Sunday 21 December 2008


A Judge

"The sovereign wealth invasion of the North Sea has already started, with Abu Dhabi National Energy Company subsidiary TAQA Bratani paying $631 million (£418m) for five Shell oilfields in the North Sea earlier this month." - North Sea explorers face buy-out from the East

Oil at $40 a barrel will cause 'price explosion' in future


General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book

His victims included Hollywood mogul Steven Spielberg - How did Madoff get away with it for so long?

"SCOTLAND'S former top law officer, Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, has denied he was drunk when arrested after an incident on board a flight." - travel - Lord Peter Fraser of Carmyllie

"Lord Fraser of Carmyllie ... speaking on the eve of today's 20th anniversary of the terrorist atrocity that claimed 270 lives ... defended the Scottish justice system and insisted Megrahi's conviction was safe. Fraser was Lord Advocate in 1991 when he drew up the indictment against Megrahi, accusing him of carrying out the atrocity." - Megrahi campaigners criticised as Lockerbie marks 20th anniversary

New forensic evidence could free Libyan convicted of Lockerbie bombing

The CIA and the Lockerbie Bomb

According to The Sunday Times of October 23, 2005, Lord Fraser criticised the Maltese shopkeeper, who sold Megrahi the clothing that was used to pack the bomb suitcase, for inter alia being "not quite the full shilling" and "an apple short of a picnic". Peter Fraser, Baron Fraser of Carmyllie - Wikipedia, the free ...

Leading HSBC banker and father of two hangs himself in 5-star London hotel

aangirfan: DEATH OF A BANKER


Lehman Brothers broker 'used his wife for her insider trading tips to make millions for former Playboy model'

Obama picks pastor who opposes gay marriage to speak at his inauguration

How to increase CIA and MI5 control of Scotland? In Scotland, a new squad, the Major Crime and Terrorism Investigation Unit, will work 'hand-in-glove' with the Met's SO15, which has an overall UK role in defending Britain from Islamic extremists ('false flag ops'), and MI5, which also now has a base in Glasgow. - New terror squad for Scotland

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