Wednesday 17 December 2008


Indian voters have rejected the Hindu nationalists. (India's state elections Not just about terrorists)

In December 2008, elections were held in 4 states in India, after the Mumbai attacks.

The Hindu Nationalist BJP performed badly.

The main government party, the Congress party, performed well.

The Congress party won three of the elections. It held on to power in Delhi for a third consecutive term.

It also won Rajasthan, a big northern state, from the BJP.

It easily won in Mizoram, in the north-east.

The BJP kept Madhya Pradesh, a poor northern state.

It lost Rajasthan, which it had hoped to retain.

Had Karkare discovered a Mossad connection?

Mumbai attacks: "The satellite phones found on the terrorists showed that their last call was to a Dan Samuel in New Jersey, a Mossad agent." - IT WAS THE MOSSAD AGAIN 100% - Tell Everyone You Can

More on the Mumbai attacks.

"Karkare, who had earlier received death threats, was to deliver a report on terror activities of extremist Hindu groups to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh but he was killed in the Mumbai attacks." - Mumbai carnage: A smokescreen to kill whistleblowers?

In the Red Fort terror attack ... Muhammad Arif alias Ashfaq was caught and sentenced... Arif claimed that he was an operative for RAW, India's external intelligence agency. - Did Mumbai terrorists work through Bona-fide Indian Police Informers?

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