Friday 6 May 2011

Alternative Media helped by bin Laden

On 2 may 2011, Aangirfan page views went up, thanks to Osama bin Laden.

Alternative Media Rankings Surge After bin Laden Assassination Spectacle

Alternative News 7-day change according to Alexa; listed in order of overall ranking:

Drudge Report -- Rank: 342 Change: 48

Infowars -- Rank: 1,095 Change: 737

Prison Planet -- Rank: 2,989 Change: 2,056

Rense -- Rank: 4,731 Change: 268

David Icke -- Rank: 4,904 Change: 1,887

Lew Rockwell -- Rank: 5,341 Change: 1,435

Global Research -- Rank: 9,119 Change: 5,022

What Really Happened -- Rank: 10,554 Change: 4,978

Activist Post -- Rank: 17,185 Change: 2,468

The Intel Hub -- Rank: 32,138 Change: 7,928

Reality Zone -- Rank: 84,465 Change: 10,522


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