Friday 19 December 2008


Tortured and given money by MI6 agent?

On 19 December 2008, Rangzieb Ahmed (above) was convicted of membership of al-Qaida, which is believed to be run by the CIA and its friends.

"During the pre-trial hearing, Ahmed said that after being detained by the ISI (Pakistan intelligence service) in August 2006 he was beaten with sticks, whipped with electric cables, sexually humiliated and deprived of sleep.

"During one interrogation, he said, he was forced to the ground after refusing to answer questions about his contacts in Lahore, and held down by several men.

"One interrogator sat on the floor beside him, he said, and forced the jaw of a pair of pliers beneath the left side of his small fingernail. He then slowly prised the left hand side of the nail upwards.

"It is not disputed that MI5 and Greater Manchester police passed questions to the ISI to be put to Ahmed during his interrogation.

"Nor is it disputed that MI5 officers questioned Ahmed while he was in ISI custody." - Life sentence for 'tortured' Briton convicted of directing terror attacks

Ahmed received money from Omar Sheikh (Rangzieb Ahmed - Wikipedia) who is believed to work for MI6. (aangirfan: B Raman; Bombay Attacks; Omar Sheikh)

Dawood Ibrahim of the CIA?

"In mid-September (2008), the CIA station chief in New Delhi met his Indian counterpart of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's overseas spy agency...

"Some senior Indian Coast Guard officials have privately admitted to Mumbai journalists of (Dawood) Ibrahim's hand in the terrorist attacks, saying nobody knows the sea around Mumbai better than the man who controls smuggling off Mumbai's coast...

"Pakistan journalist Ghulam Hasnain described Ibrahim's life as a "king" in Karachi: 'His home is a palatial house spread over 6,000 square yards, boasting a pool, tennis courts, snooker room and a private, hi-tech gym.

"He wears designer clothes, drives top-of-the-line Mercedes and luxurious four-wheel drives, sports a half-a-million rupee Patek Phillipe wristwatch, and showers money on starlets and prostitutes.'" - Asia Times Online


aangirfan: Dawood Ibrahim of the CIA?

Unconventional Warfare in the 21st Century: U.S. Surrogates, Terrorists and Narcotraffickers

"This week, Mr Harper lodged a formal complaint with the Jersey Police Complaints Authority about comments made by his successor as deputy police chief, David Warcup, and the officer now leading the inquiry, Detective Superintendent Mick Gradwell." - Child abuse: Harper joins bid for UK judge

SIMON JENKINS: Rosy rewriting of the Iraq debacle will fuel worse disaster in Afghanistan (Guardian)

"Gordon Brown, after months of denial, will finally have to admit that the country’s debt is far more than the 44 per cent of gross national product that ministers have repeatedly, though mendaciously, claimed.

"The new figure is closer to an incredible 160 per cent — the worst in the developed world — and is expected to rise even more sharply.

"This systematic debauchery of the country’s finances has caused sterling to collapse.

"In just three days this week — Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday — the pound fell by 4 per cent.

"It has now collapsed by an average of 23 per cent against rival currencies over the past 12 months."

PETER OBORNE: Darling's last roll of the dice and the spectre of wheelbarrows of banknotes

"The aim was to escape a life in Britain where crime was rampant, the weather miserable and the cost of living high.

"Now, in Spain, a legion of pensioners finds itself trapped by rising prices, a property market that has completely collapsed and a pound that has fallen almost 20 per cent against the euro.

End of the Eldorado dream: How the plunging pound and property crash have left thousands of expat Britons on the breadline


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