Tuesday 16 December 2008

Was one of the London and Glasgow car bomb plotters a double agent?

An off duty policeman sprays water on Kafeel Ahmed at Glasgow Airport.

Some people might suspect that the London and Glasgow car bomb plots were the work of the security services and that one of the three suspected of involvement might have been a double agent.

The three main suspects were Mohammed Asha, Bilal Abdulla and Kafeel Ahmed.

Indian doctor Sabeel Ahmed, brother of Kafeel Ahmed, appeared in court in London charged with withholding information on terrorism. He was deported to India in 2008.

Australian police accused Ahmed's 'cousin', fellow Indian doctor Mohammed Haneef, 27, of providing "reckless" support to a terrorist organisation.

Which one might have been working for the security services as an agent provocateur?

Mohammed Asha

1. Dr Mohammed Asha

"It is believed alleged ringleader Mohammed Asha ... was sent to Britain ... as part of Al-Qaeda's long-term plan to bring terror to the UK."

(Ringleader 'Al-Qaeda sleeper'", CourierMail.com.au 2007-07-04)

In December 2008, a court cleared Asha of involvement in the Glasgow and London car bomb plots.

Asha was friends with Bilal Abdulla and Kafeel Ahmed.

Asha was accused of providing money and offering advice to Abdulla and Ahmed but a court found him not guilty of involvement in the plots.

Asha's Palestinian parents lived in Jordan and Asha attended the Jubilee School for gifted children whose patron was the Queen of Jordan.

When Queen Noor visited the Jubilee School in Amman, Mohammed Asha was the choice to meet and greet King Hussein’s fourth wife.

Asha studied medicine in Cambridge.

In 2005, he met Abdulla. (Profile: Jordanian neurologist, Mohammed Asha, cleared over ... )

Bilal Abdullah arrested at Glasgow Airport

2. Bilal Abdullah

Abdulla, an Iraqi born in the UK, was arrested after the 2007 Glasgow Airport attack.

Dr. Abdullah, and engineer Kafeel Ahmed, were observed to be involved in the attack.

Abdulla was brought up in what he described as a 'very posh' suburb of Baghdad.

He also received education in the UK.

At one point he considered joining the British army.

His family was friendly with a number of politicians associated with Saddam Hussein's regime.

Reportedly, he was deeply upset by the deaths of many friends in Iraq.

Despite what friends from Cambridge suggested, Abdulla said that it was Kafeel Ahmed who came up with the plan to attack London and Glasgow, and Ahmed who was in charge. (Glasgow bomb plot: Profile of airport terrorist Bilal Abdulla )

Abdulla admitted that he was a terrorist but claimed he never intended to injure or kill innocent people and that the decision by Kaffeel Ahmed to attack Glasgow airport had taken him by surprise. (Doctor's account of Glasgow airport attack 'simply absurd' UK ...)

Kafeel Ahmed at Glasgow Airport.

Kafeel Ahmed

3. Kafeel Ahmed

Ahmed, after the attack on Glasgow Airport, reportedly died in hospital from third degree burns on 2 August 2007.

Reportedly, Ahmed was a fan of Osama bin Laden, who is suspected of being an agent of the CIA. (Bin Laden speeches found in Kafeel Ahmed’s house in Bangalore = Internationalreporter.com)

Ahmed, a Moslem, was born in Banglaore, India.

He worked in India, Iran and in Saudi Arabia, where they stayed for 11 years, and in Belfast and then Cambridge.

His degree was in mechanical engineering.

He worked at Infotech Enterprises in Bangalore from December 2005 to August 2006.

Mohammad Asha has been found not guilty of taking part in the London and Glasgow car bombs plot.

The judge in the trial criticised counter-terrorism police after it emerged that cleared suspect Mohammad Asha was interviewed twice without a solicitor following his arrest.

The Court heard how the Jordanian doctor was subjected to long interviews without a lawyer, despite asking for legal help as soon as he arrived at Paddington Green police station.

The jury in his trial heard claims that Dr Asha's treatment was "unfair and unjust" and that interviewing officers had lied to him and resorted to bullying.

Neurologist Dr Asha, whose defence was supported by NHS colleagues, was acquitted of two counts of conspiracy.

Cleared terror suspect 'bullied'

Glasgow Airport 2007

1. On 30 June 2007, there was a 'terror' attack at Glasgow Airport, in the UK.

Some of those involved in the plot may have been double agents and some may have been patsies.

2. How might a terror attack be arranged?

"A group is infiltrated and radicalized by a government informant and provocateured into attempting terror attacks."


Who, reportedly, organises the terror attacks?

"Starting from at least the 1980's, SAS and British military intelligence agents were routinely ordered to embed themselves within violent branches of the IRA and aid terrorists in carrying out attacks.

"How do we know this happened? Because one of the individuals who was ordered to do so, Kevin Fulton, blew the whistle on the fact that he was told he had the Prime Minister's blessing to aid terrorists in bomb making and political assassinations."



3. The Glasgow Airport Attack 2007 - links to the security services

A. Dr Bilal Abdulla, 29, allegedly took part in the Glasgow Airport attack.

Bilal Abdulla reportedly left a will addressed to Osama bin Laden, who is widely believed to have been an agent or asset of the CIA. (Bomb accused 'left bin Laden will')

Educated doctors would be expected to know of the close links betwen the Bush and bin Laden families and of Osama's reported stay at an American hospital just before 9 11.

(aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs.... / aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)

During his time in Cambridge Bilal Abdulla was reportedly linked to the radical Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahir (Cached), which is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood (Cached), which reportedly is run by the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ... )

Cambridge has an MI5 HQ

B. People who have links to Cambridge include: 1. Alleged 'terrorists' Bilal Abdulla, Mohammed Asha and Kafeel Ahmed 2. airport worker 'hero' John Smeaton and 3. MI5

"Bilal Abdulla is believed to have known suspect Mohammed Asha, when Asha worked at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, where Abdulla has relatives.

"Abdulla visited Cambridge as recently as three weeks ago, and was there regularly to visit an uncle and his grandmother, said a cafe owner who once rented Abdulla an apartment in the eastern city." (British Look for Links in Failed Plot)

"An innocent looking semi-detached property in the University city of Cambridge from where an Islamic charity dedicated to peace and inter-faith friendship operated might have housed the London and Glasgow bomb plot accused, media reports said today.

"The links between Bilal Abdullah, the Iraqi doctor, Kafeel Ahmed, Indian engineer and others arrested in connection with the alleged plot came as shock to the unsuspecting congregation..." ("Charity in Cambridge might have housed bomb plot accused")

At a mapping site we read: "What is not shown – several examples were suggested of installations which the Soviets must have known about which are not identified on the maps (eg MI5 HQ, Cambridge RSG). "

Soviet Military Mapping of Britain

The Glasgow Airport attack has brought forth a number of names of people who are linked to Cambridgeshire, where MI5 has a major base.

Airport worker John Smeaton said the man shouted, "Allah, Allah" 'I FLOORED JEEP BOMBER'

"John himself has been elusive since the attacks — until the News of the World tracked him down to a pub in rural Cambridgeshire... John headed south to Cambridge with his parents Catherine, 68, and Iain, 66, for a cousin's wedding, and has enjoyed the opportunity to lay low." Read

Royal Marine

C. A British marine just happened to be living opposite a house used by the Glasgow Airport attackers. (BBC NEWS Appeal over Jeep used in attack)

From 'This is London' - http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23402548-details/ :

The Glasgow attack was linked to a semi-detached house in the quiet commuter village of Houston, Renfrewshire, just outside Glasgow:

"A neighbour who lives opposite the home said the two men, both under 30, were renting the property...

The 25-year-old Royal Marine added: "One thing that was odd about them was that they always drove different cars. I have seen a light coloured Mercedes standing in the drive, a silver Peugeot, as well as a silver Astra...

D. According to The Daily Mail ('Terror ringleader' is brilliant NHS doctor Mail Online )

"There were claims in the U.S. that one of the suspects had been arrested before by British police investigating another terror plot...

"U.S. officials say the image of a man seen running from the Mercedes near the Tiger Tiger club early on Friday 'resembled' a suspect arrested previously in connection with the investigation into so-called Al Qaeda 'General' Dhiren Barot.

"He is said to have been released because of lack of evidence."


E. Alex McIlveen was the person who tackled 'terrorist' Kafeel Ahmed during the 'terror' attack.

In the Scottish Sunday Express, 16 March 2008, Alex McIlveen states: "at no point did John Smeaton attempt to tackle the bombers... He is a fake."

Stephen Clarkson, who also tackled the 'terrorists', "confirmed that he did not see Smeaton tackle the bombers."

CCTV footage of the 'terror attack', shown on Youtube, appears not to show Smeaton tackling the 'terrorists'.

It was John Smeaton who gave the media the quotes that they wanted, quotes that sounded as if they had been scripted by the security services.

Smeaton was awarded the Queen's Gallantry medal. Smeaton received a CNN Every Day Superhero Award. Smeaton was flown to New York for the sixth anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. Smeaton appeared on TV talk shows. (TERROR PALS ‘SET ABOOT’ JOHN /BACKLASH AGAINST ‘HERO’ SMEATO )

F. "Police on Saturday maintained that it had not received any official confirmation that the person who rammed the flaming jeep into Glasgow airport in the botched UK terror plot and succumbed to burns after battling for life for over a month was Kafeel Ahmed.

"'We have not received any official confirmation that the man who drove the burning jeep into Glasgow airport and died of burns on August 2 was Kafeel Ahmed,' City Police Commissioner N Achutha Rao told reporters." - No confirmation about identity of Kafeel: Bangalore Police

"The family had first stoutly denied the driver of the jeep that rammed into the Glasgow airport terminal building on June 30 was their son but later told police that it appeared to be so from the TV grab." - No information from Britain on Kafeel: Bangalore police

"For Maqbool Ahmed and Zakhia Ahmed, the death may have compounded a traumatic dilemma; was he really their 27-year-old son?" - Kafeel's Parents Shut Themselves Away from Outside World

"In a welter of speculation, during which he was identified initially as being of Lebanese origin, Kafeel - or, as he was also originally referred to, Khalid - was thought to have been a doctor at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley...

"Prof Sheldon said: 'I can't believe it is the same boy. He was a lovely person when I knew him. I was in constant contact with him until last December, then silence.'

"Jamal Iweida, of the Belfast Islamic Centre, also put forward the image of a friendly, polite student. He said: 'He was a very pleasant, very placid, and friendly guy. He was very polite, intelligent, and intellectual. He was one of the main people in the society who organised very good activities about multiculturalism, inter-faith integration, and the like. They would invite speakers from other religions.'" - Airport bomber was 'shy, nervous student'


4. Some Past History

A. The 1605 Gunpowder plot in Britain was a government plot to discredit Catholics.

Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy and Francis Tresham, all agents of the British government, were involved in the planning of the Gunpowder plot.

On his death-bed, there were statements by Robert Catesby's servant that the government's spymaster Robert Cecil met Catesby on three occasions in the period leading up to the events of of 5 November 1605.

B. The Jubilee Plot of 1887 was a government plot.

In the 1880s, the Irish nationalists wanted independence from Britain. British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury, decided:

(1) to use a British government agent Francis Millen to organise a false flag operation to blow up Westminster Abbey, thus killing Queen Victoria.

(2) to have the plot discovered just in time - so that the Irish Nationalists would be discredited.

After the plot had been revealed, two Americans were arrested and sentenced to long periods in prison for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts. Francis Millen managed to escape to New York where he mysteriously died.

C. The London Bombings, 7 July 2005, reportedly had as their mastermind Rashid Aswat.

The authorities stated that Aswat had made mobile telephone calls to two of the 7 July bombers. ('Batley man' linked to bin Laden and bombers - Yorkshire Evening Post)

After Aswat was handed over to the UK police, Scotland Yard police headquarters said, on 7 August 2005, that detectives were not interested in speaking to Aswat about the London attacks. (http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=13913208)

Reportedly, Aswat worked for MI6. (Haroon Rashid Aswat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Mohammed Siddique Khan, a key figure in the 7/7 London bombings, was probably working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the time of the attacks, according to Charles Shoebridge, a 12-year veteran detective of the London Metropolitan Police. (was on the payroll )

Shoebridge told the BBC Newshour program that from the evidence little else can be assumed other than that Khan was working for British intelligence.

"The amount of information coming out and the quality of information coming out. The fact that that has been so consistently overlooked it would appear by the security service MI5, to me suggests really only one of two options."

"Either, a) we've got a level of incompetence that would be unusual even for the security services. But b) possibly, and this is a possibility, that this man Khan may even have been working as an informant for the security service."

"It is difficult otherwise to see how it can be that they've so covered his tracks in the interim."

The Search For Smeato - John Smeaton - Glasgow Airport Attack He - Watch the top videos of the week here

D. MI5 activity in Scotland.

The Scotsman, 20 January 2005 - "MI5, the domestic security service, is preparing to establish a permanent office in Scotland for the first time, The Scotsman can reveal.

"As part of a major expansion of the organisation intended to bolster nationwide counter- terrorism efforts, MI5 chiefs and Home Office officials have identified Glasgow as the site for one of the service’s new regional offices." - (http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=70502005)

E. The Lockerbie Bomb had connections to the security services. (aangirfan: The CIA and the Lockerbie Bomb)

"Luck saved us from another Lockerbie" was the headline in the The Scotsman, on 2nd July 2007. (http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=1028922007)

F. Operation Gladio was organised by 'fascists' within the security services of the West.

Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony:

'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed the existence of Gladio in 1991.

Parliamentary investigations in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have given us a little of the truth.

The book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe," by Daniele Ganser documents some of what we know.

Run by 'fascist' elements in NATO and the Pentagon, right-wing militias carried out acts of terrorism and electoral subversion in countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and West Germany.

G. Northern Ireland

According to The Observer: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/politics/story/0,,1869019,00.html

"A human rights watchdog has handed a report to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, which concludes that two British agents were central to the bombings of three army border installations in 1990

H. The Muslim Brotherhood is reported to work for the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ...)

A number of Moslem doctors are reported to have joined the Muslim Brotherhood.

Doctors were involved in the Glasgow Airport attack.


According to Sukant Chandan at Al-Ahram:


"The SNP, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens are all opposed to the Iraq war and support British troops being withdrawn from Iraq. Furthermore, the SNP want independence from the United Kingdom.

"Given Al-Qaeda's ideological position of assuring countries immunity from attack if they are not partners in military campaigns against the Middle East, striking in Scotland does not make any sense.

"A terror attack against Scottish targets only jeopardises the Scottish people's aspirations for independence from the British government and their policies in London, and hence goes against Al-Qaeda's policy of encouraging anti-war administrations in the West.

"If the attack in Glasgow is an Al-Qaeda-inspired attack it shows the lack of sophistication on part of the attackers not just on the level of technical know- how, but politics as well."


The Scottish people tend to be anti-Iraq war and pro-Palestinians.

The Glasgow Airport incident looks like an action by a certain security service to turn the people of Scotland against Moslems and against the SNP.


2004-05: Kafeel Ahmed, Bilal Abdulla and Mohammed Asha first meet whilst staying at the Islamic Academy charitable trust in Cambridge.

August 2006: Abdulla takes up a post at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley.

April 28: Abdulla signs a lease on 6, Neuk Crescent, Houston, near Glasgow.

June 28: Allegedly Abdulla and Ahmed drive two Mercedes 'car bombs' to London and park them near the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Haymarket. Allegedly, they try to detonate them by remote control in the early hours of June 29 but they fail to go off.

June 30: Having driven back to Glasgow, Abdulla and Ahmed reportedly try to carry out a car bomb attack on Glasgow Airport but this fails. Reportedly, Ahmed dies later from burns.



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