Tuesday 31 May 2011



On 30 May 2011, Pakistan journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad was found dead, some miles outside Islamabad.

(Reporter's death)

In Hongkong-based Asia Times Online, Shahzad had reported on the infiltration of the Pakistan navy by al Qaeda (the CIA).

(Asia Times Online.)

According to Shahzad:

1. Al-Qaeda (the CIA) carried out the attack on the Mehran naval airbase in Karachi in late May 2011.

2. The attack was a response to the Pakistani navy's detection of al-Qaeda (CIA) agents within its ranks.

3. There had been failed discussions between the navy and al-Qaeda (the CIA).

Al Qaeda (the CIA) had failed to gain the release of naval officers arrested on suspicions of links to al Qaeda (the CIA).

On 29 May 2011, it was reported that a former navy commando, and two others, had been detained for questioning in connection with the attack.

Penny for your thoughts tells us more about the attack on the Mehran Airbase - False Flag attack ?

"The hit on Mehran was like nothing else done by the TTP, because it was not done by them."

"While the CIA employs the useful idiots of the TTP for some destabilisation of Pakistan, when the important stuff needs to get done, they take care of it themselves."

CIA asset arrested in Karachi?

It looks as if the Pakistan military is cracking down on the CIA.

1. On 17 May 2011 we learn that, in Karachi, Pakistani security forces have arrested Muhammad Ali Qasim Yaqub.

Muhammad Yaqub, alias Abu Sohaib al Makki, is a senior al Qaeda (CIA) operative from Yemen.

Pakistani army: senior al Qaeda (CIA) operative arrested

According to the Pakistan military, Yaqub (al Makki) had been "working directly under al Qaeda (CIA) leaders along (the) Pakistan-Afghan border."

The US Embassy in Pakistan claims not to know Yaqub (al Makki) and say his name does not appear on any lists under the US Rewards for Justice program.

"The arrest of al Makki is a major development in unraveling the al Qaeda (CIA) network operating in the region," according to the Pakistan military.

Yaqub (al Makki) was arrested some time after 2 May 2011.


2. In January 2011, Umar Patek was arrested by Pakistani forces in Abbottabad.

Umar Patek, an Indonesian, was reportedly an asset of the CIA.

"He was captured with his Indonesian wife during a gun battle with local Pakistani security," according to Indonesia's General Sutanto.



3. On 27 January 2011, the CIA's Raymond Davis was arrested by the Pakistan authorities after he had killed two agents of the Pakistan spy service ISI in Lahore, Pakistan.


Baitullah Mehsud, whose nephew was allegedly staying in the 'Osama' compound in Abbottabad.

4. On 17 May 2011, we read that the Pakistan security forces "have arrested ... three family members of the ... militant leader Qari Zainuddin Mehsud from a mountain (two miles from Abbottabad) which is believed to be the hub of (Pakistan) Taliban militants, while three hotels were raided to hunt down foreign journalists..."


Fake photo?

5. There is evidence that it was Pakistan forces who carried out the raid on the so called 'Osama' compound.




The Libyan government says Nato air raids have killed more than 700 civilians since bombing began in March 2011.

Spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said more than 4,000 people had been wounded.

He said the figures did not include military casualties.

(Nato raids 'killed 700 civilians' BBC News)


Dawood Ibrahim, allegedly a friend of the CIA.

The 'Osama bin Laden compound' in the Pakistan town of Abbottabad has a special design.

Reportedly, it is a design used by the US military.

Reportedly, the US military use this design for constructing secret and safe homes for top officers in dangerous zones.

(Did Dawood's construction firm build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home? / Did Dawood's construction firm build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home ...)

"Highly placed sources in Indian intelligence" reveal that the contract to build such homes in Pakistan has been given to Safari Construction.

Safari Construction is reportedly owned by Dawood Ibrahim.

(Did Dawood's construction firm build Osama's Abbottabad home?)

Reportedly, Dawood Ibrahim is an asset of the CIA.

According to the media, Pakistan intelligence agencies reveal that Dawood's construction company, Safari, is building many houses in Abbottabad.

They also reveal that Dawood has had a large home in Abbottabad for some years.

(Did Dawood's construction firm build Osama's Abbottabad home?)

Who might have been staying in the so called 'Osama Compound'?

Most likely it would have been people working for the CIA and its friends.

This might explain the reports that it was Pakistan forces who attacked the compound.

"A poll published in Pakistan shows that 66% of people believe the man killed (at Abbottabad) was not Osama bin Laden" (Al-CIAda statement should kill off Bin Laden conspiracy theories) The CIA did have a safe house in Abbottabad. (CIA Occupied Safe House in Abbottabad)

"Gangster Dawood Ibrahim slipped out of Karachi ... on Monday evening, just hours after US Navy Seals (arrived) ... in Abbottabad."

"The gangster ... flew down to Islamabad and (was) then taken to a safe house in Murree by (his) ISI handlers." (Dawood, Shakeel fled Karachi day after Osama kill)

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim of the CIA?

Reportedly, Ibrahim has joint casino interests with the CIA in Kathmandu.

Reportedly, this involves money laundering for top Indian politicians. (Wayne Madsen sees Dawood Ibrahim link to Mumbai Attacks)

"The United States showed a 'lack of enthusiasm' in getting underworld don Dawood Ibrahim deported to India from Pakistan despite making some initial efforts, says senior BJP leader L K Advani.

"Advani, in his memoir 'My Country My Life', notes with deep disappointment America's reticence in pressing Pakistan to hand over Dawood, wanted in connection with 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, to India." - ('US showed lack of interest in Dawood's deportation')

"Ibrahim is believed to be one of the men behind the terror attacks in Mumbai." (Fears of a Mumbai Redux: The Story Behind Germany's Terror Threat)

And it was an American agent, David Headley, who planned the Mumbai attacks. (DAVID HEADLEY AND OSAMA BIN LADEN)


The UK spooks protect Dawood Ibrahim?


Iqbal Mirchi lives in Hornchurch, in England.

Iqbal Mirchi is wanted by police in India for murder and his part in a terrorist bombing campaign.

He is allegedly among the top 50 global drug barons; according to the US authorities he is the right-hand man of Dawood Ibrahim, head of the 'D' company, a worldwide mafia.

Bombs in Mumbai in 1993 killed over 300 people.

Mirchi's name was linked to the bombings.

According to Mirchi: 'a senior police officer told me that my name would be attached to false charges unless I paid millions of rupees in bribes.

'I refused and moved to Dubai.'

Mirchi admits having met Dawood Ibrahim in Dubai.

Dawood has been described as 'the most dangerous man in the world'.

As well as drugs and terrorism, the D company is involved in gold smuggling, gambling, counterfeit currency, diamond trading, contract killing, extortion and film financing.

It is said to have a 60 per cent stake in the Bollywood film industry.

Dawood is also known to have met Osama Bin Laden and, in the aftermath of 9/11, allowed his smuggling network to be used to enable senior al-Qaeda operatives to flee Afghanistan.

Dawood Ibrahim seems to be untouchable.


On 21 May 2011, Pakistan's General Mirza Aslam Beg wrote that the 'Osama compound' was raided in 2009 (Abbottabad attack: New revelations) :

"This house was raided in 2009, to capture Abul Faraj...

"Why couldn’t they find Osama then, if he and his family were living there since 2006?"

(It is not clear who the name Abul Faraj belongs to. The Pakistan Taliban's Abu Faraj, a deputy to Mullah Fazlullah, was captured in Swat in 2009)

We should note that Pakistan 'alerted the US over the Abbottabad compound in 2009.


Two TV sets, digital satellite decoder, computer, calculator with printer.

"Electricity bills seen by The Sunday Times show that the compound used hardly any power, just enough for lights and a small television "

Talk of who betrayed Osama bin Laden sparks a harem scuffle











DUDAYEV, former Chechen president. The CIA is reported to have used bin Laden and al Qaeda against the Russians in Chechnya.

Dzhokhar Dudayev (1944 - 1996) was the first President of the breakaway Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. (Dzhokhar Dudayev - Wikipedia)

His foreign minister was Shamseddin Yusef.

Shamseddin Yusef has said, in a Russian TV documentary, that Osama bin Laden visited both him and Dudayev, and, that Osama arrived from the USA.

According to Shamseddin Yusef, Osama bin Laden was an American citizen. (Underground Serbian Cafe: Plan Caucasus.)

Shamseddin Yusef says the leading Wahhabis are all American citizens.

(Underground Serbian Cafe: Excellent Plan Caucasus.)

Berkan Yashar

Berkan Yashar is a Turkish-born Chechen and a 'former CIA agent'.

He currently lives in Turkey and he has made some 'revelations' about Osama bin Laden.

Reportedly, in the 1960s, Yashar "signed a contract with the U.S. State Department" and worked as an announcer at Radio Free Europe's Munich headquarters, broadcasting "propaganda in the Chechen language."

Reportedly, in the 1990s, Yashar was involved in a Western plot to foment separatism in the Caucasus - starting with Chechnya. (Russian Documentary Alleges West Sought Chechen Secession - Radio Free Europe.)

After his work for Radio Free Europe, Berkan reportedly became a politician in Turkey.

Then, reportedly, in the nineties he became Chechen Ambassador in Turkey and Chechen Government Speaker.

Berkan Yashar

According to 'former CIA agent' Berkan Yashar (interview with former CIA agent Berkan Yashar on Russian Channel 1 today!):

"In September 1992 I was in Chechnya.

"That's when I first met the man whose name was Bin Laden.

"This meeting took place in a two-story house in Grozny...

"Osama lived in the same place."


'Former CIA agent' Berkan Yashar told Russian TV station, Channel One that Osama died of natural causes (Bin Laden died of disease-RT):

"I knew Bin Laden’s Chechen guards very well.

"Samy, Ayub and Mahmud were with him right to the end.

"I remember well this date as there were three sixes in it - June 26, 2006.

"Those three men, as well as two Muslims from London and two from the US saw Bin Laden dead.

"He was seriously ill before his death.

"He faded away to skin and bone.

"The three Chechens washed his body before burying it."

(pakconnects: “Bin Laden died of disease in 2006” – former CIA agent)



August 2008 -Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen and Navy Rear Adm. Scott van Buskirk talk with Pakistani Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, centre, and Major Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, on the flight deck aboard USS Abraham Lincoln, in the Gulf.

Which 'friends of the CIA' headed Pakistan’s spy service, ISI, in the years 2005 - 2011, when Bin Laden was allegedly living in Abbottabad?

(Who Headed Pakistan's ISI - Analysis)

In 2004, Lt General Kayani became the boss of ISI.

He was followed in October 2007 by Lt General Nadeem Taj, who was followed in September 2008 by Lt General Ahmed Shuja Pasha.

Kayani has done training courses in the USA.

He has many contacts in the US Armed Forces.

He impressed the US by his success in dealing with the affair of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, who was allegedly involved in the attempts to assassinate President Musharraf.

Abu Faraj Al-Libbi, whom some suspect was a CIA operative, was reportedly arrested in 2005.

He was immediately handed over to the USA.

This meant that the Pakistan authorities could not properly interrogate him in connection with the attempts to kill Musharraf.

While Kayani was in charge of ISI, the Pakistan Taliban increased its power over Pakistan's Pashtunbelt and Al Qaeda spread its bases within Pakistan.

Some suspect that the Pakistan Taliban and Al Qaeda are both run by the CIA.

Around this time, David Headley and Munawuur Hussain Rana, were reportedly planning terrorist strikes in India.

Headley is reported to have links to ISI.

Headley is believed to be an agent of the CIA.

Lt General Taj became boss of ISI in 2007, but Taj was in charge of ISI for only 10 months.

Reportedly, the USA did not like Taj and pressured Kayani to have him sacked.

Major-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha became the boss of ISI in 2008.

Pasha had a record of being ineffective in fighting militants.

Kayani took Pasha with him for a secret meeting with Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff, on board a US aircraft carrier, in August 2008.

In February 2011, Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and the American military top brass met at a secluded luxury beach resort in Oman.

They worked out a deal on the release of CIA spy Raymond Davis. (Raymond Davis's release based on ISI-CIA secret deal: Report)

Bilawal Zardari, the son of Pakistan's president. The leadership in Pakistan are dealing with Mossad, the CIA, RAW and MI6, who reportedly want to break up Pakistan, using agents such as Raymond Davis.

One of the Pakistanis shot dead by CIA agent Raymond RAYMOND DAVIS was Muhammad Faheem.

Faheem's widow, Shumaila, 'committed suicide'.

On 17 March 2011, The Nation quotes Muhammad Afzal, the uncle of Shumaila, as having said (Shumaila kin threaten suicide):‎

"We never demanded blood money...

"We did not accept any money nor did we pardon the American killer..."

He said the Pakistan government bowed down to US pressure.

On 16 March 2011, the police arrested Shumaila's uncles, mother, sister, and other relatives.

The CIA plan is for Balochistan to become 'independent' and to be used as a route for heroin?

Earlier, on 23 February 2011, three men forcibly gave poison to one of Shumaila's uncles, called Sarwar. (Shumaila's uncle forcibly given poisonous pills‎)

"According to sources, two motorcyclists had warned Sarwar on 11 February not to pursue the case registered against Raymond Davis...

"Afzal, another uncle of Shumaila, told Dawn that three men entered the house through a ventilator, grasped Sarwar and subjected him to severe torture.

"Afzal claimed that they administered him poisonous pills, citing the recovery of one tablet from the spot.

"He said the men remained in the house for about half an hour and fled when other family members woke up. Sarwar was taken to hospital..."

In February 2011, Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and American military top brass met at a secluded luxury beach resort in Oman to work out a deal on Davis. (Raymond Davis's release based on ISI-CIA secret deal: Report)

General Kayani (right) with his boss.

ROBERT ANDERSON, on 8 March 2011, at just-international, wrote an article entitled "I Had Ray Davis's Job, in Laos 30 Years Ago. Same Cover, Same Lies‎"

According to Anderson:

"In Laos the program I was attached to carried out a systematic assassination of people...

"It was called the Phoenix program and eliminated an estimated 60,000 people across Indochina...

"I saw one team of mercenaries I was training show us a bag of ears of dead civilians they had killed..."

The CIA ran an illegal drug operation "to pay for their operations."

The CIA's Raymond Davis, who was allegedly organising acts of terrorism in Pakistan

On 16 March 2011, it was reported that the USA had suspended aid to Pakistan.

(US 'blocks' aid over Raymond Davis issue. / Raymond Davis row leads to suspension of US aid)

On the same day, the CIA assassin Raymond Davis was released from custody in Pakistan.

According to Muhammad Afzal, a relative of one of the slain men:

"Family members were told they were being taken to the police station to make statements.

"Instead, they were taken to a secret location and held in isolation and told that unless they signed a letter pardoning Davis, 'you will never see daylight.'"

(Veterans Today Exclusive: Raymond Davis Release, the Inside Story ...)

"Initial media reports surrounding the release of Raymond Davis suggest that the families of the victims killed in the Lahore shooting have left the country on a second plane.

"Their neighbours say they haven’t seen the families in two days and that their homes are empty and locked.

"Sources say an aircraft carrying more than 10 people left Lahore airport and is headed to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

"They also say the families have been given Green Cards and homes in New York state and Washington DC." (Raymond Davis saga: Victims' families leave country say sources )

The US government did not pay any compensation to the families of two Pakistanis killed by Raymond Davis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on 16 March 2011. (U.S. did not pay compensation in Raymond Davis case)

•On 27 January 2011, three young Pakistanis were killed by US spooks in Lahore.
•The Police arrested US citizen Raymond Davis at the crime scene.
•On 6 February, the widow of Faheem, one of the victims, committed suicide.
•On 22February, US officials confirmed that Raymond Davis worked for the CIA.

Jonathan Azaziah explains more about Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice

The Pakistanis were shot dead "because they witnessed Davis and another group of mercenaries loading their cars with machine guns and explosives, and overheard them discussing their trip into an area of Lahore known for 'terror bombings.'

"While Davis was detained, the other car, full of mercenaries, jetted away and ran over another innocent Pakistani in the process.

"The phone found in Davis’ car, revealed that the CIA-Xe murderer made several calls to an organization known as the ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban,’ a group linked to hundreds of bombings across Pakistan in the last 10 years.

"Pakistani police also discovered photographs of sensitive military defense installations on Davis’ camera, including the Balahisar Fort, the headquarters of the paramilitary Frontier Corps in the strategically important city of Peshawar and several Pakistan Army bunkers on the border with India...

"Mossad and RAW, the two principal executors of 'the Dragon Policy', set up four agencies in 2001 which would target Pakistan’s societal top tier, from finance to politics, religion to military.

"These agencies would seduce, blackmail, train and employ young Pakistani men from different sects and serve as their handlers in carrying out terrorism across Pakistan.

"Once the recruits are in the field, they are met by their handlers under the guise of ‘Al-Qaeda’ or the ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban’ and issued money, weapons and other supplies.

"These meetings are then reported by the Zionist media as coordination between terror groups.

"When these stooge agents are unable to secure a ‘checkout,’ or completion of their mission, the ordnance units of Mossad and RAW take to the field in collaboration with sleeper cells of Xe contractors to spread the chaos.

"The blood-drenched end result is still reported by the cabalistic Zionist media as “Islamic extremism,” to the detriment of Pakistan..."



Monday 30 May 2011


Obama 'scar'


Thanks to Asif Shah for the link.


According to Germany's Bild newspaper, on 29 May 2011:

The CIA has stated in a recent report that there may soon be a coup in Greece.

Zerbricht Griechenland an der Krise: Geheimdienst befürchtet ... - [ Translate this page ]

There has been a lot of rioting in Greece.

The CIA and Mossad may want a military government in Athens, in order to promote their agenda.

On 14 March 2007, Vladimir Putin presided over a pipeline deal with Greece and Bulgaria. (Russia, Greece and Bulgaria sign major oil pipeline deal ...)

There is supposed to be a Russian oil pipeline through Greece.

It was supposed to be completed by 2011

In 2009, Bulgaria got a new government and it has been stalling the construction of the pipeline. (EU to help unblock Tran-Balkan pipeline)

Russia provides Europe with a third of its oil and 40 percent of its natural gas, and the pipeline deal would increase these figures.

Certain people, such as the CIA and its pals in the Greek military, may not like the deal and may try to change the government of Greece?

The CIA put the military into power in Greece in 1967.

The Greek Military ran a 'fascist' regime.

In June 2008, an Iranian official criticized Greece for joining an Israeli military exercise that is claimed to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The New York Times reported that more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters took part in the maneuvers over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece in the first week of June.

The official expressed regret that Greece has kept silence on Israel’s provocative military exercise in its territory.
(tehran times : Iran slams Greece for joining Israel’s military parade)

Greece is important to Israel and to the USA.

In 1996, the pro-PLO Prime Minister, Andreas Papandreou died.

There followed an improvement in relations between Greece and Israel.

Trade between Greece and Israel doubled between 1989 and 1995.

In a visit to Athens, Israeli President Katzav said "we consider Greece an important economic partner of Israel's economy, as well as a gateway to the Balkans."

Greece's Papandreou and Israel's Netanyahu

On 17 August 2010, it was announced that Israel and Greece are seeking to expand military ties

Former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou once compared the Israelis to the Nazis. (Mesimvrini, 10 August 1982.)

In 1983, in the Greek Parliament, Ioannis Koutsoyannis blamed "the Jews, the Masons, the CIA and Moshe Dayan" for preparing and coordinating the 1967 military coup in Greece. (Greek Society)

The bad guys have had a series of cunning plans designed to get control of Greece.

In 1988, Abu Nidal, who reportedly worked for Mossad, attacked the Greek cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, leaving nine people dead.

One of Mossad's aims was to turn Greece against the Palestinians.

The Achile Lauro incident hastened the fall of Greek prime minister Andreas Papandreou. (Abu Nidal - Mossad Terrorist)

Famous Greek Olga Farmaki

And then there is the Greek economy.

"It does appear to be financial warfare. As bankers look to loot nation after nation. Greece is only the beginning." (Greece is tipping. Is this financial war against the Eurozone?)

At American Free Press, in March 2010, Victor Thorn wrote:

"Beginning in 2001, Goldman Sachs concocted an elaborate financial scheme whereby billions in 'currency swaps' were funneled into Greece, only to be squandered and embezzled by government officials....

"Greek newspapers such as Avriani are openly citing a Jewish plutocracy for plotting their nation’s demise...

"In a Feb. 11 article entitled 'Greece Under European Union Diktat,' Peter Schwarz observed, 'The crisis in Greece is attracting the most parasitic representatives of finance capital, whose methods resemble those of the Mafia, with the European Commission serving as the consigliore to the godfathers of finance.'

"One of the men he alluded to was Jewish speculator George Soros."

Greek King and CIA-backed colonels

The CIA and its friends have been active in Greece for some time.

1. In 1944, in Greece, a large demonstration in Athens, against British interference in the government, was dissolved by gunfire from hidden soldiers.

25 protesters were killed and 148 wounded.

2. In 1967, in Greece, CIA-backed colonels carried out a military coup, resulting in a 'fascist' dictatorship.

Thousands of Greeks were tortured and murdered by the CIA backed 'fascists'.

(NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe - Google Books Result )

3. In 1985, 15-year-old Michalis Kaltezas was shot by a police officer, triggering violent clashes between youths and the police in Athens.

4. In December 2008, Greek youths rioted after the police shot a boy

15-year-old Andreas Grigoropoulos was shot dead on 6 December 2008 by a police officer.

Witnesses told Greek TV the policeman fired directly at the boy.

The Colonels

The CIA, reportedly, has used acts of terrorism to keep the right-wing in power in Greece.

(The following is from: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II - Google Books Result)

"In the April 1967 national elections in Greece, the veteran liberal leader George Papandreou seemed certain to be re-elected as prime minister.

Papandreou had been elected in 1964 with the only outright majority in the history of modern Greek elections.

A joint campaign by the Greek military and the CIA to unseat him began immediately...

The Gladio 'Sheepskin' group was involved in a campaign of terrorist bombings, which were blamed on the left, and two days before the election campaign was to begin, a military coup brought to power a junta led by George Papadopoulos, a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP.

The CIA had created the KYP and Papadopoulos was on the payroll of the Agency for some 15 years.

Along with hundreds of other KYP officers, he had received training in anti-subversive techniques in the United States.

Papadopoulos was "a great believer in Hitler's new order" ...

He plunged Greece for the next seven years into a nightmare of martial law, censorship, arrests, beatings, torture and murders.

8,000 were killed in the first month alone.

Before the end of the year, Amnesty International reported that "torture as a deliberate practice is carried out by the Security Police and the Military Police."

The Greek junta contributed $549,000 to the 1968 Nixon-Agnew election campaign in the United States.

A Senate investigation to discover if this was CIA money finding its way back home, was abruptly cancelled at the direct request of Henry Kissinger
. "


Thomas Countryman 'NSA/CIA liaison in Athens'




On 21 May 2011, Pakistan's General Mirza Aslam Beg wrote that the 'Osama compound' was raided in 2009 (Abbottabad attack: New revelations) :

"This house was raided in 2009, to capture Abul Faraj...

"Why couldn’t they find Osama then, if he and his family were living there since 2006?"

(It is not clear who the name Abul Faraj belongs to. The Pakistan Taliban's Abu Faraj, a deputy to Mullah Fazlullah, was captured in Swat in 2009)

We should note that Pakistan 'alerted the US over the Abbottabad compound in 2009.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Da'Emmy na shemeji Dr Michael walipomeremeta

Da'Emmy na marafiki
Da'Emmy na Dr Michael na marafiki
Mzee Maokola Majogo, maharusi na Balozi Francis Mndolwa na Mama Mndolwa
Mzee Majogo akitambulisha familia na maharusi
Mzee Majogo na marafiki wakifurahia harusi
Zawadi ya Mgolole wa Kimasai kwa Shemeji Dr Mkichael
Mama Majogo na wanafamilia katika msosi
Shemeji Dr Michael na  Da' Emmy mnusoni
Shemeji Dr Michael akimwaga kiduku

Da'Emmy na Dr Michael
Da'Emmy akimnyonga  Dr. Michael
Rais Mstaafu Mh. Benjamin William Mkapa awapongeza maharusi
Ni wakati wa kuchukua chakula
Da'Emmy akifurahi na mai hazbendi wake, Dr Michael
Mzee Majogo akimtambulisha Meja Jenerali mstaafu Anatory Ruta Kamazima
Mzee Majogo akiitambulisha familia yake
Rais Mstaafu Mh. Benjamin William Mkapa atambulishwa
Maharusi wapokewa kimila baada ya kuwasili Giraffe hotel
Maharusi wakiwasili mnusoni Giraffe Beach
Da'Emmy na Dr Michael baada ya kumeremeta kanisa la Katoliki la Boko Jumamosi
'I do.... " anasema Da' Emmy
Mchungaji akiunganisha wawili wawe mwili mmoja
Maharusi wa,kati wa kumeremeta kwao
Maharusi wakikaribishwa kanisa Katoliki la Boko jijini Dar