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (5), kila Mkuu

wa Mkoa, atakuwa na wajibu wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa kazi na

shughuli zote za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano katika mkoa

aliokabidhiwa; na kwa ajili hiyo, atatekeleza kazi na shughuli zote

zilizotajwa na sheria, au kwa mujibu wa sheria kama hizi au

shughuli za Mkuu wa Mkoa na atakuwa na madaraka yote

yatakayotajwa na sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(5) Pamoja na wajibu na madaraka yake yaliyotajwa kwenye

masharti yaliyotangulia ya ibara hii, Mkuu wa Mkoa kwa mkoa

wowote katika Tanzania Zanzibar atatekeleza kazi za shughuli za

Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar atakazokabidhiwa na Rais wa

Zanzibar, na kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar 1984 au sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na Baraza la






Bunge 62.-(1) Kutakuwa na Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano ambalo

Sheria ya litakuwa na sehemu mbili, yaani Rais na Wabunge.

1984 Na.15

ib.12 (2) Bunge litakuwa na wajumbe wa aina zote zilizotajwa katika

ibara ya 66 ya Katiba hii ambao wote wataitwa Wabunge.

(3) Iwapo jambo lolote lahitaji kuamuliwa au kutekelezwa na

sehemu zote mbili za Bunge kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katika hii

au masharti ya sheria nyingine yoyote, basi jambo hilo

halitahesabiwa kuwa limeamuliwa au limetekelezwa ipasavyo ila

mpaka liwe limeamuliwa au limetekelezwa na Wabunge na vile

vile na Rais, kwa mujibu wa madaraka yao kuhusu jambo hilo.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Madaraka ya 63.-(1) Rais kama sehemu moja ya Bunge atatekeleza

Bunge Sheria madaraka yote aliyokabidhiwa na Katiba hii kwa ajili hiyo.

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.12 (2) Sehemu ya pili ya Bunge itakuwa ndicho chombo kikuu cha

Jamhuri ya Muungano ambacho kitakuwa na madaraka, kwa

niaba ya wananchi, kuisimamia na kuishauri Serikali ya Jamhuri

Sheria ya ya Muungano na vyombo vyake vyote katika utekelezaji wa

1992 majukumu yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii.

Na.4 ib.17

Sheria ya (3) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji wa madaraka yake Bunge

1992 laweza-

Na.20 ib.11 (a) kumuuliza Waziri yeyoyote swali lo lote kuhusu

mambo ya umma katika Jamhuri ya Muungano

ambayo yako katika wajibu wake;

(b) kujadili utekelezaji wa kila Wizara wakati wa Mkutano

wa Bunge wa kila mwaka wa bajeti;

(c) kujadili na kuidhinisha mpango wowote wa muda

mrefu au wa muda mfupi unaokusudiwa kutekelezwa

katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, na kutunga sheria ya

kusimamia utekelezaji wa mpango huo;

(d) kutunga sheria pale ambapo utekelezaji unahitaji

kuwapo sheria;

(e) kujadili na kuridhia mikataba yote inayohusu Jamhuri

ya Muungano na ambayo kwa masharti yake inahitaji


Madaraka ya 64.-(1) Mamlaka yote ya kutunga sheria juu ya mambo

kutunga mengine yote yahusuyo Tanzania Bara, yatakuw mikononi mwa

Sheria Sheria

ya 1984 Na.12 Bunge.


(2) Mamlaka yoyote ya kutunga sheria katika Tanzania

Zanzibar juu ya mambo yote yasiyo mambo ya Muungano

yatakuwa mikononi mwa Baraza la Wawakilishi.

(3) Endapo sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na Baraza la Wawakilishi

inahusu jambo lolote katika Tanzania Zanzibar ambalo liko chini

ya mamlaka ya Bunge, sheria hiyo itakuwa batili na itatanguka na

pia endapo sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na Bunge inahusu jambo

lolote ambalo liko chini ya mamlaka ya Baraza la Wawakilishi,

sheria hiyo itakuwa batili na itatanguka.

(4) Sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na Bunge kuhusu jambo lo lote

haitatumika Tanzania Zanzibar ila kwa mujibu wa masharti


(a) sheria hiyo iwe imetamka wazi kwamba itatumika

Tanzania Bara na vile vile Tanzania Zanzibar au iwe

inabadilisha, kurekebisha au kufuta sheria inayotuka

Tanzania Zanzibar; au

(b) sheria hiyo iwe inabadilisha au kurekebisha au kufuta


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


sheria iliyokuwa inatumika tangu zamani Tanzania

Bara ambayo ilikuwa inatumika pia Tanzania Zanzibar

kwa mujibu wa Mapatano ya Muungano wa

Tanganyika na Zanzibar, ya mwaka 1964 au kwa

mujibu wa Sheria yoyote ambayo ilitamka wazi

kwamba itatumika Tanzania Bara na vile vile Tanzania

Zanzibar; au

(c) Sheria hiyo iwe inahusu mambo ya Muungano, na kila

inapotajwa Tanzania katika Sheria yoyote ifahamike

kuwa sheria hiyo itatumika katika Jamhuri ya

Muungano kwa mujibu wa Ufafanuzi uliotolewa na

masharti ya ibara hii.

(5) Bila ya kuathiri kutumika kwa Katiba ya Zanzibar kwa

mujibu wa Katiba hii kuhusu mambo yote ya Tanzania Zanzibar

yasiyo Mambo ya Muungano, Katiba hii itakuwa na nguvu ya

sheria katika Jamhuri nzima ya Muungano na endapo sheria

nyingine yoyote itakiuka masharti yaliyomo katika Katiba hii,

Katiba ndiyo itakuwa na nguvu, na sheria hiyo nyingine, kwa kiasi

inachokiuka Katiba itakuwa batili.

Muda wa 65.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii,

Bunge Sheria maisha ya kila Bunge yatakuwa ni muda wa miaka mitano.

ya 1984 Na.15


(2) Kwa madhumuni ya Katiba hii maneno "maisha ya Bunge"

maana yake ni ule muda wote unaoanzia tarehe ambapo Bunge

jipya limeitishwa kukutana kwa mara ya kwanza baada ya

Uchaguzi Mkuu na kuishia tarehe ya kuvunjwa kwa Bunge kwa

ajili ya kuwezesha Uchaguzi Mkuu mwingine wa kawaida



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania





Wajumbe wa Bunge

Wabunge 66.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengine ya ibara hii, kutakuwa

Sheria ya na aina zifuatazo za Wabunge, yaani-

1984 Na.15

Ibara 13 (a) Wabunge waliochaguliwa kuwakilisha majimbo ya

sheria ya 1992 uchaguzi;

Na.4 Sheria (b) Wabunge wanawake wa idadi inayoongezeka, kuanzia

1992 Na.4 asilimia ishirini ya Wabunge waliotajwa katika aya ya

Ibara 18 (a), (c ) na (d), itakayotajwa mara kwa mara na Tume

Sheria ya

1995 Na.12 ya Uchaguzi kwa taarifa iliyochapishwa katika Gazeti

Ibara 9 la Serikali baada ya kupata kibali cha Rais,

Sheria ya watakaochaguliwa na vyama vya siasa

2000 vinavyowakilishwa Bungeni, kwa mujibu wa ibara ya

Na.3 ib.11 78, na kwa kuzingatia masharti ya uwiano wa

uwakilishi baina ya vyama hivyo;

(c) Wabunge watano waliochaguliwa na Baraza la

Wawakilishi kutoka miongoni mwa wajumbe wake;

(d) Mwanasheria Mkuu;

(e) Wabunge wasiozidi kumi walioteuliwa na Rais kutoka

miongoni mwa watu wenye sifa kwa mujibu wa ibara

ya 67, isipokuwa sifa iliyotajwa katika ibara ya


(2) Rais na Makamu wa Rais kila mmojawao hatakuwa


(3) Endapo Mkuu wa Mkoa atachaguliwa kuwa Mbunge

anayewakilisha wilaya ya uchaguzi au endapo Mbunge

anayewakilisha wilaya ya uchaguzi atateuliwa kuwa Mkuu wa

Mkoa, Bunge litahesabiwa kuwa lina idadi ya Wabunge

inayohitajika na shughuli zake zitakuwa halali ingawaje idadi ya

jumla ya kawaida ya Wabunge kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara

hii, itakuwa imepungua kutokana na uchaguzi huo wa Mkuu wa

Mkoa au uteuzi huo wa Mbunge anayewakilisha wilaya ya



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Sifa za mtu 67.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii, mtu

kuwa Mbunge yeyote atakuwa na sifa za kustahili kuchaguliwa au kuteuliwa

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 kuwa Mbunge endapo-

ib.13 (a) ni raia wa Jamhuri ya Muungano aliyetimiza umri wa

Sheria ya miaka ishirini na moja, na ambaye anajua kusoma na

1992 Na.4 kuandika katika Kiswahili au Kiingereza;

ib.19 Sheria (b) ni mwanachama na ni mgombea aliyependekezwa na

ya 1994 Na.34

ib.13 Sheria chama cha siasa;

ya 1995 Na.12 (c) katika kipindi cha miaka mitano kabla ya tarehe ya

ib.10 Uchaguzi hakuwahi kutiwa hatiani katika mahakama

Sheria ya yoyote kwa kosa lolote la kukwepa kulipa kodi yoyote

2000 ya Serikali.

Na.3 ib.12

(2) Mtu hatakuwa na sifa za kustahili kuchaguliwa au kuteuliwa

kuwa Mbunge-

(a) ikiwa mtu huyo anao au kwa hiari yake amejipatia

uraia wa nchi nyingine yote; au

(b) ikiwa kwa mujibu wa sheria inayotumika katika

Jamhuri ya Muungano imethibitishwa rasmi kwamba

mtu huyo ana ugonjwa wa akili; au

(c) ikiwa mtu huyo amehukumiwa na Mahakama yoyote

katika Jamhuri ya Muungano na kupewa adhabu ya

kifo au ya kufungwa gerezani kwa muda unaozidi

miezi sita kwa kukutwa na hatia ya kosa lolote,

vyovyote linavyoitwa, linaloambatana na utovu wa

uaminifu; au

(d) ikiwa katika kipindi cha miaka mitano kabla ya tarehe

ya Uchaguzi Mkuu amepata kuhukumiwa na kupewa

adhabu ya kifungo kwa kosa linaloambatana na utovu

wa uaminifu au kwa kuvunja sheria ya Maadili ya

Viongozi wa Umma;

(e) bila ya kuingilia haki na uhuru wa mtu kuwa na maoni

yake, kuamini dini atakayo, kushirikiana na wengine

na kushiriki shughuli za umma kwa mujibu wa sheria

za nchi, ikiwa mtu huyo si mwanachama na mgombea

aliyependekezwa na chama cha siasa;

(f) ikiwa mtu huyo ana masilahi yoyote katika mkataba wa

Serikali wa aina yoyote aliyowekewa miiko maalum

kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge, na iwapo

amekiuka miiko hiyo;

(g) ikiwa mtu huyo ameshika madaraka ya afisa

mwandamizi katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano, isipokuwa madaraka ambayo Rais aweza

au anatakiwa kukabidhi kwa Mbunge kwa mujibu wa

Katiba hii au sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge;

(h) ikiwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


inayoshughulikia makosa yanayohusika na uchaguzi

wa aina yoyote mtu huyo amezuiliwa kujiandikisha

kama mpiga kura au kupiga kura katika uchaguzi wa


(3) Mtu hataweza kugombea uchaguzi kuwa Mbunge wa

kuwakilisha jimbo la uchaguzi katika Uchaguzi Mkuu wowote ikiwa

wakati huo yeye amesimama katika uchaguzi kugombea kiti cha

Rais, wala hataweza kugombea uchaguzi kuwa Mbunge katika

uchaguzi mdogo wowote ikiwa yeye ni Rais.

(4) Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

yatakayomzuia mtu asichaguliwe kuwa Mbuge wa kuwakilisha

jimbo la uchaguzi ikiwa mtu huyo ni mwenye madaraka

yanayohusika na shughuli za kuongoza au kusimamia uchaguzi

wa Wabunge au shughuli za uandikishaji wa wapiga kura kwa ajili

ya uchaguzi wa Wabungel isipokuwa kwamba Sheria kama hiyo

haiwezi kuweka masharti yatakayomzuia Spika wa Bunge

asichaguliwe kuwa Mbunge wa kuwakilisha wilaya ya uchaguzi,

wala masharti yatakayosababisha mtu aliyechaguliwa kuwa Spika

kupoteza kiti hicho cha Spika au kiti chake cha kawaida katika


(5) Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

yatakayomuzia mtu asichaguliwe kuwa Mbunge wa kuwakilisha

wilaya ya uchaguzi kwa muda wowote utakaotajwa na Bunge (ili

mradi muda huo usizidi miaka mitano) ikiwa mtu huyo atapatikana

na hatia mbele ya mahakama kwa ajili ya aina yoyote ya makosa

yatakayotajwa katika Sheria hiyo yanayohusika na uchaguzi wa


(6) Kwa madhumuni ya kutoa fursa ya kukata rufaa kwa

mujibu wa Sheria kwa mtu yeyote aliyethibitishwa rasmi kisheria

kuwa ana ugonjwa wa akili au aliyehukumiwa na kupewa adhabu

ya kifo au ya kufungwa gerezani au aliyepatikana na hatia ya kosa

lolote lililotajwa katika Sheria kwa mujibu wa ibara ndogo ya (5) ya

ibara hii, Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

masharti yatakayoeleza kwamba hiyo hukumu inayopingwa na

mtu huyo haitakuwa na nguvu kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa masharti

ya ibara ndogo ya (2) au ya (5) ya ibara hii mpaka upite kwanza

muda utakaotajwa katika sheria hiyo.

(7) Kanuni zifuatazo zitatumika kwa ajili ya ufafanuzi wa aya

ya ( c), ya (d) na ya (e) za ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii, yaani-

(a) ikiwa mtu amepewa adhabu mbili au zaidi za

kufungwa gerezani na imeamuliwa afungwe kwa muda

wa mfululizo, basi adhabu hizo zitahesabiwa kama ni

adhabu mbalimbali iwapo muda uliotajwa katika kila

moja ya adhabu hizo hauzidi miezi sita; lakini iwapo

muda uliotajwa katika adhabu yoyote kati ya adhabu

hizo unazidi miezi sita basi adhabu hizo zote

zitahesabiwa kama ni adhabu moja;


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


zitahesabiwa kama ni adhabu moja;

(b) ikiwa mtu atapewa adhabu ya kufungwa gerezani

ikifahamika kuwa adhabu hiyo ya kifungo imetolewa

badala ya adhabu ya kutozwa faini au imetolewa kwa

sababu mtu huyo ameshindwa kulipa faini aliyoamriwa

kulipa, basi muda wa kifungo cha namna hiyo


(8) Katika aya ya (f) ya ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii

"mkataba wa Serikali" maana yake ni mapatano yoyote ya

mkataba ambayo mmojawapo wa walioshiriki ni Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano au Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar au Idara

yoyote ya Serikali hiyo au mtumishi yeyote wa Serikali aliyeshiriki

kwa niaba ya Serikali.

[ibara ndogo ya (9), (10), (11) na ya 12 zimefutwa na Sheria

Na.4 ya 1992 Ib.19 (d)]

(13) Kwa ajili ya ufafanuzi wa maelezo kuhusu sifa za

uchaguzi yaliyomo katika ibara zifuatazo, kila itakapotajwa katika

Katiba hii kwamba utekelezaji wa jambo lolote wahitaji mtu

mwenye sifa za uchaguzi au mtu ambaye hakupoteza sifa za

uchaguzi, basi, isipokuwa kama maelezo yahitajia vinginevyo,

ifahamike kuwa sifa zinazohusika ni zile zinazomwezesha mtu

kuchaguliwa kuwa Mbunge wa kuwakilisha jimbo la uchaguzi

kama ilivyoelezwa katika ibara ndogo ya (a) ya ibara hii.

Kiapo cha 68. Kila Mbunge atatakiwa kuapishwa katika Bunge kiapo cha

Wabunge uaminifu kabla hajaanza kushiriki katika shughuli za Bunge; lakini

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 Mbunge aweza kushiriki katika uchaguzi wa Spika hata kabla

ib.13 hajaapishwa.

Tamko rasmi 69.-(1) Kila Mbunge atatakiwa, kabla ya kumalizika siku

la Wabunge thelathini tangu aapishwe kushika madaraka yake kama Mbunge


maadili ya kuwasilisha kwa Spika nakala mbili za tamko rasmi kwamba

viongozi hajapoteza sifa za uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya aya ya (d)

Sheria ya ya ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara ya 67.

1995 Na.12


(2) Tamko rasmi linalotakiwa kuwasilishwa kwa Spika kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii litatolewa kwa kutumia fomu

maalum itakayowekwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria iliyotungwa na


(3) Spika atawasilisha kwa Kamishna wa Maadili nakala moja

ya kila tamko rasmi lililowasilishwa kwake kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibara hii.


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(4) Katika ibara hii na katika ibara ya 70 na ya 84 "Kamishna

wa Maadili" maana yake ni Kamishna aliyeteuliwa kuwa kiongozi

wa Sekretariati ya Maadili iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 132 ya Katiba


Wabunge 70.-(1) Kila Mbunge atatakiwa kuwasilisha kwa Spika nakala

kutoa taarifa mbili za taarifa rasmi ya maelezo ya mali yake na kadri

ya mali Sheria

ya 1995 Na.12 itakavyokuwa, mali ya mke au mume wake. Taarifa itatolewa kwa

ib.12 kutumia fomu maalum itakayowekwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge na itatolewa mara kwa mara kama

itakavyoagizwa na Sheria hiyo.

(2) Spika atawasilisha kwa Kamishna wa Maadili nakala moja

ya kila taarifa rasmi iliyowasilishwa kwake kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibra hii.

(3) Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

kwa makusudi ya kusimamia hifadhi ya taarifa ya mali

iliyowasilishwa na Mbunge kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii, na

kuhakikisha kwamba watu wasioruhusiwa au wasiohusika

hawapati nafasi ya kuona taarifa ya mali wala kujua yaliyomo

katika taarifa ya mali.

Muda wa 71.-(1) Mbunge atakoma kuwa Mbunge na ataacha kiti chake

Wabunge katika Bunge litokeapo lolote kati ya mambo yafuatayo-


Madaraka (a) ikiwa litatokea jambo lolote ambalo, kama asingekuwa

Sheria ya Mbunge lingemfanya asiwe na sifa za uchaguzi au

1984 Na.15 apoteze sifa za uchaguzi au asiweze kuchaguliwa au

ib.13 kuteuliwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii;

Sheria ya


Na.4 ib.22

Sheria ya

1994 Na.34


(b) ikiwa Mbunge huyo atachaguliwa kuwa Rais;

(c) ikiwa Mbunge atakosa kuhudhuria vikao vya Mikutano

ya Bunge Mitatu mfululizo bila ya ruhusa ya Spika;

(d) ikiwa itathibitishwa kwamba amevunja masharti ya

Sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma;

(e) ikiwa Mbunge ataacha kuwa mwanachama wa chama

alichokuwamo wakati alipochaguliwa au alipoteuliwa

kuwa Mbunge;

(f) iwapo Mbunge anachaguliwa au anateuliwa kuwa

Makamu wa Rais;


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(g) kwa Mbunge ambaye anatakiwa kutoa taarifa rasmi ya

mali kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ya 70, ikiwa

atashindwa kutoa hilo tamko rasmi kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya hiyo ibara ya 70 katika muda uliowekwa

mahususi kwa ajili hiyo kwa mujibu wa sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge,

lakini iwapo Mbunge hatakoma kuwa Mbunge kwa mujibu wa

jambo lolote kati ya mambo hayo yaliyotajwa na kama hatajiuzulu

au kufariki mapema zaidi, basi Mbunge ataendelea kushika

madaraka yake kama Mbunge mpaka wakati Bunge

litakapovunjwa kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 90, bila ya kuathiri haki na

stahili zinazotokana na ubunge wake.

(2) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

yatakayomwezesha Mbunge kukata rufaa, kwa mujibu wa sheria

kupinga hukumu ya kuthibitishwa kwake kuwa ni mtu mwenye

ugonjwa wa akili au kupinga adhabu ya kifo au kufungwa

gerezani, au kupinga kupatikana kwake na hatia kwa kosa la aina

iliyotajwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (5) ya ibara

ya 67 ya Katiba hii na sheria hiyo yaweza kueleza kwamba hiyo

hukumu iliyopingwa na huyo Mbunge haitatiliwa nguvu kisheria

mpaka umalizike kwanza muda utakaotajwa katika sheria hiyo.

Watu wenye 72. Iwapo mtu yeyote mwenye madaraka katika utumishi wa

madaraka Serikali, madaraka ya aina iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 67(2)(g)




utumishi (a) kuwa mgombea uchaguzi wa Rais au wa nafasi

wanapochagul nyingine yoyote chini ya Katiba hii;

iwa Sheria ya (b) kugombea uongozi wa ngazi yoyote katika chama cha

1992 siasa kinyume na masharti ya ajira,

Na.4 ib.23

Sheria ya mtu huyo atahesabiwa kuwa utumishi wake umekoma tangu

1995 Na.12 tarehe yake ya kuwa mgombea uchaguzi au ya kugombea

ib.14 uongozi katika chama cha siasa.

Masharti ya 73. Wabunge wote wa aina zote watashika madaraka yao kwa

kazi mujibu wa Katiba hii, na watalipwa mshahara, posho na malipo

ya Wabunge

Sheria ya mengine kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

1984 Na.15



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Tume ya Uchaguzi

Masharti ya 74.-(1) Kutakuwa na Tume ya Uchaguzi ya Jamhuri ya

kazi Muungano ambayo itakuwa na wajumbe wafuatao watakaoteuliwa

ya Wabunge

na Rais:-

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 (a) Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu au Jaji wa Mahakama ya

ib.13 Rufani, ambaye atakuwa mwenyekiti;

Sheria ya (b) Makamu Mwenyekiti ambaye atakuwa mtu

2000 anayeshika, aliyewahi kushika au anayestahili

Na.3 ib.14

kuteuliwa kushika madaraka ya Jaji wa Mahakama

Kuu au Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani;

(c) wajumbe wengine watakaotajwa na sheria iliyotungwa

na Bunge.

(2) Rais atamteua Makamu wa Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya

Uchaguzi kwa kufuata kanuni kwamba endapo Mwenyekiti ni mtu

anayetoka sehemu moja ya Muungano, Makamu wake atakuwa ni

mtu anayetoka sehemu ya pili ya Muungano.

(3) Watu wafuatao hawataweza kuteuliwa kuwa wajumbe wa

Tume ya Uchaguzi yaani-

(a) Waziri au Naibu Waziri;

(b) mtu mwenye madaraka ya aina yoyote iliyotajwa

mahsusi na sheria iliyotunga na Bunge kwamba ni

mwiko kwa mtu mwenye madaraka hayo kuwa

mjumbe wa Tume ya Uchaguzi;

(c) Mbunge, Diwani au mtu mwingine mwenye madaraka

ya aina yaliyotajwa na sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya aya ya (g) ya ibara ndogo

ya (2) ya ibara ya 67 ya Katiba hii.

(d) Kiongozi wa chama chochote cha siasa.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya ibara hii, Mjumbe

wa Tume ya Uchaguzi atakoma kuwa Mjumbe litokeapo lolote

katika ya mambo yafuatayo-

(a) Ukimalizika muda wa miaka mitano tangu

alipoteuliwa; au

(b) ikiwa litatokea jambo lolote ambalo, kama

asingekuwa Mjumbe wa Tume, lingemfanya asiweze

kuteuliwa kuwa Mjumbe wa Tume ya Uchaguzi.

(5) Rais aweza tu kumwondoa katika madaraka Mjumbe wa

Tume ya Uchaguzi kwa sababu ya kushindwa kutekeleza kazi

zake, ama kutokana na maradhi au sababu nyingine yoyote, au

kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya au kupoteza sifa za kuwa mjumbe.

(6) Majukumu ya Tume ya Uchaguzi yatakuwa ni-


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(a) kusimamia na kuratibu uandikishaji wa wapiga kura

katika uchaguzi wa Rais na Wabunge katika Jamhuri

ya Muungano;

(b) kusimamia na kuratibu uendeshaji wa uchaguzi wa

Rais na Wabunge;

(c) kuchunguza mipaka na kuigawa Jamhuri ya

Muungano katika maeneo mbalimbali kwa ajili ya

uchaguzi wa Wabunge;

(d) kusimamia na kuratibu uandikishaji wa wapiga kura na

uendeshaji wa uchaguzi wa madiwani;

(e) kutekeleza majukumu mengine yoyote kwa mujibu wa

Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(7) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji bora wa majukumu yake

yaliyoainishwa katika ibara hii, Tume ya Uchaguzi itakuwa ni idara

huru inayojitegemea, itafanya maamuzi yake rasmi kuhusu

utekelezaji wa majukumu yake kwa vikao, na mtendaji wake mkuu

atakuwa ni Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi ambaye atateuliwa na

kufanya kazi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya sheria iliyotungwa na


(8) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

ya kuweka utaratibu wa kusimamia uchaguzi wa Wabunge

wanaowakilisha majimbo ya uchaguzi.

(9) Tume ya Uchaguzi yaweza kutekeleza shughuli zake bila

ya kujali kwamba kuna nafasi miongoni mwa viti vya wajumbe au

kwamba Mjumbe mmojawapo hayupo, lakini kila uamuzi wa Tume

ya Uchaguzi ni lazima uungwe mkono na wajumbe walio wengi

kati ya Wajumbe wote wa Tume ya Uchaguzi.

(10) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

masharti ya kuweka utaratibu wa kuwateua Wajumbe wa

kusimamia uchaguzi wa Wabunge wanaowakilisha majimbo ya

uchaguzi na, bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Sheria kama hiyo au

maagizo ya Tume ya Uchaguzi, madaraka ya Tume ya Uchaguzi

ya kusimamia uchaguzi yaweza kutekelezwa na wajumbe hao.

(11) Katika kutekeleza madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya Katiba hii, Tume ya Uchaguzi haitalazimika kufuata

amri au maagizo ya mtu yeyote au idara yoyote ya Serikali, au

maoni ya chama chochote cha siasa.

(12) Hakuna mahakama yoyote itakayokuwa na mamlaka ya

kuchunguza jambo lolote lililotendwa na Tume ya Uchaguzi katika

kutekeleza madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

(13) Katika utekelezaji wa madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa

Katiba hii, Tume ya Uchaguzi ya Jamhuri ya Muungano

itashauriana mara kwa mara na Tume ya Uchaguzi ya Tanzania



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


(14) Itakuwa ni marufuku kwa watu wanaohusika na uchaguzi

kujiunga na chama chochote cha siasa, isipokuwa tu kwamba kila

mmoja wao atakuwa na haki ya kupiga kura iliyotajwa katika ibara

ya 5 ya Katiba hii.

(15) Kwa madhumuni ya ibara ndogo ya (14) watu

wanaohusika na uchaguzi ni-

(a) Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Uchaguzi,

(b) Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Uchaguzi,

(c) Wajumbe wote wa Tume ya Uchaguzi,

(d) Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi pamoja na watumishi wote

wa Tume ya Uchaguzi,

(e) Wasimamizi wote wa Uchaguzi katika miji na wilaya


Majimbo ya Uchaguzi

Majimbo ya 75.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyo katika ibara

uchaguzi hii, Jamhuri ya Muungano itagawanywa katika majimbo ya


uchaguzi kwa idadi na kwa namna itakavyoamuliwa na Tume ya

ya 1992 Na.4

ib.24 Uchaguzi baada ya kupata kibali cha Rais.

(2) Bila ya kuathiri sheria yoyote inayotumika kuhusu mambo

hayo, Tume ya Uchaguzi, baada ya kupata kibali cha Rais itakuwa

na mamlaka ya kuweka mipaka ya majimbo ya uchaguzi.

(3) Katika kuweka mipaka ya majimbo ya uchaguzi, Tume ya

Uchaguzi itazingatia ipasavyo upatikanaji wa njia za mawasiliano,

na pia hali ya kijiografia ya eneo linalokusudiwa kugawanywa

katika majimbo ya uchaguzi.

(4) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Katiba hii na ya sheria yoyote

inayohusika na mgawanyo wa nchi katika majimbo ya uchaguzi,

Tume ya Uchaguzi yaweza mara kwa mara, na angalao kila baada

ya miaka kumi, kuchunguza mgawanyo wa Jamhuri ya Muungano

katika majimbo ya uchaguzi, na yaweza kubadilisha majimbo ya

uchaguzi kama matokeo ya uchunguzi huo au kutokana na

matokeo ya hesabu ya watu wote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(5) Endapo baada ya uchung uzi kufanywa kuhusu mgawanyo

wa Jamhuri ya Muungano katika majimbo ya uchaguzi

kunafanyika mabadiliko katika majimbo ya uchaguzi, au katika

idadi ya Wabunge wanaowakilisha majimbo ya uchaguzi au

mabadiliko kwa idadi ya majimbo ya uchaguzi au idadi ya

Wabunge, basi mabadiliko yatakayotokea katika idadi ya

Wabunge wanaowakilisha majimbo ya uchaguzi yataanza

kutumika wakati Bunge litakapovunjwa tena baada ya kutokea

mabadiliko hayo ya idadi ya majimbo au idadi ya Wabunge katika

majimbo ya uchaguzi.


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(6) Bila kujali masharti mengineyo ya ibara hii, hakuna

Mahakama yoyote itakayokuwa na mamlaka ya kuchunguza

jambo lolote lililotendwa na Tume katika utekelezaji wake wa

kugawa Jamhuri ya Muungano katika majimbo ya uchaguzi.

Uchaguzi na Uteuzi wa Wabunge

Uchaguzi 76.-(1) Kila mara baada ya Bunge kuvunjwa, kutakuwa na

katika uchaguzi wa Wabunge katika majimbo yote ya uchaguzi.

majimbo za

(2) Hali kadhalika, kutakuwa na uchaguzi wa Mbunge katika


Sheria jimbo la uchaguzi, ikiwa kiti cha Mbunge yeyote aliyechaguliwa

ya 1984 Na.15 kuwakilisha jimbo hilo kitakuwa wazi kwa sababu nyingine yoyote

ib. 13 isiyohusika na kuvunjwa kwa Bunge.

Sheria ya


Na.3 ib.15

(3) Bila ya kujali masharti ya ibara hii yaliyotangulia, ifahamike

kwamba ikiwa tarehe ya kuvunjwa Bunge imetangazwa au

inafahamika kutokana na matukio yaliyoelezwa katika ibara ndogo

ya (3) ya ibara ya 90, basi uchaguzi wa namna hiyo hautafanywa

katika kipindi chote cha miezi kumi na mbili ya nyuma ikihesabiwa

tangu tarehe hiyo.

Utaratibu wa 77.-(1) Wabunge wanaowakilisha majimbo ya uchaguzi

uchaguzi wa watachaguliwa na wananchi kwa kufuata masharti ya Katiba hii na

wabunge wa

majimbo ya vile vile masharti ya sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa mujibu wa

uchaguzi Katiba hii inayoweka masharti kuhusu uchaguzi wa Wabunge

Sheria ya wanaowakilisha majimbo ya uchaguzi.

1992 (2) Isipokuwa pale ambapo Tume ya Uchaguzi, kwa mujibu wa

Na.4 ib. 25 masharti ya Katiba hii au Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa ajili

hiyo, itaagiza vinginevyo, kutachaguliwa Mbunge mmoja tu katika

jimbo la uchaguzi.

(3) Wagombea uchaguzi katika jimbo la uchaguzi watatakiwa

watimize masharti yafuatayo-

(a) wawe wamependekezwa mmoja mmoja, na chama

cha siasa kinachoshiriki uchaguzi katika jimbo hilo;

(b) wamewasilisha majina yao kwa Tume ya Uchaguzi

kwa mujibu wa utaratibu uliowekwa na sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge au uliofafanuliwa na Tume ya

Uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa sheria.


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Utaratibu wa 78.-(1) Kwa madhumuni ya uchaguzi wa Wabunge, Wanawake

uchaguzi wa waliotajwa katika ibara ya 66(1) (b), vyama vya siasa vilivyoshiriki


wanawake uchaguzi, kwa kufuata utaratibu uliowekwa, vitapendekeza kwa

Sheria ya Tume ya Uchaguzi majina ya wanawake kwa kuzingatia masharti

1992 Na.4 ya uwiano wa uwakilishi baina ya vyama vilivyoshinda uchaguzi

ib.26 katika majimbo na kupata viti Bungeni. Tume ya Uchaguzi

Sheria ya ikiridhika kuwa mtu yeyote aliyependekezwa anazo sifa za kuwa


Na.3 ib.16 Mbunge itamtangaza kuwa amechaguliwa kuwa Mbunge, na

masharti ya ibara ya 83 ya Katiba hii yatatumika kuhusu

kuchaguliwa kwa mtu huyo kuwa Mbunge.

(2) Mtu yeyote hataweza kupendekezwa na chama chochote

cha siasa kwa ajili ya uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa ibara hii ila tu iwapo

anazo sifa za kustahili kuchaguliwa zilizotajwa na masharti ya

ibara ya 67 ya Katiba hii.

(3) Majina ya watu waliopendekezwa kwa mujibu wa ibara

ndogo ya (1) na Tume ya Uchaguzi yatatangazwa kama matokeo

ya uchaguzi baada ya Tume ya Uchaguzi kuridhika kwamba

masharti ya Katiba na Sheria yanayohusika yamezingatiwa.

(4) Orodha ya majina ya wagombea wanawake iliyowasilishwa

kwa Tume ya Uchaguzi na kila chama kwa ajili ya uchaguzi mkuu

ndiyo itakayotumiwa na Tume ya Uchaguzi baada ya kushauriana

na chama kinachohusika, kwa madhumuni ya kujaza nafasi yoyote

ya Mbunge wa aina hii inapotokea wakati wowote katika maisha

ya Bunge.

Utaratibu wa 79. Baraza la Wawakilishi litaweka utaratibu litakaoufuata kwa

uchaguzi wa ajili ya kufanya uchaguzi wa Wabunge waliotajwa katika ibara

Wabunge wa

66(1) ( c) ya Katiba hii.



Baraza la 80. [Ibara 80 ya Katiba imefutwa na sheria Na.4 ya 1992

Wawakilishi Ibara 27].

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15



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Utaratibu wa 81. Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii, Tume ya

kupendekeza Uchaguzi yaweza kuweka masharti yanayofafanua utaratibu

majina ya

wagombea utakaotumiwa na vyama vya siasa kwa ajili ya kuchagua na

Uchaguzi wa kupendekeza majina ya Wabunge wa aina iliyotajwa katika ibara

Wabunge ya 66(1) (b).



ya 1992 Na.4


82. [Ibara ya 82 ya Katiba imefutwa na Sheria Na.4 ya

1992 ibara 29.

Uamuzi wa 83.-(1) Kila shauri kwa ajili ya kupata uamuzi juu ya suala-

suala kama (a) kama uchaguzi au uteuzi wa mtu yeyote kuwa mbunge

mtu ni Mbunge

Sheria za ulikuwa halali au sivyo; au

1979, Na.14 (b) kama Mbunge amekoma kuwa Mbunge na kiti chake

Ibara 8 1984 katika Bunge ki wazi au hapana,

Na.15 Ibara 13 litafunguliwa na kusikilizwa kwanza katika Mahakama Kuu ya

1990 Na.14 Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania bila ya kuathiri masharti ya

1992 Na.4

Ibara 30 ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii.

(2) Iwapo Tume ya Uchaguzi katika kutekeleza madaraka yake

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibra ya 41(3) ya Katiba hii

imemtangaza Mbunge yeyote kwamba amechaguliwa kuwa Rais

basi hakuna mahakama wala chombo chochote kingine

kitakachochunguza zaidi suala lolote linalohusu kiti cha Mbunge

huyo kuwa wazi.

(3) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti

kuhusu mambo yafuatayo-

(a) watu wanaoweza kufungua shauri katika Mahakama

Kuu kwa ajili ya kupata uamuzi juu ya suala lolote kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii;

(b) sababu na nyakati za kufungua shauri la namna hiyo,

utaratibu wa kufungua shauri na masharti

yanayotakiwa yatimizwe kwa kila shauri kama hilo; na

(c) kutaja mamlaka ya Mahakama Kuu juu ya shauri kama

hilo na kueleza utaratibu wa kuskiliza shauri lenyewe.

(4) Kutakuwa na haki ya kukata rufaa mbele ya Mahakama ya

Rufani ya Tanzania kupinga uamuzi wa Mahakama Kuu juu ya

shauri lolote lililosikilizwa kwa mujibu wa mahsarti ya ibara hii.



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Spika na Naibu wa Spika

Spika na 84.-(1) Kutakuwa na Spika wa Bunge ambaye atachaguliwa na

mamlaka yake Wabunge kutoka miongoni mwa watu ambao ni Wabunge au

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 wenye sifa za kuwa Wabunge; atakuwa ndiye kiongozi wa Bunge

ib.14 Sheria na atawakilisha Bunge katika vyombo na vikao vingine vyote nje

ya 1992 ya Bunge.

Na.4 ib.31 (2) Waziri, Naibu Waziri au mtu mwenye madaraka ya aina

Sheria ya nyingine yoyote itakayotajwa na Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa

1995 Na.12

ib.15 madhumuni ya ibdara hii, hataweza kuchaguliwa kuwa Spika.

(3) Mtu yeyote atakayechaguliwa kuwa Spika atatakiwa, kabla

ya kumaliza siku kumi na tano tangu kuchaguliwa kwake,

kuwasilisha kwa Rais tamko rasmi kwamba hajapoteza sifa za

uchaguzi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya aya ya (d) ya ibara ndogo ya

(2) ya ibara ya 67. Tamko hilo litatolewa kwa kutumia fomu

maalum itakayowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na


(4) Rais atawasilisha kwa Kamishna wa Maadili nakala moja

ya kila tamko rasmi lililowasilishwa kwake kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibara ndogo ya (3) ya ibara hii.

(5) Spika atatakiwa kuwasilisha kwa Rais nakala mbili za

taarifa rasmi ya maelezo ya mali ya huyo Spika na, kadri

itakavyokuwa, mali ya mke au mume wake. Spika atatoa taarifa

hiyo kwa kutumia fomu maalum iliyowekwa kwa ajili hiyo kwa

mujibu wa Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge na atatoa taarifa ya

namna hiyo mara kwa mara kadri itakavyoagiza sheria hiyo.

(6) Masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2) na ya (3) ya ibara ya 70

yatatumika pia, kwa kadri itakavyowezekana, kwa taarifa ya mali

yoyote itakayotolewa na Spika, kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara


(7) Spika atakoma kuwa Spika na ataacha kiti cha Spika

litokeapo lolote kati ya mambo yafuatayo-

(a) iwapo mtu huyo alichaguliwa kutoka miongoni mwa

Wabunge, basi ikiwa atakoma kuwa Mbunge kwa

sababu yoyote ambayo haihusiki na kuvunjwa Bunge;


(b) ikiwa kutatokea jambo lolote ambalo, kama

asingekuwa Spika, lingemfanya mtu huyo asiwe na

sifa za uchaguzi au apoteze sifa za uchaguzi wa

Spika; au

(c) Bunge litakapokutana kwa mara ya kwanza baada ya

Uchaguzi Mkuu uliofanywa baada ya Bunge kuvunjwa,

lakini masharti ya aya hii yatatumika bila ya kuathiri


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masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (4) ya ibara ya 90 ya

Katiba hii; au

(d) ikiwa mtu huyo ataondolewa kwenye madaraka ya

Spika kwa azimio la Bunge lililoungwa mkono na

Wabunge amabo idadi yao haipungui theluthi mbili ya

Wabunge wote; au

(e) ikiwa mtu huyo atashindwa kuwasilisha kwa Rais

tamko rasmi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo

(5) ya ibara hii; au

(f) ikiwa mtu huyo atapatikana na hatia kwa kosa la kutoa

habari za uongo, kwa kiapo kinyume cha sheria ya

Kanuni ya jinai, kuhusu tamko rasmi lolote lililotolewa

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (3) ya ibara

hii; au

(g) ikiwa mtu huyo atashindwa kuwasilisha kwa Rais

taarifa ya mali kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo

ya (5) ya ibara hii kabla ya kumalizika muda uliowekwa

kwa ajili hiyo kwa mujibu wa sheria iliotungwa na


(h) ikiwa itathibitika kuwa mtu huyo amevunja masharti ya

Sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma;

(8) Hakuna shughuli yoyote itakayotekelezwa katika Bunge

(isipokuwa uchaguzi wa Spika) wakati wowote ambao kiti cha

Spika kitakuwa ki wazi.

(9) Mtu yeyote ambaye si Mbunge atakayechaguliwa kuwa

Spika, atatakiwa, kabla ya kuanza kutekeleza madaraka yake,

kuapishwa katika Bunge kiapo cha uaminifu.

Naibu wa 85.-(1) Kutakuwa na Naibu wa Spika wa Bunge ambaye

Spika Sheria atachaguliwa na wajumbe kutoka miongoni mwa Wabunge.

ya 1984 Na.15


(2) Waziri, Naibu Waziri au mtu mwenye madaraka ya aina

nyingine yoyote itakayotajwa na Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa

madhumuni ya ibara hii, hataweza kuchaguliwa kuwa Naibu wa


(3) Wabunge watamchagua Naibu wa Spika nyakati zifuatazo-

(a) Bunge litakapokutana kwa mara ya kwanza baada ya

Uchaguzi Mkuu au mapema iwezekanavyo baada ya

wakati huo; na

(b) katika kikao cha kwanza cha Bunge baada ya kiti cha

Naibu wa Spika, kuwa wazi kwa sababu yoyote

isiyohusika na Bunge kuvunjwa au mapema

iwezekanavyo baada ya kikao hicho.

(4) Naibu wa Spika, atakoma kuwa Naibu wa Spika na ataacha

kiti cha Naibu wa Spika litokeapo lolote kati ya mambo yafuatayo-


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(a) ikiwa mtu huyo atakoma kuwa Mbunge; au

(b) ikiwa kutatokea jambo lolote ambalo kama

asingekuwa Naibu wa Spika, lingemfanya mtu huyo

asiwe na sifa za uchaguzi au apoteze sifa za uchaguzi

wa Naibu wa Spika; au

(c) ikiwa mtu huyo ataondolewa kwenye madaraka ya

Naibu wa spika kwa azimio la Bunge.

Utaratibu wa 86.-(1) Kutakuwa na uchaguzi wa Spika katika kikao cha

kumchagua kwanza cha Mkutano wa Kwanza wa Bunge Jipya, na katika kikao

Spika na

Naibu wa cha kwanza chochote mara baada ya kutokea nafasi katika kiti

Spika cha Spika.

Sheria 1984 (2) Kutakuwa na uchaguzi wa Naibu wa Spika wakati wo wote

Na.15 katika Mkutano wa Kwanza wa Bunge Jipya utakaoteuliwa na

Ib.14 Bunge na vile vile katika kikao cha kwanza cha Bunge mara

baada ya kutokea nafasi katika kiti cha Naibu wa Spika.

(3) Uchaguzi wa Spika, na vile vile uchaguzi wa Naibu wa

Spika, utafanywa kwa kura ya siri, na utaendeshwa kwa kufuata

utaratibu uliowekwa na Kanuni za Bunge.

Ofisi ya Bunge

Katibu wa 87.-(1) Kutakuwa na Katibu wa Bunge ambaye atateuliwa na

Bunge Sheria Rais kutoka miongoni mwa watu wenye madaraka ya juu katika

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.14 utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(2) Katibu wa Bunge atakuwa ndiye mtendaji mkuu katika Ofisi

ya Bunge na atawajibika kwa utendaji bora wa shughuli za Bunge

kwa kuzingatia masharti ya Katiba hii na ya sheria inayohusika.

Sekretariati ya 88.-(1) Kutakuwa na Sekretariati ya Bunge itakayokuwa na

Bunge nafasi za madaraka katika utumishi wa Serikali kwa idadi

Sheria ya

1984 Na.15 atakayoagiza Rais.

ib.14 (2) Sekretariati ya Bunge itakuwa na watumishi kwa idadi na

ngazi za utumishi itakavyoamuliwa mara kwa mara na Tume ya

Utumishi inayohusika baada ya kushauriana na Katibu wa Bunge.

(3) Sekretariati ya Bunge chini ya uongozi wa Katibu wa

Bunge itaendeleza kazi na shughuli zote zilizowekwa au

zitakazokuwa ni muhimu kwa ajili ya kuhakikisha utekelezaji bora

wa Bunge na wa Wabunge wa madaraka ya Bunge chini ya Katiba



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Utaratibu wa Shughuli Bungeni

Kanuni za 89.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Katiba hii Bunge laweza

kudumu za kutunga Kanuni za Kudumu kwa ajili ya kuweka utaratibu wa


Sheria ya kutekeleza shughuli zake.

1984 Na.14 (2) Kanuni za Kudumu zilizotungwa kwa mujibu wa ibara hii

ib.14 zaweza kuweka utaratibu wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa shughuli

za Sekretariati ya Bunge na pia utekelezaji wa Shughuli za Bunge

ndani ya Bunge na zile za Kamati na Kamati ndogo za Bunge.

Kuitishwa kwa 90.-(1) Baada ya Uchaguzi Mkuu Rais ataitisha Mkutano wa

mikutano ya Bunge Jipya ufanyike kabla ya kupita siku saba tangu kutangazwa

Bunge na

Kuvunjwa kwa matokeo ya huo Uchaguzi Mkuu katika majimbo ya uchaguzi yote

Bunge isipokuwa katika majimbo yale ambako uchaguzi umefutwa na

kufanywa upya.

(2) Rais hatakuwa na uwezo wa kulivunja Bunge wakati

wowote, isipokuwa tu-

(a) kama Bunge limemaliza muda wa uhai wake kwa

mujibu wa ibara ya 65 ya Katiba hii; au wakati wowote

katika miezi kumi na miwili ya mwisho ya uhai wa

Bunge, isipokuwa tu kama Spika amepokea taarifa

rasmi inayopendekeza kuundwa kwa Kamati Maalum

ya Uchunguzi kwa madhumuni ya kumuondoa Rais

madarakani kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 46A ya Katiba hii;

(b) kama Bunge limekataa kupitisha Bajeti

iliyopendekezwa na Serikali;

(c) kama Bunge limekataa kupitisha Muswada wa sheria

kwa mujibu wa idara ya 97(4) ya Katiba hii;

(d) kama Bunge limekataa kupitisha hoja ambayo ni ya

msingi katika sera za Serikali, na Rais anaona

kwamba njia ya kuendelea kutoka hapo si kumteua

Waziri Mkuu mwingine bali ni kuitisha Uchaguzi Mkuu;

(e) endapo, kutokana na uwiano wa uwakilishi wa Vyama

vya Siasa katika Bunge, Rais anaona kwamba hakuna

uhalali kwa Serikali iliyopo kuendelea kuwapo, na wala

haiwezekani kuunda Serikali mpya.

(3) Muda wa maisha ya Bunge ukimalizika Bunge litahesabiwa

kuwa limevunjwa; isipokuwa kwamba muda huo ukisha wakati

wowote ambapo Jamhuri ya Muungano iko katika vita Bunge

laweza mara kwa mara kuongeza muda huo uliotajwa katika ibara

ya 65 ya Katiba hii kwa muda usiozidi miezi kumi na miwili mara

kwa mara lakini maisha ya Bunge hayawezi kuongezwa kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo kwa muda unaozidi miaka



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(4) Kukitokea hali ya hatari au kama kuna hali ya hatari

ambayo Rais anaona inasababisha kuitisha Mkutano wa Bunge na

iwapo wakati huo Bunge limevunjwa na matokeo ya kura zilizo

nyingi za Uchaguzi Mkuu hayajatangazwa basi Rais aweza kutoa

Taarifa Maalum ya kuitisha Mkutano wa Bunge na kuangiza

kwamba Spika na watu wote waliokuwa Wabunge mara tu kabla

Bunge halijavunjwa wahudhurie Mkutano huo wa Bunge na watu

hao pamoja na huyo Spika, watahesabiwa kuwa ndio Wajumbe

wa Bunge kwa madhumuni ya Mkutano huo na watahesabiwa

hivyo mpaka usiku wa manane wa siku yatakapotangazwa

matokeo ya kura zilizo nyingi za Uchaguzi Mkuu.

Rais aweza 91.-(1) Rais atalihurubia Bunge Jipya katika Mkutano wake wa

kulihutubia Kwanza na kulifungua rasmi Bunge hilo.

Bunge Sheria

ya 1984 Na.15 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1); Rais aweza

ib.14 wakati wowote kulihutubia Bunge au kupeleka kwenye Bunge

taarifa ambayo itasomwa na Waziri.

Mikutano ya 92.-(1) Bunge litafanywa mikutano yake mahali ambapo ni

Bunge Sheria desturi kufanya Mikutano hiyo au mahali pengine popote katika

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.14 Jamhuri ya Muungano patakapotajwa na Rais kwa ajili hiyo.

(2) Mkutano wa kwanza wa Bunge katika Maisha ya Bunge

utaanza siku ile ambayo Bunge limeitwa kukutana, na kila

Mkutano ufuatao utaanza siku yoytote itakayopangwa na Bunge

lenyewe au siku yoyote itakayopangwa kwa mujubu wa Kanuni za


(3) Rais aweza kuitisha Mkutano wa Bunge wakati wowote.

Uongozi na 93. Kila kikao cha Bunge kitaongozwa na mmojwawapo wa

Vikao vya watu wafuatao, yaani-

Bunge Sheria

ya 1984 Na.15 (a) Spika au;

ib.14 (b) ikiwa Spika hayupo, Naibu wa Spika, au


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(c) ikiwa Spika na Naibu wa Spika wote hawapo, Mbunge

yeyote aliyechaguliwa na Bunge kwa ajili hiyo, lakini

Waziri, au Naibu Waziri au mtu mwenye madaraka ya

aina yingine yoyote iliyotajwa na Sheria iliyotungwa na

Bunge kwa madhumuni ya ibara hii hataweza

kuchaguliwa kwa mujibu wa mahsarti ya aya hii.

Kiwango cha 94.-(1) Kiwango cha kila kikao cha Bunge ni nusu ya Wabunge

vikao vya wote.

Bunge Sheria

ya 1984 Na.15 (2) Isipokuwa kama imeelezwa vingine katika Katiba hii, kila

ib.14 swali litakalotolewa kwa ajili ya kupata uamuzi wa Bunge

litaamuliwa kwa kufuata wingi wa kura za Wabunge waliohudhuria

na kupiga kura.

(3) Spika, Naibu wa Spika, au mtu mwingine atakayeongoza

kikao cha Bunge, hatakuwa na kura ya kawaida bali atakuwa na

kura ya uamuzi kukitokea usawa wa kura.

(4) Kanuni za Bunge zaweza kuweka masharti kwamba

Mbunge yeyoyote atakayepiga kura juu ya jambo lolote ambalo

yeye binafsi ana masilahi nalo atahesabiwa kuwa hakupiga kura.

Viti vilivyo 95. Bunge laweza kutekeleza shughuli wakati wa vikao vyake

wazi katika bila ya kujali kwamba kuna kiti kilicho wazi miongoni mwa viti vya


Sheria ya Wabunge (iwe kiti hicho kimekuwa wazi tangu Bunge lilipokutana

1984 Na.15 kwa mara ya kwanza baada ya Uchaguzi Mkuu au kimekuwa wazi

ib.14 baada ya Mkutano huo wa kwanza) na iwapo katika shughuli hizo

atashiriki mtu yeyote ambaye hana haki ya kushiriki au kama

wakati wa shughuli hizo atakuwapo mtu yeyote ambaye hana haki

ya kuwapo, basi kushiriki kwa mtu huyo au kuwapo kwake

hakutabatilisha shughuli hizo.

Kamati za 96.-(1) Bunge laweza kuunda Kamati za Bunge za namna

Bunge Sheria mbalimbali kadri litakavyoona infaa kwa ajili ya utekelezaji bora wa

ya 1995 Na.12

Ibara 16 madaraka yake.


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(2) Kanuni za Bunge zaweza kufafanua muundo na shughuli

za Kamati za Bunge zitakazoundwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara hii.

Utaratibu wa Kutunga Sheria

Namna ya 97.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo yaliyomo katika

kutumia Katiba hii, Bunge litatumia madaraka yake ya kutunga sheria kwa

madaraka ya

kutunga kufuata utaratibu wa kujadili na kupitisha Miswada ya Sheria

sheria ya 1984 ambayo hatimaye itabidi ipate kibali cha Rais, na Muswada

Na.15 ib.4 hautakuwa Sheria mpaka uwe umepitishwa na Bunge na

kukubaliwa na Rais kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii.

(2) Baada ya Muswada kuwasilishwa kwa Rais kwa ajili ya

kupata kibali chake, Rais aweza kuukubali au kukataa kuukubali,

na iwapo Rais atakataa kuukubali Muswada basi ataurudisha kwa

Bunge pamoja na maelezo ya sababu zake za kukataa kuukubali

Muswada huo.

(3) Baada ya Muswada kurudishwa kwa Bunge kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii, hauwezi kupelekwa tena kwa Rais kwa ajili

ya kupata kibali chake kabla kumalizika muda wa miezi sita tangu

uliporudishwa, isipokuwa kama katika hatua yake ya mwisho

kwenye Bunge kabla haujapelekwa tena kwa Rais Muswada huo

umeungwa mkono na Wabunge ambao idadi yao haipungui

theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote.

(4) Iwapo Muswada umerudishwa kwa Bunge na Rais, halafu

ukaungwa mkono kwenye Bunge na Wabunge ambao idadi yao

haipungui theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote kama ilivyoelezwa

katika ibara ndogo ya (3) na kupelekwa kwa Rais kwa ajili ya

kupata kibali chake kwa mara ya pili kabla haujamalizika muda wa

miezi sita tangu uliporudishwa, basi Rais atatakiwa kuukubali

Muswada huo kabla ya kumalizika muda wa siku ishirini na moja

tangu Muswada huo ulipowasilishwa kwake la sivyo basi itabidi

alivunje Bunge.

(5) Masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii au katika ibara ya 64

ya Katiba hii hayatalizuia Bunge kutunga sheria na kuweka

masharti ambayo yaweza kukabidhi kwa mtu yeyote au kwa idara

yoyote ya Serikali madaraka ya kuweka Kanuni za nguvu ya

kisheria au kuzipa nguvu ya kisheria Kanuni zozote zilizowekwa

na mtu yeyote au idara yoyote ya Serikali.


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Utaratibu wa 98.-(1) Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kubadilisha

kubadilisha masharti yoyote ya Katiba hii kwa kufuata Kanuni zifuatazo:-

Katiba hii na

baadhi ya (a) Muswada wa Sheria kwa ajili ya kubadilisha masharti

sheria yoyote ya Katiba hii (isipokuwa yale yanayohusika na

Sheria ya aya ya (b) ya ibara hii ndogo) au masharti yoyote ya

1984 Na.15 sheria yoyote iliyotajwa katika Orodha ya Kwanza

ib.14 kwenye Nyongeza ya Pili utaungwa mkono kwa kura

za Wabunge ambao idadi yao haipungui theluthi mbili

ya Wabunge wote;

(b) Muswada wa Sheria kwa ajili ya kubadilisha masharti

yoyote ya Katiba hii au masharti yoyote ya Sheria

yoyote yanayohusika na jambo lolote kati ya mambo

yaliyotajwa katika Orodha ya Pili kwenye Nyongeza ya

Pili iliyoko mwishoni wa Katiba hii, utapitishwa tu

iwapo utaungwa mkono kwa kura za Wabunge ambao

idadi yao haipungui theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote

kutoka Tanzania Bara na theluthi mbili ya Wabunge

wote kutoka Tanzania Zanzibar.

(2) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa masharti ya ibara ndogo

ya (1) kubadilisha masharti ya Katiba hii au masharti ya sheria

maana yake ifahamike kuwa ni pamoja na kurekebisha au

kusahihisha masharti haya au kufuta na kuweka masharti mengine

badala yake au kusisitiza au kubadilisha matumizi ya masharti


Utaratibu wa 99.-(1) Bunge halitashughulikia jambo lolote kati ya mambo

kutunga sheria yanayohusika na ibara hii isipokuwa kama Rais amependekeza


mambo kwamba jambo hilo lishughulikiwe na Bunge na pendekezo hilo la

ya fedha Rais liwe limewasilishwa kwenye Bunge na Waziri.

Sheria (2) Mambo yanayohusika na ibara hii ni haya yafuatayo:-

ya 1984 Na.15


(a) Muswada wa Sheria kwa ajili ya lolote kati ya mambo


(i) kutoza kodi au kubadilisha kodi kwa namna

nyingine yoyote isipokuwa kupunguza;

(ii) kuangiza kwamba malipo au matumizi ya

fedha yafanywe kutokana na Mfuko Mkuu wa

Hazina ya Serikali au mfuko wa Serikali

mwingine wowote au kubadilisha kiwango

hicho na namna nyingine yoyte isipokuwa



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(iii) kuagiza kwamba malipo au matumizi ya fedha

yafanywe kutokana na Mfuko Mkuu wa

Hazina ya Serikali au mfuko wa Serikali

mwingine wowote wakati ikifahamika kwamba

fedha iliyomo katika mifuko hiyo haikupangiwa

itolewe kwa ajili ya malipo au matumizi hayo,

au kuagiza kwamba malipo au matumizi

yanayofanywa kutokana na mifuko hiyo


(iv) kufuta au kusamehe deni lolote linalotakiwa

lilipwe kwa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(b) hoja au mabadiliko yoyote ya Hoja kwa ajili ya lolote

kati ya mambo yaliyoelezwa katika aya ya (a) ya ibara

hii ndogo.

(3) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika kwa muswada wowote

uliowasilishwa kwenye Bunge au Hoja yoyote iliyotolewa katika

Bunge na Waziri au Naibu Waziri.

Madaraka na Haki za Bunge

Uhuru wa 100.-(1) Kutakuwa na uhuru wa mawazo, majadiliano na

majadiliano na utaratibu katika Bunge na uhuru huo hautavunjwa wala kuhojiwa

utaratibu wa

shughuli na chombo chochote katika Jamhuri ya Muungano, au katika

Sheria ya Mahakama au mahali penginepo nje ya Bunge.

1984 Na.15


(2) Bila ya kuahiri Katiba hii au masharti ya sheria nyingine

yoyote inayohusika, Mbunge yeyote hatashtakiwa au kufunguliwa

shauri la madai mahakamani kutokana na jambo lolote alilolisema

au kulifanya ndani ya Bunge au alilolileta Bungeni kwa njia ya

maombi, muswada, hoja au vinginevyo.

Kuhifadhi na 101. Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

kutilia nguvu

uhuru wa masharti ya kuwezesha mahakama na sheria kuhifadhi na kutilia

majadiliano na nguvu uhuru wa mawazo, majadiliano na utaratibu wa shughuli

wa shughuli katika Bunge ambao kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 100 umedhaminiwa

sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.14 na Katiba hii.


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Serikali ya 102.-(1) Kutakuwa na Serikali ya Zanzibar itakayojulikana

Mapinduzi ya kama "Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar" ambayo itakuwa na

Zanzibar na

mamlaka yake mamlaka katika Zanzibar juu ya mambo yote yasiyo mambo ya

Sheria ya Muungano kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

1980 Na.45 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii na katika

ib.55: na ibara zifuatazo katika Sura hii ya Katiba hii, Serikali ya Mapinduzi

Sheria ya ya Zanzibar itaundwa na itatekeleza madaraka yake kwa mujibu


Na.15 ib.14: wa masharti ya Katiba hii na Katiba ya Zanzibar, 1984.

Sheria ya

1994 Na.34


Kiongozi wa 103.-(1) Kutakuwa na Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi

Serikali ya Zanzibar ambaye ndiye atakuwa Rais wa Zanzibar na Mkuu wa

Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar na Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar na vile vile Mwenyekiti wa

mamlaka yake Baraza la Mapinduzi la Zanzibar.

Sheria ya

1980 Na.15

ib.14 1994

Na.34 ib.17

(2) Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar kabla ya

kushika madaraka yake ataapa mbele ya Jaji Mkuu wa Zanizibar

kiapo cha kuilinda na kuitetea Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, na

kiapo kingine chochote kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya Zanzibar

kinachohusika na utendaji wa kazi yake, kisha atashika na

kutekeleza madaraka hayo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii

na Katiba ya Zanzibar, 1984.

(3) Pamoja na madaraka yake mengine kiongozi wa Serikali

ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar ndiye atakayewateua na kuwakabidhi

madaraka Mawaziri na Naibu Mawaziri wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi

ya Zanzibar.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Uchaguzi wa 104.-(1) Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar

kiongozi wa atachaguliwa na wananchi katika Tanzania Zanzibar kwa mujibu

Serikali ya

Mapinduzi wa masharti ya Katiba ya Zanzibar, na kwa kufuata utaratibu

Zanzibar 1980 uliowekwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria iliyotungwa na Baraza la

Na.1 ib.11 na Wawakilishi la Zanizibar inayohusu uchaguzi kwa ujumla au

1984 Na.15 uchaguzi wa Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar.

ib.14 1990 (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya Katiba hii, kiti cha

Na.16 ib.2

1992 Na.20 Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar kitakuwa ki wazi,

ib.14 na uchaguzi wa Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar

utafanyika ili kujaza nafasi hiyo kila mara litokeapo lolote kati ya

mambo yafuatayo.

(a) baada ya Baraza la Wawakilishi kuvunjwa;

(b) baada ya Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar kujiuzulu bila ya kulivunjwa Baraza la

Wawakilishi kwanza;

(c) baada ya kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar kupoteza sifa za kushika nafasi ya madaraka

ya kuchaguliwa;

(d) baada ya Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar kushtakiwa katika Baraza la Wawakilishi kwa

mujibu wa Katiba ya Zanzibar 1984 na kuondolewa

katika madaraka.

(e) baada ya kuthibitishwa kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya

Zanzibar 1984 kwamba Kiongozi wa Serikali ya

Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar hawezi kumudu kazi na

shughuli zake;

(f) baada ya Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar kufariki.



Baraza la 105.-(1) Kutakuwa na Baraza la Mapinduzi la Zanzibar

Mapinduzi la litakalokuwa na wajumbe wafuatao:

Zanzibar na

kazi zake

(a) Mwenyekiti wa baraza la Mapinduzi;

(b) Waziri Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar;

(c) Mawaziri wote wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar;

(d) Wajumbe wengine watakaoteuliwa na Mwenyekiti wa

Baraza la Mapinduzi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba

ya Zanzibar.


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(2) Bila ya kuyaingilia madaraka ya Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la

Mapinduzi kama kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar,

Baraza la Mapinduzi litakuwa ndicho chombo kikuu cha kumshauri

Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar juu ya mambo yote

yanayohusika na utekelezaji wa madaraka yake ya uongozi na

usimamizi wa shughuli za Serikali ya Zanzibar na pia utekelezaji

wa madaraka yake juu ya shughuli zote za Serikali kuhusu mambo

yote yasiyo mambo ya Muungano, kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

Katiba hii na yale ya Katiba ya Zanizbar.



Baraza la 106.-(1) Kutakuwa na Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar.

Wawakilishi Baraza la Wawakilishi litakuwa na sehemu mbili; sehemu moja


Madaraka ya itakuwa ni ya wajumbe wa Baraza hilo waliochaguliwa na

kutunga kuteuliwa kwa namna itakavyoelezwa na masharti ya Katiba ya

Sheria Zanzibar, ya mwaka 1984, na ambao watajulikana kama wajumbe

za Zanzibar Wawakilishi; sehemu nyingine ya Baraza la Wawakilishi itakuwa ni

Sheria ya Kiongozi wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar katika utekelezaji


Na.1 ib.93 wa madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa mahsarti ya Katiba hii na

masharti ya Katiba ya Zanzibar, ya mwaka 1984.

(2) Iwapo kwa mujibu wa mahsarti ya Katiba hii, masharti ya

Katiba ya Zanzibar, ya mwaka 1984, au masharti ya sheria yoyote

iliyowekwa na inayotumika Zanzibar, jambo lolote lahitaji

kuamuliwa au kutekelezwa na sehemu zote mbili za Baraza la

Wawakilishi, basi jambo hilo halitahesabiwa kuwa limeamuliwa na

limetekelezwa ipasavyo ila mpaka liwe limeamuliwa au

limetekelezwa na Wajumbe wawakilishi na vile vile Kiongozi wa

Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanizbar, kwa mujibu wa madaraka yao

kuhusu jambo hilo.

(3) Madaraka yote ya kutunga sheria katika Zanzibar juu ya

mambo yote yasiyo Mambo ya Muungano yatakuwa mikononi

mwa Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar.

Madaraka ya 107.-(1) Rais wa Zanzibar kama sehemu moja ya Baraza

Baraza la la Wawakilishi la atatekeleza madaraka yote aliyokabidhiwa na


Sheria ya Katiba hii na pia Katiba ya Zanzaibar kwa ajili hiyo.

1984 Na.15;


(2) Wajumbe wawakilishi kama Baraza la Wawakilishi

watakuwa ndicho chombo kikuu cha Tanzania Zanzibar ambacho

kitakuwa na madaraka kwa lniaba ya wananchi wa Tanzania

Zanzibar, kuisimamia na kuishauri Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya


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Zanzibar na vyombo lvyake vyote katika utekelezaji wa majukumu

yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii na Katiba ya Zanzibar.

(3) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji wa madaraka yake

Baraza la Wawakilishi laweza -

(a) kumuuliza Waziri yeyote wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya

Zanzibar swali lolote kuhusu mambo ya umma katika

Tanzania Zanzibar yaliyomo katika wajibu wake;

(b) kujadili utekelezaji wa kila Wizara ya Serikali ya

Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar wakati wa Mkutano wa Baraza

la wawakilishi wa kila mwaka wa bajeti;

(c) kujadili na kuidhinisha mpango wowote wa muda mrefu

au wa muda mfupi unaokusudiwa kutekelezwa

Tanzania Zanzibar, na kutnga Sheria ya kusimamia

utekelezaji wa mpango huo;

(d) kutunga sheria pale ambapo utekelezaji unahitaji

kuwapo sheria;

(e) kutayarisha au kuagiza itayarishwe na kuwasilisha

kwenye Chama taarifa kuhusu jambo lolote ambalo liko

chini ya mamlaka ya Bunge.











Mamlaka ya 107A.-(1) Mamlaka ya utoaji haki katika Jamhuri ya Muungano

utoaji haki itakuwa mikononi mwa Idara ya Mahakama na Idara ya

Sheria ya

2000 Mahakama ya Zanzibar, na kwa hiyo hakuna chombo cha Seriikali

Na.3 ib.17 wala cha Bunge au Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar

kitakachokuwa na kauli ya mwisho katika utoaji haki.

(2) Katika kutoa uamuzi wa mashauri ya madai na jinai kwa

kuzingatia sheria, Mahakama zitafuata kanuni zifuatazo, yaani:

(a) kutenda haki kwa wote bila ya kujali hali ya mtu kijamii


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au kiuchumi;

(b) kutochelewesha haki bila sababu ya kimsingi;

(c) kutoa fidia ipasayo kwa watu wanaoathirika kutokana

na makosa ya watu wengine, na kwa mujibu wa sheria

mahususi iliyotungwa na Bunge;

(d) kukuza na kuendeleza usuluhishi baina ya

wanaohusika katika migogoro;

Uhuru wa 107B. Katika kutekeleza mamlaka ya utoaji haki, mahakama

Mahakama zote zitakuwa huru na zitalazimika kuzingatia tu masharti ya

Sheria ya

2000 Katiba na yale ya sheria za nchi.

Na.3 ib.17



Mahakama 108.-(1) Kutakuwa na Mahakama Kuu ya Jamhuri ya Muungano

Kuu (itakayojulikana kwa kifupi kama "Mahakama Kuu") ambayo

ya Jamhuri ya mamlaka yake yatakuwa kama ilivyoelezwa katika Katiba hii au

Muungano na katika sheria nyingine yoyote.

mamlaka yake

Sheria ya (2) Iwapo Katiba hii au sheria nyingine yoyote haikutamka wazi

1979 Na.14 kwamba shauri la aina iliyotajwa mahususi litasikilizwa kwanza

ib.6 katika Mahakama ya ngazi iliyotajwa mahsusi kwa ajili hiyo, basi

Mahakama Kuu itakuwa na mamlaka ya kusikiliza kila shauri la

aina hiyo. Hali kadhalika Mahakama Kuu itakuwa na uwezo wa

kutekeleza shughuli yoyote ambayo kwa mujibu wa mila za

kisheria zinazotumika Tanzania shughuli ya aina hiyo kwa

kawaida hutekelezwa na Mahakama Kuu.

Isipokuwa kwamba masharti ya ibara hii ndogo yatatumika bila

ya kuathiri mamlaka ya Mahakama ya Rufani ya Tanzania kama

ilivyoelezwa katika Katiba hii au katika sheria nyingine yoyote.

Majaji wa 109.-(1) Kutakuwa na Jaji Kiongozi wa Mahakama Kuu

Mahakama (ambaye katika ibara zifuatzo kwenye Katiba Hii atatajwa tu kwa


na uteuzi wao kifupi kama "Jaji Kiongozi") na Majaji wengine wa Mahakama Kuu

Sheria ya wasiopungua kumi na watano.

1979 Na.14 (2) Jaji Kiongozi na Majaji wengineo wa Mahakama Kuu

ib.6 1985 watateuliwa na Rais baada ya kushauriana na Tume ya Kuajiri ya

Sheria ya Mahakama.

1985 Na.15


Sheria ya

1990 Na.14


(3) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Katiba hii au sheria nyingine

yoyote kuhusu madaraka ya Jaji Mkuu aliyetajwa katika

ibara ya 118, Jaji Kiongozi atakuwa ndiye msaidizi


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


ibara ya 118, Jaji Kiongozi atakuwa ndiye msaidizi

maalum wa Jaji Mkuu katika utendaji wa kazi katika

Mahakama Kuu na Mahakama nyinginezo zote za ngazi

ya chini yake, na katika madaraka hayo Jaji Kiongozi

atatekeleza kazi na shughuli atakazoagizwa au

kuelekezwa mara kwa mara na Jaji Mkuu, na kwa

madhumuni ya ibara hii, Jaji Kiongozi atajulikana pia

kama Mkuu wa Mahakama Kuu.

(4) Mbali ya madaraka yake ya kawaida ya Jaji wa Mahakama

Kuu kama Majaji wengine wote wa Mahakama Kuu, Jaji Kiongozi

atakuwa pia na mamlaka ya kutekeleza kazi na shughuli zote

zinazoambatana na mamlaka ya Mahakama Kuu ambazo kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii au ya sheria nyingine yoyote au

kufuatana na mila za kisheria zinazotumika hutakiwa zitekelezwe

na Mkuu wa Mahakama Kuu:

Isipokuwa kwamba masharti ya ibara hii ndogo hayatatumika

kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa kazi au shughuli ambazo kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya Katiba hii au ya Sheria nyingine yoyote au kufuatana

na mila za kisheria zinazotumika Tanzania zimetajwa mahususi au

zinafahamika kuwa ni kazi au shughuli zinazotakiwa kutekelezwa

tu na Jaji Mkuu.

(5) Kwa madhumuni ya kuondoa mashaka juu ya ufafanuzi au

utekelezaji wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (3) na ya (4) ya ibara

hii, inatamkwa rasmi hapa kwamba isipokuwa kama masharti ya

Katiba hii au ya sheria nyingine yoyote yameagiza vingine, Jaji

Mkuu atakuwa na uwezo wa kutoa kwa Jaji Kiongozi mara kwa

mara maagizo au maelekezo kuhusu utendaji wa kazi na shughuli

zake kama Mkuu wa Mahakama Kuu: vile vile, Jaji Mkuu atakuwa

na uwezo wa kuwakilisha kwa Jaji Kiongozi baadhi ya madaraka

yake ya uongozi na usimamizi juu ya utekelezaji wa kazi katika

Mahakama Kuu na Mahakama nyinginezo zote za ngazi ya chini

yake, na kila inapohitajika, Jaji Mkuu anaweza kutekeleza yeye

mwenyewe moja kwa moja madaraka yake yoyote aliyowakilisha

kwa Jaji Kiongozi.

(6) Kazi ya Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu haitafutwa wakati yupo mtu

aliyeshika madaraka ya kiti cha Jaji.

(7) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (9) ya ibara hii,

mtu aweza tu kuteuliwa kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu ikiwa ana

sifa maalum, kama ilivyofafanuliwa katika ibara ndogo ya (8) ya

ibara hii, na awe mtu ambaye amekuwa na mojawapo ya sifa

maalum kwa muda usiopungua miaka mitano.

(8) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa ibara ndogo ya (7), ya (9)

na ya (11) ya ibara hii, "sifa maalum" maana yake ni sifa

zilizotajwa katika Sheria ya Mawakili (au Sheria nyingine yoyote

inayobadilisha hiyo sheria ya Mawakili au inayotumika badala

yake) ambazo ni lazima mtu awe nazo mojawapo ya sifa hizo ili


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


yake) ambazo ni lazima mtu awe nazo mojawapo ya sifa hizo ili

aweze kukubaliwa kuandikishwa kama Wakili Tanzania Bara.

(9) Iwapo Rais atatosheka kwamba ijapokuwa mtu mwenye

sifa mojawapo ya hizo sifa maalum hakuwa nayo sifa hiyo kwa

muda usiopungua miaka mitano, lakini mtu huyo ana uwezo, ujuzi

na kwa kila hali anafaa kukabidhiwa madaraka ya Jaji wa

Mahakama Kuu na kuna sababu za kumfanya mtu huyo astahili

kukabidhiwa madaraka hayo, basi Rais aweza kutangua lile sharti

la kuwa na sifa maalum kwa muda usiopungua miaka mitano, na

baada ya kushauriana na Tume ya Kuajiri ya Mahakama, Rais

aweza kumteua mtu huyo kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu.

(10) Ikitokea kwamba kiti cha Jaji Kiongozi kitakuwa wazi au

kwamba Jaji Kiongozi atashindwa kutekeleza kazi zake kwa

sababu yoyote, basi kazi hizo zitatekelezwa na Jaji mmojwapo

atakayeteuliwa na Rais kwa ajili hiyo, na na Jaji huyo atatekeleza

kazi hizo mpaka atakapoteuliwa Jaji Kiongozi mwingine na

kushika madaraka ya kiti cha Jaji Kiongozi au mpaka Jaji Kiongozi

mwenyewe ambaye alikuwa hamudu kazi zake atakaporejea


(11) Ikitokea kwamba kiti cha Jaji yeyote kitakuwa wazi au

ikiwa Jaji yeyote atateuliwa kuwa Kaimu Jaji Kiongozi au kama

atashindwa kutekeleza kazi zake kwa sababu yoyote, au kama

Jaji Mkuu atamshauri Rais kuwa kazi za Mahakama Kuu zilivyo

wakati huo zahitaji ateuliwe Kaimu Jaji, basi Rais aweza, baada ya

kushauriana na Jaji Mkuu kama kawaida, kuteua Kaimu Jaji

kutoka miongoni mwa watu wenye sifa maalum.

Isipokuwa kwamba

(a) mtu hatahesabiwa kuwa hastahili kuteuliwa kwa mujibu

wa masharti ya ibara hii ndogo kwa sababu tu kwamba

ametimiza umri uliotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (1) ya

ibara ya 61 ya Katiba hii;

(b) kwa madhumuni ya kumteua Kaimu Jaji kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii ndogo, Rais aweza kutangua lile

sharti la kuwa na sifa maalum kwa muda usiopungua

miaka mitano kwa sababu kama zile zilizotajwa katika

ibara ndogo ya (9) ya ibara hii.

(12) Mtu yeyote atakayeteuliwa kuwa Kaimu Jaji kwa mujibu

wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (11) ya ibara hii, ataendelea

kufanya kazi kama Kaimu Jaji kwa muda wowote utakaotajwa

wakati wa kuteuliwa kwake au, kama muda haukutajwa, mpaka

uteuzi wake utakapofutwa na Rais, lakini bila ya kujali kwamba

muda wake wa kazi umemalizika au kwamba uteuzi wake

umefutwa, mtu huyo aweza kuendelea kufanya kazi kama Kaimu

Jaji mpaka amalize kutayarisha na kutoa hukumu au mpaka

akamilishe shughuli nyingine yoyote inayohusika na mashauri


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


ambayo alikwisha anza kuyasiliza kabla ya muda wake wa kazi

haujamalizika au kabla ya uteuzi wake haujafutwa.

Muda wa 110.-(1) Kila Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu atalazimika kuacha kazi

Majaji yake atakapotimiza umri wa miaka sitini lakini masharti ya ibara hii

wa Mahakama

Kuu kushika ndogo yatatumika bila ya kuathiri masharti yafuatayo katika ibara

madaraka hii.

Sheria ya (2) Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama Kuu aweza kujiuzulu kazi katika

1979 Na.14 utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wakati wowote

ib.6: na baada ya kutimia umri wa miaka hamsini na tano, isipokuwa kama

Sheria ya

1985 Rais ataagiza kwamba asijiuzulu, na iwapo Rais ataagiza hivyo,

Na.15 ib.22 na basi huyo Jaji atakayehusika na maagizo hayo ya Rais hatakuwa

23 na haki ya kujiuzulu mpaka upite kwanza muda wowote

Sheria ya utakaotajwa na Rais kwa ajili hiyo.

1995 Na.12 (3) Iwapo Rais ataona kuwa kwa ajili ya manufaa ya Umma


inafaa Jaji aliyetimiza umri wa miaka sitini aendelee kufanya kazi,

na huyo Jaji mwenyewe anakubali kwa maandishi kuendelea

kufanya kazi, basi Rais aweza kuagiza kuwa Jaji huyo aendelee

kufanya kazi kwa muda wowote utakaotajwa na Rais.

(4) Bila ya kujali kwamba Jaji ametimiza umri ambao

analazimika kuacha kazi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii, mtu

anayefanya kazi ya Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu aweza kuendelea

kufanya kazi baada ya kutimiza umri huo mpaka amalize

kutayarisha na kutoa hukumu au mpaka akamilishe shughuli

nyingine yoyote inayohusika na mashauri ambayo alikwisha anza

kuyasikiliza kabla hajatimiza umri huo wa kuacha kazi.

(5) Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu aweza tu kuondolewa katika

madaraka ya kazi ya kwa sababu ya kushindwa kutekeleza kazi

yake (ama kutokana na maradhi au sababu nyingine yoyote) au

kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya inayoathiri maadili ya kazi ya Jaji au

sheria ya maadili ya viongozi wa umma; na hataweza kuondolewa

kazini ila kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (7) ya ibara


(6) Iwapo Rais anaona kuwa suala la kumwondoa Jaji kazini

lahitaji kuchunguzwa, basi katika hali hiyo mambo yatakuwa


(a) Rais atateua Tume ambayo itakuwa na Mwenyekiti na

Wajumbe wengine wasiopungua wawili. Na huyo

Mwenyekiti na angalau nusu ya Wajumbe wengine wa

Tume hiyo itabidi wawe watu ambao ni Majaji wa

Mahakama Kuu au Mahakama ya Rufani katika nchi

yoyote iliyomo kwenye Jumuiya ya Madola.

(b) Tume hiyo itachunguza shauri lote halafu itatoa taarifa

kwa Rais kuhusu maelezo ya shauri lolote na

itamshauri Rais kama huyo Jaji anayehusika

aondolewe kazini kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii


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kwa sababu ya kushindwa kufanya kazi kutokana na

maradhi au sababu nyingine yoyote au kwa sababu ya

tabia mbaya.

(7) Ikiwa Tume iliyoteuliwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara

ndogo ya (6) itamshauri Rais kwamba jaji ambaye habari zake

zimechunguzwa na hiyo Tume aondolewe kazini kwa sababu ya

kushindwa kufanya kazi kutokana na maradhi au sababu nyingine

yoyte au kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya, basi Rais atamwondoa

kazini Jaji huyo anayehusika.

(8) Ikiwa suala la kumwondoa Jaji kazini limepelekwa kwenye

Tume kwa ajili ya uchunguzi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara

ndogo ya (6) ya ibara hii, Rais aweza kumsimamisha kazi Jaji

huyo anayehusika, na Rais aweza wakati wowote kufuta uamuzi

huo wa kumsimamisha kazi Jaji huyo, na kwa hali yoyote uamuzi

huo utabatilika ikiwa Tume itamshauri Rais kwamba jaji huyo

asiondolewe kazini.

(9) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika bila ya kuathiri masharti ya

ibara ndogo ya (12) ya ibara ya 109 ya Katiba hii.

Kiapo cha 111. Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu hatashika madaraka yake ila

Majaji Sheria mpaka awe ameapishwa kwanza kiapo cha uaminifu na pia kiapo

ya 1979 Na.14

ib.6 kingine chochote kinachohusika na utendaji wa kazi

Sheria 1985 kitakachowekwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungw na Bunge.

Na.15 ib.22






Tume ya 112.-(1) Kutakuwa na Tume ya Kuajiri kwa ajili ya Mahakimu

Kuajiri na Watumishi wengineo wa Mahakam za Tanzania Bara.

ya Mahakama

Sheria 1985 Wajumbe wa Tume hiyo watakuwa hawa wafuatao:-

Na.14 ib.7 (a) Jaji Mkuu ambaye atakuwa Mwenyekiti;

Sheria ya (b) Mwanasheria Mkuu;

1985 (c) Jaji mmoja wa Mahakama ya Rufani ya Tanzania

Na.15 ib.22 ambaye atateuliwa kwa ajili hiyo na Rais baada ya

Sheria ya

1990 kushauriana na Jaji Mkuu

Na.14 ib.6

(d) Jaji Kiongozi wa Mahakama Kuu;

(e) Wajumbe wawili ambao watateuliwa na Rais.

(2) Mtu hataweza kuteuliwa kuwa mjumbe wa Tume kwa

mujibu wa masharti ya aya ya (d) ya ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara hii


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


ikiwa mtu huyo ni Mbunge au ni mtu mwenye madaraka ya aina

nyingine yoyote iliyotajwa kwa ajili hiyo na sheria iliyotungwa na


Madaraka ya 113.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Sheria yoyote iliyotungwa

kuajiri na Bunge inayohusika na suala la kuajiri Mahakimu na Watumishi

Mahakimu na

watumishi wengineo wa Mahakama mgawanyo wa madaraka kwa ajili ya

wengine wa suala hilo utakuwa ifuatavyo:

Mahakama (a) madaraka ya kuwaajiri watu wa kushika madaraka ya

Sheria ya aina zilizotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii

1979 Na.14 (pamoja na madaraka ya kuwathibitisha watu hao


kazini na kuwapandisha vyeo) yatakuwa mikononi mwa

Sheria ya

1985 Na.15 Rais;


Sheria ya

1985 Na.24


(b) madaraka ya kudhibiti nidhamu ya watu hao na

madaraka ya kuwaondoa kazini yatakuwa mikononi

mwa Tume ya Kuajiri iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 112 ya

Katiba hii.

(2) Madaraka yanayohusika na masharti ya ibara hii ni

madaraka ya Msajili wa Mahakama ya Rufani ya Tanzania na

Naibu wa Msajili huyo wa daraja lolote, madaraka ya Msajili wa

Mahakama Kuu na Naibu wa Msajili huyo wa daraja lolote,

madaraka ya Hakimu Mkazi na Hakimu wa aina nyingine yoyote,

na madaraka ya aina nyingine yoyote yanayohusika na

Mahakama yoyote (isipokuwa Mahakama ya Kijeshi) itakayotajwa

na Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba


Uanachama 113A. Itakuwa ni marufuku kwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani,

katika Vyama Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu, Hakimu wa ngazi yoyote kujiunga na

vya Siasa

Sheria ya chama chochote cha Siasa, isipokuwa tu kwamba atakuwa na

1994 Na.34 haki ya kupiga kura iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 5 ya Katiba hii.




Mahakama 114. Kwa madhaumuni ya ufafanuzi wa Sura hii ya Katiba hii,

Kuu ifahamike kwamba masharti yaliyomo katika sura hii hayazuii

ya Zanzibar

Sheria ya kuendelea kuwapo au kuanzishwa, kwa mujibu wa Sheria

1985 Na.15 zinazotumika Zanzibar kwa Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar au

ib.22 Mahakama zilizo chini ya Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar.


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Mamlaka ya 115.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ya 83 na 116 ya

Mahakama Katiba hii, mamlaka ya Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar yatakuwa


ya Zanzibar kama itakavyoelezwa katika Sheria zinazotumika Zanzibar.

Sheria ya (2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya Katiba hii au sheria nyingine

1985 Na.15 yoyote iliyotungwa na Bunge, iwapo sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na

ib.22 Bunge inayotumika Tanzania Bara na vile vile Tanzania Visiwani

na 25 imekabidhi madaraka yoyote kwa Mahakama Kuu, basi

Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar yaweza kutekeleza madaraka hayo

kwa kiasi kile kile inavyoweza kutekeleza Mahakama Kuu ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano.




Tafsiri 116.-(1) Katika Sehemu hii ya Tano ya Sura hii ya Tano ya

Sheria ya Katiba hii na katika sehemu nyingine za Katiba hii, ila iwapo

1984 Na.15

ib.25 na 26 maelezo yahitaji vinginevyo:

"Idara ya Mahakama" maana yake ni Mahakama ya Rufani ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 117 ya Katiba hii

(au kwa kifupi "Mahakama ya Rufani"), Mahakama Kuu ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 108 ya Katiba hii

(ambayo itajulikana kwa kifupi kama "Mahakama Kuu) pamoja na

Mahakama nyingine zozote za ngazi zilizo chini ya Mahakama


"Jaji Mkuu" maana yake ni Jaji Mkuu wa Mahakama ya Rufani na

ni pamoja na Kaimu Jaji Mkuu au Jaji wa Rufani anayeshikilia au

kutekeleza madaraka ya Jaji Mkuu;

"Jaji wa Rufani" maana yake ni Jaji yoyote wa Mahakama ya


(2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (3), Jaji Mkuu

hatakuwa na madaraka juu ya jambo lolote linalohusu muundo na

uendeshaji wa shughuli za siku hadi siku za Mahakama

zilizoundwa kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya Zanzibar au sheria yoyote

ya Tanzania Zanzibar.

(3) Jaji Mkuu atashauriana mara kwa mara na Jaji Mkuu wa

Zanzibar kuhusu uendeshaji wa shughuli za Mahakama ya Rufani

kwa jumla, na pia kuhusu uteuzi wa Majaji wa Rufani.


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Mhakama ya 117.-(1) Kutakuwa na Mahakama ya Rufani ya Jamhuri ya

Rufani ya Muungano (itakayojulikana kwa kifupi kama "Mahakama ya

Jamhuri ya

Muungano na Rufani") ambayo mamlaka yake yatakuwa kama ilivyoelezwa

mamlaka yake katika Katiba hii au katika Sheria nyingine yoyote.

sheria (2) Mahakama ya Rufani haitakuwa na mamlaka yoyote

za 1979 Na.14 kuhusu usuluhishi wa suala lolote litakaloshughulikiwa kwa mujibu

ib.8 na wa masharti ya ibara ya 126 ya Katiba hii ambayo inahusu ubishi

Sheria ya

1984 kati ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na Serikali ya Mapinduzi

Na.15 ib.27 Zanzibar.

(3) Kazi ya Mahakama ya Rufani itakuwa ni kusikiliza na kutoa

uamuzi juu ya kila rufaa inayoletwa mbele ya Mahakama ya

Rufani kutokana na hukumu au uamuzi wa namna nyingine yoyote

wa Mahakama Kuu au Mahakama ya Hakimu.

(4) Sheria iliyotungwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii na

Bunge au na Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar yaweza kuweka

masharti yatakayoeleza utaratibu wa kupeleka rufaa mbele ya

Mahakama ya Rufani, nyakati na sababu za kukata rufaa na

namna ya kushughulikia rufaa hizo.

Majaji wa 118.-(1) Kutakuwa na Jaji Mkuu wa Mahakama ya Rufani

Mahakama ya (ambaye katika ibara zifuatazo kwenye Katiba hii atatajwa tu kwa

Rufani na

uteuzi wao kifupi kama "Jaji Mkuu" na Majaji wengine wa Mahakama ya

Sheria za Rufani wasiopungua wawili, isipokuwa kwamba kikao maalum cha

1979 Na.14 Mahakama nzima kitakuwa kamili kikiwa na Majaji wa Rufani

ib.8 na wasiopungua watano.

Sheria ya (2) Jaji Mkuu atateuliwa na Rais na atakuwa ndiye Kiongozi


Na.15 ib.28 wa Mahakama ya Rufani na pia Mkuu wa Idara ya Mahakama

kama ilivyofafanuliwa katika ibara ya 116 ya Katiba hii.

(3) Majaji wengineo wa Mahakama ya Rufani watateuliwa na

Rais, baada ya kushauriana na Jaji Mkuu, kutoka miongoni mwa

watu ambao wanaweza kuteuliwa kuwa Majaji wa Mahakama Kuu

ya Jamhuri ya Muungano kama ilivyoelezwa katika ibara ya 109

ya Katiba hii au kutoka miongoni mwa watu wanaoweza kuteuliwa

kuwa Majaji wa Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar kwa mujibu wa

Sheria zinazotumika Zanzibar.

(4) Iwapo itatokea kwamba:-

(a) Kiti cha Jaji Mkuu kitakuwa wazi; au

(b) Jaji Mkuu hayupo Tanzania; au

(c) Jaji Mkuu atashindwa kutekeleza kazi yake kwa

sababu yoyote na Rais akiona kuwa kwa muda wa

tukio lolote kati ya hayo matatu inafaa kumteua Kaimu

Jaji Mkuu, basi Rais aweza kumteua Kaimu Jaji Mkuu

kutoka miongoni mwa watu wenye sifa za kustahili

kuteuliwa kuwa Majaji wa Mhakama ya Rufani, na huyo


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Kaimu Jaji Mkuu atatekeleza kazi za Jaji Mkuu mpaka

atakapoteuliwa Jaji Mkuu au mpaka Jaji Mkuu

mwingine ambaye alikuwa hayupo Tanzania au alikuwa

hamudu kazi zake atakaporejea kazini.

(5) Ikitokea kwamba kiti cha Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama ya

Rufani kitakuw wazi au ikiwa Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama ya Rufani

atateuliwa kuwa Kaimu Jaji Mkuu au kama atashindwa kutekeleza

kazi zake kwa sababu yoyote, au Jaji Mkuu atamshauri Rais kuwa

kazi za Mahakama kama ya Rufani ilivyo wakati huo zahitaji

ateuliwe Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, basi Rais aweza,

baada ya kushauriana na Jaji Mkuu kama kawaida, kumteua

Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani kutoka miongoni mwa watu

ambao wanaweza kuteuliwa kuwa Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (3) ya ibara hii.

(6) Mtu yeyote atakayeteuliwa kuwa Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama

ya Rufani kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (5) ya ibara

hii, ataendelea kufanya kazi kama Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya

Rufani kwa muda wowote utakaotajwa wakati wa kuteuliwa kwake,

au, kama muda haukutajwa, mpaka uteuzi wake utakapofutwa na

Rais, lakini bila ya kujali kwamba muda wake wa kazi umemalizika

au kwamba uteuzi wake umefutwa, mtu huyo aweza kuendelea

kufanya kazi kama Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani mpaka

amalize kutayarisha na kutoa hukumu au mpaka akamilishe

shughuli nyingine yoyote inayohusika na rufaa au mashauri

mengine yoyote ambayo alikwisha anza kuyasikiliza kabla muda

wake wa kazi haujamalizika au kabla ya uteuzi wake haujafutwa.

(7) Kwa madhumuni ya kuondoa mashaka juu ya ufafanuzi wa

masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara ya 118 ya Katiba hii

(inayotaja idadi ya Majaji wa kudumu wa Mahakama ya Rufani) na

masharti ya ibara ya 119 ya Katiba hii (inayoeleza mamlaka ya

Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani), inatamkwa rasmi hapa kwamba

Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani aliyeteuliwa kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (5) ya ibara hii, atakuwa na mamlaka

kamili ya Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani na kwamb atatekeleza kazi

zake kama Kaimu Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani bila ya kujali kuwa

kuteuliwa kwake kutakiuka idadi ya Majaji wa kudumu wa

Mahakama ya Rufani iliyotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara

118 ya Katiba hii, lakini masharti ya ibara hii ndogo yatatumika bila

ya kuathiri masharti ya ibara ya 122 ya Katiba hii kuhusu kiwango

cha vikao vya Mahakama ya Rufani.

(8) Kazi ya Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani haitafutwa wakati

yupo mtu aliyeshika madaraka ya kiti cha Jaji wa Mahakama ya



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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Mamlaka ya 119. Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama ya Rufani hatakuwa na

Majaji mamlaka ya kusikiliza shauri lolote katika Mahakama Kuu au

Mahakama ya

Rufani Sheria katika Mahakama ya Hakimu ya ngazi yoyote:

za 1979 Na.14

ib.8 na 1984

Na.14 ib.29

Isipokuwa kwamba iwapo Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama Kuu

atateuliwa kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, basi hata baada ya

kuteuliwa kwake kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, Jaji huyo

aweza kuendelea kufanya kazi zake katika Mahakama Kuu mpaka

amalize kutayarisha na kutoa hukumu au mpaka akamilishe

shughuli nyingine yoyote inayohusika na mashauri ambayo

alikwisha anza kuyasikiliza kabla hajateuliwa kuwa Jaji wa

Mahakama ya Rufani, na kwa ajili hiyo itakuwa halali kwake kutoa

hukumu au uamuzi mwingine wowote unaohusika kwa kwa

kutumia na kutaja madaraka aliyoshika kabla ya kuteuliwa kuwa

Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, lakini endapo hatimaye hukumu hiyo

au uamuzi huo mwingine utapangwa kwa njia ya rufaa

itakayofikishwa mbele ya Mahakama ya Rufani, basi katika hali

hiyo Jaji huyo wa Mahakama ya Rufani, hatakuwa na mamlaka ya

kusikiliza rufaa hiyo.

Muda wa 120.-(1) Kila Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani atalazimika kuacha

Majaji kazi yake atakapotimiza umri wa miaka sitini na tano, lakini

wa Mahakama

masharti ya ibara hii ndogo yatatumika bila kuathiri masharti

ya Rufani

kushika yafuatayo katika ibara hii.

Madaraka (2) Jaji yeyote wa Mahakama ya Rufani aweza kujiuzulu kazi

sheria katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wakati

za 1979 Na.14 wowote baada ya kutimiza umri wa miaka sitini , isipokuwa kama

ib.8 na

Rais ataagiza kwamba asijiuzulu, na iwapo Rais ataagiza hivyo,

Sheria ya

1984 basi huyo Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani atakayehusika na maagizo

Na.15 ib.30 hayo ya Rais hatakuwa na haki ya kujiuzulu mpaka upite kwanza

muda wowote utakaotajwa na Rais kwa ajili hiyo.


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(3) Iwapo Rais ataona kuwa kwa ajili ya manufaa ya Umma

inafaa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani aliyetimiza umri wa miaka

sitini na tano aendelee kufanya kazi, na huyo Jaji mwenyewe wa

Mahakama ya Rufani anakubali kwa maandishi kuendelea

kufanya kazi; basi Rais aweza kuagiza kuwa Jaji huyo wa

Mahakama ya Rufani aendelee kufanya kazi kwa muda wowote

utakaotajwa na Rais.

(4) Bila ya kujali kwamba Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani

ametimiza umri ambao analazimika kuacha kazi kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii, mtu anayefanya kazi ya Jaji wa Mahakama

ya Rufani aweza kuendelea kufanya kazi baada ya kutimiza umri

huo mpaka amalize kutayarisha na kutoa hukumu au mpaka

akamilishe shughuli nyingine yoyote inayohusika na mashauri

ambayo alikwisha anza kuyasikiliza kabla hajatimiza umri huo wa

kuacha kazi.

(5) Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani aweza tu kuondolewa katika

madaraka ya kazi ya Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani kwa sababu ya

kushindwa kutekeleza kazi zake (ama kutokana na maradhi au

sababu nyingine yoyote) au kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya, na

hataweza kuondolewa kazini ila kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

utaratibu unaofanana na ule uliowekwa kwa ajili ya kumwondoa

kazini Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu kama ilivyoelezwa katika ibara

ndogo ya (6) na ya (7) ya ibara ya 110 ya Katiba hii, na kwa ajili

hiyo masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (8) ya ibara hiyo ya 110

yatatumika kwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani kwa namna ile ile

yanavyotumika kwa Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu.

(6) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika bila ya kuathiri masharti ya

ibara ndogo ya (5) ya ibara ya 118 ya Katiba hii.

Kiapo cha 121. Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani hatashika madaraka yake

Majaji ila mpaka awe ameapishwa kiapo cha uaminifu na kiapo kingine

wa Mahakama

ya Rufani chochote kinachohusika na utendaji wa kazi kitakachowekwa kwa

Sheria za mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

1979 Na.14

ib.8 na

Sheria ya


Na.15 ib.31


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Kiwango cha 122.-(1) Kiwango cha kila kikao cha Mahakama ya Rufani ni

vikao vya Majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani wasiopungua watatu.

Mahakama ya

Rufani (2) Katika kila rufaa suala linalohitaji uamuzi wa Mahakama ya

Sheria za Rufani litaamuliwa kwa kufuata kauli ya walio wengi kati ya Majaji

1979 Na.14 wa Mahakama ya Rufani waliosikiliza rufaa.

ib.8 na

Sheria ya


Na.15 ib.32

Mashauri 123. Jaji mmoja wa Mahakama ya Rufani aweza kutekeleza

yanayoweza madaraka yoyote ya Mahakama ya Rufani ambayo hayahusiki na

kuamuliwa na

kutoa uamuzi juu ya Rufaa:

Jaji mmoja wa

Mahakama ya Isipokuwa kwamba:

Rufaa (a) Katika mashauri ya jinai, iwapo Jaji wa Mahakama ya

Sheria za Rufani aliyeombwa kutekeleza madaraka hayo atatoa

1979 Na.14 uamuzi ambao mwombaji haridhiki nao, basi mwombaji

ib.8 na

atakuwa na haki kutaka maombi yake yaamuliwe na

Sheria ya

1984 Mahakama ya rufani;

Na.15 ib.33 (b) Katika mashauri ya madai, Mahakama ya Rufani

yaweza kubatilisha au kubadilisha amri, agizo au

uamuzi wa namna nyingine wowote uliotolewa na Jaji

mmoja wa Mahakama ya Rufani kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii.


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Utekelezaji wa 124.-(1) Hati zenye maagizo yaliyotolewa na Mahakama za

maagizo ya Tanzania Bara na Mahakama za Tanzania Za nzibar katika


utafanywa mashauri ya madai ya aina zote na mashauri ya jinai ya aina zote

nchini Tanzania (pamoja na hati za kuamuru kukamata watu) zaweza kupelekwa

kote Sheria ya mahali popote nchini Tanzania na maagizo hayo yaweza

1984 Na.15 kutekelezwa mahali popote nchini Tanzania kwa kufuata

ib.34 masharti yafuatayo:-

(a) iwapo mahakama imetoa hati zenye maagizo

yatakayotekelezwa mahali ambako mahakama hiyo

haina mamlaka, basi hati hiyo itapelekwa huko na

maagizo yaliyomo katika hati hiyo yatatekelezwa kwa

mujibu wa utaratibu unaotumika huko kwa ajili ya

kupeleka hati au kutekeleza maagizo yaliyomo katika

hati iliyotolewa na mahakama yenye mamlaka huko

ilikopelekwa hati; na

(b) iwapo sheria inayotumika huko ilikopelekwa hati

imeweka masharti kwamba hati zilizotolewa na

mahakama ya mahali pengine ni lazima ithibitishwe

kwanza na Mahakama yenye mamlaka mahali hapo

inapotumika sheria hiyo, basi kila hati iliyotolewa na

mahakama ya mahali pengine itabidi ithibitishwe

kwanza kwa mujibu wa sheria hiyo kabla maagizo

yaliyomo katika hati hiyo hayajatekelezwa.

(2) Iwapo mtu amekamatwa mahali popote nchini Tanzania

kwa mujibu wa hati ya kuamuru kukamatwa kwake iliyotolewa na

mahakama ambayo haina mamlaka mahali hapo alipokamatwa

mtu huyo, basi mtu huyo atahesabiwa kuwa yuko chini ya ulinzi

halali na aweza kufikishwa mbele ya mahakama iliyotoa hati hiyo,

lakini masharti haya yaliyomo katika ibara hii ndogo itabidi

yatumiwe bila kuathiri masharti ya sheria inayotumika hapo

mahali alipokamatwa mtu huyo.

(3) Masharti yaliyomo katika ibara hii hayatazuia sheria

kuweka utaratibu kwa ajili ya kupeleka nje ya Tanzania hati

zilizotolewa na Mahakama za Tanzania Bara au mahakama za

Tanzania Visiwani.


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania





Mahakama 125. Kutakuwa na Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba ya Jamhuri

Maalum ya ya Muungano ambayo Mamlaka yake, muundo wake na utaratibu

Katiba ya

Jamhuri ya wa shughuli zake ni kama ilivyoelezwa katika ibara ya 126, 127

Muungano na 128 ya Katiba hii.


ya 1984 Na.15


Mamlaka ya 126.-(1) Kazi pekee ya Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba ya

Mahakama Jamhuri ya Muungano ni kusikiliza shauri lililotolewa mbele yake,

Maalum ya

Katiba Sheria kutoa uamuzi wa usuluhishi, juu ya suala lolote linalohusika na

ya 1979 Na.14 tafsiri ya Katiba hii iwapo tafsiri hiyo au utekelezaji wake

ib.9 unabishaniwa kati ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na

na Sheria ya Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar.

1984 Na.15 (2) Katika kutekeleza kazi yake kwa mujibu wa masharti ya


ibara hii, Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba haitakuwa na mamlaka

ya kuchunguza au kubadilisha uamuzi wa Mahakama Kuu au

uamuzi wa Mahakama ya Rufani uliotolewa kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara ya 83 ya Katiba hii au uamuzi wa Mahakama

ya Rufani uliotolewa kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 117 ya Katiba hii.

(3) Kila uamuzi wa usuluhishi utakaotolewa na Mahakama

Maalum ya Katiba kwa mujibu wa ibara hii utakuwa ndio wa

mwisho, hakutakuwa na haki ya kukata rufaa popote.

Muundo wa 127.-(1) Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba itakuwa na

Mahakama wajumbe ambao nusu ya jumla ya wajumbe wote watateuliwa na

Maalum ya

Katiba Sheria Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na nusu nyingine ya jumla hiyo

ya 1984 Na.15 watateuliwa na Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar.


(2) Mtu anayeweza kuteuliwa kuwa Mjumbe wa

Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba ni yule tu ambaye ni jaji au

aliyepata kuwa Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, Jaji wa Mahakama

Kuu ya Jamhuri ya Muungano au Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar,

au mtu mwenye uwezo na ujuzi wa kazi ya Jaji na anayestahili

kuteuliwa kuwa Jaji au Kaimu Jaji kwa mujibu wa Sheria

inayotumika Tanzania Bara na sheria inayotumika Tanzania

Zanzibar, kadri hali itakavyokuwa.

(3) Mtu aweza kuteuliwa kuwa mjumbe wa Mahakama

Maalum ya Katiba ama kwa ajili ya kusikiliza shauri moja tu au

mashauri mawili au zaidi kama yatatokea. Mjumbe ataendelea

kutekeleza madaraka ya kazi yake kama Mjumbe wa Mahakama

Maalum ya Katiba mpaka shauri analohusika nalo litakapokwisha


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au mpaka uteuzi wake utakapofutwa au mpaka atakaposhindwa

kutekeleza kazi yake kama Mjumbe kwa sababu ya maradhi au

sababu nyingine yoyote.

Utaratibu katika 128.-(1) Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba itafanya vikao vyake

vikao vya wakati ule tu kunapokuwa na shauri la kusikiliza, na itafanya


vikao vyake mahali popote patakapoamuliwa kwa utaratibu

Maalum ya

Katiba utakaotumika kwa ajili ya mashauri yatakayosikilizwa na

Sheria ya 1984 Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba.

Na.15 ib.37

(2) Kiwango cha kila kikao cha Mahakama Maalum ya

Katiba ni wajumbe wote, na iwapo mjumbe yeyote atakuwa

hayupo au ikiwa kiti cha mjumbe yoyote kitakuwa wazi basi

Serikali iliyomteua mjumbe huyo ambaye hayupo au ambaye kiti

chake ki wazi itamteua mjumbe mwingine wa kushika mahali

pake. Mjumbe wa muda aliyeteuliwa kwa mujibu wa ibara hii

ndogo ataendelea kutekeleza kazi katika Mahakama Maalum ya

Katiba mpaka mjumbe wa kawaida atakaporejea kazini au mpaka

mtu atakapoteuliwa kujaza nafasi iliyo wazi au mpaka shauri

litakapokwisha, kutegemea ni lipi kati ya mambo hayo litakalo

tokea mapema zaidi.

(3) Kila suala linalohitaji uamuzi wa Mahakama Maalum ya

Katiba litaamuliwa kwa kufuata kauli ya theluthi mbili ya wajumeb

kutoka Tanzania Bara na theluthi mbili ya wajumbe kutoka

Tanzania Zanzibar.

(4) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

masharti kuhusu utaratibu wa uchaguzi wa Mwenyekiti wa

Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba, utartibu wa kupeleka shauri mbele

ya Mahakama hiyo, utaratibu wa kuendesha shauri katika

Mahakama na utaratibu wa kuwasilisha Serikalini uamuzi wa

Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba:

Isipokuwa kwamba iwapo shauri lolote litafikishwa mbele ya

Mahakama Maalum ya Katiba wakati hakuna sheria yoyote ya

aina iliyoelezwa katika ibara hii ndogo, basi shauri litasikilizwa na

kuamuliwa kwa kufuata utaratibu utakaowekwa na Mahakama

yenyewe kabla ya kuanza kusikiliza shauri, au iwapo Wajumbe

wa Mahakama watashindwa kukubaliana juu ya utaratibu huo,

basi shauri litasikilizwa na kuamuliwa kwa kufuata utaratibu

utakaoamuliwa na Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa

kushirikiana na Serikali ya Zanzibar.


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Tume ya Haki 129.-(1) Kutakuwa na Tume itakayoitwa Tume ya Haki za

za Binadamu na

Binadamu na Utawala Bora, ambayo majukumu yake yatakuwa

Utawala Bora

Sheria ya 2000 kama ilivyoelezwa katika ibara ya 130 ya Katiba hii.

Na.3 ib.17 (2) Tume ya Haki za Binadamu na Utawala Bora itakuwa na

Makamishna wafuatao:

(a) Mwenyekiti, ambaye atakuwa ni mtu mwenye sifa ya

kuweza kuteuliwa kuwa Jaji;

(b) Makamu Mwenyekiti, ambaye atateuliwa kwa

kuzingatia kanuni kwamba endapo Mwenyekiti ni mtu

anayetoka upande mmoja wa Jamhuri ya Muungano,

yeye atakuwa ni mtu wa kutoka upande mwingine wa

Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(c) Makamishna wengine wasiozidi watano

watakaoteuliwa kutoka miongoni mwa watu wenye

ujuzi, uzoefu na upeo mkubwa katika mambo ya haki

za binadamu, sheria, utawala, siasa au mambo ya


(d) Makamishna Wasaidizi.

(3) Makamishna na Makamishna Wasaidizi wote watateuliwa

na Rais baada ya kushauriana na Kamati ya Uteuzi.

(4) Kutakuwa na Kamati ya Uteuzi kwa madhumuni ya ibara

hii ambayo itakuwa na wajumbe wafuatao:

(a) Jaji Mkuu wa Mahakama ya Rufani;

(b) Spika wa Bunge;

(c) Jaji Mkuu wa Zanzibar;

(d) Spika wa Baraza la Wawakilishi; na

(e) Naibu Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali, ambaye

atakuwa ndiye Katibu wa Kamati hii.

(5) Mwenyekiti, Makamu Mwenyekiti na Makamishna

wengine wote kila mmoja atashika madaraka yake kwa kipindi

cha miaka mitatu na anaweza kuteuliwa tena kwa kipindi kingine

kimoja tu cha miaka mitatu.

(6) Kwa madhumuni ya kuwakinga Makamishna kutokana na

migongano ya kimasilahi, mtu yeyote akiteuliwa kuwa Kamishna

wa Tume atalazimika kuacha mara moja madaraka yoyote katika

chama chochote cha siasa au madaraka ya aina nyingine yoyote


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itakayotajwa kwa ajili hiyo na sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(7) Kamishna au Kamishna Msaidizi wa Tume aweza tu

kuondolewa katika madaraka ya kazi yake katika Tume kwa

sababu ya kushindwa kutekeleza kazi yake, ama kutokana na

maradhi au sababu nyingine yoyote, au kwa sababu ya tabia

mbaya inayoathiri maadili ya kazi ya Kamishna.

(8) Tume yaweza kutekeleza shughuli zake bila ya kujali

kwamba kuna nafasi iliyo wazi miongoni mwa viti vya wajumbe

au kwamba mjumbe mmojawapo hayupo.

Majukumu ya 130.-(1) Tume ya Haki na Utawala Bora itatekeleza

Tume na majukumu yafuatayo:


za utekelezaji (a) kuhamasisha nchini hifadhi ya haki za binadamu na

Sheria ya 2000 wajibu kwa jamii kwa mujibu wa Katiba na Sheria za

Na.3 ib.17 nchi;

(b) kufanya shughuli za kupokea malalamiko ya uvunjaji

wa haki za binadamu kwa jumla;

(c) kufanya uchunguzi juu ya mambo yanayohusu

uvunjaji wa haki za binadamu na ukiukwaji wa misingi

ya utawala bora.

(d) kufanya utafiti, kutoa na kueneza nchini elimu kwa

umma kuhusu haki za binadamu na utawala bora;

(e) kama ikibidi, kufungua mashauri mahakamani ili

kuzuia vitendo vya uvunjaji wa haki za binadamu au

kurekebisha haki inayotokana na uvunjwaji huo wa

haki za binadamu, au ukiukwaji wa misingi ya utawala


(f) kuchunguza mwenendo wa mtu yeyote anayehusika

au taasisi yoyote inayohusika na masharti ya ibara hii

katika utekelezaji wa kawaida wa madaraka ya kazi

au majukumu yake au utekelezaji unaokiuka

madaraka hayo;

(g) kutoa ushauri kwa Serikali na vyomno vingine vya

umma na vya sekta ya binafsi kuhusu haki za

binadamu na utawala bora;

(h) kuchukua hatua zipasazo kwa ajili ya kukuza na

kuendeleza usuluhishi na suluhu miongoni mwa watu

na taasisi mbalimbali wanaofika au kufikishwa mbele

ya Tume.

(2) Tume itakuwa ni idara inayojitegemea, na bila ya kuathiri

masharti meingine ya ibara hii, katika kutekeleza madaraka yake

kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii, Tume haitalazimika kufuata maagizo

au amri ya mtu yeyote au idara yoyote ya Serikali au maoni ya

chama chochote cha siasa au ya taasisi nyingine yoyote ya

umma au ya sekta ya binafsi.

(3) Masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2) yasihesabiwe kuwa


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yanamzuia Rais kutoa maagizo au amri kwa Tume, wala hayatoi

Haki kwa Tume kutofuata maagizo au amri, endapo Rais ataona

kuwa, kuhusiana na jambo lolote au hali yoyote, masilahi ya taifa

yahitajia hivyo.

(4) Tume itafanya uchunguzi kwa kufuata masharti ya ibara

hii na masharti ya sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa ajili hiyo, na

itafanya uchunguzi juu ya mtu yeyote anayehusika au taasisi

yoyote inayohusika kila itakapoagizwa na Rais kufanya

uchunguzi; vilevile, isipokuwa kama Rais ameagiza Tume

isifanye uchunguzi, Tume yaweza kufanya uchunguzi wakati

wowote inapoona infaa kuchunguza mwenendo wa mtu yeyote

anayehusika, au taasisi yoyote inayohusika, na masharti ya ibara

hii anayetuhumiwa au inayotuhumiwa kwa kukiuka madaraka ya

kazi yake, kutumia vibaya madaraka ya kazi yake au majukumu

ya taasisi hiyo au kwa uvunjaji wa haki za binadamu au misingi

ya utawala bora.

(5) Tume haitakuwa na mamlaka yoyote, ama kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii au masharti ya sheria yoyote iliyotungwa na

Bunge kwa madhumuni ya sura hii ya Katiba hii ya kuchunguza

uamuzi wa Jaji yeyote, Hakimu yeyote au wa Mahakama iwapo

uamuzi huo ameutoa katika kutekeleza madaraka ya kazi yake;

vile vile Tume haitakuwa na mamlaka ya kuchunguza uamuzi

wowote uliotolewa na chombo chochote chenye asili ya

Mahakama kilichoanzishwa kwa mujibu wa sheria iwapo uamuzi

huo umetolewa katika kutekeleza mamlaka yake.

(6) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika kwa watumishi wa

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na wale wa Serikali ya

Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar, watumishi na viongozi wa vyama vya

siasa wanaoshughulikia mambo ya umma, wajumbe na

watumishi wa Tume zote za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano na

za Serikali hizo, mashirika ya umma na vyombo vi ngine vya

umma au vya binafsi, kama ni kampuni, jumuiya, ushirika,

wadhamini au muundo mwingine wowote, kadri itakavyoelezwa

katika sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge; lakini masharti haya

hayatatumika kwa Rais wala kwa Kiongozi wa Serikali ya

Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar isipokuwa tu kwa kuzingatia masharti ya

ibara ya 46 ya Katiba hii au ibara ya 36 ya Katiba ya Zanzibar, ya


Mamlaka ya 131.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengineyo ya ibara hii,

Tume na Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Sura

utaratibu wa

shughuli zake hii ya Katiba hii kwa ajili ya kuweka masharti kuhusu mamlaka ya

Sheria ya 2000 Tume, utaratibu wa kuendesha shughuli zake na kuhusu kinga za

Na.3 ib.17 kisheria watakazokuwa nazo Makamishna na watumishi wa

Tume kwa makusudi ya kuwawezesha kutekeleza kazi zao bila


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ya matatizo ya kisheria.

(2) Tume haitachunguza mambo yafuatayo, kwa madhumuni

ya kutekeleza majukumu yake, yaani:

(a) jambo lolote ambalo liko mbele ya Mahakama au

chombo kinginecho cha kimahakama;

(b) jambo lolote linalohusu uhusiano au mashirikiano kati

ya Serikali na Serikali ya nchi yoyote ya nje au Shirika

la Kimataifa;

(c) jambo linalohusu madaraka ya Rais kutoa msamaha;

(d) jambo jingine lolote lililotajwa na sheria yoyote.

(3) Kila mwaka wa fedha Tume itatayarisha na kuwasilisha

kwa Waziri anayesimamia haki za binadamu taarifa kuhusu-

(a) shughuli za Tume katika mwaka uliotangulia;

(b) hali ya utekelezaji wa hifadhi ya haki za binadamu

katika Jamhuri ya Muungano,

Na Waziri atawasilisha mbele ya Bunge kila taarifa

iliyowasilishwa kwake na Tume mapema iwezekanavyo baada ya


(4) Masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (3) hayatahesabiwa kuwa

yanaizuia Tume kuwasilisha taarifa nyingine yoyote kwa mtu

mwingine au mamlaka nyingine yoyote.




Sekretarieti ya 132.-(1) Kutakuwa na Sekretarieti ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa


Sheria ya 1995 Umma ambayo itakuwa na mamlaka ya kuchunguza tabia na

Na.12 ib.18 mwenendo wa kiongozi wa umma yeyote kwa madhumuni ya

kuhakikisha kwamba masharti ya sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi

wa Umma yanazingatiwa ipasavyo.

(2) Kwa madhumuni ya ibara hii, maana ya kiongozi wa

umma na masharti ya maadili ya viongozi wa umma itabidi

ifahamike kwa mujibu wa masharti ya sheria ya Maadili ya

Viongozi wa Umma au masharti ya sheria nyingine yoyote

iliyotungwa na Bunge kwa kadri masharti hayo yanavyohusika

na suala la uongozi na ufafanuzi wake.

(3) Sekretarieti ya Maadili itakuwa na Kamishna wa Maadili

na wafanya kazi wengine ambao idadi yao itatajwa na sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge.

(4) Bunge litatunga Sheria itakayoainisha misingi ya Maadili


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ya Viongozi wa Umma itakayozingatiwa na watu wote

wanaoshika nafasi za madaraka zitakazotajwa na Bunge.

(5) Misingi ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa Umma:

(a) itafafanua nafasi za madaraka ambazo watu wenye

kushika nafasi hizo watahusika nayo;

(b) itawataka watu wanaoshika nafasi fulani za

madaraka kutoa mara kwa mara maelezo rasmi

kuhusu mapato, rasilimali na madeni yao;

(c) itapiga marufuku mienendo na tabia inayopelekea

kiongozi kuonekana hana uaminifu, anapendelea au

si muadilifu au inaelekea kukuza au kuchochea

rushwa katika shughuli za umma au inahatarisha

maslahi au ustawi wa jamii;

(d) itafafanua adhabu zinazoweza kutolewa kwa kuvunja

misingi ya maadili;

(e) itaelekeza taratibu, madaraka na desturi

zitakazofuatwa ili kuhakikisha utekelezaji wa maadili;

(f) itaweka masharti mengine yoyote yanayofaa au

ambayo ni muhimu kwa madhumuni ya kukuza na

kudumisha uaminifu, uwazi, kutopendelea na uadilifu

katika shughuli za umma na kwa ajili ya kulinda

fedha na mali nyinginezo za umma.

(6) Bunge laweza kwa sheria kuweka masharti ya mtu

kufukuzwa au kuondolewa kazini kutokana na kuvunja maadili

ya viongozi, bila ya kujali kama kazi hiyo ni ya kuchaguliwa na



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Akaunti ya Fedha 133. Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano itatunza akauti

ya pamoja maalum itakayoitwa "Akaunti ya Fedha ya Pamoja" na ambayo

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.42 itakuwa ni sehehmu ya Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano, ambamo kutawekwa fedha yote

itakayochangwa na Serikali mbili kwa kiasi kitakachoamuliwa na

Tume ya pamoja ya Fedha kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na

Bunge, kwa madhumuni ya shughuli za Jamhuri ya Muungano

kwa Mambo ya Muungano.

Tume ya pamoja 134.-(1) Kutakuwa na Tume ya pamoja ya Fedha yenye

ya Fedha wajumbe wasiozidi saba ambao watateuliwa na Rais kwa

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.42 mujibu wa ibara hii na masharti ya sheria iliyotungw na Bunge.

(2) Majukumu ya Tume yatakuwa ni:

(a) kuchambua mapato na matumizi yanayotokana na,

au yanayohusu utekelezaji wa Mambo ya Muungano,

na kutoa mapendekezo kwa Serikali mbili kuhusu

mchango na mgawo wa kila mojawapo ya Serikali


(b) kuchunguza kwa wakati wote mfumo wa shughuli za

fedha wa Jamhuri ya Muungano na pia uhusiano

katika mambo ya kifedha kati ya Serikali mbili;

(c) kutekeleza majukumu mengine ambayo Rais

ataipatia Tume au kama Rais atakavyoagiza, na kwa

mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.


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Mfuko Mkuu wa 135.-(1) Fedha zote zitakazopatikana kwa njia mbalimbali

Hazina ya kwa ajili ya matumizi ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano,

Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya isipokuwa fedha za aina iliyotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (2) ya

Muungano ibara hii, zitawekwa katika mfuko mmoja maalum ambao utaitwa

Sheria ya 1984 Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali.

Na.15 ib. (2) Fedha ambazo hazitawekwa kwenye Mfuko Mkuu wa

Hazina ya Serikali ni zile zote ambazo zimetajwa na Sheria

kwamba zitumike kwa shughuli maalum au ziwekwe katika

mfuko mwingine kwa ajili ya matumizi maalum.

Masharti ya 136.-(1) Fedha hazitatolewa kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina

kutoa fedha za ya Serikali kwa ajili ya matumizi ila kwa mujibu wa masharti

matumizi kutoka

mfuko yafuatayo:-

Mkuu wa Hazina (a) fedha hizo ziwe kwa ajili ya matumizi ambayo

ya Serikali yameidhinishwa yatokane na fedha zilizomo katika

Sheria ya 1984 Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali na idhini hiyo iwe

Na.15 ib.43 imetolewa na Katiba hii au sheria nyingine yoyote;

(b) fedha hizo ziwe kwa ajili ya matumizi ambayo

yameidhinishwa ama na sheria ya Matumizi ya

Serikali iliyotungwa mahsusi na Bunge au sheria

iliyotungwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara ya 140

ya Katiba hii.

(2) Fedha zilizomo katika mfuko maalum wowote wa serikali,

ukiachilia mbali Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali, hazitatolewa

kutoka mfuko huo kwa ajili ya matumizi ila mpaka matumizi

hayo yawe yameidhinishwa na sheria.

(3) Fedha zilizomo katika Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali

hazitatolewa kutoka Mfuko huo kwa ajili ya matumizi ila mpaka

matumizi hayo yawe yameidhinishwa na Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi

Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali na pia kwa sharti kwamba fedha

hizo ziwe zimetolewa kwa kufuata utaratibu uliowekwa kwa ajili

hiyo kwa mujibu wa sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.


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Utaratibu wa 137.-(1) Rais atatoa maagizo kwa watu wanaohusika

kuidhinisha kwamba watengeneze na kuwasilisha kwenye Bunge katika kila

matumizi ya

fedha zilizomo mwaka wa fedha wa Serikali, makadirio ya mapato na matumizi

katika Mfuko ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa ajili ya kipindi cha

Mkuu wa Hazina mwaka wa fedha unaofuata.

ya Serikali Sheria (2) Baada ya Bunge kuyakubali makadirio ya matumizi

ya 1984 Na.15 (mbali na matumizi ambayo yameidhinishwa ama na Katiba hii


au sheria nyingine yoyote kuwa yatokane na fedha zilizomo

katika Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali) kutawasilishwa

kwenye Bunge Muswada ambao utaitwa Muswada wa Sheria ya

Matumizi ya fedha za Serikali, kwa ajili ya kuidhinisha matumizi

ya fedha kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali, na fedha

hizo zitatolewa kulipa gharama za shughuli mbalimbali za

Serikali zinazohusika na makadirio hayo.

(3) Ikiwa katika mwaka wa fedha wowote inaonekana


Fedha za matumizi zilizoidhinishwa na sheria ya

matumizi ya Fedha za Serikali kwa ajili ya shughuli fulani

hazitoshi au kwamba imekuwa lazima kulipa gharama za

shughuli ambayo haikupangiwa fedha za matumizi kwa mujibu

wa sheria; au

Kuna fedha ambazo zimetumiwa kwa ajili ya shughuli

fulani kwa kiasi kinachozidi kiwango cha matumizi

yaliyoidhinishwa na sheria ya Matumizi ya Fedha za Serikali

kuhusu shughuli hiyo au kwamba fedha zimetumiwa kulipia

gharama za shughuli ambayo haikupangiwa fedha za matumizi

kwa mujibu wa Sheria, kutawasilishwa kwenye Bunge makadirio

ya matumizi ya nyongeza au, kadri itakavyokuwa, maelezo ya

matumizi ya ziada, na baada ya Bunge kuyakubali hayo

Makadirio ya matumizi ya nyongeza au maelezo ya matumizi ya

ziada, kutawasilishwa kwenye Bunge Muswada wa Sheria ya

Matumizi ya fedha za Serikali kwa ajili ya kuidhinisha matumizi

ya fedha kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali na fedha

hizo zitatumiwa kulipia gharama za shughuli zinazohusika na

hayo makadirio au maelezo.

Masharti ya 138.-(1) Hakuna kodi ya aina yoyote itakayotozwa isipokuwa

kutoza kodi kwa mujibu wa Sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge au kwa mujibu wa

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.43 utaratibu uliowekwa kisheria na uliotiliwa nguvu kisheria na

sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.


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(2) Masharti yaliyomo katika ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara hii

hayatalizuia Baraza la Mapinduzi la Zanzibar kutumia mamlaka

yake ya kutoza kodi ya aina yoyote kwa mujibu wa madaraka ya

Baraza hilo.

Utaratibu wa 139.-(1) Bunge laweza kutunga sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

kuidhinisha masharti ya kuidhinisha matumizi ya fedha kutoka Mfuko Mkuu

matumizi ya

fedha kabla ya wa Hazina ya Serikali kwa kufuata utaratibu ulioelezwa katika

Sheria za ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii.

Matumizi kuanza


Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.43

(2) Iwapo mwaka wa fedha wa Serikali umeanza na Sheria ya

Matumizi ya Fedha za Serikali inayohusika na mwaka huo

haijaanza kutumika basi Rais aweza kuidhinisha fedha itolewe

kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali kwa ajili ya kulipia

gharama za lazima za shughuli za Serikali, na fedha hizo

zitatumiwa mpaka ipite miezi minne tangu mwanzo wa mwaka

wa fedha mpaka Sheria ya matumizi ya Fedha za Serikali

itakapoanza kutumika, kutegemea ni lipi kati ya mambo hayo

litakalotokea mapema zaidi.

Mfuko wa 140.-(1) Bunge laweza kutunga Sheria kwa ajili ya kuweka

matumizi ya masharti kuhusu mambo yafuatayo:


(a) kuanzisha mfuko wa matumizi ya dharura na

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.43 kumwezesha Rais au Waziri aliyeteuliwa na Rais

kwa ajili hiyo kuazima fedha kutoka mfuko huo

kulipia gharama za jambo la haraka na la dharura

ambalo halikutazamiwa kutokea na ambalo

halikupangiwa fedha zozote za matumizi; na

(b) kumwezesha Rais au Waziri aliyeteuliwa na Rais

kwa ajili hiyo kutumia fedha zilizotengwa mahsusi

kwa ajili ya shughuli fulani kulipia gharama za jambo

la haraka na la dharura kama ilivyoelezwa katika aya

ya (a) ya ibara hii ndogo.


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(2) Iwapo fedha zimeazimwa kutoka Mfuko wa Matumizi ya

dharura au fedha zilitengwa mahsusi kwa ajili ya shughuli fulani

zimetumiwa kulipia gharama za jambo la haraka na la dharura,

basi kutawasilishwa kwenye Bunge makadirio ya matumizi ya

nyongeza, na baada ya Bunge kuyakubali makadirio hayo

Muswada wa Sheria ya Matumizi ya Fedha za Serikali

utakaowasilishwa kwenye Bunge kwa ajili ya kuidhinisha

Matumizi hayo ya nyongeza utahakikisha kwamba fedha zozote

zilizoazimwa kutoka Mfuko wa Matumizi ya dharura

zitarudishwa kwenye Mfuko huo kutokana na fedha za matumizi

yatakayoidhinishwa na Muswada huo.

Deni la Taifa 141.-(1) Deni la Taifa litadhaminiwa na Mufko Mkuu wa

Sheria ya 1984 Hazina ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

Na.15 ib.43

(2) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa ibara hii deni la Taifa

maana yake ni deni lenyewe na pia faida inayolipwa juu ya deni

hilo, fedha zinazowekwa akiba kwa ajili ya kulipa deni pole pole

na gharama zote zinazoambatana na usimamizi wa deni hilo.

Mishahara ya 142.-(1) Watumishi wa Serikali wanaohusika na masharti ya

watumishi fulani ibara hii watalipwa mishahara na posho kama itakavyoelezwa

wa Serikali

kudhaminiwa na na sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge.

Mfuko Mkuu wa (2) Fedha za malipo ya mishahara na posho za watumishi

Hazina ya wa Serikali wanaohusika na masharti ya ibara hii pamoja na

Serikali Sheria ya fedha za malipo ya uzeeni na kiinua mgongo kwa wale

1984 Na.15 ib.43 wanaostahili malipo hayo miongoni mwa watumishi hao

zitatolewa kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali.

(3) Mshahara anaolipwa mtumishi wa Serikali anayehusika

na masharti ya ibara hii pamoja na masharti yake ya kazi

havitabadilishwa, baada ya mtumishi huyo kuteuliwa, kwa jinsi

ambayo itapunguza masilahi ya mtumishi huyo, lakini maelezo

haya hayahusiki na posho anayolipwa mtumishi huyo.

(4) Iwapo mtumishi wa Serikali anayehusika na masharti ya

ibara hii ana hiari ya kuchagua kima cha mshahara au aina ya

masharti ya kazi, basi kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa masharti

ya ibara ndogo ya (3) ya ibara hii, mshahara wa kima hicho

atakachochagua na aina hiyo ya masharti ya kazi

atakayochagua vitahesabiwa kuwa vina masilahi zaidi kwake

kuliko kima cha mshahara kingine chochote angalichoweza

kuchagua au aina ya masharti ya kazi nyingine yoyote

angaliyoweza kuchagua.

(5) Masharti ya ibara hii yatatumika kwa Jaji wa Mahakama

ya Rufani, Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu ya Jamhuri ya Muungano,


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Mwenyekiti na kila Mjumbe wa Tume ya Kudumu ya Uchunguzi

na Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali wa Jamhuri

ya Muungano.

Mdhibiti na 143.-(1) Kutakuwa na Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu

Mkaguzi Mkuu za Serikali wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

wa Hesabu za

Serikali wa (2) Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu atakuwa na

Jamhuri ya jukumu juu ya mambo yafuatayo:

Muungano (a) kuhakikisha kwamba fedha zozote

Sheria za 1979 zinazokusudiwa kutolewa kutoka Mfuko Mkuu wa

Na.14 ib.11 Hazina ya Serikali matumizi yake yameidhinishwa

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.43 na kwamba zitatolewa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

ibara ya 136 ya Katiba hii, na iwapo atatosheka

kwamba masharti hayo yatatekelezwa ipasavyo,

basi ataidhinisha fedha hizo zitolewe;

(b) kuhakikisha kwamba fedha zote ambazo matumizi

yake yameidhinishwa yatokane na fedha zilizomo

katika Mfuko Mkuu wa Hazina ya Serikali au fedha

ambazo matumizi yake yameidhinishwa na sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge, na ambazo zimetumika,

zimetumiwa kwa ajili ya shughuli zilizo husika na

matumizi ya fedha hizo na kwamba matumizi hayo

yamefanywa kwa kufuata idhini iliyotolewa kuhusu

matumizi hayo; na

(c) angalau mara moja kila mwaka kufanya ukaguzi

na kutoa taarifa juu ya ukaguzi wa hesabu za

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, hesabu

zinazosimamiwa na watumishi wote wa Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano na hesabu za Mahakama

zote za Jamhuri ya Muungano na hesabu

zinazosimamiwa na Katibu wa Bunge.

(3) Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu na kila mtumishi

wa Serikali aliyeruhusiwa na Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa

Hesabu atakuwa na haki ya kuchunguza vitabu, kumbukumbu,

hati nyinginezo zote zinazohusika na hesabu za aina yoyote

iliyotajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii.

(4) Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu atawasilisha kwa

Rais kila taarifa atakayotoa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara

ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hii. Baada ya kupokea taarifa hiyo Rais

atawaagiza watu wanaohusika wawasilishe taarifa hiyo kwenye

kikao cha kwanza cha Bunge kitakachofanyika baada ya Rais

kupokea taarifa hiyo na itabidi iwasilishwe katika kikao hicho

kabla ya kupita siku saba tangu siku ile kilipoanza kikao hicho.

Iwapo Rais hatachukua hatua za kuwasilisha taarifa hiyo kwa

Spika wa Bunge (au Naibu wa Spika ikiwa kiti cha Spika ki wazi

wakati huo au ikiwa kwa sababu yoyote Spika hawezi


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kutekeleza shughuli za kazi yake) ambaye atawasilisha taarifa

hiyo kwenye Bunge.

(5) Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu atakuwa pia na

jukumu la kutekeleza kazi na shughuli nyingine, na atakuwa na

madaraka mengine ya namna mbalimbali, kama itakavyoelezwa

na sheria kuhusu hesabu za Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano

au hesabu za vyombo vya Umma au hesabu za Mashirika.

(6) Katika kutekeleza madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (2), (3) na (4) ya ibara hii, Mdhibiti

na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu hatalazimika kufuata amri au

maagizo ya mtu mwingine yeyote au idara yoyote ya Serikali,

lakini maelezo hayo ya ibara hii ndogo hayataizuia Mahakama

nayo kutumia madaraka yake kwa ajili ya kuchunguza kama

Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu ametekeleza madaraka

yake kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii au sivyo.

Kumwondoa 144.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti mengine yaliyomo katika

kazini Mdhibiti na ibara hii, Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu wa Jamhuri ya

Mkaguzi Mkuu

wa Hesabu Muungano atalazimika kuacha kazi yake atakapotimiza umri wa

Sheria ya 1984 miaka sitini au umri mwingine wowote utakaotajwa na Sheria

Na.15 ib.43 iliyotungwa na Bunge.

Sheria ya 1995 (2) Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu aweza tu

Na.12 ib.19 kuondolewa katika madaraka ya kazi yake kwa sababu ya

kushindwa kutekeleza kazi zake (ama kutokana na maradhi au

sababu nyingine yoyote) au kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya, au

kwa kuvunja masharti ya sheria ya Maadili ya Viongozi wa

Umma na hataweza kuondolewa kazini ila kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (4) ya ibara hii.

(3) Iwapo Rais anaona kwamba suala la kumwondoa kazini

Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibara hii lahitaji kuchunguzwa, basi katika hali hiyo mambo

yatakuwa ifuatavyo:

(a) Rais atateua Tume Maalum ambayo itakuwa na

Mwenyekiti na Wajumbe wengine wasiopungua

wawili. Huyo Mwenyekiti na angalau nusu ya

wajumbe wengine wa Tume hiyo itabidi wawe watu

ambao ni Majaji au watu waliopata kuwa Majaji wa

Mahakama Kuu au Mahakama ya Rufani katika nchi

yoyote iliyomo kwenye Jumuiya ya Madola;

(b) Tume hiyo itachunguza shauri lote halafu itatoa

taarifa kwa Rais kuhusu maelezo ya shauri lote na

itamshauri Rais kama huyo Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi

Mkuu wa Hesabu aondolewe kazini kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara hii kwa sababu ya kushindwa


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kufanya kazi kutokana na maradhi au sababu

nyingine yoyote au kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya.

(4) Ikiwa Tume iliyoteuliwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara

ndogo ya (3) itamshauri Rais kwamba huyo Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi

Mkuu wa Hesabu aondolewe kazini kwa sababu ya kushindwa

kufanya kazi kutokana na maradhi au sababu nyingine yoyote

au kwa sababu ya tabia mbaya, basi Rais atamwondoa kazini.

(5) Ikiwa suala la kumwondoa kazini Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi

Mkuu wa Hesabu limepelekwa kwenye Tume kwa ajili ya

uchunguzi kwa mujibu wa masharti ya ibara hii, Rais aweza

kumsimamisha kazi huyo Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa

Hesabu, na Rais aweza wakati wowote kufuta uamuzi huo wa

kumsimamisha kazi, na kwa hali yoyote uamuzi huo utabatilika

ikiwa Tume itamshauri Rais kwamba huyo Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi

Mkuu wa Hesabu asiondolewe kazini.

(6) Mtu ambaye ni Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu au

aliyepata kuwa Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu hawezi

kuteuliwa kushika au kushikilia madaraka ya kazi nyingine

yoyote katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

(7) Mashartiya ibara hii hayatatumika kwa mtu yoyote

aliyeteuliwa kuwa Kaimu Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu.



Serikali za Mitaa 145.-(1) Kutakuwa na vyombo vya Serikali za Mitaa katika

Sheria ya 1984 kila mkoa, wilaya, mji na kijiji, katika Jamhuri ya Muungano,

Na.15 ib.50

ambayo vitakuwa vya aina na majina yatakayowekwa na sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge au na Baraza la Wawakilishi.

(2) Bunge au Baraza la Wawakilishi, kadri itakavyokuwa,

litatunga sheria itakayofafanua utaratibu wa kuanzisha vyombo

vya Serikali za Mitaa; miundo na wajumbe wake, njia za mapato

na utaratibu wa utekelezaji wa shughuli za vyombo hivyo.

Kazi za Serikali 146.-(1) Madhumuni ya kuwapo Serikali ya Mitaa ni

za Mitaa Sheria kupeleka madaraka kwa wananchi. Na vyombo vya Serikali za

ya 1984 Na.15

ib.20 Mitaa vitakuwa na haki na mamlaka ya kushiriki kuwashirikisha

wananchi katika mipango na shug huli za utekelezaji wa

maendeleo katika sehemu zao na nchini kote kwa jumla.

(2) Bila ya kuathiri maelezo ya jumla yaliyomo katika ibara

ndogo ya (1) ya ibara hii, hiki chombo cha Serikali za Mitaa, kwa

kuzingatia masharti ya sheria iliyokianzisha, kitahusika na


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shughuli zifuatazo -

(a) Kutekeleza kazi za Serikali za Mitaa katika eneo


(b) Kuhakikisha utekelezaji wa sheria na ulinzi wa

wananchi; na

(c) Kuimarisha demokrasi katika eneo lake na kuitumia

demokrasi kuharakisha maendeleo ya wananchi.



Marufuku kuunda 147.-(1) Ni marufuku kwa mtu yoyote au shirika lolote au

majeshi ya Ulinzi kikundi chochote cha watu, isipokuwa Serikali kuunda au

yasiyo majeshi

ya ulinzi ya kuweka Tanzania jeshi la aina yoyote.

Umma Sheria ya (2) Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano yaweza, kwa mujibu

1984 Na.15 ib.49 wa sheria, kuunda na kuweka Tanzania majeshi ya aina

Sheria ya 1992 mbalimbali kwa ajili ya ulinzi na usalama wa nchi na wananchi

Na.4 ib.36 wa Tanzania.

(3) Itakuwa ni marufuku kwa mwanajeshi yeyote kujiunga na

chama chohote cha siasa, isipokuwa tu kama atakuwa na haki

ya kupiga kura iliyotajwa katika ibara ya 5 ya Katiba hii.

(4) Kwa madhumuni ya ibara hii, "mwanajeshi" maana yake

ni askari aliyeajiriwa kwa masharti ya muda au ya kudumu

katika Jeshi la Ulinzi, Jeshi la Polisi, Jeshi la Magereza au Jeshi

la Kujenga Taifa.

Madaraka ya 148.-(1) Bila ya kuathiri masharti yatakayowekwa na sheria

Amiri Jeshi Mkuu yoyote iliyotungwa na Bunge, miongoni mwa madaraka ya Rais

Sheria ya 1984

Na.15 ib.49 akiwa kama Amiri Jeshi Mkuu ni kuyaamuru majeshi ya nchi

yatende mambo yanayohusika na vita vya ulinzi wa Jamhuri ya

Muungano, mambo ya kuokoa maisha na mali ya watu katika

hali ya hatari na mambo mengineyo ambayo Amiri Jeshi Mkuu

ataona yahitajika, na kwa ajili hiyo Amiri Jeshi Mkuu aweza

kuyaamuru hayo majeshi yatende mambo hayo ama ndani au

nje ya Tanzania.

(2) Bila ya kuathiri masharti yatakayowekwa na sheria

iliyotungwa na Bunge, madaraka juu ya mambo yafuatayo

yatakuwa mikononi mwa Amiri Jeshi Mkuu, yaani-

(a) madaraka ya kuwateua viongozi katika majeshi ya

ulinzi ya Jamhuri ya Muungano;

(b) madaraka ya kuwateua watu watakaojiunga na

majeshi ya ulinzi na madaraka ya kuwaondoa jeshini


(c) madaraka ya kuwateua wanajeshi watakaoongoza


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vikosi mbali mbali vya majeshi ya ulinzi; na

(d) madaraka ya kumwamuru mwanajeshi yeyote

asitumie madaraka yoyote aliyokabidhiwa na

ambayo yanaambatana na kuwa kwake mwanajeshi.

(3) Jambo lolote atakalotenda mwanajeshi yoyote kinyume

cha amri iliyotolewa na Amiri Jeshi Mkuu kwa mujibu wa

masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (1) na (2) ya ibara hii litakuwa




Maelezo ya 149.-(1) Mtu yeyote mwenye dhamana ya kazi yoyote

mambo iliyoanzishwa na Katiba hii (pamoja na kazi ya Waziri, Naibu

yanayohusika na

madaraka ya Waziri au Mbunge, isipokuwa Mbunge ambaye ni Mbunge kwa

Kazi mbalimbali mujibu wa madaraka ya kazi yake, aweza kujiuzulu kwa kutoa

zilizoanzishwa na taarifa iliyoandikwa na kutiliwa sahihi kwa mkono wake, kwa

Katiba hii kufuata masharti yafuatayo:

Sheria za 1980 (a) iwapo mtu huyo aliteuliwa au alichaguliwa na mtu

Na.1 ib.16; na

Sheria ya 1984 mmoja, basi taarifa hiyo ya kujiuzulu atawasilisha

Na.15 ib.52 kwa mtu huyo aliyemteua au aliyemchagua, au

Sheria ya 1992 iwapo aliteuliwa au alichaguliwa na kikao cha watu,

Na.4 ib.37 basi taarifa hiyo ya kujiuzulu ataiwasilisha kwenye

kikao hicho;

(b) iwapo mtu huyo ni Rais, basi taarifa hiyo ya kujiuzulu

ataiwasilisha kwa Spika;

(c) iwapo mtu huyo ni Spika au Naibu wa Spika wa

Bunge, basi taarifa hiyo ya kujiuzulu ataiwasilisha

kwenye Bunge; na

(d) iwapo mtu huyo ni Mbunge, basi taarifa hiyo ya

kujiuzulu ataiwasilisha kwa Spika.

(2) Mtu aliyetoa taarifa ya kujiuzulu kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara hii, atahesabiwa kuwa amejiuzulu

tangu siku ile ambayo taarifa yake ya kujiuzulu itakapopokelewa

na mtu anayehusika au kikao kinachohusika na

itakapopokelewa na mtu yeyote aliyeruhusiwa kuipokea taarifa

hiyo na mtu anayehusika au kikao kinachohusika, lakini kama

taarifa hiyo ya kujiuzulu imeeleza kwamba mtu huyo atajiuzulu

tangu siku nyingine baada ya taarifa hiyo kupokelewa na mtu

anayehusika au kikao kinachohusika, basi mtu huyo

atahesabiwa kuwa amejiuzulu tangu siku hiyo nyingine ya



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(3) Iwapo mtu yeyote mwenye dhamana ya kazi yoyote

iliyoanzishwa na Katiba hii (pamoja na kazi ya Waziri, Naibu

Waziri au Mbunge, isipokuwa Mbunge ambaye ni Mbunge kwa

mujibu wa madaraka ya kazi yake) amejiuzulu, basi ikiwa anazo

sifa zote zinazohitajika na kwa kila hali anastahili, aweza

kuteuliwa au kuchaguliwa tena kushika madaraka ya kazi hiyo

kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii.

(4) Masharti yaliyomo katika ibara ndogo ya (3) ya ibara hii

hayatamzuia mtu ambaye ni Rais kuchaguliwa tena kuwa Rais

wakati bado ameshika madaraka ya kazi ya Rais.

Maelezo kuhusu 150.-(1) Kwa madhumuni ya ufafanuzi wa masharti ya

utaratibu wa Katiba hii kuhusu utaratibu wa kukabidhi madaraka ya kazi


katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, ifahamike

madaraka ya kazi

katika utumishi kuwa mtu yeyote mwenye mamlaka, kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii,

wa Serikali ya kumteua au kumchagua mtu mwingine kushika madaraka ya

Sheria ya 1979 kazi fulani anao pia uwezo wa kumteua au kumchagua kaimu

Na.14 ib.12 au mtu ambaye atashikilia kwa muda na kutekeleza madaraka

Sheria ya 1980

Na.1 ib.16 na ya kazi hiyo:

Sheria ya 1984 Isipokuwa kwamba maelezo hayo hayatatumika kwa

Na.15 ib.52 madaraka ya kazi ya Waziri, Naibu Waziri, Jaji wa Mahakama

ya Rufani, Jaji wa Mahakama Kuu, Mjumbe wa Tume ya

Kudumu ya Uchunguzi au Mjumbe wa Tume ya Uchaguzi.

(2) Kanuni zifuatazo zitatumika pia kwa madhumuni ya

ufafanuzi wa masharti ya Katiba hii kuhusu utaratibu wa

kukabidhiana madaraka ya kazi katika utumishi wa Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano, yaani:

(a) iwapo kuna mtu mwenye madaraka ya kazi fulani

aliyokabidhiwa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii

na mtu huyo yupo likizoni na wakati huo huo

anangojea kuacha kazi hiyo, basi anaweza kuteuliwa

mtu mwingine na kukabidhiwa madaraka ya kazi

hiyo, bila ya kujali kuwapo kwa yule mtu

anayengojea kuacha kazi hiyo;

(b) iwapo kuna watu wawili au zaidi ambao kwa wakati

mmoja wote wanashika madaraka ya kazi fulani

kutokana na uteuzi wao uliofanywa kwa mujibu wa

Kanuni iliyoelezwa katika

aya ya (a) ya ibara hii ndogo, basi katika hali hiyo

kukitokea haja ya kutekeleza shughuli yoyote

inayohusika na madaraka ya kazi hiyo yule mtu wa

mwisho kuteuliwa ndiye atakayehesabiwa kuwa mtu

pekee mwenye dhamana ya kazi hiyo;


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(c) iwapo mtu ameteuliwa, kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

Katiba hii, kuwa kaimu au kushikilia madaraka ya

kazi fulani wakati mtu maalum aliyeteuliwa kushika

madaraka ya kazi hiyo anashindwa kutekeleza

shughuli zinazohusika na kazi hiyo, basi

haitaruhusiwa kufanya uchunguzi wowote au kutoa

hoja yoyote juu ya uteuzi wa huyo kaimu eti kwa

sababu kwamba huyo mtu maalum aliyeteuliwa

kushika madaraka ya kazi hiyo anashindwa

kutelekeza shughuli zinazohusika na kazi hiyo.

Ufafanuzi Sheria 151.-(1) Katika Katiba hii, ila iwapo maelezo yahitaji

ya 1984 Na.15 vinginevyo: "amri ya Jeshi" maana yake ni sheria au amri

ib.52 na 53

Sheria ya 1992 iliyotolewa kwa mujibu wa sheria, ya kusimamia nidhamu katika

Na.4 ib.38 jeshi;

Sheria ya 2000 "askari" likitumika kuhusiana na jeshi lolote, maana yake ni

Na.3 ib.19 pamoja na askari yeyote ambaye kwa mujibu wa amri ya

jeshi hilo ni mtu anayewajibika kinidhamu;

"Baraza la Wawakilishi" maana yake ni Baraza la Wawakilishi,

la Zanzibar lililotajwa katika ibara ya 106 ya Katiba hii na

linalotekeleza madaraka yake kwa mujibu wa Katiba hii

na Katiba ya Zanzibar 1984;

"Bunge" maana yake ni bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano

lililotajwa katika ibara ya 62 ya Katiba hii;

Sheria Na.5 ya "Chama cha Siasa" maana yake ni chama cha Siasa

Mwaka 1992 kilichoandikishwa kikamilifu kwa mujibu wa sheria ya

Vyama vya Siasa, ya Mwaka 1992;

"Idara ya Mahakama" maana yake ni kama ilivyofafanuliwa

katika ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara ya 116 ya Katiba hii;

"Idara ya Mahakama ya Zanzibar" maana yake ni Idara ya

Mahakama inayojumlisha mahakama zote ambazo ziko katika

Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar;

"Jaji Mkuu" maana yake ni Jaji Mkuu wa Mahakama ya Rufani

aliyetajwa katika ibara ndogo ya (1) ya ibara ya 115 ya

Katiba hii ambaye ameteuliwa kwa mujibu wa masharti

ya ibara ndogo ya (2) ya ibara hiyo ya 118 au iwapo Jaji

Mkuu hayupo au anashindwa kutekeleza kazi zake kwa

sababu yoyote, Kaimu Jaji Mkuu aliyeteuliwa kwa mujibu

wa masharti ya ibara ndogo ya (4) ya ibara hiyo ya 118

ya Katiba hii, na kama Kaimu Jaji Mkuu naye hayupo au

anashindwa kutekeleza kazi za Jaji Mkuu, Jaji wa

Mahakama ya Rufani iliyepo kazini kwa wakati huo na

ambaye yuko kwenye daraja la juu zaidi la madaraka

kupita majaji wote wa Rufani waliopo;


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Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


"Jaji Mkuu wa Zanzibar" maana yake ni Jaji Mkuu wa

Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar ambaye, kwa mujibu wa

Katiba ya Zanzibar 1984, ndiye Mkuu wa Idara ya

Mahakama ya Zanzibar;

"Jeshi" maana yake ni lolote kati ya majeshi ya ulinzi na ni

pamoja na jeshi lolote jingine lililoundwa na Katiba hii au

kwa mujibu wa sheria na linalotawaliwa kwa amri ya


"Jumuiya ya Madola" maana yake ni jumuiya ambayo

wanachama wake ni Jamhuri ya Muungano na kila nchi

ambayo inahusika na masharti ya ibara ya 7 ya Sheria ya

Sura 512; Uraia, ya mwaka 1961;

"kiapo" maana yake itabidi ifahamike kwa maana ya kawaida ya

neno hilo na ni pamoja na tamko rasmi la namna yoyote

linaloruhusiwa kisheria kutumiwa badala ya kiapo;

"kiapo cha uaminifu" maana yake ni kiapo cha kuwa mwaminifu

kwa nchi na kwa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano;

"Maadili ya Kazi ya Jaji" maana yake ni masharti ya kimaadili

yanayoongoza mwenendo wa watu wafanyao kazi ya Jaji

au ya Hakimu;

"madaraka ya kazi katika utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano" maana yake itabidi ifahamike kwa mujibu wa

maana ya kawaida ya maneno hayo na ni pamoja na

utumishi katika Majeshi ya Ulinzi ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano na katika Jeshi la Polisi au jeshi linginelo

lililoundwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria;

"mahakama" maana yake ni mahakama yoyote yenye mamlaka

katika Jamhuri ya Muungano isipokuwa mahakama

iliyoundwa kwa amri ya jeshi; lakini kwa ajili ya ibara ya

13, ya 14 na ya 15 za Katiba hii, itakuwa ni pamoja na

mahakama iliyoundwa kwa amri ya jeshi.

"Mahakama Kuu" maana yake ni Mahakama Kuu ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano au Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar;

"Mambo ya Muungano" maana yake ni mambo yote ya umma

ambayo yametajwa na ibara ya 4 ya Katiba hii kuwa ni

Mambo ya Muungano;

"Mamlaka ya Nchi" ni pamoja na Serikali na Bunge la Jamhuri

ya Muungano, pamoja na Serikali na Baraza la

Wawakilishi la Zanzibar;

"Mwanasheria Mkuu" maaana yake ni Mwanasheria mkuu wa

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano aliyetajwa katika ibara

ya 59;

"Serikali" maana yake ni pamoja na Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano, Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar au

Halmashauri ya Wilaya au ya Mji, na pia mtu yeyote


----------------------- Page 109-----------------------

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


anayetekeleza madaraka au mamlaka yoyote kwa niaba

ya Serikali au Halmashauri;

"Serikali za Mitaa" maana yake ni vyombo vya kiserikali

vilvyoundwa kwa mujibu wa ibara ya 145 ya Katiba hii

kwa madhumuni ya kutekeleza madaraka ya umma;

"Tanzania Bara" maana yake ni eneo lote la Jamhuri ya

Muungano ambalo zamani lilikuwa eneo la Jamhuri ya


"Tanzania Zanzibar" maana yake ni eneo lote la Jamhuri ya

Muungano ambalo zamani lilikuwa eneo la Jamhuri ya

watu wa Zanzibar na ambalo kabla ya Sheria hii

kutungwa liliitwa Tanzania Visiwani;

"Uchaguzi Mkuu" au "uchaguzi unaofanywa na wananchi"

maana yake ni uchaguzi wa Rais na uchaguzi wa

Wabunge wanaowakilisha wilaya za uchaguzi

unaaofanywa baada ya Bunge kuvunjwa;

"Ujamaa" au "Ujamaa na Kujitegemea" maana yake ni misingi

ya maisha ya jamii ya kujenga Taifa linalozingatia

demokrasia, kujitegemea, uhuru, haki, usawam udugu na

umoja wa wananchi wa Jamhuri ya Muungano;

"Waziri" maana yake ni Mbunge aliyekabidhiwa madaraka ya

kazi ya Waziri, isipokuwa Naibu Waziri, na maana hiyo

itatumika pia kwa Makamu wote wa Rais;

"Zanzibar" maana yake ni sawa na maana ya Tanzania


(2) Kanuni zifuatazo zitatumika kwa madhumuni ya

ufafanuzi wa masharti ya Katiba, yaani -

(a) kila yanapotajwa madaraka ya Rais, ifahamike kuwa

mdaraka yanayohusika ni pamoja na mamlaka ya

kutekeleza shughuli za kazi mbalimbali na vile vile

wajibu wa kutekeleza shughuli na kazi mbali mali

kama Mkuu wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano, na

pia mamlaka mengine kama hayo au wajibu

mwingine kama huo ikiwa imeelezwa katika Katiba

hii au katika sheria nyingine yoyote kwamba

mamlaka hayo mengine ni ya Rais au kwamba

wajibu huo mwingine ni wa Rais;

(b) kila yanapotajwa madaraka ya kazi katika utumishi

wa Serikali, ifahamike kuwa kazi inayohusika ni kazi

katika Utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Mungano

isipokuwa kama imeelezwa vingine, na kila

inapotajwa Idara ya Serikali ifahamike kuwa idara

inayohusika ni idara ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya

Muungano, isipokuwa kama imeelezwa vingine;

(c) iwapo kwa mujibu wa masharti ya Katiba hii kuna

jambo lolote linalotakiwa litekelezwe au

lishughulikiwe na chama chochote cha siasa, basi,


----------------------- Page 110-----------------------

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


lishughulikiwe na chama chochote cha siasa, basi,

jambo hilo litatekele zwa au litashughulikiwa na

chama hicho kwa mujibu wa utaratibu uliowekwa na

chama hicho kwa ajili hiyo, na pia kwa kuzingatia

masharti ya Katiba hii au Sheria yoyote iliyotungwa

na Bunge kwa ajili hiyo;

(d) kwa madhumuni ya Katiba hii, mtu hatahesabiwa

kuwa ana madaraka ya kazi katika utumishi wa

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano kwa sababu tu

kwamba anapokea malipo ya uzeeni au malipo

mengine ya aina hiyo kwa ajili ya utumishi wake wa

zamani katika Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano au

katika Serikali yoyote ya zamani ya Tanzania Bara

au katika Jeshi la Ulinzi au la Polisi la Serikali ya

Jamhuri ya Muungano au Serikali ya zamani ya

Tanzania Bara au ya Zanzibar;

(e) katika Katiba hii, ila iwapo maelezo yahitaji vingine,

kila anapotajwa mtu mwenye dhamana ya kazi fulani

kwa kutaja madaraka ya kazi yake, ifahamike kuwa

mtu anayehusika ni pamoja na mtu yeyote ambaye ni

Kaimu au aliyeteuliwa kwa njia ya halali kushikilia

dhamana ya kazi hiyo;

(f) katika Katiba hii, kila yalipotajwa mamlaka ya

kumwondoa mtu katika madaraka ya kazi katika

utumishi wa Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano,

ifahamike kuwa mamlaka yanayohusika ni pamoja na

mamlaka yaliyotolewa kwa mujibu wa masharti ya

Sheria yoyote yanayomtaka mtu huyo au

yanayomruhusu mtu huyo kustaafu:

Isipokuwa kwamba maelezo ya Kanuni hii

yasifahamike kuwa yanampa mtu yeyote mamlaka ya

kumtaka Jaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani, Jaji wa

Mahakama Kuu au Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu


(g) katika Katiba hii, kila ilipotajwa sheria ambayo

inabadilisha au kufuta sheria nyingine, ifahamike

kuwa sheria inayohusika ni pamoja na sheria

ambayo inarekebisha sheria hiyo nyingine au

ambayo inaendeleza kutumika kwa hiyo sheria

nyingine, ama bila mabadiliko au baada ya

kubadilishwa au kurekebishwa; au sheria ambayo

inaweka masharti mapya katika sheria nyingine.


----------------------- Page 111-----------------------

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


Jina kamili la 152.-(1) Jina kamili la Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muugano wa

Katiba tarehe ya Tanzania, ya mwaka 1977.

kuanza kutumika

na matumizi ya (2) Katiba hii itaanza kutumika tarehe 26 Aprili, 1977.

Katiba hii. (3) Katiba hii itatumika Tanzania Bara na vile vile

Sheria ya 1985 Tanzania Visiwani.

Na.15 ib.52




(Imetajwa katika ibara ya 4)

Mambo ya Muungano

1. Katiba ya Tanzania na Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

2. Mambo ya Nchi za Nje.

3. Ulinzi na Usalama.

4. Polisi.

5. Mamlaka juu ya mambo yanayohusika na hali ya hatari.

6. Uraia.

7. Uhamiaji.

8. Mikopo na baiashara ya Nchi za Nje.

9. Utumishi katika Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

10.Kodi ya Mapato inayolipwa na watu binafsi na mashirika,

ushuru wa forodha na ushuru wa bidhaa zinazotengenezwa

nchini Tanzania unaosimamiwa na Idara ya Forodha.

11.Bandari, mambo yanayohusika na usafiri wa anga, posta na


12.Mambo yote yanayohusika na sarafu na fedha kwa ajili ya

malipo yote halali (pamoja na noti); mabenki (pamoja

mabenki ya kuweka akiba) na shughuli zote za mabenki;

fedha za kigeni na usimamizi juu ya mambo yanayohusika

na fedha za kigeni.

13.Leseni ya viwanda na takwimu.

14.Elimu ya juu.

15.Maliasili ya mafuta, pamoja na mafuta yasiyochujwa ya

motokaa na mafuata ya aina ya petroli na aina nyinginezo za

mafuta au bidhaa, na gesi asilia.

16.Baraza la Taifa la Mitihani la Tanzania na mambo yote

yanayohusika na kazi za Baraza hilo.

17.Usafiri na usafirishaji wa anga.


19.Utafiti wa hali ya hewa.


21.Mahakama ya Rufani ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

22.Uandikishaji wa Vyama vya siasa na Mambo mengine

yanayohusiana navyo.


----------------------- Page 112-----------------------

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania






(Imetajwa katika ibara ya 98 (1)(a))

(Sheria ambazo mabadiliko yake yahitaji kuungwa mkono na

heluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote).

Sura ya 500, Ibara ya 3, 17,18, 23 na 26

Sheria ya



kuwa Jamhuri

ya mwaka 1962

Sura ya 508, Ibara ya 22, 23, na 24

Sheria ya

Utumishi katika

Idara ya

Mahakama ya

mwaka 1962

Sura ya 509, Ibara ya 22, 23, na 24.

Sheria ya


Serikalini ya

mwaka 1962

Sura ya 512, Sheria yote

Sheria ya Uraia,

ya mwaka 1961

Sura ya 557, Sheria yote.

Sheria ya


Mapatano ya

Muungano wa

Tanganyika na

Zanzibar ya

mwaka 1964


(Imetajwa katika ibara 98 (1) (b))

Mambo ambayo mabadiliko yake yahitaji kuungwa mkono na

theluthi mbili ya Wabunge wote kutoka Tanzania Bara na theluthi

mbili ya Wabunge wote kutoka Tanzania Visiwani.

1. Kuwapo kwa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

2. Kuwapo kwa Ofisi ya Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano.

3. Madaraka ya Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano.

4. Kuwapo kwa Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano.

5. Madaraka ya Serikali ya Zanzibar.

6. Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar.

7. Orodha ya Mambo ya Muungano.


----------------------- Page 113-----------------------

Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania


8. Idadi ya Wabunge kutoka Zanzibar.



----------------------- Page 1-----------------------


(CAP. 2)


Article Title







1. Proclamation of the United Republic.

2. The territory of the United Republic.

3. Declaration of Multi-Party State.

4. Exercise of State Authority of the United Republic.

5. The Franchise.




6. Interpretation.

7. Application of the provisions of Part II.

8. The Government and the People.

9. The pursuit of Ujamaa and Self-Reliance.

10. [Repealed].

11. Right to work, to educational and other pursuits.



The Right to Equality

12. Equality of human beings.

13. Equality before the law.

The Right to Life

14. The right to life.

15. Right to personal freedom.

16. Right to privacy and personal security.

17. Right to freedom of movement.

----------------------- Page 2-----------------------

The Right to Freedom of Conscience

18. The freedom of expression.

19. Right to freedom of religion.

20. Person’s freedom of association.

21. Freedom to participate in public affairs.

The Right to Work

22. Right to work.

23. Right to just remuneration.

24. Right to own property.

Duties to the Society

25. Duty to participate in work.

26. Duty to abide by the laws of the land.

27. Duty to safeguard public property.

28. Defence of the Nation.

General Provisions

29. Fundamental rights and duties.

30. Limitations upon, and enforcement and preservation of basic rights,

freedoms and duties.

Extraordinary Powers of the State Authority

31. Derogation from rights and freedoms.

32. Power to proclaim state of emergency.





33. President of the United Republic.

34. The Government of the United Republic and its Authority.

35. Discharge of business of the Government.

36. Authority to constitute offices and to appoint officers.

37. Discharge of duties and functions of President.

38. Election of President.

39. Qualifications for election of President.


----------------------- Page 3-----------------------

40. Eligibility for re-election.

41. Procedures for the election of President.

42. Time of assumption and term of office of President.

43. Terms of office of President.

44. Power to declare war.

45. Prerogative of mercy.

46. Immunity from criminal and civil proceedings.

46A. Impeachment by the National Assembly.

46B. Duty of principal leaders of organs with executive powers to preserve

the Union.



47. Vice-President, his duties and powers.

48. Time of assumption of office of Vice-President.

49. Oath of the Vice-President.

50. Tenure of office of Vice-President.




51. Prime Minister of the United Republic.

52. Functions and authority of the Prime Minister.

53. Accountability of the Executive.

53A. Vote of no confidence.


54. The Cabinet.

55. Appointment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

56. Oath of office of Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

57. Tenure of office of Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

58. Terms of office of Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

59. Attorney General for the Government of the United Republic.

59A. Deputy Attorney General.

59B. Director of Public Prosecutions.

60. Secretary to the Cabinet.

61. Regional Commissioners.


----------------------- Page 4-----------------------





62. Parliament.

63. Authority of Parliament.

64. Legislative power.

65. Life of Parliament.



66. Members of Parliament.

67. Qualifications for Member of Parliament.

68. Oath of Members of Parliament.

69. Formal declaration by Members of Parliament concerning ethics of


70. Members to submit statement of property.

71. Tenure of office of Member of Parliament.

72. Cessation of employment of public servants on contesting for elections.

73. Terms of service of Members of Parliament.

74. Electoral Commission.

75. Constituencies.

Election and Appointment of Members of Parliament

76. Elections in constituencies.

77. Procedure for election of Members of Parliament representing


78. Procedure for election of women Members of Parliament.

79. Procedure for election of Members of Parliament by House of


80. [Repealed].

81. Procedure for proposing women candidates.

82. [Repealed].

83. Determination of the validity of a person’s membership of the



----------------------- Page 5-----------------------



Speaker and Deputy Speaker

84. Speaker and his functions.

85. Deputy Speaker.

86. Procedure for electing Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Office of Parliament

87. Clerk of the National Assembly.

88. The Secretariat of the National Assembly.

Procedure in the National Assembly

89. Standing Orders of the National Assembly.

90. Summoning and dissolution of Parliament.

91. President may address Parliament.

92. Meetings of the National Assembly.

93. Presiding at sittings of the National Assembly.

94. Quorum at sittings of the National Assembly.

95. Vacant seats in the National Assembly.

96. Standing Committees of the National Assembly.

Legislative Procedure

97. How to legislate.

98. Procedure for altering the Constitution and certain laws.

99. Procedure for legislating in financial matters.

Powers and Privileges of Parliament

100. Freedom and immunity from proceedings.

101. Preservation and enforcement of freedom of debate and procedure.


----------------------- Page 6-----------------------









102. The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and its jurisdiction.

103. Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and his authority.

104. Election of the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.




105. The Zanzibar Revolutionary Council and its functions.



106. The House of Representatives of Zanzibar and its legislative functions.

107. Authority of House of Representatives.










107A Authority of dispensing of Justice.

107B. Independence of the Judiciary.


----------------------- Page 7-----------------------



108. High Court of the United Republic and its jurisdiction.

109. Judges of the High Court and their appointment.

110. Tenure of office of Judges of the High Court.

111. Judges’ oath of office.



112. Judicial Service Commission.

113. Powers and functions of the Commission.

113A Membership in political parties.



114. The High Court of Zanzibar.

115. Jurisdiction of the High Court of Zanzibar.



116. Interpretation.

117. Court of Appeal of the United Republic and its jurisdiction.

118. Chief Justice and Justices of Appeal and their appointment.

119. Jurisdiction of Justices of Appeal.

120. Tenure of office of Justices of Appeal.

120A Procedures relating to discipline of Justices of Appeal.

121. Oath of office of Justices of Appeal.

122. Quorum at sittings of the Court of Appeal.

123. Jurisdiction of a single Justice of Appeal.




124. Execution of court orders in the whole of Tanzania.


----------------------- Page 8-----------------------




125. Special Constitutional Court of the United Republic.

126. Jurisdiction of the Special Constitutional Court.

127. Composition of the Special Constitutional Court.

128. Procedure at sittings of the Special Constitutional Court.






129. Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance.

130. Functions of the Commission and performance procedures.

131. Powers of the Commission and procedures for performance of




132. Public Leaders’ Ethics Secretariat.







133. Joint Finance Account.

134. Joint Finance Commission.




135. Consolidated Fund of the Government of the United Republic.

136. Conditions for withdrawal of moneys from Consolidated Fund.

137. Procedure for authorising expenditure out of Consolidated Fund.

138. Conditions of taxation.

139. Procedure for authorisation of expenditure in advance of appropriation.


----------------------- Page 9-----------------------

140. Contingencies Fund and virement.

141. Public Debt.

142. Remuneration of certain holders of public offices to be a charge on

Consolidated Fund.

143. Controller and Auditor-General of the United Republic.

144. Removal from office of Controller and Auditor-General.



145. The local government authorities.

146. Functions of local government authorities.



147. Prohibition to raise and maintain armed forces.

148. Powers of Commander-in-Chief.



149. Provisions relating to resignation from various offices established by

this Constitution.

150. Provisions relating to procedure of succession to office in Government


151. Interpretation.

152. Title, commencement and application of this Constitution.




[Union Matters]




List one

(Laws the amendment of which requires to be supported by at least two – thirds of all

Members of Parliament).

List two

(Matters the amendment of which requires to be supported by two-thirds of all Members

of Parliament from Mainland Tanzania and two-thirds of all Members of Parliament from

Tanzania Zanzibar).


----------------------- Page 10-----------------------



Cap.500 [1965 Edition]

Cap 598 [1965 Edition]

Act Nos

14 of 1979

1 and 28 of 1980

21 of 1982

15 of 1984

14 and 16 of 1990

4 and 20 of 1992

7 of 1993

7 and 34 of 1994

12 of 1995

3 of 2000

1 of 2005

G.N.No.133 of 2001

G.N.No.150 of 2005




WHEREAS WE, the people of the United Republic of Tanzania, have

firmly and solemnly resolved to build in our country a society founded on the

principles of freedom, justice, fraternity and concord:

AND WHEREAS those principles can only be realised in a democratic

society in which the Executive is accountable to a Legislature composed of

elected members and representative of the people, and also a Judiciary which is

independent and dispenses justice without fear or favour, thereby ensuring that all

human rights are preserved and protected and that the duties of every person are

faithfully discharged:



on behalf of the People, for the purpose of building such a society and ensuring

that Tanzania is governed by a Government that adheres to the principles of

democracy and socialism and shall be a secular state.


----------------------- Page 11-----------------------







Proclamation 1. Tanzania is one State and is a sovereign United Republic.

of the United


Act No.15

of 1984


The territory of 2.-(1) The territory of the United Republic consists of the whole of the

the United area of mainland Tanzania and the whole of the area of Tanzania Zanzibar, and


includes the territorial waters.

Act No.15 (2) For the purpose of the efficient discharge of the functions of the

of 1984 Government of the United Republic or of the Revolutionary Government of


Act No.4 Zanzibar, the President may, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law

of 1992 or provisions of such law as may be enacted by Parliament, divide the United

Art.3 Republic into regions, districts and other areas:

Provided that the President shall first consult with the President of

Zanzibar before dividing Tanzania Zanzibar into regions, districts or other areas.

Declaration of 3.-(1) The United Republic is a democratic, secular and socialist state

multiparty state which adheres to multi-party democracy.

Act No.4

of 1992 (2) All matters pertaining to the registration and administration of

Art.5 political parties in the United Republic shall be governed by the provisions of this

Act No.1 Constitution and of a law enacted by Parliament for that purpose.

of 2005

Art. 4

Exercise of 4.-(1) All state authority in the United Republic shall be exercised and

state authority controlled by two organs vested with executive powers, two organs vested with

of the United

judicial powers and two organs vested with legislative and supervisory powers


Act No.15 over the conduct of public affairs.

of 1984 (2) The organs vested with executive powers shall be the Government of

Art.6 the United Republic and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar; the organs

Act No.1

of 2005 vested with judicial powers shall be the Judiciary of the United Republic and the

Art.5 Judiciary of the Revolutionary government of Zanzibar; and the organs vested

with legislative and supervisory powers over public affairs shall be the Parliament

of the Untied Republic and the House of Representatives.

(3) For the purposes of the efficient conduct of public affairs in the

United Republic and for the allocation of powers among the organs specified in

this Article, there shall be Union Matters as listed in the First Schedule and there


----------------------- Page 12-----------------------

shall also be non-union maters which are all other matters not so listed.

(4) Each organ specified in this Article shall be established and shall

discharge its functions in accordance with the other provisions of this


The franchise 5.-(1) Every citizen of the Untied Republic who has attained the age of

Act No.15 eighteen years is entitled to vote in any election held in Tanzania. This right shall

of 1984

Art.6 be exercised in accordance with the sub article (2), and of the other provisions of

Act No.3 this Constitution and the law for the time being in force in Tanzania in relation to

of 2000 public elections.

Art.4 (2) Parliament may enact a law imposing conditions restricting a citizen

from exercising the right to vote by reason of any of the following grounds:

(a) being a citizen of another state;

(b) being mentally infirm;

(c) being convicted of certain specified criminal offences;

(d) omission or failure to prove or to produce evidence as to age,

citizenship or registration as a voter.

Except for these grounds no other grounds shall disqualify a citizen from

exercising the right to vote.

(3) Parliament shall enact electoral law to provide for the following:

(a) the establishment of a permanent voters register and prescribing the

procedure for its amendment or updating information contained in

that register;

(b) specification of places and times for the registration of voters and

for voting;

(c) procedure and conditions for enabling a person registered as a voter

in one place to vote in another;

(d) specification of the duties and functions of the Electoral

Commission and the procedure for every election which shall be

conducted under the direction and supervision of the Electoral





Interpretation 6. In this Part of this Chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:-

Act No.15 the Government includes the Government of the United Republic, the

of 1984

Art.6 Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, local government authorities and any

person who exercises power or authority on behalf of either “Government”.

Application of 7.-(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (2), it shall be the duty

provisions of and responsibility of the Government, all its organs and all persons or authorities

Part II

Act No.15 exercising executive, legislative or judicial functions to take cognizance of,

of 1984 observe and apply the provisions of this Part of this Chapter.

Art.6 (2) The provisions of this Part of this Chapter are not enforceable by any


----------------------- Page 13-----------------------

court. No court shall be competent to determine the question whether or not any

action or omission by any person or any court, or any law or judgment complies

with the provisions of this Part of this Chapter.

The 8.-(1) The United Republic of Tanzania is a state which adheres to the

Government principles of democracy and social justice and accordingly -

and the People

Act No.15 (a) sovereignty resides in the people and it is from the people that the

of 1984 Government through this Constitution shall derive all its power and

Art.6 authority;

(b) the primary objective of the Government shall be the welfare of the


(c) the Government shall be accountable to the people; and

(d) the people shall participate in the affairs of their Government in

accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

(2) The structure of the Government of the United Republic and the

Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar or any of their organs, and the discharge

of their functions shall be so effected as to take into account the unity of the

United Republic and the need to promote national unity and preserve national


The pursuit of 9. The object of this Constitution is to facilitate the building of the United

Ujamaa and Republic as a nation of equal and free individuals enjoying freedom, justice,


Act No.15 fraternity and concord, through the pursuit of the policy of Socialism and Self

of 1984 Reliance which emphasizes the application of socialist principles while taking into

Art.6 account the conditions prevailing in the United Republic. Therefore, the state

Act No.4 authority and all its agencies are obliged to direct their policies and programmes

of 1992 towards ensuring -


(a) that human dignity and other human rights are respected and


(b) that the laws of the land are upheld and enforced;

(c) that activities of the Government are conducted in such a way as to

ensure that the national wealth and heritage are harnessed,

preserved and applied for the common good and also to prevent the

exploitation of one person by another;

(d) that the national economy is planned and promoted in a balanced

and integrated manner;

(e) that every person who is able to work does work, and work means

any legitimate activity by which a person earns a living;

(f) that human dignity is preserved and upheld in accordance with the

spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

(g) that the Government and all its agencies accord equal opportunities

to all citizens, men and women alike without regard to their colour,

tribe, religion, or station in life;

(h) that all forms of injustice, intimidation, discrimination, corruption,

oppression or favouritism are eradicated;

(i) that the use of national wealth places emphasis on the development


----------------------- Page 14-----------------------

of the people and in particular is geared towards the eradication of

poverty, ignorance and disease;

(j) that economic activities are not conducted in a manner that may be

result in the concentration of wealth or the major means of

production in the hands of a few individuals;

(k) that the country is governed according to the principles of

democracy and socialism.

Status and 10. [Repealed by Act No.4 of 1992].

authority of the


Right to work, 11.-(1) The state authority shall make appropriate provisions for the

to educational realization of a person’s right to work and access to education, the right to receive

and other

assistance from the community at times of old age, sickness or infirmity and in


Act No.15 of other cases of disability.

1984 (2) Every person has the right to access education, and every citizen shall

Art.6 be free to pursue education in a field or his choice up to pursue education of his

choice to his merit and ability, the highest level according to his merits and ability.

(3) Every person has the right to access of education and every citizen

shall be free to pursue education and technique.



The Right to Equality

Equality of 12.-(1) All human beings are born free, and are all equal.

human beings (2) Every person is entitled to recognition and respect for his dignity.

Act No.15

of 1984


Equality before 13.-(1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled, without any

the law discrimination, to protection and equality before the law.

Act No.15 (2) No law enacted by any authority in the United Republic shall make

of 1984 any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect.


Act No.4 (3) The civic rights, duties and interests of every person and community

of 1992 shall be protected and determined by the courts of law or other state agencies


established by or under the law.

Act No.7 (4) No person shall be discriminated against by any person or any

of 1994 authority acting under any law or in the discharge of the functions or business of

Art. 8(1)(k)

any state office.

Act No.3 (5) For the purposes of this Article the expression “discriminate” means

of 2000 to satisfy the needs, rights or other requirements of different persons on the basis


of their nationality, tribe, place of origin, political opinion, colour, religion, sex or

station in life such that certain categories of people are regarded as weak or


----------------------- Page 15-----------------------

inferior and are subjected to restrictions or conditions whereas persons of other

categories are treated differently or are accorded opportunities or advantage

outside the specified conditions or the prescribed necessary qualifications except

that the word “discrimination” shall not be construed in a manner that will

prohibit the Government from taking purposeful steps aimed at rectifying

disabilities in the society.

(6) To ensure equality before the law, the state authority shall make

procedures which are appropriate or which take into account the following

principles, namely:

(a) when the rights and duties of any person are being determined by

the court or any other agency, that person shall be entitled to a fair

hearing and to the right of appeal or other legal remedy against the

decision of the court or of the other agency concerned;

(b) no person charged with a criminal offence shall be treated as guilty

of the offence until proved guilty of that offence;

(c) no person shall be punished for any act which at the time of its

commission was not an offence under the law, and also no penalty

shall be imposed which is heavier than the penalty in force at the

time the offence was committed;

(d) for the purposes of preserving the right or equality of human

beings, human dignity shall be protected in all activities pertaining

to criminal investigations and process, and in any other matters for

which a person is restrained, or in the execution of a sentence;

(e) no person shall be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading

punishment or treatment.

The Right to Life

Right to life 14. Every person has the right to live and to the protection of his life by

Act No.15 the society in accordance with the law.

of 1984


Right to 15.-(1) Every person has the right to freedom and to live as a free person.

personal (2) For the purposes of preserving individual freedom and the right to live


Act No.15 as a free person, no person shall be arrested, imprisoned, confined, detained,

of 1984 deported or otherwise be deprived of his freedom save only-


(a) under circumstances and in accordance with procedures prescribed

by law; or

(b) in the execution of a judgment, order or a sentence given or passed

by the court following a decision in a legal proceeding or a

conviction for a criminal offence.

Right to 16.-(1) Every person is entitled to respect and protection of his person,

privacy and the privacy of his own person, his family and of his matrimonial life, and respect


and protection of his residence and private communications.



----------------------- Page 16-----------------------

Act No.15 (2) For the purpose of preserving the person’s right in accordance with

of 1984 this Article, the state authority shall lay down legal procedures regarding the


circumstances, manner and extent to which the right to privacy, security of his

person, his property and residence may be encroached upon without prejudice to

the provisions of this Article.

Right to 17.-(1) Every citizen of the United Republic has the right to freedom of

freedom of movement in the United Republic and the right to live in any part of the United


Act No.15 Republic, to leave and enter the country, and the right not to be forced to leave or

of 1984 be expelled from the United Republic.

Art.6 (2) Any lawful act or any law which is intended to -

(a) curtail a person’s freedom of movement and to restrain or imprison

him; or

(b) limit a person from exercising his freedom of movement so as to -

(i) execute a judgment or court order; or

(ii) compel a person first to comply with any obligations

arising under another law; or

(iii) protect public interest in general or preserve certain

special interest or interests of a certain section of the


such act or law shall not be construed or be held to be repugnant to or

inconsistent with the provisions of this Article.

The Right to Freedom of Conscience

Freedom of 18. Every person -

expression (a) has a freedom of opinion and expression of his ideas;

Act No.1 (b) has out right to seek, receive and, or disseminate information

of 2005 regardless of national boundaries;


(c) has the freedom to communicate and a freedom with protection

from interference from his communication;

(d) has a right to be informed at all times of various important events

of life and activities of the people and also of issues of importance

to the society.

Right of 19.-(1) Every person has the right to the freedom to have conscience, or

freedom of faith, and choice in matters of religion, including the freedom to change his


Act No.15 religion or faith.

of 1984 (2) Protection of rights referred to in this Article shall be in accordance

Art.6 with the provisions prescribed by the laws which are of importance to a

Act No.4

of 1992 democratic society for security and peace in the society, integrity of the society

Art.9 and the national coercion.

Act No.1

of 2005



----------------------- Page 17-----------------------

(3) In this Article reference to the term “religion” shall be construed as

including reference to religious denominations, and cognate expressions shall be

construed accordingly.

Person’s 20.-(1) Every person has a freedom, to freely and peaceably assemble,

freedom of associate and cooperate with other persons, and for that purpose, express views


Act No.15 publicly and to form and join with associations or organizations formed for

of 1984 purposes of preserving or furthering his beliefs or interests or any other interests.


Act No.1 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticles (1) and (4), it shall not

of 2005 be lawful for any political party to be registered which according to its


constitution or policy -

(a) aims at promoting or furthering the interests of -

(i) any faith or religious group;

(ii) any tribal group, place of origin, race or gender;

(iii) only a particular area within any part of the United


(b) advocates for the break-up of the United Republic;

(c) accepts or advocates for the use of the force or violent

confrontation as means of attaining its political goals;

(d) advocates or intends to carry on its political activities in only one

part of the United Republic;

(e) does not permit periodic and democratic election of its leaders.

(3) Parliament may enact legislation which makes provisions for ensuring

that political parties operate within the limits and adhere to the conditions set out

in subarticle (2) concerning the freedom and the right of persons to associate and


(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to be compelled to join any

association or organization, or for any association or any political party to be

refused registration on grounds solely the ideology or philosophy of that political


Freedom to 21.-(1) Subject to the provisions of Article 39, 47 and 67 of this

participate in Constitution and of the laws of the land in connection with the conditions for

public affairs

Act No.15 electing and being elected or for appointing and being appointed to take part in

of 1984 matters related to governance of the country, every citizen of the United Republic

Art.6 is entitled to take part in matters pertaining to the governance of the country,

Act No.34 either directly or through representatives freely elected by the people, in

of 1994 conformity with the procedures laid down by, or in accordance with, the law.


(2) Every citizen has the right and the freedom to participate fully in the

process leading to the decision on matters affecting him, his well-being or the


The Right to Work

Right to work 22.-(1) Every person has the right to work.


----------------------- Page 18-----------------------

Act No.15 (2) Every citizen is entitled to equal opportunity and right to equal terms

of 1984 to hold any office or discharge any function under the state authority.


Right to just 23.-(1) Every person, without discrimination of any kind, is entitled to

remuneration remuneration commensurate with his work, and all persons working according to

Act No.15

of 1984 their ability shall be remunerated according to the measure and qualification for

Art.6 the work.

(2) Every person who works is entitled to just remuneration.

Right to own 24.-(1) Every person is entitled to own property, and has a right to the

property protection of his property held in accordance with the law.

Act No.15

of 1984 (2) Subject to the provisions of subarticle (1), it shall be unlawful for any

Art.6 person to be deprived of his property for the purposes of nationalization or any

Act No.1 other purposes without the authority of law which makes provision for fair and

of 2005 adequate compensation.


Duties to the Society

Duty to 25.-(1) Work alone creates the material wealth in society, and is the

participate in source of the well-being of the people and the measure of human dignity.


Act No.15 Accordingly, every person has the duty to –

of 1984 (a) participate responsibly and honestly in lawful and productive work;

Art.6 and

Act No. 7 (b) observe work discipline and strive to attain the individual and

of 1994 collective production targets desired or set by law.


(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1), there shall be no

forced labour in the United Republic.

(3) For the purposes of this Article, and in this Constitution generally, it

is hereby declared that no work shall be deemed to be forced, cruel or humiliating

labour, if such work is according to law -

(a) work which has to be done pursuant to a judgment or order of a


(b) work which has to be done by members of any Force in the

discharge of their responsibilities;

(c) work which has to be done by any person due to a state of

emergency or any calamity which threatens the life or well-being

of the society;

(d) any work or service which forms part of -

(i) routine services for ensuring the well-being of


(ii) compulsory national service in accordance with the


(iii) the national endeavour at the mobilization of human

resources for the enhancement of the society and the


----------------------- Page 19-----------------------

national economy and to ensure development and

national productivity.

Duty to abide 26.-(1) Every person has the duty to observe and to abide by this

by the laws of Constitution and the laws of the United Republic.

the land

Act No.15 (2) Every person has the right, in accordance with the procedure

of 1984 provided by law, to take legal action to ensure the protection of this Constitution


and the laws of the land.

Duty to 27.-(1) Every person has the duty to protect the natural resources of the

safeguard United Republic, the property of the state authority, all property collectively

public property

Act No.15 owned by the people, and also to respect another person’s property.

of 1984 (2) All persons shall be required by law to safeguard the property of the

Art.6 state authority and all property collectively owned by the people, to combat all

forms of waste and squander, and to manage the national economy assiduously

with the attitude of people who are masters of the destiny of their nation.

Defence of the 28.-(1) Every citizen has the duty to protect, preserve and maintain the

nation independence, sovereignty, territory and unity of the nation.

Act No.15 (2) Parliament may enact appropriate laws to enable the people to serve

of 1984 in the Forces and in the defence of the nation.

Art.6 (3) No person shall have the right to sign an act of capitulation and

surrender of the nation to the victor, nor ratify or recognize an act of occupation or

division of the United Republic or of any area of the territory of the nation and,

subject to this Constitution and any other laws enacted, no person shall have the

right to prevent the citizens of the United Republic from waging war against any

enemy who attacks the nation.

(4) Treason as defined by law shall be the most grave offence against the

United Republic.

General Provisions

Fundamental 29.-(1) Every person in the United Republic has the right to enjoy

rights and fundamental human rights and to enjoy the benefits accruing from the fulfillment


Act No.15 by every person of this duty to society, as stipulated under Article 12 to 28 of this

of 1984 Part of this Chapter of the Constitution.

Art.6 (2) Every person in the United Republic has the right to equal protection

under the laws of the United Republic.

(3) A citizen of the United Republic shall not have a right, status or

special position on the basis of his lineage, tradition or descent.

(4) It is hereby prohibited for any law to confer any right, status, or

special position upon any citizen of the United Republic on the basis of lineage,

tradition or descent.

(5) In order that all persons may benefit from the rights and freedoms

guaranteed by this Constitution, every person has the duty to so conduct himself


----------------------- Page 20-----------------------

and his affairs in the manner that does not infringe upon the rights and freedoms

of others or the public interest.

Limitations 30.-(1) The human rights and freedoms, the principles of which are set

upon, and out in this Constitution, shall not be exercised by a person in a manner that causes


and interference with or curtailment of the rights and freedoms of other persons or of

preservation of the public interest.

basic rights, (2) It is hereby declared that the provisions contained in this Part of this

freedoms and Constitution which set out the principles of rights, freedom and duties, does not

duties render unlawful any existing law or prohibit the enactment of any law or the doing

Act No.15

of 1984 of any lawful act in accordance with such law for the purposes of-

Art.6 (a) ensuring that the rights and freedoms of other people or of the

Act No.34 interests of the public are not prejudiced by the wrongful exercise

of 1994

Ar.6 of the freedoms and rights of individuals;

(b) ensuring the defence, public safety, public peace, public morality,

public health, rural and urban development planning, the

exploitation and utilization of minerals or the increase and

development of property of any other interests for the purposes of

enhancing the public benefit;

(c) ensuring the execution of a judgment or order of a court given or

made in any civil or criminal matter;

(d) protecting the reputation, rights and freedoms of others or the

privacy of persons involved in any court proceedings, prohibiting

the disclosure of confidential information, or safeguarding the

dignity, authority and independence of the courts;

(e) imposing restrictions, supervising and controlling the formation,

management and activities of private societies and organizations in

the country; or

(f) enabling any other thing to be done which promotes, or preserves

the national interest in general.

(3) Any person claiming that any provision in this Part of this Chapter or

in any law concerning his right or duty owed to him has been, is being or is likely

to be violated by any person anywhere in the United Republic, may institute

proceedings for redress in the High Court.

(4) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the High Court

shall have original jurisdiction to hear and determine any matter brought before it

pursuant to this Article; and the state authority may enact legislation for the

purposes of -

(a) regulating procedure for instituting proceedings pursuant to this


(b) specifying the powers of the High Court in relation to the hearing

of proceedings instituted pursuant to this Article;

(c) ensuring the effective exercise of the powers of the High Court, the

preservation and enforcement of the rights, freedoms and duties in

accordance with this Constitution.

(5) Where in any proceedings it is alleged that any law enacted or any


----------------------- Page 21-----------------------

action taken by the Government or any other authority abrogates or abridges any

of the basic rights, freedoms and duties set out in Articles 12 to 29 of this

Constitution, and the High Court is satisfied that the law or action concerned, to

the extent that it conflicts with this Constitution, is void, or is inconsistent with

this Constitution, then the High Court, if it deems fit, or if the circumstances or

public interest so requires, instead of declaring that such law or action is void,

shall have power to decide to afford the Government or other authority concerned

an opportunity to rectify the defect found in the law or action concerned within

such a period and in such manner as the High Court shall determine, and such law

or action shall be deemed to be valid until such time the defect is rectified or the

period determined by the High Court lapses, whichever is the earlier.

Extraordinary Powers of the State Authority

Derogation 31.-(1) Apart from the provisions of Article 30(2), any law enacted by

from rights and Parliament shall not be void for the reason only that it enables measures to be


Act No.15 taken during a state of emergency or in normal times in relation to persons who

of 1984 are believed to engage in activities which endanger or prejudice the security of the

Art.6 nation, which measures derogate from the provisions of Articles 14 and 15 of this


(2) It is hereby prohibited to take any of the measures referred to in

subarticle (1) of this Article in pursuance of any law during a state of emergency

or in normal times in relation to any person, save only to the extent that they are

necessary and justifiable for dealing with the situation that exists during the state

of emergency, or in normal times dealing with the situation created by the conduct

of the person concerned.

(3) It is hereby declared that the provisions of this Article shall not

authorize the deprivation of a person’s right to live save only for deaths resulting

from acts of war.

(4) In this Article and the following Articles of this Part, “state of

emergency” means any period during which the Proclamation of State of

Emergency made by the President in the exercise of the powers conferred on him

by Article 32, is in force.

Power to 32.-(1) Subject to this Constitution or to any law enacted by Parliament in

proclaim state that behalf, the President may proclaim a state of emergency in the United

of emergency

Act No.15 Republic or in any part thereof.

of 1984 Art.6; (2) The President may proclaim a state of emergency only if -

Act No.4 of (a) the United Republic is at war; or

1992 Art.11 (b) there is a real danger that the United Republic is about to be

invaded and to be in a state of war; or

(c) there is actual situation of breakdown of public order or non-

existence of public security in the Untied Republic or in any part

thereof such that it is necessary to take extraordinary measures to

restore order and security; or

(d) there is a clear and grave danger such that the breakdown of public


----------------------- Page 22-----------------------

order and the cessation of public safety in the Untied Republic or

any part thereof are inescapable except by invoking the

extraordinary powers; or

(e) there is imminent occurrence of danger, disaster or environmental

calamity which threatens the society or part thereof in the United

Republic; or

(f) there is some kind of danger which clearly constitutes a threat to

the state.

(3) In the event a state of emergency is proclaimed in relation to the

whole of the United Republic, or to the whole of Mainland Tanzania or the whole

of Tanzania Zanzibar, the President shall forthwith transmit a copy of the

proclamation to the Speaker of the National Assembly who, after consultation

with the Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly shall convene

a meting of the National Assembly within not more than fourteen days, to

consider the situation and decide, whether to pass or not to pass a resolution,

which has to be supported by the votes of not less than two thirds of all members,

in support of the proclamation of a state of emergency issued by the President.

(4) Parliament may enact a law providing times and procedures which

will enable certain persons in charge of Government functions in specified areas

of the United Republic to request the President to exercise the powers conferred

on him by this Article in relation to any of those areas where there exists any of

the situations specified in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of subarticle (2) and such

situation does not extend beyond the boundaries of such areas, and also for the

purpose of specifying the exercise of executive powers during a state of


(5) A proclamation issued by the President pursuant to this Article shall

cease to have effect -

(a) if it is revoked by the President;

(b) if fourteen days from the date of the proclamation have lapsed

without there being passed the resolution referred to in subarticle


(c) after the lapse of a period of six months from the date of the

proclamation; save that a sitting of the National Assembly may,

before the expiration of the period of six months, extend from time

to time the period of the operation of the proclamation for further

periods of six months by a resolution passed by votes of not less

than two-thirds of all the members present;

(d) at any time when a meeting of the National Assembly revokes the

proclamation by a resolution supported by votes of not less than

two-thirds of all the members.

(6) For the avoidance of doubt in the interpretation or application of the

provisions of this Article, the provisions of legislation enacted by Parliament and

of any other law, concerning the proclamation of a state of emergency as provided

for in this Article shall apply only to the part of the United Republic in respect of

which the state of emergency has been proclaimed.


----------------------- Page 23-----------------------





President of the 33.-(1) There shall be a President of the United Republic.

United (2) The President shall be the Head of State, the Head of Government and


the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

Act No.15

of 1984


The 34.-(1) There shall be a Government of the United Republic which shall

Government of have authority over all Union Matters in the United Republic and over all other

the United

matters concerning Mainland Tanzania.


authority (2) The authority of the Government of the United Republic shall relate

Act No.15 to the implementation and upholding of this Constitution and also to all other

of 1984 matters over which Parliament has power to legislate.

Art.9 (3) All the authority of the Government of the United Republic over all

Union Matters in the United Republic and also over all other matters concerning

mainland Tanzania shall vest in the President of the United Republic.

(4) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the authority of

the Government of the United Republic shall be exercised by either the President

himself or by delegation of such authority to other persons holding office in the

service of the United Republic.

(5) It is hereby declared that the provisions of this Article shall not be

construed as -

(a) transferring to the President any powers which by the law have

been conferred to another person or authority other than the

President; or

(b) preventing Parliament from conferring power upon any person or

authority other than the President.

Discharge of 35.-(1) All Executive functions of the Government of the United

the business of Republic of Tanzania discharged by officers of the Government shall be so done


on behalf of the President.


Act No.15 (2) Orders and other directives issued for the purposes of this Article

of 1984 shall be signified in such manner as may be specified in regulations issued by the


President in conformity with the provisions of this Constitution.

Authority to 36.-(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution and of any

constitute other law, the President shall have authority to constitute and to abolish any office

offices and to

in the service of the Government of the United Republic.



----------------------- Page 24-----------------------

officers (2) The President shall have the authority to appoint persons to hold

Act No.15 positions of leadership responsible for formulating policies for departments and

of 1984

Art.9 institutions of the Government, and the Chief Executives who are responsible for

Act No.3 supervision of the implementation of those department’s and institution’s policies

of 2000 in the Service of the Government of the United Republic, in this Constitution or in

Art.6 various laws enacted by the Parliament, which are required to be filled by a

appointment made by the President.

(3) Subject to the provisions of subarticle (2), other conditions contained

in this Constitution and any other relevant law, the authority for appointment of

other persons who are not leaders or chief executives, to hold positions in the

service of the Government of the United Republic, and also the authority for

promoting such persons, to remove them from the office, to terminate their

employment and the authority to regulate their discipline of persons who are given

that authority, shall vest in the Service Commissions and given authority in

respect with positions of authority pursuant to this Constitution or in accordance

within any law concerned.

(4) The provisions of subarticles (2) and (3) shall not be construed to

prohibit the President to take steps of maintaining discipline of the public servants

and the public service of the Government of the United Republic.

Discharge of 37.-(1) Apart from complying with the provisions contained in this

duties and Constitution, and the laws of the United Republic in the performance of his duties

function of

President and functions, the President shall be free and shall not be obliged to take advice

Act No. 15 given to him by any person, save where he is required by this Constitution or any

of 1984 other law to act in accordance with the advice given to him by any person or

Art.9; authority.

Act No.4 (2) Where the Cabinet finds that the President is unable to discharge the

of 1992 functions of his office by reason of physical or mental infirmity, it may submit to


Act No.34 the Chief Justice a resolution requesting him to certify that the President by reason

of 1994 of physical or mental infirmity, is unable to discharge the functions of his office.

Art.6; Upon receiving such a resolution, the Chief Justice shall appoint a medical board

Act. No.1 of not less than three persons from amongst experts recognized as such by the law

of 2005 governing medical practitioners in Tanzania and such board shall inquire into that


G.N.No.133 issue and advise the Chief Justice accordingly, and he may, after considering the

of 2001; medical evidence, present to the Speaker a certificate certifying that the President,

G.N.No.150 due to physical or mental infirmity, is unable to discharge the functions of his

of 2005 office; and if the Chief Justice does not rescind that certificate within seven days

for the reason that the President’s condition has improved and he has resumed

work, then it shall be deemed that the office of the President is vacant, and the

provisions contained in subarticle (3) shall apply.

(3) Where the President is absent from the United Republic, or is unable

to discharge the functions of his office for any other reason, the duties and

functions of the President shall be discharged by one of the following, in the order

specified, that is to say -

(a) the Vice President or, if his office is vacant or if he is also absent or

is ill; then


----------------------- Page 25-----------------------

(b) the Prime Minister.

(4) Where the Prime Minister is discharging the duties and functions of

the office of President by reason that the Vice President is absent, then the Prime

Minister shall cease to discharge such duties and functions if any of the following

events occurs first -

(a) the President returns in the United Republic or, his condition

improves and reassumes the discharge of the duties and functions

of the President; or

(b) the Vice President returns in the United Republic.

(5) Where the office of President becomes vacant by reason of death

resignation, loss of electoral qualifications or inability to perform his functions

due to physical infirmity, or failure to discharge the duties and functions of the

office of President, then the Vice-President shall be sworn in and become the

President for the unexpired period of the term of five years and in accordance with

the conditions set out in Article 40, and, after consultation with the political party

to which he belongs, the President shall propose the name of the person who shall

be Vice-President and such appointment shall be confirmed by the National

Assembly by votes of not less than fifty percentum of all the Members of


(6) It is hereby declared that the office of the President shall not be

deemed to be vacant and the President shall not be deemed to be absent from the

United Republic or is unable to discharge his duties if he is-

(a) absent from the town which is the seat of Government of the

United Republic;

(b) he is absent from the United Republic for a period of twenty four

hours; or

(c) he is ill but hopes to be better after a short period.

(7) Where any of the situations specified in subarticle (6) occurs, and the

President deems it appropriate to delegate his powers for the duration of any such

situation, then he may give directions in writing for the appointment of any of the

persons mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of subarticle (3) of this Article for the

purposes of discharging the functions of the office of President and the person so

appointed shall discharge those functions of the office of President in accordance

with the terms specified by the President; save that the terms specified in this

Article shall be understood to derogate or prejudice the power of the President

under any other law to diminish his functions to any other person in accordance

with any other law.

(8) The President may direct in writing, if in his opinion it is desirable so,

to do, any Minister to discharge any functions of President as may be specified

and the Minister so directed shall by virtue of the provisions of this subarticle

have the power to discharge those functions in accordance with any directions

given by President, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law:

Provided that-

(a) the President shall not have authority to delegate to a Minister in

accordance with the provisions of this subarticle any function of

President conferred on him by any law arising from the terms of


----------------------- Page 26-----------------------

any treaty to which the United Republic is a party if by law the

President is not authorised to delegate such function to any other


(b) it is hereby declared that directions given by the President under

the provisions of this subarticle directing any Minister to discharge

any function of President shall not be deemed to prevent the

President from discharging such function himself.

(9) For the purposes of clarity of the provisions of this Article -

(a) a Cabinet meeting held for the purpose of submitting to the Chief

Justice a resolution concerning the state of health of the President

shall be valid notwithstanding that any member of the Cabinet is

absent or that his position is vacant and it shall be deemed that the

Cabinet has passed that resolution as long as it is supported by the

majority vote of members attending and voting;

(b) the President shall not be taken as being absent from the United

Republic by reason only of the fact that he is in passage from one

part of Tanzania to another through a foreign country, or for the

reason that he has given directions in accordance with the

provisions of subarticle (7) and those directions have not been


(10) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, a person

discharging the functions of President under this Article shall not have power to

dissolve Parliament, to remove any of the Ministers from office or to revoke any

appointment made by the President.

(11) If any person discharging the functions of President in accordance

with the provisions of this Article is a Member of Parliament, he shall not forfeit

his seat in the National Assembly or be disqualified for election as Member of

Parliament by reason only of his discharging those functions of President.

Election of 38.-(1) The President shall be elected by the citizen in accordance with

President the provisions of this Constitution and in accordance with the law enacted by

Act No.14

of 1979 Parliament pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, making provisions

Art.3; concerning the election of the President.

Act No.15 (2) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the office of

of 1984 President shall be vacant and the election of the President shall be held or that


Act No.20 vacancy shall be filled otherwise in accordance with this Constitution, as the case

of 1992 may be, upon the occurrence of any of the following events -


Act No.34 (a) the dissolution of Parliament;

of 1994 (b) the resignation of the President without first dissolving Parliament;

Art.7 (c) the disqualification of the President from holding elective office;

G.N.No.133 (d) the removal of President from office following his impeachment by

of 2001 the National Assembly in accordance with this Constitution;

(e) certification pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of this

Constitution that the President is unable to discharge the function

of his office;


----------------------- Page 27-----------------------

(f) the death of the President.

(3) The office of President shall not be deemed to be vacant by reason

only that the National Assembly has passed a motion of no confidence in the

Prime Minister.

Qualifications 39.-(1) A person shall not be entitled to be elected to hold the office of

for election as President of the United Republic save only if -


Act No.15 (a) he is a citizen of the United Republic by birth in accordance with

of 1984 the citizenship law;


Act No.4 (b) he has attained the age of forty years;

of 1992 (c) he is a member of, and a candidate nominated by, a political party;

Art.13; (d) he is qualified to be a Member of Parliament or a Member of the

Act No.34 House of Representatives;

of 1994 (e) within the period of five years before the General Elections, he has


Act No.3 of not been convicted by any court for any offence relating to evasion

2000 to pay any tax due to the Government.


(2) Without prejudice to any person’s right and freedom of expression to

hold his own views, to profess a religious faith of his choice, to associate with

others and to participate with others in community work in accordance with the

laws of the land, no person shall be qualified to be elected to hold the office of

President of the United Republic unless he is a member of, and a candidate

proposed by, a political party.

Eligibility for 40.-(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, any person who

re-election holds office as President shall be eligible for re-election to that office.

Act No.15

of 1984 (2) No person shall be elected more than twice to hold the office of

Art.9 President.

Act No.34 (3) A person who has been President of Zanzibar shall not be disqualified

of 1994 from being elected President of the United Republic for the reason only for he has


once held office as President of Zanzibar.

(4) Where the Vice-President holds the office of President in accordance

with the provisions of Article 37(5) for less than three years, he shall be eligible to

contest for the office of President for two terms, but where he occupies the office

of President for three years or more, he shall be eligible to contest for the office of

President for one term only.

Procedures for 41.-(1) Where Parliament has been dissolved or where any of the events

the election of specified in subarticle (2) of Article 38 has occurred and it becomes necessary to


Act No.20 hold an election of the President, every political party wishing to participate in the

of 1992 election of President shall submit to the Electoral Commission, in accordance with

Art.5 the law, the name of one of its members whom it proposes as a candidate to

Act No.34 contest the election for the President of the United Republic and the name of

of 1994 another member of the party whom it proposes for the office of Vice-President.


(2) The names of the candidates proposed for the Presidential election


----------------------- Page 28-----------------------

shall be submitted to the Electoral Commission on a date and time appointed in

accordance with a law enacted by Parliament, and a person shall not be validly

nominated save only if his nomination is supported by such number of voters and

in such manner as shall be prescribed by an Act of Parliament.

(3) Where on the date and time appointed for the purpose of submission

of the names of the candidates, only the name of one candidate is validly

submitted, the Electoral Commission shall nominate that candidate and present

such candidate’s name to the electorate who shall vote either for or against him in

accordance with the provisions of this Article and an Act enacted by Parliament.

(4) The election of the President of the Untied Republic shall be held on a

date to be appointed by the Electoral Commission in accordance with an Act of


(5) All other matters concerning the procedures for the election of the

President, shall be as provided for in a law enacted by Parliament in that behalf.

(6) Any presidential candidate shall be declared duly elected President

only if he has obtained majority of votes.

(7) When a candidate is declared by the Electoral Commission to have

been duly elected in accordance with this Article, then no court of law shall have

any jurisdiction to inquire into the election of that candidate.

Time of 42.-(1) The President elect shall assume office of President as soon as

assumption and possible after it is declared that he has been elected President, but in any event he

term of office

of President shall assume office before the expiration of not more than seven days.

Act No. 15 (2) Unless he sooner resigns or dies, the President shall, subject to sub

of 1984 article (3), hold office of President for a period of five years from the date on


which he was elected.

(3) A person elected President shall hold the office of President until -

(a) the day his successor in office takes the oath of office;

(b) the day he dies while in office;

(c) the day he resigns from office; or

(d) he ceases to hold the office of President in accordance with the

provisions of this Constitution.

(4) If the United Republic is at war and the President considers that it is

not practicable to hold elections, the National Assembly may, pass a resolution

extending the period of five years specified in subarticle (2) of this Article save

that no such extension shall exceed a period of six months at any one time.

(5) Every President elect and every person assuming the office of

President shall, before assuming the functions of the Office of President, take and

subscribe, in the presence of the Chief Justice of the United Republic, oath of

allegiance and such other oath relating to the execution of the functions of the

office of President as may be prescribed by an Act of Parliament.

Terms of office 43.-(1) The President shall be paid such salary and other remuneration,

of President and on retirement he shall receive such pension, gratuity or allowances as may be

Act No.15

of 1984 determined by the National Assembly, and the salary, other benefits, pension and

Art.9 gratuity shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund of the United Republic and


----------------------- Page 29-----------------------

shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(2) The salary and all other payments due to the President shall not be

reduced while he is in office in accordance with the provisions of this


Power to 44.-(1) Subject to this Constitution or to any Act of Parliament providing

declare war in that behalf, the President may declare the existence of a state of war between

Act No.15

of 1984 the United Republic and any other country.

Art.9; (2) After making the declaration, the President shall transmit a copy of

Act No.4 such declaration to the Speaker of the National Assembly who, after consultation

of 1992

Art.14 with the Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, shall within

fourteen days from the date of the declaration, convene a meeting of the National

Assembly to deliberate on the prevailing situation and to consider whether or not

to pass a resolution in support of the declaration of war made by the President.

Prerogative of 45.-(1) Subject to the other provisions contained in this Article, the

mercy President may do any of the following:

Act No.15

of 1984 (a) grant a pardon to any person convicted by a court of law of any

Art.9 offence, and he may subject to law grant such pardon

unconditionally or on conditions;

(b) grant any person a respite, either indefinitely or for a specified

period, of the execution of any punishment imposed on that person

for any offence;

(c) substitute a less severe form of punishment for any punishment

imposed on any person for any offence; and

(d) remit the whole or part of any punishment imposed on any person

for any offence, or remit the whole or part of any penalty of fine or

forfeiture of property belonging to a convicted person which would

otherwise be due to the Government of the United Republic on

account of any offence.

(2) Parliament may enact law making provisions for the procedure to be

followed by the President in the exercise of his powers under this Article.

(3) The provisions of this Article shall apply to persons convicted and

punished in Tanzania Zanzibar and to punishments imposed in Tanzania Zanzibar

under law enacted by Parliament which applies to Tanzania Zanzibar, likewise

such provisions shall apply to persons convicted and punished in Mainland

Tanzania in accordance with law.

Immunity from 46.-(1) During the President’s tenure of office in accordance with this

criminal and Constitution it shall be prohibited to institute or continue in court any criminal


proceedings whatsoever against him.


Act No.15 (2) During the President’s tenure of office in accordance this

of 1984 Constitution, no civil proceedings against him shall be instituted in court in


Act No.20 respect of anything done or not done, or purporting to have been done or not done,

Of 1992 by him in his personal capacity as an ordinary citizen whether before or after he

Art.7 assumed the office of President, unless at least thirty days before the proceedings


----------------------- Page 30-----------------------

are instituted in court, notice of claim in writing has been delivered to him or sent

to him pursuant to the procedure prescribed by an Act of Parliament, stating the

nature of such proceedings, the cause of action, the name, residential address of

the claimant and the relief which he claims.

(3) Except where he ceases to hold the office of President pursuant to the

provisions of Article 46A(10) it shall be prohibited to institute in court criminal or

civil proceedings whatsoever against a person who was holding the office of

President after he ceases to hold such office for anything he did in his capacity as

President while he held the office of President in accordance with this


Impeachment 46A.-(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 46 of this Constitution,

by the National the National Assembly may pass a resolution to remove the President from office


Act No.20 if a motion to impeach the President is moved and passed in accordance with the

provisions of this Article.

of 1992 (2) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, no motion to impeach

Art.8 the President shall be moved save only if it is alleged that the President has -

Act No.12

of 1995 (a) committed acts which generally violate Constitution or law

Art.4 concerning ethics of public leaders;

(b) committed acts which contravene the conditions concerning the

registration of political parties specified in Article 20(2) of this


(c) conducted himself in a manner which lowers the esteem of the

office of President of the United Republic,

and no such motion shall be moved within twenty months from the time when a

similar motion was previously moved and rejected by the National Assembly.

(3) The National Assembly shall not pass a motion to impeach the

President save only if -

(a) a written notice signed and supported by not less the twenty per

cent of all member of Parliament is submitted to the Speaker thirty

days prior to the sitting at which such motion is intended to be

moved in the National Assembly, specifying the wrong committed

by the President and proposing that a Special Committee of Inquiry

be Constituted to inquire into the charges brought against the


(b) at any time after the Speaker receives the notice duly signed by the

Member of Parliament and satisfies himself that the provisions of

the Constitution for the moving of the motion have been complied

with, to vote on the motion to constitute a Special Committee of

Inquiry, and if it is supported by not less than two thirds of all the

Member of Parliament, the Speaker shall announce the names of

the member of the Special Committee of Inquiry.

(4) The Special Committee of Inquiry for the purpose of this Article shall

consist of the following members, that is to say -

(a) the Chief Justice of the United Republic who shall be the



----------------------- Page 31-----------------------

(b) the Chief Justice of Tanzania Zanzibar; and

(c) seven members appointed by the Speaker in accordance with the

Standing Orders of the National Assembly and taking into account

the proportional representation amongst the political parties

represented in the National Assembly.

(5) In the event that the National Assembly passes the motion to

constitute a Special Committee of Inquiry, the President shall be deemed to be out

of office, and the duties and functions of the office of President shall be

discharged in accordance with the provisions of Article 37(3) of this Constitution

until the Speaker shall inform the President about the resolution of the National

Assembly in connection with the charges brought against him.

(6) Within seven days after the Special Committee of Inquiry is

constituted, it shall sit, inquire into and analyse the charges preferred against the

President, including and affording the President an opportunity to be heard in

accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Standing Orders of the National


(7) As soon as possible and in any event within a period of not more than

ninety days, the Special Committee of Inquiry shall submit its report to the


(8) After the Speaker has received the report of the Special Committee of

Inquiry, the report shall be tabled before the National Assembly in accordance

with the procedure prescribed by the Standing Orders of the National Assembly.

(9) After the report of the Special Committee of Inquiry is submitted

pursuant to subarticle (8) the National Assembly shall debate the report and afford

the President the opportunity to be heard and by votes of not less than two thirds

majority of all the Members of Parliament, the National Assembly shall pass a

resolution that either the charges against the President have been proved and that

he is unworthy of continuing to hold the office of President, or the charges have

not been proved.

(10) In the event the National Assembly passes a resolution that the

charges against the President have been proved and that he is unworthy of

continuing to hold the office of President, the Speaker shall inform the President

and the Chairman of the Electoral Commission about the resolution whereupon

the President shall be obliged to resign before the expiry of three days from the

day the National Assembly passed the resolution.

(11) In the event the President ceases to hold the office of President by

reason of the charges against him being proved he shall not be entitled to receive

any payment by way of pension or to receive any benefits.

Duty of 46B.-(1) Without prejudice to the duty of every citizen which is

principal stipulated in Article 28 of this Constitution, the principal executive leaders of the

leaders of

organs vested with executive powers in the United Republic mentioned in Article

organs with

executive 4 of this Constitution shall, each one of them in the exercise of the powers

power to conferred by this Constitution or the Constitution of Zanzibar 1984 have the duty

preserve Union to ensure that he protects, strengthens and preserves the unity of the United

Act No.12 Republic.

of 1995


----------------------- Page 32-----------------------

Art.5 (2) For the purposes of the provisions of subarticle (1), each of the

principal leaders of the organs vested with executive powers of the United

Republic shall, before assuming office in accordance with this Constitution, take

oath to defend and preserve the unity of the United Republic in accordance with

this Constitution.

(3) The principal leaders to whom the provisions of this Article apply are:

(a) the President of the United Republic;

(b) the Vice-President of the United Republic;

(c) the President of Zanzibar; and

(d) the Prime Minister of the United Republic.



Vice-President 47.-(1) There shall be a Vice-President, who shall be the principal

his duties and assistant to the President in respect of all the matters in the United Republic

powers generally and, in particular shall –

Act No.34

of 1994 (a) assist the President in making a follow-up on the day-to-day

Art.11; implementation of Union Matters;

Act No.3 (b) perform all duties assigned to him by the President; and

of 2000 (c) perform all duties and functions of the office of President when the

Art.9 President is out of office or out of the country.

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 37(5), the Vice-

President shall be elected in the same election together with the President, after

being nominated by his party at the same time as the Presidential candidate and

being voted for together on the same ticket. When the Presidential candidate is

elected the Vice-President shall have been elected.

(3) A person shall be nominated to contest for the office of Vice-

President on the basis of the principle that where the President of the Untied

Republic hails from one part of the United Republic, then the Vice-President shall

be a person who hails from the other part of the Union.

(4) A person shall not be nominated to contest for the office of Vice-

President of the United Republic, save only if -

(a) he is a citizen of the United Republic by birth in accordance with

the citizenship law;

(b) he has attained the age of forty;

(c) he is a member of, and a candidate nominated by, a political party;


(d) he is qualified to be a Member of Parliament or a Member of the

House of Representatives.

(e) within the period of five years before the elections he has not been

convicted by any court for any offence relating to evasion to pay

any tax due to the Government.

(5) Any party shall not be prohibited from nominating any person to

contest for the office of Vice-President for the reason only that such person is at

that time holding the office of President of Zanzibar or the office of Prime


----------------------- Page 33-----------------------

Minister of the United Republic.

(6) The Vice-President shall not at the same time be a Member of

Parliament, Prime Minister of the United Republic, or President of Zanzibar.

(7) Where a person who is Prime Minister, or President of Zanzibar is

appointed or elected to be Vice-President of the United Republic he shall cease to

hold the office of Prime Minister or President of Zanzibar, as the case may be.

(8) The Vice-President shall perform his duties under the direction and

supervision of the President and shall provide leadership and be answerable to the

President in respect of any matters or functions assigned to him by the President.

Time of 48.-(1) The Vice-President shall assume the office of Vice-President on

assumption of the same day the President assumes office.

office of the

Vice-President (2) The Vice-President appointed in accordance with Article 50(4) shall

Act No.34 take oath and assume office after his appointment is confirmed by the National

of 1994 Assembly.


Oath of office 49. The Vice-President shall, before assuming office, make and subscribe

of the Vice- before the Chief Justice of the United Republic the oath of allegiance and such


Act No.34 other oath relating to the execution of the functions of his office as may be

of 1994 prescribed by an Act of Parliament.


Tenure of 50.-(1) Unless he sooner resigns or dies, a person elected or appointed in

office of Vice- accordance with Article 37(5), to be Vice-President, shall, subject to the other


Act No.15 provisions of this Article, hold office for a period of five years from the day he is

of 1984 elected Vice-President.

Art.9 (2) The Vice-President shall hold office until -

Act No.34 (a) his tenure of office expires;

of 1994 (b) he dies while in office;


Act No.12 (c) he resigns;

of 1995 (d) he is sworn in as President after the office of President falls vacant;

Art.6 (e) he is convicted of any criminal offence disclosing lack of honesty

Act No.3 or loyalty;

of 2000 (f) when another President is sworn in to hold the office of President

Art.10; together with his Vice-President;


of 2001 (g) he is removed from office following his impeachment by the

National Assembly in accordance with the provisions of subarticle

(3) of this Article;

(h) he otherwise ceases to hold the office of Vice-President in

accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

(3) The National Assembly shall have the same power to remove the

Vice-President from office as it has in relation to the President save that any

motion to impeach the Vice-President shall be moved before the National

Assembly only if it is alleged that -

(a) the President has submitted a certificate to the Speaker stating that

the Vice-President has ceased or failed to discharge the duties and


----------------------- Page 34-----------------------

functions of the office of Vice-President;

(b) he has committed acts which generally violate the Constitution or

the law concerning the ethics of public leaders;

(c) he has committed acts which contravene the conditions concerning

the registration of political parties specified in Article 20(2) of the


(d) he has conducted himself in a manner that lowers the esteem of the

office of President of the United Republic or the office of Vice-


and no such motion shall be moved within twelve months from the time when a

similar motion was previously moved and rejected by the National Assembly.

(4) In the event that the office of Vice-President is vacant pursuant to the

relevant provisions subarticle (2) or (3) of this Article as soon as possible and in

any case within a period not exceeding fourteen days after the Vice-President has

ceased to hold his office, the President shall appoint a person who shall be the

Vice-President and such appointment shall be confirmed by the National

Assembly by a majority vote of the Members of Parliament.

(5) All other provisions of Article 46A of the Constitution shall apply

also in relation to the Vice-President save only that a Vice-President who has been

removed from office under subarticle (3) shall no longer qualify to hold the office

of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister or President of Zanzibar.




Prime Minister 51.-(1) There shall be a Prime Minister of the United Republic who shall

of the United be appointed by the President in accordance with the provisions of this Article and


Act No.20 who, before assuming his office, shall take and subscribe before the President

of 1992 such oath of office of Prime Minister as may be prescribed by Parliament.

Art.9 (2) As soon as possible, and in any case within fourteen days after

assuming office, the President shall appoint a Member of Parliament elected from

a constituency from a political party having a majority of members in the National

Assembly or, if no political party has a majority, who appears to have the support

of the majority of the Members of Parliament, to be Prime Minister of the United

Republic, and he shall not assume office until his appointment is first confirmed

by a resolution of the National Assembly supported by a majority vote of the


(3) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the Prime Minister

shall hold the office of Prime Minister the day -

(a) the President-elect takes the oath of office;

(b) he dies while in office;

(c) he resigns;

(d) the President appoints another Member of Parliament to hold the

office of the Prime Minister;


----------------------- Page 35-----------------------

(e) he ceases to hold the office of Prime Minister in accordance with

the other provisions of this Constitution.

Functions and 52.-(1) The Prime Minister shall have authority over the control,

authority of the supervision and execution of the day-to-day functions and affairs of the

Prime Minister

Act No.15 Government of the United Republic.

of 1984 (2) The Prime Minister shall be the Leader of Government business in the

Art.9 National Assembly.

(3) In the exercise of his authority, the Prime Minister shall perform or

cause to be performed any matter or matters which the President directs to be


Accountability 53.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Prime Minister

of the shall be accountable to the President for the exercise of his authority.


Act No.15 (2) The Executive of the United Republic, under the authority of the

of 1984 President, shall be the organ having the power to determine the policy of the


Government in general, and Ministers under the leadership of the Prime Minister,

shall be collectively responsible in the National Assembly for the execution of the

affairs of the Government of the United Republic.

Vote of no 53A.-(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 51 of this

confidence Constitution, the National Assembly may pass a vote of no confidence in the

Act No.20

of 1992 Prime Minister if a motion in that behalf is moved and passed in accordance with

Art.10 the provisions of this Article.

Act No.12 (2) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, any motion for a vote

of 1995 of no confidence in the Prime Minister shall not be moved in the National


Assembly if -

(a) either it has no relation with the discharge of the responsibilities of

the Prime Minister in accordance with Article 52 of the

Constitution or there are no allegations that the Prime Minister has

contravened the law concerning the ethics of public leaders;

(b) six months have not lapsed since he was appointed;

(c) nine months have not lapsed since a similar motion was moved in

and rejected by the National Assembly.

(3) A motion for a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister shall not

be passed by the National Assembly save only if -

(a) a written notice, signed and supported by not less than twenty

percentum of all the Members of Parliament is submitted to the

Speaker, at least fourteen days prior to the day on which the motion

is intended to be moved before the National Assembly;

(b) the Speaker satisfies himself that the provisions of this Constitution

governing the moving of the motion have been complied with.

(4) A motion which satisfies the provisions of the Article shall be moved

before the National Assembly as soon as possible in accordance with the Standing

Orders of the National Assembly.

(5) A motion for a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister shall be


----------------------- Page 36-----------------------

passed only if it is supported by a majority of the Members of Parliament.

(6) In the event the motion for a vote of no confidence in the Prime

Minister is supported by a majority of the Members of Parliament, the Speaker

shall submit that resolution to the President, and as soon as possible and in any

case within two days from the day the National Assembly passes the vote of no

confidence in the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister shall be required to resign,

and the President shall appoint another Member of Parliament to be Prime


Cabinet and Government

Cabinet 54.-(1) There shall be a Cabinet the members of which shall be the Vice-

Act No.15 President, the Prime Minister the President of Zanzibar, and all the Ministers.

of 1984

Art.9 (2) The President shall attend the meetings of the Cabinet and shall

Act No.4 preside over those meetings. In the event the President is absent, the meetings

of 1992 shall be presided over by the Vice-President, and if both President and the Vice-

Art.15 President are absent, the Prime Minister shall preside over the meetings.

Act No.34 (3) Subject to the provisions contained in Article 37(1) of this

of 1994

Art.12 Constitution, the Cabinet shall be the principal organ for advising the President

regarding all matters concerning the exercise of his powers in accordance with the

provisions of this Constitution, and it shall assist and advise the President over any

matter which shall be submitted to the Cabinet pursuant to specific or general

directions issued by the President.

(4) The Attorney General shall attend all the meetings of the Cabinet and

shall have all the rights of a member of those meetings save that he shall not have

the right to vote at such meetings.

(5) The question whether any advice, and if so, what advice was given by

the Cabinet to the President, shall not be inquired into any court.

Appointment 55.-(1) All Ministers who are members of Cabinet by virtue of Article 54

of Ministers shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Prime Minister and

and Deputy

Ministers they shall be responsible for such offices as the President may, from time to time,

Act No.15 by writing under his hand and the Public Seal, establish.

of 1984 (2) In addition to the Ministers referred to in subarticle (1) the President

Art.9 may, after consultation with the Prime Minister, appoint Deputy Ministers. All

Deputy Ministers shall not be members of Cabinet.

(3) The President may appoint any number of Deputy Ministers who shall

assist Ministers in the discharge of their duties and functions.

(4) All Ministers and Deputy Ministers shall be appointed from among

Members of Parliament.

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (4), in the event that the

President is obliged to appoint a Minister or a Deputy Minister after dissolution of

Parliament then he may appoint any person who was a Member of Parliament

before Parliament was dissolved.

Oath of office 56. A Minister or a Deputy Minister shall not assume office until he has

of Ministers


----------------------- Page 37-----------------------

and Deputy first taken and subscribed before the President, the oath of allegiance and such

Ministers other oath relating to the execution of the functions of his office as may be

Act No.15

of 1984 prescribed by an Act of Parliament.


Tenure of 57.-(1) The tenure of office of a Minister, or a Deputy Minister shall

office of commence on the date he is appointed to hold that office.

Ministers and

(2) The Office of a Minister or a Deputy Minister shall become vacant


Ministers upon the occurrence of any of the following:

Act No.15 (a) if the incumbent resigns or dies;

of 1984 (b) where the incumbent ceases to be a Member of Parliament for any


reason not connected with the dissolution of Parliament;

Act No.20

of 1992 (c) where the President revokes the appointment thereby removing the

Art.9; incumbent from office;

Act No.20 (d) where he is elected Speaker;

of 1992 (e) where the Prime Minister resigns or his office becomes vacant for


Act No.12 any other reasons;

of 1995 (f) immediately before the President elect assumes office;

Art.8 (g) where the Ethics Tribunal makes a decision confirming that he has

contravened the law concerning ethics of public leaders.

Terms of office 58. Ministers and Deputy Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure

of Ministers of the President, and shall be paid a salary, allowances and other remuneration in

and Deputy

Ministers accordance with a law enacted by Parliament.

Act No.15

of 1984


Attorney 59.-(1) There shall be the Attorney General for the Government of the

General for the United Republic, who in the subsequent Articles of this Constitution, shall simply

Government of

the United be referred to as the “Attorney-General” who shall be appointed by the President.


Act No.15 (2) The Attorney General shall be appointed from amongst public officers

of 1984 qualified to perform functions of advocate or, persons who are qualified to be


Act No.4 registered as advocates and, has continuously held those qualifications for a period

of 1992 of not less than ten years.

Art.16 (3) The Attorney-General shall be the adviser of the Government of the

Act No.1 United Republic matters of law and for that purpose shall be responsible for

of 2005 advising the Government of the United Republic on all matters of law, and to


discharge any other functions pertaining to or connected with law which are

referred or assigned to him by the President and also to discharge such other

duties or functions which shall be entrusted to him by this Constitution or by any


(4) In the discharge of duties and functions in accordance with this

Article, the Attorney-General shall be entitled to appear and be heard in all courts

in the United Republic.


----------------------- Page 38-----------------------

(5) The Attorney-General shall be a Member of Parliament by virtue of

office, and shall hold office until -

(a) his appointment is revoked by the President; or

(b) immediately before the President elect assumes office,

and he shall be paid a salary, allowances and other remuneration in accordance

with a law enacted by Parliament.

Deputy 59A.-(1) There shall be a Deputy Attorney General of the United

Attorney Republic, who shall be appointed by the President from amongst persons with


Act No.1 qualifications specified in subarticle (2) of Article 59, and has continuously held

of 2005 those qualifications for a period of not less than ten years.

Art.12 (2) The Deputy Attorney General shall be the principal assistant in the

discharge of duties and functions of the Attorney General and shall discharge

other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Attorney General.

Director of 59B.-(1) There shall be a Director of Public Prosecutions who shall be

Public appointed by the President from amongst persons with qualifications specified in


Act No.1 subarticle (2) of Article 59 and has continuously held those qualifications for a

of 2005 period of not less than ten years.

Art.12 (2) The Director of Public Prosecutions shall have powers to institute,

prosecute and supervise all criminal prosecutions in the country.

(3) The powers of the Director of Public Prosecutions under subarticle

(2), may be exercised by him in person or on his directions, by officers under him,

or any other officers who discharge these duties under his instructions.

(4) In exercising his powers, the Director of Public Prosecutions shall be

free, shall not be interfered with by any person or with any authority and shall

have regard to the following -

(a) the need to dispensing justice;

(b) prevention of misuse of procedures for dispensing justice;

(c) public interest.

(5) The Director of Public Prosecutions shall exercise his powers as may

be prescribed by any law enacted or to be enacted by the Parliament.

Secretary to the 60. There shall be a Secretary to the Cabinet who shall be the chief

Cabinet executive officer in the office of the Cabinet, and he shall discharge the following

Act No.15

of 1984 functions, in compliance with the general or specific directions issued to him by

Art.9 the President, that is to say:

(a) to work out a programme for Cabinet meetings and prepare the

agenda for each meeting;

(b) to record minutes and maintain a record of Cabinet meetings;

(c) to notify and explain the decisions of the Cabinet to every person

or public institution concerned with any such decision; and

(d) to discharge any other duties and functions as shall be directed

from time to time by the President.


----------------------- Page 39-----------------------

Regional 61.-(1) There shall be a Regional Commissioner for each region within

Commissio- the United Republic who, subject to subarticle (3), shall be a leader in the


Act No.15 Government of the United Republic.

of 1984 (2) Regional Commissioners in Mainland Tanzania shall be appointed by

Art.9 the President, after consultation with the Prime Minister.

(3) Regional Commissioners in Tanzania Zanzibar shall be appointed by

the President of Zanzibar, after consultation with the President.

(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of subarticle (5), every Regional

Commissioner shall have the duty to supervise the discharge of all the duties and

functions of the Government of the United Republic in the region assigned to him

and for that purpose, he shall discharge all duties and functions specified by or

under any written law as being functions of a Regional Commissioner, and shall

exercise all such powers specified by any law enacted by Parliament.

(5) In addition to his duties and functions specified in the preceding

provisions of this Article, a Regional Commissioner for any region in Tanzania

Zanzibar shall discharge the duties and functions of the Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar which shall be assigned to him by the President of

Zanzibar and in accordance with the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, or any law

enacted by the House of Representatives.





Parliament 62.-(1) There shall be a Parliament of the Untied Republic which shall

Act No.15 consist of two parts, that is to say, the President and the National Assembly.

of 1984 (2) The National Assembly shall consist of all categories of members

Art.12 specified in Article 66 of this Constitution, who shall all be designated as

Members of Parliament.

(3) Whenever any matter requires to be decided or done by both parts of

Parliament in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, or of any other

law, then that matter shall not be taken to have been duly decided or done unless it

is decided or done by the Members of Parliament and also by the President in

accordance with their respective authority in relation to that matter.

Authority of 63.-(1) The President as one part of Parliament shall exercise all the

Parliament authority vested in him by this Constitution for that purpose.

Act No.15 (2) The second part of Parliament shall be the principal organ of the

of 1984 United Republic which shall have the authority on behalf of the people to oversee


Act No.4 and advise the Government of the United Republic and all its organs in the

of 1992 discharge of their respective responsibilities in accordance with this Constitution.

Art.17 (3) For the purposes of discharging its functions the National Assembly

Act No.20 may -

of 1992 (a) ask any question to any Minister concerning public affairs in the



----------------------- Page 40-----------------------

United Republic which are within his responsibility;

(b) debate the performance of each Ministry during the annual budget

session of the National Assembly;

(c) deliberate upon and authorize any long or short term plan which is

intended to be implemented in the United Republic and enact a law

to regulate the implementation of that plan;

(d) enact law where implementation requires legislation;

(e) deliberate upon and ratify all treaties and agreements to which the

United Republic is a party and the provisions of which require


Legislative 64.-(1) Legislative power in relation to all Union Matters and also in

power relation to all other matters concerning Mainland Tanzania is hereby vested in

Act No.15


of 1984

Art.12 (2) Legislative power in Tanzania Zanzibar over all matter which are not

Union Matters is hereby vested in the House of Representatives.

(3) Where any law enacted by the House of Representatives concerns any

matter in Tanzania Zanzibar which is within the legislative jurisdiction of

Parliament, that law shall be null and void, and likewise if any law enacted by

Parliament concerns any matter which is within the legislative jurisdiction of the

House of Representatives that law shall be null and void.

(4) Any law enacted by Parliament concerning any matter shall not apply

to Tanzania Zanzibar save in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) such law shall have expressly stated that it shall apply to Mainland

Tanzania as well as to Tanzania Zanzibar or it replaces, amends or

repeals a law which is in operation in Tanzania Zanzibar;

(b) such law replaces, or amends or repeals a law which was

previously in operation in Mainland Tanzania and also in operation

in Tanzania Zanzibar pursuant to the Articles of the Union of

Tanganyika and Zanzibar, or pursuant to any law which expressly

stated that it shall apply to Mainland Tanzania as well as Tanzania

Zanzibar; or

(c) such law relates to Union Matters; and whenever reference is made

to the term “Tanzania” in any law, it is hereby declared that such

law shall apply in the United Republic in accordance with the

interpretation contained in the provisions of this Article.

(5) Without prejudice to the application of the Constitution of Zanzibar in

accordance with this Constitution shall have the force of law in the whole of the

United Republic, and in the event any other law conflicts with the provisions

contained in this Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail and that other law, to

the extent of the inconsistency with the Constitution, shall be void.

Life of 65.-(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the life of

Parliament each Parliament shall be five years.

Act No.15

Of 1984 (2) For the purposes of this Constitution the expression “life of

Art.12 Parliament” means that whole period commencing from the date the new


----------------------- Page 41-----------------------

Parliament was first summoned after General Elections and ending on the date of

dissolution of that Parliament for the purpose of enabling the holding of another

ordinary general election.




Members of the National Assembly

Members of 66.-(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, there shall be the

Parliament following categories of Members of Parliament, that is to say:-

Act No.15

of 1984 (a) members elected to represent constituencies;

Art.13 (b) women members being not less than thirty percentum of all the

Act No.4 members mentioned in paragraphs (a), (c), (d), (e) and (f) with

of 1992 qualifications mentioned in Article 67 elected by the political

Art.18; parties in accordance with Article 78, on the basis of proportion of

Act No.12


of 1995

Art.9 (c) five members elected by the House of Representatives from among

Act No.3 its members;

of 2000 (d) the Attorney General;

Art. 11 (e) not more than ten members appointed by the President from

Act No.1

of 2005 amongst persons with qualifications specified under paragraphs (a)

Art. 13 and (c) of subarticle (1) of Article 67 and, at least five members

G.N.No.150 amongst them shall be women;

of 2005 (f) the Speaker, if he is not elected from amongst the members.

(2) The President and the Vice-President shall each not be a Member of


(3) Where a Regional Commissioner is elected a Member of Parliament

representing a constituency or where a Member of Parliament representing a

constituency is appointed a Regional Commissioner, the National Assembly shall

be deemed to consist of the requisite number of members and its proceedings shall

be valid notwithstanding that the ordinary total number of members in terms of

this Article shall have been reduced by reason of such election of the Regional

Commissioner or such appointment of a constituency member.

Qualifications 67.-(1) Subject to the provisions contained in this Article, any person

for Member of shall be qualified for election or appointment as a Member of Parliament if he -


Act No.15 (a) is a citizen of the United Republic who has attained the age of

of 1984 twenty-one years and who can read and write in Kiswahili or


Act No.4 English; and

of 1992 (b) is a member and a candidate proposed by a political party.

Art.19; (2) Such person possesses or has voluntarily acquired citizenship of any

Act No.34 other country-

of 1994 (a) such person possesses or voluntarily acquires the citizenship of any


other country;


----------------------- Page 42-----------------------

Act No.12 (b) in accordance with a law applicable in the Untied Republic it has

of 1995 been formally certified that such person is of unsound mind;


Act No.3 (c) such person has been convicted by any court in the United

of 2000 Republic and sentenced to death or to a term of imprisonment

Art.12 exceeding six months for any offence however styled involving


(d) within a period of five years preceding the date of a general

election such person has been convicted and sentenced to

imprisonment for an offence involving dishonesty or for

contravening the law concerning ethics of public leaders;

(e) without prejudice to a person’s right and freedom to hold his own

views, to profess a religious faith of his choice, to associate with

others and to participate in community work in accordance with the

laws of the land, no person shall be qualified to be elected to the

office of President of the United Republic if he is not a member of,

and a candidate proposed by, a political party;

(f) such person has an interest in any Government contract of any kind

in respect of which special restrictions are prescribed by Act of

Parliament and he has contravened such restrictions;

(g) such person holds a senior office in the service of the Government

of the United Republic, not being an office of which the President

may or is required to appoint a Member of Parliament in

accordance with this Constitution or a law enacted by Parliament;


(h) in accordance with a law enacted by Parliament dealing with

offences concerning election of any kind such person has been

disqualified from registering as a voter or from voting in a

Parliamentary election.

(3) A person shall not be competent to contest for election as a

constituency Member of Parliament at any general election if he is at the same

time contesting for election to the office of President, nor shall he be competent to

contest for election as a Member of Parliament at any by-election if he is


(4) Parliament may enact a law making provisions disqualifying a

person from being elected Member of Parliament representing a constituency if

such person holds an office whose functions involve the conduct of, or

supervision over, the election of Members of Parliament or the registration of

voters for the elections of Members of Parliament; save that such law shall not

make provision disqualifying the Speaker from being elected Member of

Parliament representing a constituency nor make provisions which cause a person

elected Speaker to vacate that office of Speaker or his ordinary seat as Member of


(5) Parliament may enact a law for the purpose of making provisions for

the disqualification of a person from being elected a Member of Parliament

representing a constituency for any period, to be specified by Parliament (save

that such period shall not exceed five years) if such person shall be convicted by a


----------------------- Page 43-----------------------

court for any type of offences, in connection with the election of Members of

Parliament, as specified in that law.

(6) For the purposes of giving opportunity to appeal according to law to

any person who has been formally certified to be of unsound mind, or convicted

and sentenced to death or imprisonment, or convicted for any offence specified

under the law in terms of subarticle (5) of this Article, Parliament may enact law

providing that such judgment being appealed against by that person shall have no

effect for the purposes of the provisions of subarticle (2) or (5) of this Article until

the expiration of the period to be specified in such legislation.

(7) The following rules shall apply for the purposes of interpreting

paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of subarticle (2) of this Article, that is to say-

(a) where a person has been awarded two or more prison sentences to

run consecutively, such sentences shall be regarded to be separate

provided that each of the sentences does not exceed six months; but

if the period specified in any of the sentences exceeds six months,

such sentences shall be regarded as one sentence;

(b) if a person is sentenced to imprisonment where he could otherwise

have been sentenced to a fine, or where the sentence of

imprisonment is imposed for failure to pay a fine or ordered, such

period of imprisonment shall not be taken into account.

(8) In paragraph (f) of subarticle (2) of this Article “Government

contract” means any contractual agreement in which one of the parties is the

Government of the United Republic, or the Revolutionary Government of

Zanzibar or any department of that Government or any officer of the Government

who has taken part on behalf of the Government.

(9) [Subarticles (9), (10), (11) and (12) are repealed by Act No.4 of 1992

Art.19 (d)].

(10) For the purposes of interpretation of the qualifications for election

contained in the following Articles whenever it is stated in this Constitution that

the implementation of any matter requires a person who has the qualification for

election, or a person who has not been disqualified from election, then unless the

context requires otherwise, it shall be understood that the qualifications concerned

or those which enable a person to be elected a Member representing a

constituency as provided in subarticle (1) of this Article.

Oath of 68. Every Member of Parliament shall be required to take and subscribe

Members of before the National Assembly the oath of allegiance before commencing to take


Act No.15 part in the business of the National Assembly save that he may take part in the

of 1984, election of Speaker before taking that oath.


Formal 69.-(1) Every Member of Parliament shall be required before the

declaration by expiration of thirty days since taking oath as Member of Parliament to submit to

Members of

Parliament the Speaker two copies of a formal declaration that he has not lost the

concerning qualifications for election in terms of paragraph (d) of subarticle (2) of Article 67.

ethics of (2) The formal declaration required to be submitted to the Speaker shall



----------------------- Page 44-----------------------

be made on a special form prescribed in accordance with a law enacted by


Act No.12 (3) The Speaker shall transmit to the Ethics Commissioner a copy of

of 1995 every formal declaration submitted to him in accordance with the provisions of


this Article.

(4) In this Article and in Articles 70 and 84 “the Ethics Commissioner”

means the Commissioner appointed to head the Ethics Secretariat referred to in

Article 132 of this Constitution.

Members to 70.-(1) Every Member of Parliament shall be required to submit to the

submit Speaker two copies of a formal statement regarding his property and the property

statement of

of his spouse. The statement shall be made on a special form prescribed by a law


Act No.12 enacted by Parliament and shall be submitted from time to time as shall be

of 1995 directed by such law.

Art.12 (2) The Speaker shall transmit to the Ethics Commissioner, a copy of

every formal statement submitted to him in accordance with the provisions of this


Tenure of 71.-(1) A Member of Parliament shall cease to be Member of Parliament

office of and shall vacate his seat in the National Assembly upon the occurrence of any of

Member of

Parliament the following matters:

Act No.15 (a) where anything happens which, had he not been a Member of

of 1984 Parliament, would have disqualified him from election, or would


Act No.4 make him lose the qualifications for election, or would disqualify

of 1992, him from election or appointment in accordance with the

Art.22 provisions of this Constitution;

Act No.34 (b) where such Member of Parliament is elected President;

of 1994, (c) where a Member of Parliament fails to attend three consecutive


meetings of the National Assembly without the permission of the


(d) where it is established that he has contravened the provisions of the

law concerning the ethics of public leaders;

(e) where a Member of Parliament ceases to be a member of the party

to which he belonged when he was elected or appointed to be a

Member of Parliament;

(f) where a Member of Parliament is elected or appointed Vice-


(g) in the case of a Member of Parliament who is required to submit a

formal statement of property in accordance with the provisions of

Article 70, if he fails to make such formal statement in accordance

with the provisions of that Article within the period prescribed for

that purpose by a law enacted by Parliament,

but where a Member of Parliament does not cease to be a Member of Parliament

on account of any of those matters mentioned and if he does not sooner resign or

die, then he shall continue to hold office as Member of Parliament until the next

general election.


----------------------- Page 45-----------------------

(2) Parliament may enact a law for the purpose of making provisions

enabling a Member of Parliament to appeal according to law, against a decision

which confirms that he is a person of unsound mind, or against a sentence of death

or imprisonment or against conviction for an offence of the type referred to in the

provisions of subarticle (5) of Article 67 of this Constitution, and that law may

provide that the decision appealed against by the Member of Parliament shall have

no effect in law until the expiration of the period prescribed in that law.

Cessation of 72. Where any person holding office in the service of the Government

employment of which office is of the type mentioned in Article 67(2)(g) decides-

civil servants

(a) to contest for election to the office of President or any other office

on contesting

for election under this Constitution; or

Act No.4 (b) to contest for leadership at any level in a political party contrary to

of 1992 the terms of employment, the employment of such person shall be

Art.23 considered to have ceased from the date of his becoming a

Act No.12

of 1995 candidate or of contesting for leadership in the political party.


Terms of 73. All Members of Parliament of all categories shall hold office in

service of accordance with this Constitution, and shall be paid a salary, allowances and other

Members of

Parliament remuneration in accordance with a law enacted by Parliament.

Act No.15

of 1984


Electoral Commission

Electoral 74.-(1) There shall be an Electoral Commission of the United Republic

Commission which shall consist of the following members to be appointed by the President:

Act No.15

of 1984 (a) a Chairman who shall be a Judge of the High Court or a Justice of

Art.13 the Court of Appeal, who shall be a person with qualifications to be

Act No.4 an advocate and has held those qualifications for a period of not

of 1992 less than fifteen years;

Art.24 (b) a Vice-Chairman who shall be a person who holds, had held or is

Act No.7

of 1993 capable of holding an office of Judge of the High Court or a Justice

Art.2; of the Court of Appeal;

Act No.3 (c) other members to be specified by a law enacted by Parliament.

of 2000 (2) The President shall appoint the Vice-Chairman of the Electoral

Art.14 Commission on the basis of the principle that where the Chairman hails from one

Act No.1

of 2005 part of the Union, the Vice-Chairman shall be a person who hails from the other

Art.14 part of the Union.

(3) The following persons shall not be eligible for appointment as

members of the Electoral Commission, that is to say -

(a) a Minister or Deputy Minister;

(b) a person holding any kind of office specified by a law enacted by

Parliament prohi

holding such office to be appointed a member of Electoral


----------------------- Page 46-----------------------


(c) a Member of Parliament, a Councilor or other persons holding the

kind of office specified by a law enacted by Parliament in terms of

the provisions of paragraph (g) of subarticle (2) of Article 67 of

this Constitution; and

(d) a leader of any political party.

(4) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, a member of the

Electoral Commission shall cease to be a member whenever any of the following

occurs -

(a) upon the expiration of five years since his appointment; or

(b) where anything happens which, had he not been a member of the

Commission, would have made him ineligible for appointment to

be a member of the Commission.

(5) The President may remove a member of the Electoral Commission

from office only for failing to discharge his functions either due to illness or any

other reason or due to misconduct or loss of the qualifications for being a


(6) The responsibilities of the Electoral Commission shall be:

(a) to supervise and co-ordinate the registration of voters in

Presidential and Parliamentary elections in the United Republic;

(b) to supervise and co-ordinate the conduct of the Presidential and

Parliamentary election;

(c) to review the boundaries and demarcate the United Republic into

various areas for the purposes of Parliamentary elections;

(d) to supervise and co-ordinate the registration of voters and the

conduct of the election of Councilors;

(e) to perform any other functions in accordance with a law enacted by


(7) For the better carrying out of its functions, the Electoral Commission

shall be an autonomous department, and its chief executive shall be the Director of

Elections, who shall be appointed and shall discharge duties in accordance with a

law enacted by Parliament.

(8) Parliament may enact a law providing for the procedure for

supervising the election of Members of Parliament representing constituencies.

(9) The Electoral Commission may discharge its functions

notwithstanding that there is a vacancy among its membership or that one of its

members is absent, provided that every decision of the Commission must be

supported by a majority of all the members of the Commission.

(10) Parliament may enact a law providing for the procedure of

appointing delegates to supervise elections of constituency Members of

Parliament and, subject to the provisions of any law or the directions of the

Electoral commission, the powers of the Electoral Commission to supervise the

elections may be exercised by such delegates.

(11) In discharging its functions in accordance with the provisions of this

Constitution, the Electoral Commission shall not be obliged to comply with orders

or directions of any person or any government department or the views of any


----------------------- Page 47-----------------------

political party.

(12) No court shall have power to inquire into anything done by the

Electoral Commission in the discharge of its functions in accordance with the

provisions of this Constitution.

(13) In the discharge of its functions in accordance with this Constitution,

the Electoral Commission of the United Republic shall, from time to time, consult

with the Electoral Commission of Tanzania Zanzibar.

(14) It is hereby prohibited for persons concerned with the conduct of

elections to join any political party, save only that each of them shall have the

right to vote as provided for under Article 5 of this Constitution.

(15) For the purposes of subarticle (14) the persons concerned with the

conduct of elections are:

(a) the Chairman of the Electoral Commission;

(b) the Vice-Chairman of the Electoral Commission;

(c) all the members of the Electoral Commission;

(d) the Director of Elections together with all other employees of the

Electoral Commission; and

(e) all supervisors of elections in all towns and districts.


Constituencies 75.-(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Article, the United Republic

Act No.4 shall be demarcated into constituencies of such number and in such manner as

of 1992

Art.24 shall be determined by the Electoral Commission after obtaining the consent of

the President.

(2) Subject to any relevant law, the Electoral Commission shall have the

power to demarcate the boundaries of constituencies after obtaining the consent of

the President.

(3) In demarcating the boundaries of constituencies, the Electoral

Commission shall take due account of the availability of members of

communication and also the geographical conditions of the area intended for

demarcation into constituencies.

(4) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and any law concerning

the demarcation of the country into constituencies, the Electoral Commission may,

from time to time and at least after every ten years review the demarcation of the

United Republic into constituencies and may alter the constituencies as a result of

that review or as a result of a census conducted in the United Republic.

(5) If after a review of the demarcation of the United Republic into

constituencies alterations are made in the constituencies, or the number of the

Members of Parliament representing constituencies or in the number of

constituencies or the number of Members of Parliament, then the resultant

alteration in the number of Members of Parliament representing those

constituencies shall take effect when Parliament is dissolved again following the

occurrence of the alteration in the number of constituencies or in the number of

Members of Parliament representing constituencies.

(6) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, no court shall


----------------------- Page 48-----------------------

have power to inquire into anything done by the Electoral Commission in its

discharge of the function of demarcating the United Republic into constituencies.

Election and Appointment of Members of Parliament

Elections in 76.-(1) After every dissolution of Parliament there shall be held an

constituencies election of a Member of Parliament in every constituency.

Act No.15

of 1984 (2) Likewise there shall be held an election of a Member of Parliament in

Art.13 a constituency whenever the seat of any Member of Parliament representing that

Act No.3 of constituency falls vacant for any reason not connected with the dissolution of

2000 Art.15 Parliament.

(3) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, it is hereby

declared that where the date for dissolution of Parliament has been proclaimed or

is known on account of the events specified in subarticle (3) of Article 90, then no

such election shall take place during the whole period of six months immediately

preceding the date of the dissolution of Parliament.

Procedure for 77.-(1) Members of Parliament representing constituencies shall be

election elected by the people in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and

Members of

Parliament also the provisions of a law enacted by Parliament pursuant to this Constitution to

representing regulate the election of Members of Parliament representing constituencies.

Constituencies (2) Save where the Electoral Commission in accordance with the

Act No.4 provisions of this Constitution or of a law enacted by Parliament in that behalf

of 1992

Art.25 directs otherwise, there shall be elected only one Member of Parliament in a


(3) Candidates for election to a constituency shall be required to fulfill

the following conditions:

(a) they shall be proposed, one each, by a political party taking part in

the election in that constituency; and

(b) they shall have submitted their names to the Electoral Commission

in accordance with the procedure laid down by a law enacted by

Parliament or procedures prescribed by the Electoral Commission

in accordance with law.

Procedure for 78.-(1) For the purposes of the election of women Members of Parliament

election of mentioned in Article 66(1) (b), political parties which took part in the general


Members of election in accordance with the procedure laid down and obtained at least five

Parliament percentum of the total valid voters for Parliamentary election, shall propose to the

Act No.4 Electoral Commission the names of women on the basis of the proportion of votes

of 1992 obtained by each party in the Parliamentary election.

Art.26 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1), the following votes

Act No.3

of 2000 shall be counted as valid votes for the unopposed Member of Parliament in the

Art.16 constituent -

Act No.1 (a) where a political party has nominated a Presidential candidate,

of 2005 presidential votes cast in the constituency for a Presidential

Art.15 candidate from that political party;


----------------------- Page 49-----------------------

G.N.No.133 (b) where a political party has not nominated a presidential candidate,

of 2001 fifty one percentum of the votes of the total voters registered in the

respective constituency.

(3) The names of the persons proposed to the Electoral Commission in

accordance with subarticle (1) shall be declared to be the results of the election

after the Commission is satisfied that the relevant provisions of the Constitution

and of other legislation have been complied with.

(4) The list of names for women candidates submitted to the Electoral

Commission by each political party for general election shall be the list to be

applied by the Election Commission after consultation of the party concerned, for

purpose of filling any vacancy of Members of Parliament of this category

whenever during the life of Parliament.

Procedure for 79. The House of Representatives shall prescribe the procedures which it

election of shall follow for the purposes of the election of Members of Parliament mentioned

Members by

House of in Article 66(1) (c) of this Constitution.


Act No.15

of 1984


80. [Repealed by Act No.4 of 1992 Article 27].

Procedure for 81. Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the Electoral

proposing Commission may make provisions specifying the procedure to be followed by the


candidates political parties for the purposes of electing and proposing the names of the kind

Act No.4 of Members of Parliament provided for under Article 66(1)(b).

of 1992,


82. [Repealed by Act No.4 of 1992 Article 29].

Determination 83.-(1) Every proceeding for the purposes of determining the question

of the validity whether –

of a person’s

(a) the election or appointment of any person to be Member of

membership of

Parliament Parliament was valid or not; or

Act No.14 (b) a Member of Parliament has ceased to be a Member of Parliament

of 1979 and his seat in the National Assembly is vacant, or not, shall,


Act No.15 subject to the provisions of subarticle (2) of this Article, first be

of 1984 instituted and heard in the High Court of the United Republic.

Art.13 (2) Where the Electoral Commission, in the discharge of its functions in

Act No.14 accordance with the provisions of Article 41(3) of this Constitution has declared

of 1990 any Member of Parliament to have been elected President, then no court or any

Act No.4

of 1992 other body shall inquire further into any question concerning the seat of that

Art.30 Member of Parliament being vacant.

(3) Parliament may enact legislation providing for the following matters:

(a) persons who may institute proceedings in the High Court seeking

for determination of any question in accordance with the provisions


----------------------- Page 50-----------------------

of this Article;

(b) the grounds and times for instituting such proceedings, procedure

for instituting proceedings and conditions which have to be

fulfilled in respect of every such proceeding; and

(c) prescribing the powers of the High Court over such proceedings

and specifying the procedure for the hearing of the matter itself.

(4) There shall be a right of appeal to the Court of Appeal of Tanzania

against a decision of the High Court in any matter which was heard in accordance

with the provisions of this Article.



Speaker and Deputy Speaker

Speaker and his 84.-(1) There shall be a Speaker of the National Assembly who shall be

functions elected by the Members of Parliament from amongst persons who are Members of

Act No.15

of 1984 Parliament or who are qualified to be Members of Parliament and shall be the

Art.14 Leader of the National Assembly in all other institutions and meetings.

Act No.4

of 1992 (2) A Minister, a Deputy Minister or a person holding any other office

Art.31 prescribed by a law enacted by Parliament for the purposes of this Article shall not

Act No.12

of 1995 be elected Speaker.

Art.15 (3) Any person elected Speaker shall be required, before the expiration of

fifteen days of his election, to submit to the President a formal declaration that he

has not lost the qualifications for election in terms of the provisions of paragraph

(d) of subarticle (2) of Article 67. The declaration shall be made in a special form

prescribed in accordance with a law enacted by Parliament.

(4) The President shall transmit to the Ethics Commissioner a copy of

every formal declaration submitted to him in accordance with the provisions of

subarticle (3) of this Article.

(5) The Speaker shall be required to submit to the President two copies of

a formal statement regarding his property and that of his spouse. The Speaker

shall submit such statement in a special form prescribed for that purpose in

accordance with a law enacted by Parliament, and shall submit such statement

from time to time as shall be directed by that law.

(6) The provisions of subarticles (2) and (3) of Article 70 shall apply,

mutatis mutandis, to any statement regarding property submitted by the Speaker in

accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(7) The Speaker shall cease to be Speaker and shall vacate his office upon

the occurrence of any of the following events:

(a) where that person was elected from amongst Members of

Parliament, he ceases to be a Member of Parliament for any reason

other than the dissolution of Parliament;

(b) if anything happens which, had he not been Speaker, would

disqualify such person from election, or make him lose the


----------------------- Page 51-----------------------

qualifications for being elected Speaker;

(c) when the National Assembly meets for the first time after General

Elections held following the dissolution of Parliament, provided

that the provisions of this paragraph shall operate subject to the

provisions of subarticle (4) of Article 90 of this Constitution;

(d) if that person is removed from the office of Speaker by a resolution

of the National Assembly supported by not less than two-thirds of

all Members of Parliament;

(e) if that person fails to submit to the President a formal declaration in

accordance with the provisions of subarticle (3) of this Article;

(f) if that person is convicted of the offence of perjury contrary to the

provisions of the Penal Code concerning any formal declaration

submitted in accordance with the provisions of subarticle (3) of this


(g) if that person fails to submit to the President a statement regarding

his property in according with subarticle (5) of this Article before

the expiration of the period stipulated for that purpose in

accordance with a law enacted by Parliament; or

(h) if it is proved that that person has contravened the provisions of the

law concerning the ethics of public leaders.

(8) No business, other than the election of the Speaker, shall be conducted

in the National Assembly while the office of Speaker is vacant.

(9) Any person not being a Member of Parliament, who is elected

Speaker shall be required, before commencing to discharge the functions of his

office, to take and subscribe the oath of allegiance before the National Assembly.

Deputy 85.-(1) There shall be a Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly who

Speaker shall be elected by Members from amongst Members of Parliament.

Act No.15

of 1984 (2) A Minister, a Deputy Minister or a person holding any other office

Art.14 prescribed by a law enacted by Parliament for the purpose of this Article, shall not

be elected Deputy Speaker.

(3) Members of Parliament shall elect a Deputy Speaker on the following


(a) when the National Assembly meets for the first time following the

General Elections, or as soon as possible thereafter; and

(b) at the first sitting of the National Assembly after the office of

Deputy Speaker falls vacant for any reason not connected with the

dissolution of Parliament or as soon as possible after that sitting.

(4) The Deputy Speaker shall cease to be Deputy Speaker and shall

vacate the office of Deputy Speaker upon the occurrence of any of the following


(a) if that person ceases to be a Member of Parliament;

(b) if anything happens which, had he not been Deputy Speaker, would

have disqualified him from election or would make him lose the

qualifications for being elected Deputy Speaker; or


----------------------- Page 52-----------------------

(c) if that person is removed from the office of Deputy speaker by a

resolution of the National Assembly.

Procedure for 86.-(1) There shall be held an election of the Speaker at the first sitting of

electing the first meeting of National Assembly, and at any first sitting of the National

Speaker and

Assembly immediately after the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Speaker.


Speaker (2) There shall be held an election of the Deputy Speaker at any time

Act No.15 during the first meeting of the National Assembly, which time shall be appointed

of 1984 by the National Assembly, and during the first sitting of the National Assembly

Art.14 immediately after the office of Deputy Speaker falls vacant.

(3) The election of a Speaker as well as that of Deputy Speaker shall be by

secret ballot and shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure prescribed

by the Standing Orders of the National Assembly.

Office of Parliament

Clerk of the 87.-(1) There shall be a Clerk of the National Assembly who shall be

National appointed by the President from amongst persons holding high office in the


service of the Union Government.

Act No.15

of 1984 (2) The Clerk of the National Assembly shall be the Chief Executive in

Art.14 the office of the National Assembly, and shall be responsible for the efficient

discharge of the business of Parliament in conformity with the provisions of this

Constitution and of the relevant law.

The Secretariat 88.-(1) There shall be a Secretariat of the National Assembly which shall

of the National consist of such number of offices within the service of the Government as the


Act No.15 President may direct.

of 1984 (2) The Secretariat of the National Assembly shall consist of officers of

Art.14 such number and grades as may be determined from time to time by the relevant

Service Commission after consultation with the Clerk of the National Assembly.

(3) The Secretariat of the National Assembly, under the leadership of the

Clerk of the National Assembly shall discharge all duties and functions prescribed

or as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring the efficient discharge by the

National Assembly and Members of Parliament of the functions of Parliament

under this Constitution.

Procedure in the National Assembly

Standing 89.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the National

Orders of the Assembly may make Standing Orders for the purpose of prescribing procedure


for the conduct of its business.


Act No.15 (2) Standing Orders made pursuant to this Article may prescribe

of 1984 procedure for the supervision of the discharge of the functions of the Secretariat of

Art.14 the National Assembly and also of the discharge of the business of the National

Assembly in the National Assembly and those of its committees and sub-



----------------------- Page 53-----------------------

Summoning 90.-(1) After General Elections, the President shall summon a New

and dissolution Parliament to meet before the expiration of seven days following the declaration

of Parliament

of the results of the General Elections in all constituencies save in those

Act No.15

of 1984 constituencies where the elections are countermanded and commenced afresh.

Art.14; (2) The President shall not have power to dissolve National Assembly at

Act No.20 any time save only -

of 1992 (a) if the life of Parliament has expired in terms of Article 65 of the


Constitution or at any time within the last twelve months of the life

of Parliament, save only if the Speaker receives a formal notice

under Article 46A of this Constitution proposing the formation of a

Special Committee of Inquiry with a view to impeaching the


(b) if the National Assembly refuses to approve a budget proposed by

the Government;

(c) if Parliament fails to pass a Bill in terms of the provisions of

Article 97(4);

(d) if the National Assembly declines to pass a motion which is of

fundamental importance to Government policies and the President

considers that the way out is not to appoint another Prime Minister

but to call for a general election; or

(e) if, having regard to the proportional representation of political

parties in the National Assembly the President considers that it is

not longer legitimate for the Government in power to continue in

office, and it is not feasible to form a new Government.

(3) Upon the expiration of the life of Parliament, Parliament shall stand

dissolved: Save that if the life of Parliament expires at any time when the United

Republic is at war, the National Assembly may, from time to time, extend the

period mentioned in Article 65 of this Constitution for a period not exceeding

twelve months each time; provided that the life of Parliament shall not be

extended under the provisions of this subarticle for a period of more than five


(4) If an emergency arises or exists which, in the opinion of the President,

necessitates the summoning of National Assembly at a time when Parliament

stands dissolved, and the majority of results in the general election following the

dissolution have not been declared, the President may by Proclamation, summon

National Assembly and direct that the Speaker and all the persons who were the

Members of Parliament immediately before the dissolution of National Assembly

attend such meeting of National Assembly and such persons together with the

Speaker shall be deemed to be the Members of the National Assembly for the

purposes of that meeting and shall be so deemed until midnight of the day the

majority of the results of the General Elections are declared.

President may 91.-(1) The President shall address the National Assembly at its first

address meeting and inaugurate it.


----------------------- Page 54-----------------------

Parliament (2) Subject to the provisions of subarticle (1), the President may, at any

Act No.15 time, address the National Assembly or send to the House a communication which

of 1984

Art.14 shall be read by a Minister.

Meetings of the 92.-(1) The National Assembly shall hold its meetings at the place where

National it is customary to hold such meetings or at any other place in the United Republic


Act No.15 as the President may designate in that behalf.

of 1984 (2) The first meeting of the National Assembly in the life of Parliament

Art.14 shall commence on the day for which National Assembly is summoned to meet,

G.N.No.133 and every subsequent meeting shall commence on such date as may be specified

of 2001 by the National Assembly or on any day that shall be appointed in accordance

with the Standing Orders of the National Assembly.

(3) The President may at any time summon a meeting of the National


Presiding at 93. Every sitting of the National Assembly shall be presided over by any

sittings of the one of the following persons, that is to say -


(a) the Speaker;


Act No.15 (b) if the Speaker is absent, the Deputy Speaker; or

of 1984 (c) if both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are absent, any

Art.14 Member of Parliament who has been elected for that purpose, but a

Minister or a Deputy Minister or a person holding any other type of

office specified by any law enacted by Parliament for the purpose

of this Article shall not be elected under the provisions of this


Quorum at the 94.-(1) The quorum at every sitting of the National Assembly shall be

sittings of the half of all the Members of Parliament.


(2) Except where it is provided otherwise in this Constitution, every


Act No.15 question proposed for decision in the National Assembly shall be determined by a

of 1984 majority of the votes of the Members of Parliament present and voting.

Art.14; (3) The Speaker, Deputy Speaker or any other person presiding over the

Act No.7 sitting of the National Assembly shall not have a deliberative vote but shall have a

Of 1994

casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.

Art. 8(i),(k)

(4) The Standing Orders of the National Assembly may provide that any

Member of Parliament who votes on any matter in which he has a personal

interest shall be deemed not to have voted.

Vacant seats in 95. The National Assembly may conduct business during its sittings

the National notwithstanding any vacant seat in the National Assembly whether the seat


Act No.15 became vacant since or after the first meeting following the General Elections,

of 1984 and if in such business any person who is not entitled takes part or if during that

Art.14 business any person who is not entitled is present, then the participation or

presence of that person shall not invalidate the business.


----------------------- Page 55-----------------------

Standing 96.-(1) The National Assembly may establish various Standing

Committees of Committees as it may deem appropriate for the better discharge of its functions.

the National

(2) The Standing Orders of the National Assembly may provide for the


Act No.15 composition and functions of the Standing Committees established pursuant to the

of 1984 provisions of this Article.


Act No.12

of 1995


Legislative Procedure

How to 97.-(1) Subject to the provisions contained in this Constitution, the

legislate Parliament shall exercise its legislative power through the process of debating and

Act No. 15

of 1984 passing Bills which eventually shall have to be assented to by the President, and a

Art.14 Bill shall not become law unless it is so passed by the National Assembly and

assented to by the President in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

(2) After a Bill is presented to the President for his assent, the President

may either assent to the Bill or withhold his assent, and in the event the President

withholds his assent to a Bill, he shall return it to the National Assembly together

with a statement of his reasons for withholding his assent to the Bill.

(3) After a Bill is returned to the National Assembly pursuant to the

provisions of this Article, it shall not be presented again to the President for his

assent before the expiration of six months since it was so returned, except if at the

last stage in the National Assembly before it is again presented to the President, it

is supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds of all the Members of


(4) If a Bill is returned to the National Assembly the President, and it is

then supported in the National Assembly by not less than two-thirds of all

Members of Parliament as provided in subarticle (3) and it is presented a second

time to the President for assent within six months of its being so returned, then the

President shall be obliged to assent to the Bill within twenty-one days of its being

presented to him, otherwise he shall have to dissolve Parliament.

(5) The provisions of this Article or Article 64 of this Constitution shall

not prevent Parliament from enacting laws making provisions conferring on any

person or department of Government the power to make regulations having the

force of law or conferring the force of law on any regulations made by any person,

or any department of Government.

Procedure for 98.-(1) Parliament may enact law for altering any provision of this

altering the Constitution in accordance with the following principles:


and certain (a) a Bill for an Act to alter any provisions of this Constitution, other

laws than those relating to paragraph (b) of this subarticle or any

Act No.15 provisions of any law specified in List One of the Second Schedule

of 1984 to this Constitution shall be supported by the votes of not less than

Art.14 two thirds of all the Members of Parliament; and

(b) a Bill for an Act to alter any provisions of this Constitution or any

provisions of any law relating to any of the matters specified in List


----------------------- Page 56-----------------------

Two of the Second Schedule to this Constitution shall be passed

only if it is supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds of all

Members of Parliament from Mainland Tanzania and not less than

two-thirds of all Members of Parliament from Tanzania Zanzibar.

(2) For the purpose of construing the provisions of subarticle (1),

alteration of provisions of this Constitution or the provisions of a law shall be

understood to include modification, or correction of those provisions or repeal and

replacement of those provisions or the re-enactment or modification of the

application of the provisions.

Procedure for 99.-(1) The National Assembly shall not deal with any of the matters to

legislation in which this Article relates except if the President has proposed that the matter be


matters dealt with by the National Assembly and the proposal has been submitted to the

Act No.15 National Assembly by a Minister.

of 1984 (2) The matters to which this Article relate are the following:

Art.14 (a) a Bill to enact a law providing for any of the following -

(i) to levy a tax or to alter taxation otherwise than by


(ii) the imposition of any charge upon the Consolidated

Fund or any other public fund or the alteration of

any such charge otherwise than by reduction;

(iii) the payment, issue or withdrawal from the

Consolidated Fund or any other public fund of any

moneys not charged thereon, or any increase in the

amount of such payment, issue or withdrawal;

(iv) the composition or remission of any debt due or

payable to the United Republic;

(b) a motion or any amendment of a motion for the purpose of any of

the matters referred to in paragraph (a) of this subarticle.

(3) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to a Bill or any

amendment to a Bill introduced by or a motion or an amendment to a motion

moved by a Minister or a Deputy Minister.

Power and Privileges of Parliament

Freedom and 100.-(1) There shall be freedom of opinion, debate and in the National

immunity from Assembly, and that freedom shall not be breached or questioned by any organ in


Act No.15 the United Republic or in any court or elsewhere outside the National Assembly.

of 1984 (2) Subject to this Constitution or to the provisions of any other relevant

Art.14 law, a Member of Parliament shall not be prosecuted and no civil proceedings

may be instituted against him in a court in relation to any thing which he has said

or done in the National Assembly or has submitted to the National Assembly by

way of a petition, bill, motion or otherwise.

Preservation 101. Parliament may enact a law making provisions to enable the court

and and the law to preserve and enforce freedom of opinion, debate and procedure of

enforcement of


----------------------- Page 57-----------------------

freedom of business in the National Assembly which in terms of Article 100 is guaranteed by

debate and this Constitution.


Act No.15

of 1984









The 102.-(1) There shall be an Executive for Zanzibar which shall be known

Revolutionary as “the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar” which shall have authority in

Government of

Zanzibar over all matters which are not Union Matters in accordance with the

Zanzibar and

its jurisdiction provisions of this Constitution.

Act No. 45 (2) Subject to the provisions contained in this and the following Articles

of 1980 in this Chapter of this Constitution the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

Art.55 shall be constituted and shall exercise its authority in accordance with the

Act No.15

of 1984 provisions of this Constitution and the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.


Act No.34

of 1994


Head of the 103.-(1) There shall be a Head of the Executive for Zanzibar who shall be

Revolutionary the President of Zanzibar and Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

Government of

Zanzibar and and also the Chairman of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Council.

his authority (2) The Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar shall, before

Act No. 15 assuming office, subscribe the oath before the Chief Justice of Zanzibar to protect

of 1980 and defend the Constitution of the United Republic and any other oath in

Art.14 accordance with the constitution of Zanzibar in connection with the execution of

Act No.34

of 1994 his duties, and then shall assume office and discharge those functions in

Art.17 accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the Constitution of

Zanzibar, 1984.

(3) In addition to his other powers, the Head of the Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar shall have the power to appoint and assign

responsibilities to Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar.


----------------------- Page 58-----------------------

Election of the 104.-(1) The Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar shall be

Head of the elected by the people in Tanzania Zanzibar in accordance with the provisions of


Government of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, and in accordance with the procedure

Zanzibar prescribed by law enacted by the House of Representatives of Zanzibar which

Act No.1 relates to the election in general or to the election of the Head of the

of 1980 Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

Art.11 (2) Subject to the other provisions of this Constitution, the office of the

Act No.15

of 1984 Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar shall be vacant, and the

Art.14 election of the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar shall be held to

Act No.16 fill the vacancy upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

of 1990 (a) upon the dissolution of the House of Representatives;

Art.2 (b) the resignation of the Head of the Revolutionary Government of

Act No.20

of 1992 Zanzibar without first dissolving the House of representatives;

Art.14 (c) the disqualification of the Head of the Revolutionary Government

of Zanzibar from holding an elective office;

(d) the impeachment of the Head of the Revolutionary Government of

Zanzibar by the House of Representatives in accordance with the

Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, and his removal from office;

(e) the certification pursuant to the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, that

the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar is unable to

discharge his duties and functions; or

(f) the death of the Head of the Revolutionary Government of




The 105.-(1) There shall be a Zanzibar Revolutionary Council which shall

Revolutionary consist of the following members:

Council and its

functions (a) the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council;

Act No.1 (b) the Chief Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar;

of 1980 (c) all Ministers of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar; and

Art.12 (d) other members to be appointed by the Chairman of the

Act No.15

of 1984, Revolutionary Council in accordance with the provisions of the

Art.18 Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.

(2) Without prejudice to the powers of the Chairman of the Revolutionary

Council as Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the Revolutionary

Council shall be the principal organ for advising the Head of Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar regarding all matters concerning the exercise of his

functions of leadership and supervision over the affairs of the Executive for

Zanzibar and also in the discharge of his functions over all affairs of Government

concerning all matters which are not Union Matters in accordance with the

provisions of this Constitution and those of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.


----------------------- Page 59-----------------------



The House of 106.-(1) There shall be a House of Representatives of Zanzibar. The

Representatives House of Representatives shall comprise two parts: one part shall consist of

of Zanzibar and

Members of the House elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of

its legislative

functions the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, and who shall be referred to as the other part

Act No.1 of the Representatives; shall be the Head of the Revolutionary Government of

of 1980 Zanzibar in the exercise of his functions pursuant to the provisions of this

Art.93 Constitution and the provisions of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.

(2) Where pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, the provisions

of the constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, or the provisions of any law enacted and in

force in Zanzibar, any matter requires to be decided or done by both parts of the

House of Representatives, then that matter shall not be deemed to have been duly

decided and done unless it is decided or done by the Members of the House of

representatives and also by the Head of the Revolutionary Government of

Zanzibar, in accordance with their respective authority in relation to that matter.

(3) Legislative authority in Zanzibar over all matters which are not Union

Matters is hereby vested in the House of Representatives of Zanzibar.

Authority of 107.-(1) The President of Zanzibar as one part of the House of

House of Representatives of Zanzibar shall exercise the authority vested in him by this


Act No.15 Constitution and also by the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984 for that purpose.

of 1984 (2) The Members of the House of Representatives as the second part of

Art.20 the House of Representatives shall be the principal organ for Tanzania Zanzibar

which shall have authority on behalf of the people in Tanzania Zanzibar to

oversee and advise the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and all its organs

in the discharge of their respective responsibilities in accordance with this

Constitution and the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.

(3) For purposes of discharging its functions, the House of Representatives

may -

(a) put to any Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

any question concerning public affairs in Tanzania Zanzibar which

are within his responsibility;

(b) debate on the performance of each Ministry of the Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar during the annual budget session of the

House of Representatives;

(c) deliberate upon and authorize any long or short term plan which is

intended to be implemented in Tanzania Zanzibar and enact a law

to regulate the implementation of that plan;

(d) enact legislation where implementation requires legislation; and

(e) prepare or direct preparation and submission to any political party a

report concerning any matter that is under the authority of the



----------------------- Page 60-----------------------










Authority of 107A.-(1) The Judiciary shall be the authority with final decision in

dispensing dispensation of justice in the United Republic of Tanzania.


Act No.3 (2) In delivering decisions in matters of civil and criminal matters in

of 2000 accordance with the laws, the court shall observe the following principles, that is

Art.17 to say -

Act No.1 (a) impartiality to all without due regard to ones social or economic

of 2005



G. N. No.150 (b) not to delay dispensation of justice without reasonable ground;

of 2005 (c) to award reasonable compensation to victims of wrong doings

committed by other persons, and in accordance with the relevant

law enacted by the Parliament;

(d) to promote and enhance dispute resolution among persons involved

in the disputes.

(e) to dispense justice without being tied up with technicalities

provisions which may obstruct dispensation of justice.

Independence 107B. In exercising the powers of dispensing justice, all courts shall have

of the Judiciary freedom and shall be required only to observe the provisions of the Constitution

Act No.3

and those of the laws of the land.

of 2000




High Court of 108.-(1) There shall be a High Court of the United Republic (to be

the United referred to in short as “the High Court”) the jurisdiction of which shall be as

Republic and

specified in this Constitution or in any other law.


----------------------- Page 61-----------------------

its jurisdiction (2) Where this Constitution or any other law does not expressly provide

Act No.14 that any specified matter shall first be heard by a court specified for that purpose,

of 1979

Art.6 then the High Court shall have jurisdiction to hear every matter of such type.

Similarly, the High Court shall have jurisdiction to deal with any matter which,

according to legal traditions obtaining in Tanzania, is ordinarily dealt with by a

High Court provided that;

the provisions of this subarticle shall apply without prejudice to the jurisdiction of

the Court of Appeal of Tanzania as provided for in this Constitution or in any

other law.

Judges of the 109.-(1) There shall be a Principal Judge of the High Court (who in the

High Court and following provisions of this Constitution shall be referred to as the “Principal


Judge”) and other Judges of the High Court who shall be not less than thirty who


Act No.14 shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service

of 1979 Commission.

Art.6 (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution or any other law

Act No.15 concerning the powers of the Chief Justice who is referred to in Article 118, the

of 1984

Art.22 Principal Judge shall be the special assistant to the Chief Justice in the

Act No.14 administration of the High Court and of all the other courts subordinate to it, and

of 1990 in the discharge of the functions of that office, the Principal Judge shall perform

Art.5 such functions and duties as he may, from time to time, be instructed or directed

by the Chief Justice and, for the purposes of this Article, the Principal Judge shall

also be known as the Head of the High Court.

(3) In addition to his ordinary powers as a Judge of the High Court, the

Principal Judge shall also have power to perform all such duties and functions

related to the jurisdiction of the High Court which, in accordance with the

provisions of this Constitution or any other law, or the legal traditions applicable,

are matters which are required to be performed by the head of the High Court:

Provided that the provisions of this subarticle shall not apply in relation to

the discharge of duties or functions which, in terms of the provisions of this

Constitution or of any other law or in accordance with legal traditions applicable

in Tanzania are expressly stated or are deemed to be the duties or functions

required to be performed only by the Chief Justice.

(4) For the avoidance of doubt in relation to the interpretation or

application of the provisions of subarticles (2) and (3), of this Article, it is hereby

declared that except where this Constitution or any other law provides otherwise,

the Chief Justice may, from time to time, give to the Principal Judge directions or

instruction concerning the discharge of his duties and functions as head of the

High Court. Likewise the Chief Justice may delegate to the Principal Judge some

of his administrative and supervisory powers in relation to the discharge of

functions in the High Court and in all other courts subordinate to it, and whenever

necessary the Chief Justice may himself discharge directly any of the functions so

delegated to the Principal Judge.

(5) The office of Judge of the High Court shall not be abolished while

there is a person holding that office.

(6) Subject to the provisions of subarticle (8) of this Article a person may


----------------------- Page 62-----------------------

only be appointed Judge of the High Court if he has special qualifications as

defined in subarticle (7) of this Article, and has held one of those special

qualifications for a period of not less than ten years.

(7) For the purposes of construing subarticles (6), (8) and (10) of this

Article “special qualifications” means a person who holds a degree in law from a

University recognized by the accreditation authority in Tanzania, and

(a) has been a magistrate;

(b) has held an office in the public service while possessing

qualifications of attorney or has been a private advocate;

(c) possess qualifications for enrolment as an advocate and, has

possessed those qualifications continuously for a period of not less

than ten years.

(8) Where the President is satisfied that a person holding one of the

special qualifications has not held that qualification for a period of not less than

ten years, but that that person has the ability, knowledge and in every respect is

suitable for appointment as Judge of the High Court, and there are reasons which

make such person deserve to be so appointed, then the President may dispense

with the requirement that such person shall have held the special qualifications for

a period of not less than ten years, and may after consultation with the Judicial

Service Commission, appoint that person Judge of the High Court.

(9) In the event that the office of Principal Judge falls vacant or that the

Principal Judge is for any reason unable to perform the functions of his office,

then, those functions shall be performed by one of the Judges who shall be

appointed by the President for that purpose and that Judge so appointed shall

perform those functions until a new Principal Judge is appointed and assumes the

office of Principal Judge, or until the Principal Judge who was unable to perform

his functions resumes office.

(10) In the event that the office of any Judge falls vacant or that any

Judge is appointed Acting Principal Judge or is for any reason unable to perform

the functions of his office, or if the Chief Justice advises the President that the

state of business then obtaining in the High Court requires the appointment of an

Acting judge, the President may, after consulting the Chief Justice in the usual

manner appoint an Acting Judge from amongst persons holding the special


Provided that -

(a) a person shall not be deemed to be disqualified from appointment

in accordance with the provisions of this subarticle for the reason

only that he has attained the age specified in subarticle (1) of

Article 110 of this Constitution;

(b) for the purpose of appointing an Acting Judge in accordance with

the provisions of this subarticle, the President may dispense with

the requirement of holding the special qualifications for a period of

ten years for the same reasons as those set out in subarticle (8) of

this Article.

(11) Any person appointed Acting Judge pursuant to the provisions of

subarticle (10) of this Article shall continue to hold the office of Acting Judge for


----------------------- Page 63-----------------------

any period so specified in his appointment or if no period is specified, until his

appointment is revoked by the President, but notwithstanding that his term of

office has expired or that his appointment has been revoked, that person may

continue to perform functions as Acting Judge until he has completed the

preparation and delivery of a decision or until he completes any other business

connected with matters which he had started hearing before his term of office

expired or before his appointment was revoked.

Tenure of 110.-(1) Every Judge of the High Court shall vacate his office on

office of attaining the age of sixty years, but the provisions of this subarticle shall apply

Judges of the

subject to the subsequent provisions of this Article.

High Court

Act No.14 (2) Any Judge of the High Court may retire from office in the service of

of 1979 the United Republic at any time on attaining the age of fifty five years, except

Art.6 where the President directs that he should not retire from office, and if the

Act No.15 President so directs, then the Judge to whom the directions of the President relate

of 1984

sArt.22 shall not retire from office until the expiry of the period specified by the President

and 23 for that purpose.

Act No.12 (3) In the event that the President considers it to be in the public interest

of 1995 that a Judge who has attained sixty years of age continue in office, and the Judge

Art.17 agrees in writing to continue in office, then the President may direct that the judge

Act No.1

of 2005 continue in office for any period which may be specified by the President.

Art.18 (4) Notwithstanding that a Judge has attained the age at which he is

required by the provisions of this Article to vacate office, a person who was

holding the office of Judge of the High Court may continue to perform the

functions of that office after attaining that age until he completes the preparation

and delivery of the decision or until he completes any other business in connection

with matters which he had started hearing before attaining that age.

Procedures 110A.-(1) The procedure for dealing with discipline of Judges, for reasons

relating to other than those specified in subarticle (2) shall be as prescribed under the law to

discipline of

be enacted by the Parliament.

Judges of the

High Court (2) A Judge of the High Court may be removed from office only for

Act No.1 inability to perform the functions of his office (either due to illness or to any other

of 2005 reason) or for behaviour inconsistent with the ethics of office of Judge or with the

Art.19 law concerning the ethics of public leaders and he shall not be so removed except

in accordance with the provisions of subarticle (4) of this Article.

(3) Where the President considers that the question of the removal of a

Judge from office needs to be investigated, then the procedure shall be as follows:

(a) the President shall after consultation with the Chief Justice,

suspend that Judge from office;

(b) the President shall appoint a Tribunal which shall consist of a

Chairman and not less than two other members. The Chairman and

with at least half of other members of the Special Tribunal must be

persons who are judges of the High Court or Justices of Appeal in

any country within the Commonwealth;

(c) the Tribunal shall investigate the mater and make a report to the


----------------------- Page 64-----------------------

President, advising on the whole matter, and shall advise him

whether or not the Judge concerned should be removed from office

in accordance with the provisions of this Article on the grounds of

inability to perform his functions due to illness or any other reason

or on grounds of misbehaviour.

(4) If the Tribunal appointed in accordance with the provisions of

subarticle (3) advises the President that the Judge the subject of investigation by

the Special Tribunal be removed from office on grounds of inability to perform

functions due to illness or any other reason or on grounds of misbehaviour, then

the President shall remove the Judge from office and the employment of that

Judge shall cease.

(5) If the question of removing a Judge from office has been referred to a

Tribunal for investigation pursuant to the provisions of subarticle (3) of this

Article, the President may suspend the Judge concerned from duty, and the

President may at any time rescind the decision to suspend such Judge, and in any

case such decision shall lapse if the Tribunal advises the President that the Judge

be not removed from office.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the

provisions of subarticle (11) of Article 109 of this Constitution.

Judges’ oath of 111. A Judge of the High Court shall not assume the functions of his

office office until he has first taken and subscribed the oaths of allegiance and also such

Act No.14 of

1979 other oath concerning the discharge of his duties as may be prescribed in

Art.6 accordance with the law enacted by the Parliament.

Act No.15

of 1984,




Judicial 112.-(1) There shall be an Appointments Advisory Commission for

Service Judges and Magistrates in Mainland Tanzania which in this Constitution shall be


known as the “Judicial Service Commission”.

Act No.14

of 1990 (2) Members of the Commission shall be -

Art.7 (a) the Chief Justice who shall be the Chairman;

Act No.15 (b) the Attorney General;

of 1984 (c) a Justice of Appeal of Tanzania who shall be appointed in that


Act No.14 behalf by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice;

of 1990 (d) the Principal Judge; and

Art.6 (e) two members who shall be appointed by the President.

Act No.3 (3) A person shall not qualify to be appointed member of the Commission

of 2000 under the provisions of paragraph (e) of subarticle (2) of this Article, if he is a


Act No.1 Member of Parliament or the holder of any other office prescribed in that behalf

of 2005 by a law enacted Parliament.


(4) In discharging its functions, the Commission may delegate its duties


----------------------- Page 65-----------------------

to various Committees to be established in accordance with law enacted by


Powers and 113.-(1) The functions of the Commission shall be –

functions of the (a) to advise the President regarding appointments of the Judges of the


Act No.1 High Court;

of 2005 (b) to advise the President on matters relating to discipline of Judges;

Art.20 (c) to advice the President in relation to salaries and remuneration for

Act No.14 Judge;

of 1979 (d) to advise the President in respect of appointment and discipline for


Act No.15 Registrar of the Court of Appeal and the Registrar of the High

Art.22 and 24; Court;

Act No.34 (e) to appoint magistrates and control their discipline;

of 2005 (f) to establish various committees for purposes of implementation of

Art.20 its functions.

(2) The powers of appointment, control of discipline and removal of

Judges from office shall vest in the President in accordance with the provisions of

this Constitution.

(3) Powers of appointments, confirmation, disciplinary and removal of

Registrars of the Court of Appeal and the High Court shall vest in the President.

(4) Powers of appointment, confirmation, disciplinary and removal of

magistrates of courts in Mainland Tanzania shall vest in the Commission

mentioned in Article 112.

(5) The Parliament may enact a law which shall make provisions relating

to implementation of the functions by the Commission.

Membership in 113A. It is hereby prohibited for a Justice of Appeal, a Judge of the High

political parties Court, a Registrar of any grade or a magistrate of any grade to join any political

Act No.34

of 1994 party save only that he shall have the right to vote which is specified in Article 5

Art.18 of this Constitution.

Act No.1

of 2005




The High Court 114. For the purposes of construing the provisions of this Chapter of this

of Zanzibar Constitution, it is hereby declared that the provisions contained in this Chapter do

Act No.15

of 1984 not prevent the continuance or establishment, in accordance with the law

Art.22 applicable in Zanzibar of the High Court of Zanzibar or courts subordinate to it.

Jurisdiction of 115.-(1) Subject to Articles 83 and 116 of this Constitution, the

the High Court jurisdiction of the High Court of Zanzibar shall be as specified in the laws

of Zanzibar

applicable in Zanzibar.


----------------------- Page 66-----------------------

Act No.15 (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution or of any other law

of 1984 enacted by Parliament, where any law enacted by Parliament and which is

Art.22 and

Art.25 applicable in Mainland Tanzania and also in Tanzania Zanzibar vests any power

in the High Court, then the High Court of Zanzibar may exercise that power

concurrently with the High Court of the United Republic.



Interpretation 116.-(1) Subject to the provisions of subarticle (2), the Chief Justice shall

Act No.15 have no power over any matter concerning the structure and administration of the

of 1984

Art.25 day-to-day business of the courts established in accordance with the Constitution

and 26 of Zanzibar, 1984, or any law of Tanzania Zanzibar.

Act No.1 (2) The Chief Justice shall from time to time consult with the Chief

of 2005 Justice of Zanzibar concerning the administration of the business of the Court of


Appeal in general, and also concerning the appointment of Justices of Appeal.

Court of 117.-(1) There shall be a Court of Appeal of the United Republic of the

Appeal of the (to be referred to in short as “the Court of Appeal”) which shall have the


jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal as provided in this Constitution or any other

Republic and

its jurisdiction law.

Act No.14 (2) The Court of Appeal shall not have any jurisdiction in arbitration of

of 1979 any matter which is to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article

Art.8 126 of this Constitution concerning a dispute between the Government of the

Act No.15

of 1984 United Republic and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.

Art.27 (3) The functions of the Court of Appeal shall be to hear and determine

every appeal brought before it arising from the judgment or other decision of the

High Court or of a magistrate with extended jurisdiction.

(4) A law enacted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution

by Parliament or by the House of Representatives of Zanzibar may make

provisions stipulating procedure for lodging appeals in the Court of Appeal, the

time and grounds for lodging the appeals, and the manner in which such appeals

shall be dealt with.

Chief Justice 118.-(1) There shall be a Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal (who in the

and Justices of subsequent Articles of this Constitution shall be referred to in short as “the Chief

Appeal and

their Justice”) and not less than four other Justices of Appeal; save that a full bench of

appointments the Court of Appeal shall consist of not less than five Justices of Appeal.

Act No.14 (2) The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the President from amongst

of 1979 persons who possess qualifications to be appointed as a Justice of Appeal and

Art.8 shall be the Head of the Court of Appeal and of the Judiciary as defined in Article

Act No.15

116 of this Constitution and shall hold the office of a Chief Justice until he attains

of 1984

Act No.7 the retirement age of the Justice of Appeal, except if -

of 1994 (a) he resigns; or

Ar.8(1), (k) (b) his office becomes vacant on grounds of illness or death; or

Art.28 (c) he is removed from the post of the Chief Justice by President.


----------------------- Page 67-----------------------

Act No.1 (3) The other Justices of Appeal shall be appointed by the President after

of 2005 consultation with the Chief Justice, from amongst persons who qualify to be


appointed Judges of the High Court of the United Republic as provided for in

Article 109 of this Constitution, or from amongst persons who qualify to be

appointed Judges of the High Court of Zanzibar in accordance with the laws

applicable in Zanzibar and have possessed such qualifications for a period of not

less than fifteen years.

(4) Whenever -

(a) the office of Chief Justice is vacant, or

(b) the Chief Justice is absent from Tanzania; or

(c) the Chief Justice, for any reason, fails to discharge his duties,

and if, in the duration of any of these three events the President considers it

appropriate to appoint an Acting Chief Justice, then the President may appoint an

Acting Chief Justice from among Justices of Appeal.

(5) The Acting Justice of Appeal shall perform the duties of the Chief

Justice until another Chief Justice is appointed or until the Chief Justice who was

absent from Tanzania or was unable to discharge his duties resumes duty.

(6) In the event that an office of Justice of Appeal is vacant or that any

Justice of Appeal is appointed Acting Chief Justice or if the Justice of Appeal is

for any reason unable to exercise of his office, or if the Chief Justice advises the

President that the State of business then obtaining in the Court of Appeal requires

the appointment of an Acting Justice of Appeal, then the President may, after

consultation with the Chief Justice, appoint an Acting Justice of Appeal from

amongst persons holding qualifications for appointment as Justice of Appeal in

accordance with the provisions of subarticle (4) of this Article.

(7) Any person appointed Acting Justice of Appeal shall continue to hold

the office of Acting Justice of Appeal for any period specified at the time of his

appointment, until his appointment is revoked by the President, but not

withstanding that the period of appointment has expired or that the appointment

has been revoked, such person may continue to work as Acting Justice of Appeal

for as long as may be necessary to enable him to prepare and deliver judgment or

to do any other thing in relation to appeals or any other proceedings which were

commenced before him prior to the expiration of such period, or the revocation of

his appointment.

(8) For the avoidance of doubt over the construction of the provisions of

subarticle (1) of Article 119 of this Constitution, it is hereby declared that a person

appointed an Acting Justice of Appeal shall have full power of a Justice of Appeal

and shall discharge all duties of Justices of Appeal, and that the quorum of Justice

of Appeal mentioned in Article 122 of this Constitution shall not be invalid on

ground only that one or more than one Justice of Appeal at any sitting is an Acting

Justice of Appeal.

(9) The office of Justice of Appeal shall not be abolished while there is a

person holding the office of the Justice of Appeal.

Jurisdiction of 119. No Justice of Appeal shall have jurisdiction to hear any matter in the

Justice of High Court or in any magistrates’ court of any grade:



----------------------- Page 68-----------------------

Act No.14 Provided that where a Judge of the High Court is appointed Justice of

of 1979 Appeal he may, notwithstanding such appointment, discharge his functions in the


and Act No.15 High Court until he completes the preparation and delivery of the decision or until

of 1984 he completes any other business in connection with matters which he had started

Art.29 hearing before his appointment as a Justice of Appeal, and for that purpose it shall

be lawful for him to deliver judgment or any other decision concerned in the

exercise of the jurisdiction he had before he was appointed Justice of Appeal;

provided that where ultimately that judgment or decision is challenged by way of

appeal to the Court of Appeal, then in such circumstances that Justice of Appeal

shall not have jurisdiction to hear that appeal.

Tenure of 120.-(1) Every Justice of Appeal shall vacate his office upon attaining the

office of age of sixty-five, but the provisions of this subarticle shall apply subject to the

Justices of

subsequent provisions of this Article.


Act No.14 (2) Any Justice of Appeal may vacate office in the service of the Untied

of 1979 Republic at any time on attaining the age of sixty five years except where the


President directs that he should not vacate office, and if the President so directs,

Act No.15

of 1984 then the Justice to whom the directions of the President relate shall not vacate

Art.30 office until the expiry of the period specified by the President for that purpose.

Act No.1 (3) In the event that the President considers it to be in the public interest

of 2005 that a Justice of Appeal who has attained sixty-five years of age continue in office,


and the Justice of Appeal agrees in writing to continue in office, then the President

may direct that the Justice of Appeal continue in office for any period which may

be specified by the President.

(4) Notwithstanding that a Justice of Appeal has attained the age at which

he is required by the provisions of this Article to vacate his office, a person who

was holding the office of Justice of Appeal may continue to perform the functions

of that office after attaining that age until he completes the preparation and

delivery of decision or until he completes any other business in connection with

matters which he had started hearing before attaining that age.

Procedures 120A.-(1) The procedure for dealing with discipline of Justices of Appeal

relating to for offences other than those specified under subarticle (2), shall be as prescribed

discipline of

Justices of under the law to be enacted by the Parliament.

Appeal (2) A Justice of Appeal may be removed from office of a Justice of

Act No.1 Appeal for reason of inability to perform the functions of his office (either due to

of 2005

Art.24 illness or to any other reason) or for misbehaviour and shall not be removed from

office except in accordance with procedural provisions similar to those prescribed

for removal from office of the Judge of the High Court as stipulated in subarticle

(2) and (3) of Article 110A of this Constitution, and for that purpose the

provisions of subarticle (4) of Article 110A shall apply to the Justice of Appeal in

the same manner as applied to the Judge of the High Court.

(3) The provisions of this Article shall apply without prejudice to the

provisions of subarticle (5) of Article 118 of this Constitution.


----------------------- Page 69-----------------------

Oath of office 121. A Justice of Appeal shall not assume office unless he has taken and

of Justices of subscribed the oaths of allegiance and such other oath as may be prescribed by


Act No.14 legislation enacted by Parliament.

of 1979


Act No.15

of 1984


Quorum at 122.-(1) The quorum at every sitting of the Court of Appeal shall be not

sittings of the less than three Justices of Appeal.

Court of

(2) In every appeal a matter which requires the decision by the Court of


Act No.14 Appeal shall be decided on the basis of the majority opinion of the Justices of

of 1979 Appeal hearing the appeal.


Act No.15

of 1984


Act No.7

of 1994

Ar.8(1), (k)

Jurisdiction of 123. A single Justice of Appeal may exercise any power vested in the

a single Justice Court of Appeal not involving the determination of an appeals; except that -

of Appeal

Act No.14 (a) in criminal matters, where a Justice of Appeal on an application for

of 1979 the exercise of those powers makes a decision which the applicant

Art.8 is dissatisfied with, then the applicant shall be entitled to require to

Act No.15 have his application determined by the full Court;

of 1984 (b) in civil matters, the Court of Appeal may nullify or alter an order,


direction, or decision of any other kind made by a single Justice of

Appeal in accordance with the provisions of this Article.




Execution of 124.-(1) The criminal and civil process, including warrants of arrest

court orders in issued by the Courts in Mainland Tanzania and in Tanzania Zanzibar may be

the whole of

Tanzania served and may be executed in any place in Tanzania subject to the following

provisions -

Act No.15 (a) where the court issues process to be served or executed in a place

of 1984 w here it has no jurisdiction, such process shall be sent to that place


and the service or execution shall be effected in accordance with

Act No.3

of 2000 Arti.17 the procedure obtaining for service or execution of process issued

by the court having jurisdiction in that area; and


----------------------- Page 70-----------------------

(b) where the law applicable in the place where the process is sent

requires that a process issued by a court which has no jurisdiction

be authenticated first by the court having local jurisdiction, then

every process issued by the court elsewhere has to be authenticated

first in accordance with the law before service or execution of such


(2) Where a person is arrested anywhere in Tanzania in accordance with

an arrest warrant issued by a court having no jurisdiction in the area of arrest, then

the person so arrested shall be deemed to be in lawful custody and be brought

before the court which issued the arrest warrant, but the provisions contained in

this subarticle shall apply without prejudice to the provisions of the law applicable

in the place of the arrest.

(3) The provisions contained in this Article shall not prevent the

enactment of a law providing for the procedure of sending process outside

Tanzania issued by the courts in Mainland Tanzania or Tanzania Zanzibar.




Special 125. There is hereby established the Special Constitutional Court of the

Constitutional United Republic whose jurisdiction, constitution and procedure shall be as


Act No.15 stipulated in the provisions of Articles 126, and 128 of this Constitution.

of 1984


Act No.3

of 2000


Jurisdiction of 126.-(1) The sole function of the Special Constitutional Court of the

the Special United Republic is to hear and give a conciliatory decision over a matter referred


Court to it concerning the interpretation of this Constitution where such interpretation or

Act No.14 its application is in dispute between the Government of the United Republic and

of 1979 the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.

Art.9 (2) In the exercise of its functions in accordance with the provisions of

Act No.15 this Article, the Special Constitutional Court shall not have power to inquire into

of 1984

Art.36 or to alter the decision of the High Court or the decision of the Court of Appeal

which has been given in accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of this

Constitution or the decision of the Court of Appeal which has been given in

accordance with Article 117 of this Constitution.

(3) Every conciliatory decision given by the Special Constitutional Court

pursuant to this Article shall be final; there shall be no right of appeal to any


Composition of 127.-(1) The Special Constitutional Court shall consist of members of

the Special whom one half shall be appointed by the Government of the United Republic and


Court the other half shall be appointed by the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.


----------------------- Page 71-----------------------

Act No.14 (2) A person may be appointed a member of the Special Constitutional

Of 1979 Court only if he holds or has previously held the office of Justice of Appeal, or of


Act No.15 Judge of the High Court of the United Republic of Tanzania or of the High Court

of 1984 of Zanzibar, or he is a person who has the ability and experience which qualify

Art.37 him to be appointed to the office of Judge or Acting Judge under the law for the

time being in force, in Mainland Tanzania or in Tanzania Zanzibar, as the case

may be.

(3) A person may be appointed a member of the Special Constitutional

Court either for purposes of determining one or two or more if any a member shall

continue to execute his duties as a member of the Special Constitutional Court

until the determination of the dispute in relation to which he is appointed or his

appointment is revoked or until he fails to perform his duties as a member due to

illness or any other reason.

Procedure at 128.-(1) The Special Constitutional Court shall hold its sittings only

sittings of the when there is a dispute to be heard, and shall sit in any place to be decided upon in


Constitutional accordance with the procedure applicable for the purposes of hearing disputes

Court submitted to the Special Constitutional Court.

Act No.15 (2) The quorum for every sitting of the Special Constitutional Court shall

of 1984 be all its members, and where any member is absent or the seat of any member is

Art.37 vacant, then the Government which had appointed that member who is absent or

Act No.7

of 1994 whose seat is vacant shall appoint another member to replace him. A temporary

Art.8(1)(k) member appointed in accordance with this subarticle shall continue to hold office

in the Special Constitutional Court until the substantive member resumes duty or

until a person is appointed to fill the vacancy or until the dispute is determined,

whichever of these events occurs earlier.

(3) Every matter requiring a decision of the Special Constitutional Court

shall be determined on the basis of the opinion of two-thirds of the members

appointed from Mainland Tanzania and two-thirds of the members appointed from

Tanzania Zanzibar.

(4) Parliament may enact legislation providing for the election of the

Chairman of the Special Constitutional Court, the procedure for the submission of

disputes to the Court, the procedure for the hearing of disputes and the procedure

for the transmission of the decisions of the Court to the Governments:

Provided that where any matter is referred to the Special Constitutional

Court before the enactment of the law referred to in this subarticle, the matter will

be heard and decided in accordance with the procedures to be decided upon by

the Court itself before hearing the matter, or if members of the Court fail to agree

on such procedure, then the matter shall be heard and decided in accordance with

the procedure to be decided upon by the Government of the Untied Republic in

collaboration with the Revolution Government of Zanzibar.


----------------------- Page 72-----------------------






Commission 129.-(1) There shall be a Commission to be known as the Commission

for Human for Human Rights and Good Governance, whose functions shall be as prescribed

Rights and

in Article 130 of this Constitution.


Governance (2) The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance shall

Act No.3 of consist of the following Commissioners –

2000 Art.18 (a) the Chairman, who shall be a person who possess qualifications for

appointment as a Judge;

(b) the Vice Chairman, who shall be appointed on the basis of

principle if the Chairman hails from one part of the United

Republic, that other person shall hail from the other part of the

United Republic;

(c) other Commissioners not exceeding five who shall be appointed

from amongst persons who possess skills, experience and wide

knowledge in matters relating to human rights, law, administration,

political or social affairs;

(d) Assistant Commissioners.

(3) All Commissioners and the Assistant Commissioners shall be

appointed by the President after consultation with the Nomination Committee.

(4) There shall be a Nomination Committee for purposes of this Article

which shall consist of the following members -

(a) the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal;

(b) the Speaker of the National Assembly;

(c) the Chief Justice of Zanzibar;

(d) the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

(e) the Deputy Attorney General, who shall be Secretary of this


(5) A Chairman, Vice Chairman and all other Commissioners, shall each

hold office for a period of three years and may be re-appointed for another only

one term of three years.

(6) For purposes of protection of Commissioners from conflict of

interests, any person who is appointed as Commissioner of the Commission shall

immediately abandon any office held by him in any political party or any other

office which shall be mentioned on that behalf by a law enacted by the Parliament.

(7) A Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner may only be removed

from office for reasons of failure to discharge his duties or due to illness or any

other reason, or for reason of his misconduct that affects code of conduct for


(8) The Commission may discharge its duties notwithstanding that there

is vacant office among the seats of Commissioners or that one of the members is


----------------------- Page 73-----------------------


Functions 130.-(1) Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance shall

of the discharge the following functions –


and the (a) to sensitise countrywide about preservation of human rights and

performance duties to the public in accordance with the Constitution and the

procedures laws of the land;

Act No.3 (b) to receive complaints in relation to violation of human rights in

of 2000 general;


G.N.No.133 (c) to conduct inquiry on matters relating to infringement of human

of 2001 rights and violation of principles of good governance;

(d) to conduct research, to impart or disseminate to the public

countrywide education in respect of human rights and good


(e) if necessary, to institute proceedings in court in order to prevent

violation of human rights or to restore a right that was caused by

that infringement of human rights, or violation of principles of

good governance;

(f) inquire into the conduct of any person concerned and any

institution concerned in relation to the ordinary performance of his

duties or functions or abuse of the authority of his office;

(g) to advice the Government and other public Institutions and private

sector in respect of human rights and good governance;

(h) to take necessary action in order to promote and enhance

conciliation and reconciliation among persons and various

institutions appearing or being brought before the Commission.

(2) The Commission shall be an autonomous department, and without

prejudice to other provisions of this Article, in exercising its powers in accordance

with this Constitution, the Commission shall not be bound to comply with

directive or orders of any person or any department of government, or any opinion

of any political party or of any public or private sector institution.

(3) The provisions of subarticle (2) shall not be construed as restricting

the President from giving directive or orders to the Commission, nor are they

conferring a right to the Commission of not complying with directions or orders, if

the President is satisfied that in respect of any matter or any state of affair, public

interest so requires.

(4) The Commission shall conduct inquiry in accordance with the

provisions of this Article and of any law enacted in that behalf by the Parliament,

and shall inquire into the conduct of any person concerned or of any institution

concerned whenever the President directs to conduct inquiry; likewise, except as

the President directs the Commission not to conduct investigation the Commission

may conduct investigation whenever it deems necessary to inquire into the

conduct of any person concerned, or any institution concerned with the provisions

of this Article who is suspected or which is suspected to have abused the authority

of his office, misused the authority of his office or the functions of such institution

or for violation of human rights and principles of good governance.


----------------------- Page 74-----------------------

(5) The Commission shall not have powers, either pursuant to the Article

or any provisions of any law enacted by the Parliament for purposes of this

Chapter of this Constitution to inquire into decision of any Judge, Magistrate or of

the Court if such decision was made in the course of exercise of the powers of his

office; likewise, the Commission shall not have a power to inquire into any

decision made by any or Tribunal established in accordance with a law if that

decision was made in the discharge of its functions.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall apply to persons employed in the

service of the Government of the United Republic and those of the Revolutionary

Government of Zanzibar, employees and leaders of the political parties who deal

with public affairs, members and employees of all Commissions of the

Government of the United Republic and the Revolutionary Government of

Zanzibar parastatal organizations and other public or private organs, companies,

community, associations, trustees or any other schemes, as prescribed by the law

enacted by the Parliament; but these provisions shall not apply to the President or

Leader of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, except only in accordance

with the provisions of Article 46 of this Constitution or Article 36 of the

Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.

Powers of the 131.-(1) Without prejudice to other provisions of this Article, the

Commission Parliament may enact a law pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter of this

and procedures

for its duties Constitution for purposes of prescribing provisions in respect of authority of the

Act No.3 Commission, procedures for conducting its business and legal immunities for

of 2000 Commissioners and employees of the Commission which shall enable them to

Art.18 discharge their duties without legal constraints.

(2) The Commission shall not inquire the following matters, for purposes

of discharging its functions, that is to say -

(a) any matter which is before a Court or any Tribunal;

(b) any matter concerning relationship or cooperation between the

Government and a foreign Government of any country or

international organization;

(c) any matter concerning powers of the President to award remission;

(d) any other matter that is mentioned in any law.

(3) In any financial year, the Commission shall prepare and submit to the

Minister responsible for human rights a report in respect of -

(a) activities of the Commission in the preceding year;

(b) implementation of preservation of human rights in the United


and, the Minister shall table before the National Assembly each report submitted

to him as soon as practicable after receipt.

(4) The provisions of subarticle (3) shall not be construed as restricting

the Commission from submitting any other report to any person or any other



----------------------- Page 75-----------------------



Public Leaders’ 132.-(1) There is hereby established a Public Leaders’ Ethics Secretariat

Ethics which shall have power to inquire into the behaviour and conduct of any public


Act No.1 leader for the purpose of ensuring that the provisions of the law concerning the

of 1980 ethics of public leaders are duly complied with.

Art.15 (2) For the purposes of this Article, the meaning of “public leader” and

Act No.15 “code of ethics for public leaders” shall be construed in accordance with the

of 1984 provisions of the law concerning the ethics of public leaders or the provisions of


Act No.4 any other law enacted by Parliament in so far as such provisions relate to the

of 1992 question of leadership and its interpretation.

Art.35 (3) The Public Leader’s Ethics Secretariat shall consist of the Ethics

Act No.12 Commissioner and such other employees whose number shall be as specified by a

of 1995 law enacted by Parliament.


(4) Parliament shall enact a law stipulating basic rules of ethics for public

leaders which shall be complied with by all persons holding public office which

shall be specified by such law.

(5) Basic rules of ethics for public leaders shall -

(a) spell out public offices the holders of which shall be subject


(b) require persons holding certain public offices to make a formal

declaration from time to time concerning their income, assets and


(c) prohibit conduct and behaviour which tend to portray that a leader

is dishonest, practices favouritism or lacks integrity, or which tends

to promote or encourage corrupt practices in public affairs or

jeopardizes public interest or welfare;

(d) prescribe penalties which may be imposed for breaches of the code

of ethics;

(e) provide for procedure, powers and practice to be applied in order to

ensure compliance with the code of ethics;

(f) prescribe any other provisions as are appropriate or necessary for

the purpose of promoting and maintaining honesty, transparency,

impartiality and integrity in the conduct of public affairs and for

the protection of public funds and any other public property.

(6) Parliament may, by law, provide for the dismissal or removal of a

person from office for breaches of the code of ethics regardless of whether the

office is elective or appointive.


----------------------- Page 76-----------------------







Joint Finance 133. The Government of the United Republic shall maintain a special

Account account to be known as “the Joint Finance Account”, and which shall form part of

Act No.15

of 1984 the Consolidated Fund of the United Republic into which shall be paid all the

Art.42 moneys contributed by the two Governments in such proportions as shall be

G.N.No.133 determined by the Joint Finance Commission in accordance with a law enacted by

of 2001 Parliament for the purposes of the business of the United Republic in relation to

Union Matters.

Joint Finance 134.-(1) There is hereby established a Joint Finance Commission

Commission consisting of not more than seven members who shall be appointed by the

Act No.15

of 1984 President in accordance with this Article and the provisions of a law enacted by

Art.42 Parliament.

(2) The functions of the Commission shall be -

(a) to analyze the revenue and expenditure arising from, or relating to

the management of affairs concerning Union Matters, and to make

recommendations to the two Governments concerning the

contribution by, and the allocation to each of the Governments;

(b) to keep under constant scrutiny the fiscal system of the United

Republic and also the relations between the two Governments in

relation to financial matters;

(c) to discharge other functions which the President shall assign to the

Commission or as the President may direct, and in accordance with

a law enacted by Parliament.




Consolidated 135.-(1) All revenue derived from various sources for the use of the

Fund of the Government of the United Republic, except for the type of revenue specified in

Government of

the United subarticle (2) of this Article, shall be paid into one special fund to be known as the

Republic Consolidated Fund of the Government of the United Republic.

Act No.15 (2) The revenue which shall not be paid into the Consolidated Fund of the

of 1984 Government of the United Republic is that which has been specified by law to be


used for a specified purpose or to be paid into another fund for special use.


----------------------- Page 77-----------------------

Conditions for 136.-(1) Moneys shall not be paid out of the Consolidated Fund of the

withdrawal of Government of the United Republic for expenditure save in accordance with the

moneys from

Consolidated following terms:

Fund (a) such money should be for the purpose of expenditure which has

Act No.15 been authorized to be charged upon the Consolidated Fund of the

of 1984

Art.43 Government of the United Republic by this Constitution or by any

other law; or

(b) such money is for expenditure which has been authorized either by

Appropriation Act enacted by Parliament for that purpose or a law

enacted by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Article

140 of this Constitution.

(2) Moneys in any special fund of the Government other than the

Consolidated Fund of the Government of the United Republic shall not be paid

out for expenditure unless and until such expenditure has been authorized by law.

(3) Moneys in the Consolidated Fund of the Government of the United

Republic shall not be paid out of that Fund for the purpose of expenditure unless

and until such expenditure has been approved by the Controller and Auditor-

General, and also on condition that such money shall have been paid out in

accordance with a procedure prescribed for that purpose pursuant to a law enacted

by Parliament.

Procedure for 137.-(1) The President shall give directives to persons concerned to

authorization prepare and submit to the National Assembly in each Government financial year

of expenditure

estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the Government of the United

of moneys

from the Republic for the next financial year.

Consolidated (2) After the National Assembly has approved the estimates of

Fund expenditure (apart from the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund by this

Act No.15

of 1984 Constitution or by any other law) a Bill to be known as an Appropriation Bill shall

Art.43 be introduced into the National Assembly for the purpose of authorizing the issue

from the Consolidated Fund of the sums necessary to meet the expenditure for the

various activities of the Government involved in those estimates.

(3) Where in any financial year it is found that -

(a) the amount of money appropriated by the Appropriation Act for a

certain purpose is insufficient or it has been necessary to incur

expenditure in respect of an activity for which no amount has been

appropriated under the Act; or

(b) money has been expended for a certain purpose in excess of the

amount appropriated for it by the Appropriation Act or that money

has been expended for a purpose for which no amount was

appropriated under the Act,

there shall be presented before the National Assembly a supplementary estimate

or, as the case may be, a statement of excess, and after the National Assembly has

approved the supplementary estimate or the statement of excess there shall be

introduced into the National Assembly a supplementary Appropriation Bill for the

purpose of authorizing the issue of funds from the Consolidated Fund of the

government of the United Republic, and such moneys shall be used to meet the


----------------------- Page 78-----------------------

cost of the activities involved in the supplementary estimates or statement of


Conditions of 138.-(1) No tax of any kind shall be imposed save in accordance with a

taxation law enacted by Parliament or pursuant to a procedure lawfully prescribed and

Act No.15

of 1984 having the force of law by virtue of a law enacted by Parliament.

Art.43 (2) The provisions contained in subarticle (1) of this Act shall not

preclude the House of Representatives of Zanzibar from exercising its powers to

impose tax of any kind in accordance with the authority of that House.

Procedure for 139.-(1) Parliament may enact a law providing for the authorization of

authorization expenditure of moneys from the Consolidated Fund of the Government of the

of expenditure

in advance of United Republic in accordance with a procedure prescribed in sub-article (2) of

this Article.


Act (2) Where the financial year of the Government has begun and the

Act No.15 Appropriation Act in relation to that year has not come into operation, then the

of 1984

Art.43 President may authorize the issue of moneys from the Consolidated Fund of the

Government of the United Republic for the purposes of meeting the expenses of

essential business of the Government, and such moneys shall be expended until

the expiration of four months from the beginning of the financial year, or until the

Appropriation Act comes into operation, depending whichever occurs earlier.

Contingencies 140.-(1) Parliament may enact a law providing for the following:

Fund and (a) the establishment of a Contingencies Fund and authorizing the


Act No.15 President or a Minister appointed by the President in that behalf to

of 1984 borrow money from that Fund to meet the costs of an urgent and

Art.43 unforeseen need for which no funds had been provided; and

(b) authorizing the President or a Minister appointed by the President

in that behalf to apply money specifically appropriated for certain

business to meet the costs of an urgent and unforeseen need as

referred to in paragraph (a) of this subarticle.

(2) Where money has been borrowed from the Contingencies Fund, or

money specifically appropriated for a certain purpose is applied to meet the costs

of an urgent and unforeseen need, then there shall be presented before the

National Assembly supplementary estimates, and after the National Assembly has

approved the supplementary estimates, a supplementary Appropriation Bill which

shall be introduced into the National Assembly for the purpose of authorizing such

additional expenditure shall ensure that any moneys borrowed from the

Contingencies Fund shall be reimbursed from the moneys the expenditure of

which shall be authorized by that Bill

Public Debt 141.-(1) The public debt of the United shall be secured on the

Act No.15 Consolidated Fund of the Government of the United Republic.

of 1984

Art.43 (2) For the purposes of interpretation of this Article, “the public debt”

means the debt itself and also the interest charged on it, sinking fund payments in


----------------------- Page 79-----------------------

respect of that debt and the costs, charges and expenses incidental to the

management of that debt.

Remuneration 142.-(1) Holders of public office to whom the provisions of this Article

of certain apply shall be paid salaries and allowances as shall be prescribed by a law enacted

holders of

by a Parliament.

public offices

to be a charge (2) The moneys for the salaries and allowances payable to the holders of

on offices to whom the provisions of this Article apply together with pension and

Consolidated gratuity for those entitled to such payments shall be a charge on the Consolidated

Fund Fund of the Government of the United Republic.

Act No.15 (3) The salary payable to the holder of a public office to whom the

of 1984 provisions of this Article apply together with his terms and conditions of service


shall not be varied in a manner which is less beneficial to him, but these

provisions shall not apply to allowances payable to the holder of such office.

(4) Where the holder of a public office to whom the provisions of this

Article apply has the option to choose the salary or the terms and conditions of

service, then for the purpose of construing the provisions of subarticle (3) of this

Article, the salary, the terms and conditions of service which he chooses shall be

deemed to be more beneficial to him than any other salary or terms and conditions

of service which he could have opted for.

(5) The provisions of this Article shall apply to a Justice of Appeal, a

Judge of the High Court of the United Republic, the Chairman and every member

of the Commission from Human Rights and Good Governance of Enquiry and the

Controller and Auditor General of the government of the United Republic.

Controller and 143.-(1) There shall be a Controller and Auditor-General of the United

Auditor Republic.

General of the

United (2) The Controller and Auditor-General shall have the responsibility over

Republic the following matters:

Act No.14 (a) to ensure that the use of any moneys proposed to be paid out of the

of 1979 Consolidated Fund has been authorized and that the funds shall be


Act No.15 paid out in accordance with the provisions of Article 136 of this

of 1984 Constitution, and where he is satisfied that those provisions shall

Art.43 be duly complied with, then he shall authorize payment of such


(b) to ensure that all the moneys the payment of which has been

authorized to be charged on the Consolidated Fund of the

Government of the Untied Republic, or the moneys the use of

which has been authorized by a law enacted by Parliament and

which have been spent, have been applied to the purposes

connected with the use of such moneys and that such expenditure

has been incurred in accordance with the authorization for such

expenditure; and

(c) at least once every year to audit and give an audit report in respect

of the accounts of the Government of the Untied Republic, the

accounts managed by all officers of the Government of the Untied


----------------------- Page 80-----------------------

Republic and the accounts of all courts of the United Republic and

the accounts managed by the Clerk of the National Assembly.

(3) The Controller and Auditor-General and every employee of the

Government who is authorized by him shall have the right to examine books

records, statements of accounts, reports and all other documents concerning any

type of account referred to in subarticle (2) of this Article.

(4) The Controller and Auditor-General shall submit to the President

every report he makes pursuant to the provisions of subarticle (2) of this Article.

Upon receipt of such report the President shall direct the persons concerned to

submit that report before the first sitting of the National Assembly which shall be

held after the President has received the report and it shall have to be submitted to

such sitting before the expiration of seven days from the day the sitting of the

National Assembly began. If the President does not take steps of submitting such

report to the National Assembly, then the Controller and Auditor-General shall

submit the report to the Speaker of the National Assembly (or the Deputy Speaker

if the office of the Speaker is vacant then, or if for any reason the Speaker is

unable to perform the functions of his office) who shall submit the report to the

National Assembly.

(5) The Controller and Auditor-General shall also have responsibility of

discharging other duties and functions, and shall have other various powers as

shall be specified by the law concerning the accounts of the Government of the

United Republic or the accounts of other public authorities or other bodies.

(6) In the discharge of his functions in accordance with the provisions of

subarticles (2), (3) and (4) of this Article, the Controller and Auditor-General shall

not be obliged to comply with the order or direction of any other person or

Government Department, but the provisions of this subarticle shall not preclude a

court from exercising jurisdiction to enquire into whether the Controller and

Auditor-General has discharged his functions in accordance with the provisions of

this Constitution or not.

Removal from 144.-(1) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Article, the

office of Controller and Auditor-General of the United Republic shall be obliged to vacate

Controller and

Auditor- office upon attaining the age of sixty or any other age which shall be prescribed

General by a law enacted by Parliament.

Act No.15 (2) The Controller and Auditor-General may be removed from office only

of 1984 for inability to perform the functions of his office (either due to illness or to any


Act No.12 other reason) or for misbehaviour, or for violating the provisions of the law

of 1995 concerning the ethics of public leaders and shall not be so removed except in

Art.19 accordance with the provisions of subarticle (4) of this Article.

(3) if the President considers that the question of the removal of the

Controller and Auditor-General from office under the provisions of this Article

needs to be investigated, then the procedure shall be as follows:

(a) the President shall appoint a Special Tribunal which shall consist of

a Chairman and not less than two other members. The Chairman

and at least half of the other members of that Special Tribunal shall

be persons who are or have been Judges of the High Court or of the


----------------------- Page 81-----------------------

Court of Appeal in any country within the Commonwealth;

(b) the Special Tribunal shall investigate and submit report to the

President on whole matter and shall advise him whether or not the

Controller and Auditor General should be removed from office in

accordance with the provisions of this Article on the grounds of

inability to perform his functions due to illness or any other reason

or on grounds of misbehaviour.

(4) If the Special Tribunal appointed in accordance with the provisions of

subarticle (3) advises the President that the Controller and Auditor-General be

removed from office on grounds of inability to perform functions of his office due

to illness or any other reason or on grounds of misbehaviour, then the President

shall remove him from office.

(5) If the question of removing the Controller and Auditor-General has

been referred to a Special Tribunal for investigation pursuant to the provisions of

this Article, the President may suspend the Controller and Auditor-General from

office, and the President may at any time rescind the decision to suspend the

Controller and Auditor-General and in any case such decision shall lapse if the

Special Tribunal advises the President that the Controller and Auditor-General be

not removed from office.

(6) A person who holds or who has held the office of Controller and

Auditor-General shall not be appointed to, or act in, any other office in the service

of the Government of the Untied Republic.

(7) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any person appointed

acting Controller and Auditor-General.



The local 145.-(1) There shall be established local government authorities in each

government region, district, urban area and village in the United Republic, which shall be of


Act No.15 the type and designation prescribed by law to be enacted by Parliament or by the

House of Representatives.

of 1984 (2) Parliament or the House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall

Art.50 enact a law providing for the establishment of local government authorities, their

structure and composition, sources of revenue and procedure for the conduct of

their business.

Functions of 146.-(1) The purpose of having local government authorities is to transfer

Local authority to the people. Local government authorities shall have the right and


Authorities power to participate, and to involve the people, in the planning and

Act No.15 implementation of development programmes within their respective areas and

of 1984 generally throughout the country.

Art.50 (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subarticle (1) of this Article, a

local government authority, in conformity with the provisions of the law

establishing it, shall have the following functions:

(a) to perform the functions of local government within its area;


----------------------- Page 82-----------------------

(b) to ensure the enforcement of law and public safety of the people;


(c) to consolidate democracy within its area and to apply it to

accelerate the development of the people.



Prohibition to 147.-(1) It is hereby prohibited for any person or any organization or any

raise and group of persons except the Government to raise or maintain in Tanzania an

maintain armed

forces armed force of any kind.

Act No.15 (2) The Government of the United Republic may, in accordance with law,

of 1984 raise and maintain in Tanzania armed forces of various types for the purposes of


Act No.4 the defence and security of the territory and the people of Tanzania.

of 1992 (3) It is hereby prohibited for any member of the defence and security

Art.36 forces to join any political party, save only that he shall have the right to vote


of 2001 which right is specified under Article 5 of this Constitution.

(4) For the purposes of this Article, the expression “member of the

defence and security forces” means a member in the service of the Defence

Forces, the Police Force, the Prisons Service or the National Service, whether on

temporary or permanent terms.

Powers of 148.-(1) Without prejudice-to the provisions of any law enacted by

Commander in- Parliament, among the powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief of the


Act No.15 Armed Forces is to command the Armed Forces to engage in military operations

of 1984 connected with the defence of the United Republic, rescue operations to save life

Art.49 and property in times of emergency and other matters which the Commander-in-

Chief shall deem necessary, and to that end the Commander-in –Chief may

command the Armed Forces to engage in those operations in or outside Tanzania.

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of a law enacted by Parliament,

power over the following matters shall vest in the Commander-in-Chief, that is to


(a) the appointment of top commanding officers in the Armed Forces

of the United Republic;

(b) the recruitment of persons into and their removal from the Armed


(c) the appointment of commanders of various units of the Armed

Forces; and

(d) the suspension of any power vested in any member of the Armed

Forces and pertaining to his being a member of such Force.

(3) Anything done by any member of the Armed Forces in contravention

of an order issued by the Commander-in-Chief pursuant to the provisions of

subarticles (1) and (2) of this Article shall be void.


----------------------- Page 83-----------------------



Provisions 149.-(1) Any person holding any office established by this Constitution

relating to (including the office of Minister, Deputy Minister, or Member of Parliament,


from various except an ex-officio Member of Parliament) may resign by giving notice in

offices writing and signed by him, in accordance with the following procedure:

established by (a) if such person was appointed or nominated by one person, then

this such notice of resignation shall be submitted to the person who

Constitution appointed or nominated him, or where he was appointed, or

Act No.1

of 1980 nominated by a body of persons, then such notice of resignation

Art.16 shall be submitted to that body of persons;

Act No.15 (b) if that person is the holder of the office of President, then the notice

of 1984 of resignation shall be submitted to the Speaker;

Art.52 (c) if that person is the Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the National

Act No.4 Assembly, the notice of resignation shall be submitted to the

of 1992

Art.37 National Assembly; and

(d) if that person is a Member of Parliament, then that notice of

resignation shall be submitted to the Speaker.

(2) A person who has given notice of resignation pursuant to the

provisions of subarticle (1) of this Article shall be deemed to have resigned from

the day the notice of resignation is received by the person or body or persons

concerned, or when it is received by any person authorized by a person or body of

persons concerned to receive the notice of resignation, but where the notice of

resignation states that that person will resign some later day after the receipt of

that notice by the person or body of persons concerned, then that person shall be

deemed to have resigned from such later day.

(3) Where any person holding any office established by this Constitution

(including the office of the Minister, Deputy Minister or Member of Parliament,

except an ex officio Member of Parliament) resigns, then, if he has all the

necessary qualifications and is in every respect eligible, he may be reappointed or

renominated to hold such office in accordance with the provisions of this


(4) Nothing in the provisions of subarticle (3) shall preclude a person

holding the office of President from being re-elected to that office while he holds

the office of President.

Provisions 150.-(1) For the purpose of interpreting the provisions of this

relating to Constitution in relation to the procedure of appointment to the service of the

procedure of

succession to Government of the United Republic, it is hereby declared that any person having

office in power pursuant to this Constitution to appoint or nominate another person to hold

Government a certain office has also the power to appoint or nominate a person to act in, or to

service temporarily perform the functions of, that office:


----------------------- Page 84-----------------------

Act No.14 Provided that these provisions shall not apply to the offices of Minister,

of 1979 Deputy Minister, Justice of the Court of Appeal, Judge of the High Court,


Act No.1 Member of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance or Member

of 1980 of the Electoral Commission.

Art.16 (2) The following rules shall also apply for the purposes of interpreting

Act No.15 the provisions of this Constitution concerning the procedure of appointment to

of 1984 offices in the services of the Government of the United Republic:


(a) where a person holding a certain office pursuant to the provisions

of the Constitution is on leave pending vacation of office, then

another person may be appointed to that office, notwithstanding

that the other person is still in service;

(b) where two or more persons concurrently hold a certain office

pursuant to their appointment in accordance with the rules laid

down in paragraph (a) of this subarticle, then in those

circumstances if the need arises to perform any duty connected

with that office the person last appointed shall be deemed to be the

only person holding such office;

(c) where pursuant to provisions of this Constitution a person is

appointed to act in or to perform the functions of a certain office

when the substantive holder of that office fails to perform the

duties connected with that office, then it shall not be permitted to

inquire into or to make any representations against such

appointment on the ground that the substantive holder did not fail

to perform the duties connected with that office.

Interpretation 151.-(1) In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires -

Act No.15 “military law” means a law or command issued pursuant to a law regulating

of 1984,

Art.51 and discipline in a Force;

Art.53 “member of armed force” when used in connection with any armed force, includes

Act No.4 any member of the armed force who in accordance with the military law of

of 1992, the Force, is subject to the discipline of that Force;

Art.38 “the House of Representatives” means the House of Representatives of Zanzibar

Act No.3

of 2000 referred to in Article 106 of this Constitution and which performs its

Art.19 functions in accordance with this Constitution and the Constitution of

G.N.No.133 Zanzibar, 1984;

of 2001 “Parliament” means the Parliament of the United Republic referred to in Article

Act No.1 62 of this Constitution;

of 2005

Art.25 “Political Party” means a political party which has been granted full registration in

accordance with the Political Parties Act, 1992;

“Judiciary” has the meaning ascribed to it in subarticle (1) of Article 116 of this


“Judiciary of Zanzibar” means the Zanzibar Judiciary which includes all the

courts within the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar;

“Chief Justice” means the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal who is specified

appointed and whose functions are prescribed in Article 18 of this Act.


----------------------- Page 85-----------------------

“Chief Justice of Zanzibar” means the Chief Justice of the High Court of Zanzibar

who, pursuant to the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, is the head of the

Zanzibar Judiciary;

“Force” means any of the armed forces and includes any other force established

by this Constitution or in accordance with law and which is governed by

military law;

“Commonwealth” means the organization whose members include the United

Cap.512 Republic and every country to which the provisions of section 7 of the

(1965 Edition)

Citizenship Act, 1961, apply;

“Oath” shall have the meaning ordinarily ascribed to it and includes any formal

declaration permitted by law to be used instead of an oath;

“oath of allegiance” means the oath to be loyal to the State and to the Government

of the United Republic;

“ethics of Office of Judge” means ethical rules guiding the conduct of persons

holding the office of judge or magistrate;

“office in the service of the Government of the United Republic” shall have the

ordinary meaning of that expression and includes service in the Armed

Forces of the United Republic and in the Police Force or other force

established in accordance with law;

“court” means any court having jurisdiction in the United Republic except a court

established by military law; save that for the purposes of Articles 13, 14

and 15 of this Constitution it shall include a court established under

military law;

“High Court” means the High Court of the United Republic or the High Court of


“Union Matters” means all public affairs specified in Article 4 of this Constitution

as being Union Matters;

“State Authority” includes the Executive and the Legislature of the United

Republic, as well as the Executive and the House of Representatives of


“Attorney-General” means the Attorney-General for the United Republic referred

to in Article 59;

“the Government” includes the Government of the United Republic, the

Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar or a District Council or Urban

Authority, and also any person exercising any power or authority on behalf

of the Government or local government authority;

“Local Government Authorities” means the local government authorities

established under Article 145 of this Constitution for the purposes of

exercising the people’s power;

“Mainland Tanzania” means the whole of the territory of the United Republic

which formerly was the territory of the Republic of Tanganyika;

“Tanzania Zanzibar” means the whole of the territory of the United Republic

which formerly was the territory of the People’s Republic of Zanzibar and

which was previously referred to as “Tanzania Visiwani”;


----------------------- Page 86-----------------------

“General Elections” or “people elections” means an election of a President and of

the Members of Parliament representing electoral constituencies, which is

held subsequent to the dissolution of Parliament;

“Ujamaa” or “Ujamaa and Self Reliance” means the society’s life principles for

building a Nation that observes democracy, self reliance, freedom,

equality, fraternity and unity of the peoples of the United Republic;

“Minister” means a Member of Parliament appointed to the office of Minister,

except Deputy Minister, and that definition shall also apply to the Vice-


“Zanzibar” has the same meaning as Tanzania Zanzibar.

(2) The following rules shall be applied for the purpose of construing the

provisions of the Constitution, that is to say -

(a) whenever a reference is made to the function of the office of

President it shall be construed to include powers to perform various

duties and functions as the Head of the Government of the United

Republic, and also such other functions or duties if so provided in

this Constitution or in any other law that such other powers or

duties ate powers of the President;

(b) whenever reference is made to an office in the service of the

Government it shall be construed that the office concerned is

within the service of the Government of the United Republic unless

it is stated otherwise and whenever reference is made to the

Government’s department, it shall be construed that the department

of the Government of the United Republic unless it is stated

otherwise ;

(c) if pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution there is any matter

required to be performed or to be dealt with by any political party,

then that matter shall be performed or dealt with by that party in

accordance with the procedure laid down by that party for that

purpose, and also in conformity with the provisions of this

Constitution or any law enacted by Parliament for that purpose;

(d) for the purposes of this Constitution, a person shall not be deemed

to hold office in the service of the Government of the United

Republic by reason only that he is receiving pension or other

payment of that kind in respect of his past service in the

Government of the United Republic or in any former Government

of Mainland Tanzania or in the Armed Forces or the Police Force

of the Government of the United Republic or former Government

of Mainland Tanzania or of Zanzibar;

(e) in this Constitution, unless the context requires otherwise,

whenever reference is made to the holder of a certain office by

reference to the designation of his office such reference shall be

construed to include any person who is acting in, or who has been

duly appointed to perform the functions of that office;

(f) in this Constitution wherever there is a reference to the power to

remove the holder of an office in the service of the Government of


----------------------- Page 87-----------------------

the United Republic, it shall be construed that the power concerned

includes the power conferred in accordance with the provisions of

any law which requires or permits that person to retire:

Provided that the provisions of this rule shall not be

construed as conferring power on any person to require a Justice of

the Court of Appeal, a Judge of the High Court or the Controller

and Auditor-General to retire from office;

(g) in this Constitution, wherever there is reference to a law which

replaces or repeals another law, it shall be construed that the law

concerned includes a law which amends that other law or which

extends the application of that other law whether with or without

modification or amendment, or a law which introduces new

provisions in another law.

Title, 152.-(1) This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the United

commencement Republic of Tanzania, 1977.

and application th

of this (2) This Constitution came into operation on the 26 of April, 1977.

Constitution (3) This Constitution shall apply to Mainland Tanzania as well as

Act No.15 Tanzania Zanzibar.

of 1984



----------------------- Page 88-----------------------




(Referred to in Article 4)



1. The Constitution of Tanzania and the Government of the United Republic.

2. Foreign Affairs.

3. Defence and Security.

4. Police.

5. Emergency Powers.

6. Citizenship.

7. Immigration.

8. External borrowing and trade.

9. Service in the Government of the United Republic.

10. Income tax payable by individuals and by corporations, customs duty and excise duty on goods

manufactured in Tanzania collected by the Customs Department.

11. Harbours, matters relating to air transport, posts and telecommunications.

12. All matters concerning coinage and currency for the purposes of legal tender (including notes),

banks (including savings banks) and all banking business; foreign exchange and exchange control.

13. Industrial licensing and statistics.

14. Higher education.

15. Mineral oil resources, including crude oil other categories of oil or products and natural gas.

16. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania and all matters connected with the functions of

that Council.

17. Civil aviation.

18. Research.

19. Meteorology.

20. Statistics.

21. The Court of Appeal of the United Republic.

22. Registration of political parties and other matters related to political parties.


----------------------- Page 89-----------------------





[Referred to in Article 98(1)(a)]

(Laws the amendment of which requires to be supported by at least two-thirds of

all Members of Parliament)

Cap.500 The Republic of Tanganyika (Consequential, Transitional and Temporary Provisions) Act,

(1965 1962 Sections 3, 17, 18, 23 and 26


Cap 508 The Judicial Service Act, 1962, [Repealed by Act No.2 of 2005].

The Immigration Act, 1995 [the whole Act.]

The Citizenship Act, 1995 [The whole Act]

Cap.509 The Civil Service Act, 1962, [Repealed by Act No.8 of 2002].

Cap.557 The whole Act of Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar of 1964.




[Referred to in Article 98(1)(b)]

(Matters the amendment of which requires to be supported by two-thirds of all Members

of Parliament from Mainland Tanzania and two-thirds of all Members of Parliament from

Tanzania Zanzibar).

1. The existence of the United Republic.

2. The existence of the Office of President of the United Republic.

3. The Authority of the Government of the United Republic.

4. The existence of the Parliament of the United Republic.

5. The Authority of the Government of Zanzibar.

6. The High Court of Zanzibar.

7. The list of Union Matters.

8. The number of Members of Parliament from Zanzibar.



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