Thursday 25 December 2008

Power Plays

Clinton and Al Maliki

There is talk of a coup to oust the Iraqi prime minister. Power plays unsettle Iraqi government

Iraqi Prime Minister Cancels Iran Trip.

Is womanising in Zac Goldsmith's genes? Mail Online

"Zac Goldsmith, prospective (UK) Conservative candidate and key member of David Cameron's 'A list', has been having secret afternoon meetings with blonde society beauty Alice Rothschild.

"Zac, 31, is said not to have told his wife Sheherezade about the clandestine visits, despite being urged to do so by friends...

"The friendship raises the extraordinary prospect of two Goldsmith brothers being involved with two Rothschild sisters..."
Why didn't Zac tell his wife about secret 'poker meetings'? Mail ...

"Google UK likes to please governments; that presents a risk to Guido that he can no longer take." - Things Are Going to Change Around Here...

"The email contains a Court Order by Mr Justice Tugendhat, threatening Guido with contempt of Court if Guido even reveals the existence of the Order." - Up Yours Carter-Ruck

Government to Clamp Down on Blogs

In the latest drama, somehow US$130 million of government money ends up in Bakrie pockets ... The Bakrie Empire and Indonesia's government

Thailand Muzzles the Internet

Worst slump in decades for Thai tourism

The number of people going to Egypt was up 38% and bookings for Turkey had risen 32%. Other likely hotspots include Poland, Croatia, Cuba, the Caribbean, Iceland and Dubai. UK tourists 'head out of Europe'

Cuba sees 2009 economic growth above 4 percent

Poverty and Inequality Decline in Venezuela

Bid to assassinate Bolivian president foiled

Israeli defense contractors, Turkey ink deal


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