Saturday 1 January 2011

Defining 2011

Every year I pick the word by which I want to define my year by. I tend to take a few days prior to January 1st to start mulling over different words and thinking about the meaning and what impact I want them to have.

Did I want to focus on "creativity" this year? Maybe "change" since that is honestly what I struggle with the most? How about "freedom" or "confidence"?

It came down to "spirit", "risk", "exploration", and "focus" for me. I have contemplated each word and decided that my word is going to be "exploration".

exploration - to travel for the purpose of discovery.

To travel for the purpose of discovery, I like that. It doesn't have to be physical traveling because exploring your mental and spiritual side is just as important as packing my suitcase and actually going somewhere to explore what I can see.

I have a lot of plans for this year and exploration is going to be the perfect word to define it by.

Some of my goals for 2011:

Working on a healthy lifestyle.

Embrace life, flaws and all.

Find a new job. That is a big necessity.

Take risks & challenges. Accept and adjust to change.

As cliche as it is - live, laugh, love.

With this in mind, I'm asking you - What is one thing you would like to see me do this year?

In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.
Ansel Adams

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