Tuesday 23 December 2008


Hasan Gafoor, on the right, is the current Police Commissioner of Mumbai. He took over on 1 March 2008. (http://www.mumbaipluses.com/bandrakharplus/e)

Amaresh Misra, at United News Network, on 18 December 2008, tells us that:

The Police Story on the Mumbai Attacks stands shattered

Amaresh Misra refers to a report, in the Times of India, about questions asked by the Indian Cabinet Minister AR Antulay.

Antulay asked about Karkare, the Anti Terrorism Squad chief who had been investigating Hindu and Indian governmenmt involvent in terrorism, and who was killed in the Mumbai attacks.

Government Minister, and member of the Congress Party, A R Antulay.

Antulay asked:

"who sent him (Karkare) in the direction" of the Cama hospital, outside which he was killed.

"Who had sent them to the Cama hospital. What were they told that made them leave for the same spot in the same vehicle...

"How come instead of going to the Hotel Taj or Oberai or even the Nariman House, he went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what happened in the three places?

"Why all three (Hemant Karakre, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte) went together. It is beyond my comprehension."

Anami Narayan Roy is Director General of Police, Maharashtra, and the former Police Commissioner of Mumbai.

Misra writes:

"Antulay's statement means that that he is hinting at the role of some top functionary...

"There is a question mark over Kasab and Ismail killing Karkare, Salaskar and Kaamte...

"Kasab and Ismail might not have killed the three;

"which then raises the question: who killed them?

"Was it the Mumbai Police top brass?

"Or the Gujarat Anti Terrorism Squad under Narendra Modi? Or a combination of the two...

"The Mumbai and the Indian Police has been known for keeping informers, ex-militants and Pakistani spies in illegal confinement or on their payroll.

"And then planting them in situations where either Police or the corporate-politician-bureaucrat nexus or foreign powers or Hindutva forces have carried out attacks and bomb blasts.

"This happened on numerous occasions say, in 2006 when the RSS Headquarters in Nagpur were attacked allegedly by `terrorists', who then died in an encounter with the Nagpur Police.

"It later turned out,
and this was proved by Jusice Kondse Patil's report on this issue and by Suresh Khairnar, a veteran socialist and human rights activist, that these `terrorists' were in fact people who had been killed by a non-Maharashtrian Special Crime Branch Police in a fake encounter and then brought and placed before the RSS Headquarters.

"The Nagpur chief of Police in fact went on record to say that his Police actually did not engage in any encounter!

PIB Photo of Israel's Barak meeting Singh in 2007 from Siliconeer: August 2006 . Singh is now Prime Minister of India.

"Now comes a report that Kasab was actually kidnapped by RAW officials in Nepal in 2006...

"The Parliamentary attack... was again a fake drama staged by the Delhi Police - and the best part is that our wily parliamentarians know this! That is why they did not turn up to commemorate the `martyrdom' of Police personal who died defending the Parliament!

"Kasab is a fake;

"the real terrorists who came to Mumbai wreaked their mayhem and went back safely - some of them, as testified by eye-witness near Nariman House were definitely Israeli.

"The main aim of the entire operaiton was to eliminate Karkare and to create something so big that the Malegaon blast investigation pales in comparison.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the Congress Party.

"But the Karkare killers and Hindutva forces had the backing it seems of Manmohan Singh (the Prime Minister of India).

"Why else would Advani meet Singh before 26th November on the issue of the`torture' of Praggya Singh? Has anyone heard of a leader of the opposition meeting the Prime Minister on such an issue?

"Apparently a deal was struck between them; and remember Advani could not have met Singh like this, without American mediation.

The Congress Party's Sonia Gandhi, widow of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was, reportedly, assassinated by the CIA.

"Was Sonia in the know? Probably not ...there are reports that probably she was unaware of what happened on 26th November and that depite throwing in her lot with the Manmohan Singh lobby on other issues, she saw that their plan included upstaging her!

"Karkare's killing is the result of the larger fight between Hindutva-pro-Israeli, pro-American lobby which is now deeply entrenched in India and whatever is left of Congress' old legacy in the establishment. Both these factions often unite, as they did against the Left on the nuclear deal issue. But the `old legacy' faction does not realize that pro-US, pro-Israel lobby is planning to overthrow it--and maybe sink Sonia and Rahul as well!"



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